I want it to be you

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He let go of the kiss gently, I smiled briefly and sniffed.

"Promise me this, never doubt that I'll leave your side Alex. Never." He smiled and kissed me on the nose, I laughed briefly.

"Softie." I said quickly, he raised his eyebrows with a small grin.

"I'll show you who's a fucking softie when I'm outta this bitch." I laughed and hugged him with a smile.

"I miss you at home ..." I mumbled, he sighed and put his arms around me.

"I miss to do whatever the fuck I wanna ..." he chuckled, I rolled my eyes.

"You don't miss me ??" I pretended that I was really offended, he laughed briefly.

"I miss your hole ..." I got big eyes and pushed him hard, he burst out laughing.

"Fucking pervert !!" I laughed and shook my head at him, he raised his hands innocently with a grin. I punched him in the stomach several times with a smile, he just tightened his abdominal muscles and let me. "Punching Bag!" I laughed, he chuckled and grabbed my waist and pulled me against his body. He looked down into my eyes with a boyish grin.

"You hit like a girl." I raised an eyebrow at him and grabbed his crotch, he got big eyes when I squeezed. He let out a whimper.

"Sorry, I didn't quite get that? I hit like a girl, in a positive or negative way ..?" He groaned at me, I got a big grin. "You have no idea how many girls who's jealous of me right now, grabbing Eminem's crotch and make him unable to even talk ..?" He met my gaze and opened his mouth to say something, I squeezed a little harder.

"FUCK!" He exclaimed and pushed my hand away, I burst out laughing. "You got a weakness too, you bitch!" I laughed even more.

"Like what, little bitch?" He pushed me against the wall and grabbed my breasts, I gasped aloud. He raised his eyebrow at me with a little grin.

"You see ... You're pregnant, your boobs are more sensitive than usual. So if I do this ..." He squeezed them harder and I groaned out, I bit my lower lip to keep quiet.

"M-Marshall ...!" I moaned softly, he got a big grin and let go. He sat down in the bed, I went over to him and lay down in the bed too. I put my head in his lap, he brought his fingers through my hair and began to braid it carefully. I laughed and looked at the concentrated look on his face. "Where did Mr. Hardcore Rapper Slim Shady learn to braid hair?" He chuckled briefly.

"I have three daughters, they learned me to braid..." he said quietly and continued, I smiled and closed my eyes. I heard the door being opened.

"Miss. Cubard? Visiting hours are over ..." Said a woman's voice from the door, I stopped smiling and opened my eyes.

"No, please just a little bit longer ... Please?" Asked Marshall and looked at her.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mathers. But ---" I saw his face changed, fucking idiot! Hahaha !!

"Come on, Martha ..?" He said with a seductive inflection in his voice, I bit my lower lip. Holy shit, he knows what he gotta do to get it in his way ... "I promise to not push it any further if you say yes ... Please? For me, baby?" Gooooooood! She bit her lower lip with a slight smile and nodded before she went out. I burst out laughing as he looked down at me again.

"You fucking asshole!" I laughed and shook my head at him, he looked at me admiringly. "You're so damn frustrating, you KNOW what your voice does to girls! Fuck you!" I laughed.

"Y'know ... If I did that in front of Kim, she'd beat the shit outta me. You won't ..." He said with a little smile, I smiled and looked up at him.

"That's because I know how you are. You're just a big goof." I laughed, he chuckled briefly and looked me in the eyes while he stroked my cheek, he sighed with a little smile.

"Every time you're here ... I forget about the drugs, I think that you're my bottle of soberness ..." I laughed and smiled up at him. "I'm not even kidding, I don't even care about the drugs when you're with me ... You make it so much easier to handle it..."

"I'm happy I do ..." I smiled and poked his nose. "Pointy." He rolled his eyes.

"You're such a little kid ..." He chuckled, I raised a brow.

"Me? Excuse me, but what about the guy that still collect comic books?" He bit his lower lip with an innocent smile. "Exactly! You're the kid here!" He laughed and leaned down and kissed me lightly before he met my gaze again.

"How you're feeling though?" I sighed briefly.

"A little bad ... I don't know if it's yours or Brian's ... It scares me, what if it's Brian ... I won't be able to look into HIS eyes knowing that the kid was conceived because Brian raped me ..." He nodded and stroked my cheek.

"Are you gonna have a paternity test?" He asked gently, I nodded quietly.

"I want you to do it ... Because I'll know if it's Brian or not if you do the test ... Cause, I've only had such relationships with you and Brian ..." He nodded and kissed my forehead .

"I'll do a test, what are you gonna do if it's not mine?" I looked into his blue eyes, I shook my head.

"I don't know ... It's still a baby ..." I said sorry, he shushed me gently.

What am I gonna do if it's Brian's fucking kid!?

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