But Alex!

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When it finally dawned on me what he had just said, it bubbled over in me. I looked up and met his eyes hurt, his eyes figured equally as good as mine what I felt. It looked as though he had not quite thought through what he had said, but when he looked into my eyes it dawned on him too.

"You STILL love here ?!" I exclaimed with a jump in my voice, almost as if I was in a voice broke, and got up quickly from the couch. "How The FUCK can you love TWO PEOPLE at the same time !? Or am I just the 'doll' you take whenever something bad happens between y'all!"

And there it was, the Detroit-accent ... It always came when I was angry, but I really hadn't used it much since I moved here.

Marshall stood up for me and tried to take my hand in his, but I backed away from him sad with a firm look. "Don't you have ANYTHING to say!"

"Alex ..." He began and stroked my cheek, but I couldn't believe him. I pushed him away from me and stared at him hard.

"FUCK YOU !! I hope you got what you wanted, MARSHALL!" I spat and took my purse from a chair close by and turned toward him while I went with firm steps toward the door, tears flowed as I stomped along.

"But Alex !!" He shouted after me, I didn't bother turning towards him. I was full of hatred, but I turned and met his eyes sternly.

"Tell me one thing, Marshall." He looked into my eyes lost and nodded, my tears flowed still. "Who do you love the most?" I asked and he looked into my eyes, he said nothing and I saw with my own eyes something I had never seen him do, he hesitated.

I looked at him, shocked, sad and not least disappointed. I really felt like a doll , a doll that you got tired of so fast you got a new one. A doll you had as favorite, but as soon as you got a new one, you forgot the previous one...

"You used me..."I said finally, he looked at me with big eyes.

"No! Alex..."

"FUCK YOU !! YOU FUCKING USED ME!!" I yelled at him and pushed him away from me while I felt the tears flowed more and more.

"Alex !! Noo !! I love you!" He shouted when I turned my back against him and bursted against the door, I grabbed the door handle and turned towards him, my eyes as cold as ice.

"Good, that makes one of us..." I said, and felt stuck in the heart when I saw his eyes looked at me shocked and started to flow with tears. I looked at him one last time and turned towards the door and walked out with firm steps.

I saw Proof, Stacy and Brian sit a bit further away and tried as best as I could to hide the tears as I walked past them into the elevator, I immediately pressed the button to close the doors and the last thing I saw before they closed, was the eyes of Proof, Stacy and Brian before I heard a loud scream and a crash from the locker room.

I burst into tears and sprinted out of the elevator when it was on the 1st floor, held my mouth and felt my hand became increasingly wet from the constant waterfalls flowing down my face.

His eyes had crushed me inside, and the words that had come out of my mouth was the reason for it...

I had ruined everything...

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