Hypnoticed by nudeness

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"Floor 76 is all rented out for all of you, Mr. Mathers. Enjoy your stay." Said the lady behind the counter and gave Marshall a little bag of keys, he looked over at Proof behind him and chuckled to himself.

"Thanks bitch ..." He laughed, I shook my head and looked at the lady at the counter apologetic before I beat Marshall in the shoulder. "OW! What the hell is your problem ??" He said when all three were inside the elevator.

"Immature little shit ..." I laughed and shook my head at him, Proof gave him a solid high-five and burst out laughing when the elevator doors opened again and we all walked out.

Marshall picked out a key from the bag for himself and handed the bag to Proof.

"You take care of that shit, I gotta change clothes fore' we leave for the studio ..." he said and walked down the hall, but stopped and turned around and looked at me questioningly.

"What? I asked.

"You ain't coming?" He asked and raised his eyebrows at me, I felt my cheeks were becoming more and more red when Proof began to grin at me.

"I was gonna say that I ain't your goddamn maid, but shit! Go fuck, I'll find a glory-hole in the wall or something ..." he said and waved us away, I laughed briefly and walked after Marshall to room 313.


I cleared my throat at Marshall.

"313? I laughed.

"Not on purpose! Believe it or not! I just saw the room number and  just had to have it when I saw it in the fucking bag ..." He coughed loudly and opened the door. "ECHOOO !!!" He yelled into the room, and a small echo yelled back...

"Immature..." I said softly and walked past him into the room. "Which room am I staying in?" I asked and turned around towards him, he raised his eyebrows at me.

"Bitch, you're in it." He said, and took off his hoodie. "Yo, after we're done down at the studio ... You wanna grab somethin to eat?"

"Marshall Mathers. Are you asking me on a date?" I asked with a grin and crossed my arms over my chest smiling.

"Alexis Cubard, I'm fucking asking you to eat a burger. If you want that to be a date, then sure..." He pulled off his t-shirt.

My eyes went from his blue eyes to his tight abdominal muscles, how ..?! What!? Gaaaaaaaaah

He spoke, but the words were unclear to me while I was studying him carefully with a hungry gaze.

He met my gaze, but I looked away to study him more.

He pulled me out of the trance when he put on another T-shirt, he burst out laughing at the sad look on my face.

"Did you even hear a word I said ??" He laughed, I looked at him innocently and shook my head. "You're fucking worse than me, I swear. At least I listen to what you say when you're nakeeee ---" I flashed him with raised eyebrows, his eyes went big

"So, Stacy has gotten a new friend! He's very nice and she want's you to meet him, maybe you guys can get it on and just start date right away ?? What do you say to that? He's a complete nervous wreck though, especially when it comes to you!"

He looked at me with big eyes, I coughed briefly.

"Uuuuuh, yeah ... Super ..." He said absent and looked away as he coughed loudly. He walked over to me and pulled the top down to cover me, I looked at him smiling.

"You didn't listen! You're now gonna date a man!" I said smiling, he choked.

"Wait ?! WHAT ?!"

"See, you're waaaaaaay worse than me. I wouldn't have said yes to date Stacy or any other girl..." I laughed and walked over to him, I brought my hands up his chest. Felt every detail of his abdomen while I bit my lower lip. "You in a rush ..?" I asked with a hint in my voice, he responded by dragging me up to him in a wink.

"It can wait a little bit ..." he said and lifted me up in his strong arms.

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