When Eminem found out

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I looked up from the Vogue magazine I was reading when the door was opened and Marshall came walking in. He met my gaze and smiled briefly.

"Hi, bitch." He said with a cocky twinkle in his eye, I raised an eyebrow.

"Hi, faggot." He got big eyes. "Yeah, you didn't expect me to say that huh?" He rolled his eyes and sat down on the chair next to me, I looked at him while I put down the magazine and smiled at him easily. "You okay, baby?" I put my hand on the bed and aimed it towards him, he took it in his hand carefully.

"Yeah, I just ... I just didn't sleep very well last night..."He said honestly and looked into my eyes, I got a quizzical look in my eyes as I saw his eyes.

"Hey ... Why so sad eyes?" I said gently and stroked his cheek with my free hand, he smiled briefly and looked into my eyes.

"I was just signed out of rehab ... It's pretty lonely without you at home bugging my ass every day." He said with a twinkle in his eye, I struck his shoulder lightly.

"Don't lie and tell me you don't enjoy it." I giggled, he rolled his eyes and looked down at our hands. "But whatever, how's the girls?"He let out a little sad sigh, I frown. "What?"

"Oh nothing's wrong with them... Just haven't seen them yet." He said, and met my gaze. I sighed and kissed his knuckles gently. He watched me do it quietly.

"I love you, whiteboy ..." I said softly as I continued to kiss his knuckles, I stopped and looked at his knuckles. "You've been boxing again?" I said when I saw his slightly red knuckles and stroked my thumb over his hand.

"Yeah ... I gotta keep my hands busy." He laughed.

"You gotta keep your hands busy ..? What happened with masturbating ..?" I gave him a cheeky glimpse.

"You ain't feeling good, you think I'm in the mood for masturbating?" He said quietly, I got big eyes and gasped at him.

"Marshall Mathers! When was the last time you masturbated! I demand to know!" He met my gaze and counted quietly to himself on his fingers. He met my gaze.

"1 week and 4 days." I gasped loudly.

"Jesus Christ, masturbating is like oxygen to you! How are you still alive! Okay, I'm your doctor right now ..." I let go of his hand and pretended that I wrote with an invisible pen in my palm.

"Yo, I already got Dre."

"Shut up, Mr. Mathers." He laughed briefly. I looked up and met his gaze again. "You're now going to go to a website called Pornhub and ---"

"A Website?" I looked at him with a dumb look.

"Internet." He got big eyes.

"THERE'S PORN ON THE INTERNET !?"He bursted out, I raised my eyebrows.

"... You seriously didn't know that ..?"

"NO! SINCE WHEN !! I'm gonna fucking learn how to use a damn computer now! Goddamn!" I grinned briefly and rolled my eyes at him. "Is it a lot of options though! I don't wanna hear a fucking man moaning and shit while masturbating ---"

"Hey! Keep them details to yourself mister!!" I bit myself in my lower lip with a small grin. He got big eyes and pointed at me.

"... You've been on the website haven't you! Am I not good enough for you maybe ??" I met his gaze challenging.

"Maybe." He gasped loudly.

"You've seen pornos with guys who's got bigger dicks than me!?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah ..? I mean, you aren't THAT big ..." He got big eyes. "How big is yours again? 7?" He got a visible grin and crossed his arms over his chest, I looked at him quizzically. "8 ..?" His grin grew when he shook his head. I got big eyes. "You're fucking playing! 9 ?!" He shook his head again, I got even bigger eyes.

"10, but I walk around saying 7 so I people can wonder how the fuck 7 inches can make my bulge look so visible all the time."

"I... Woooo!" He raised his eyebrows. "... Can I be proud of myself because I can handle 10 inches ..?" He laughed briefly.

"Yeah, walk around saying that. Little slut." I rolled my eyes. "... But really though, I want a computer now."

"Ask Paul first."

"Uuuuuugh!" I grinned and grabbed his hand and pulled him toward me, I kissed him lightly with a smile.


Sorry for lack of updating, I was in America and I got a cold when I returned back home. I'm sick AF!

But hey ... I'm back now? ;)

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