I lost him...

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I stared out the window, ironically it was raining ... Which was great, it reflected my mood anyways ... I touched the bandage I had around my arm, the one that covered my scar from when I broke the mirror while my mind wandered around as usual.


No Marshall.

No one.

Just me...

I got up from the bed and walked over to my closet, I pulled on a t-shirt and sweatpants before I opened the door and walked out. I walked down the stairs quietly and looked at the floor while I went over to the kitchen.

I sighed when I heard someone walking down the stairs behind me, I opened the fridge and took out a can of beer, Mountain Dew and Red Bull, I put it on the bench in front of me. The footsteps behind me ebbed away, he stopped, I felt his gaze on me as I opened the closet and took out Nutella, some chips and chocolate. Cause why not, I've got a TV in the room ... Might as well take the whole package when you have a heartache ...

I put everything on a tray and turned around, he looked at me thoughtfully before he met my gaze. I looked into his blue eyes ... I hate that I love you right now ... I looked away.

"Still my Whitegirl, right ..?" He asked gently, I just nodded and smiled at him briefly before I took the tray and walked past him, I walked up the stairs and looked down again on him. He walked over to the couch and sighed loudly, he leaned forward and took a pill box that stood on the table and looked down at it thoughtfully before he opened it up and was about to gulp it all down in one sip.

"Stop." He looked up and met my gaze, we looked in each other's eyes for a long time before I went into my room again. I put the tray on the nightstand when my phone rang, I picked it up and saw it was Stacy. I pressed reply and took the phone up to my ear.

"Alex! Oh my god, Marshall called, I'm so so sorry !!" She exclaimed, I got tears in my eyes and sniffled again.

"He called you ..?" I asked choking, did he really do that?

"Baby !! I'm coming to Detroit, right now! I'm taking the plane, I'll hijack it if I have to ..." She said, I chuckled briefly. "God, I ..."

"Don't say anything, please ... Just get her, I fucking need you ... I just ... I just need someone to hug ..." I burst into tears again. "Marshall, oh my god ..." I weep. I put the phone on speaker and put it down on the bed.

"I'm packing my stuff, tell me everything ..." she said. And I did, everything. That I overheard the conversation between Royce and him, what he had said and how he had reacted. She was silent during the whole conversation while I tried as hard as possible to control my emotions that constantly took over.

_____ Marshall's POV____

I had plans with the guys tonight, but I just couldn't do it ... Damn what an idiot I am ...

I took the pills in the box right after Alex went upstairs and washed it down with a glass of Mountain Dew before I went up the stairs myself. I stopped by the room to Alex when I heard her talk.

"I just woke up and was looking for him, when I saw him talking to Royce downstairs and he said he didn't want to be in a relationship right now, he only wanted the physical in it! He wants groupies, girls he doesn't care about! So instead of hurting me, he broke up with me ..." I got big eyes, she heard it ?? "What the hell am I supposed to do Stacy !! Even though we broke up, I still see him every day and we both have feelings for eachother! It's not gonna fucking feel like a break up, it's gonna feel like we're just having a pause anyways ... And knowing all he's going to do, it's gonna feel like he's cheating on me ..."

"Oh my god, I'm leaving the house now. You know what, we'll talk about this more later, but ... If you want, you could move in with me? You could see your mother more too ..." Stacy said.

What? No! She can't just fucking leave ?! SHE FUCKING PROMISED TO NEVER LEAVE ME! WHAT THE FUCK !!

Chill, she ain't even said an answer yet ...

"I'll think about it, but I think that would be the best anyhow ... God .... I lost him!"

"No, you didn't ---" Stacy began.

"You don't fucking get it! He's perfect, why does he have to be fucking perfect !! Getting over this would be so much easier if he wasn't fucking perfect !! If he could just turn off his Marshall-side and just hate everyone like he makes everyone think, this would be so fucking easier ..." She cried, I stared at the door and wiped a tear trickling down my cheek before I passed the door and went into my room.

I'll make it easier for you, Alex ... I'll make you forget the pain ...

____ Alex's POV____

"But at the same time, I don't want him to change ... Because I love him, and I don't want him to be someone else ... It would crush me if he hated me, so much that I love him and knowing he hates me ... It would kill me ..." I cried.

"I'll be there in no time, try sleeping okay?" She said, I just nodded and hung up before I laid my head into the pillow. I took the Nutella and a spoon, turned around and began to munch it in me... While crying like a baby by myself...

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