She can't be

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_______ Marshall's POV _______

'Hey, this is Alexis Cubard! I can't pick up the phone right now, but I'll call you up as soon as I've got the time. If this is Stacy: You forgot your bra t my place, idiot . If this is mom; I miss you !! And if this is Marshall; I love you whiteboy! " Piiiiiiiiiiip.

Fuck sake ... I hung up for maybe the 100. time, why won't she answer?! I paced around in the room while I pulled my hair with a sigh ... She always answers!! What the hell ...

Knock! Knock!

"Whaaaaat ..." I muttered slightly annoyed, the door opened and a cop came walking in. I raised my eyebrows when I met his gaze. What the hell does a cop has to do here? "Well damn, you ain't got nothing better to do then come to this shithole?" I growled and sat down in the bed, I dialled her number again and called her up. Once again it went straight to voice-mail, I hung up and threw the phone behind me on the bed.

"Mr. Mathers, there has been a ... Happening." He said with a short cough, I met his gaze and got big eyes.

"Is Hailie okay? Lanie, Whitney ?? They're fine right ??" I stood up and looked at him with frightened eyes, what if something had happened to them! "I fucking KNEW IT! Kim shouldn't be watching them !!" I pulled my hair with big eyes.

"Your daughters are fine, Mr. Mathers." I met his gaze again.

"Well what the fuck is it then !!" I sighed mad.

"Your friend Alexis---"

"Fiancé!" I smiled briefly and looked down at my feet. He coughed and swallowed hard as I said that.

"Your fiancé ... Alexis Cubard has been involved in a terrible happening." I got big eyes and fell into bed.

"Wh-What?" I looked up at him. "What kind of terrible happening !!! What happened !! Where the fuck is she! Is she okay! Please, is she okay!" My voice broke, I jumped out of bed and grabbed his shirt collar and slammed him into the wall. "IS SHE OKAY !!!! ANSWER ME !!" He grabbed my hands and forced me to let go, I stared into his eyes hard, he looked at me with a sad look in his eyes. "NO! FUCK NO !!! SHE AIN'T FUCKING DEAD !!!" I screamed and tears ran down my cheeks. "SHE AIN'T FUCKING DEAD I TELL YOU !!!"

"Mr. Mathers ... She is in a coma ..." I looked at him with big eyes and my hands began to shake, my lips trembled and I looked at him lost.

"She ... She's w-what ??" Tears streamed down my cheeks as waterfalls. "W-What h-happened ??" My voice broke yet again, it was destroyed and unrecognizable ... He looked into my eyes and put a hand on my shoulder, I looked at his hand questioning and onto him again, it made me even more upset than before, and slightly pissed.

"She was Involved in a drive-by shooting ... He looked into my eyes as I had big eyes and everything stopped, I looked at him without a single feeling in my face. My eyes screaming panic when memories flooded back ...


January 11, 2006

I sat huddled behind the car with the phone in my hand, she walked up to me and crouched down in front of me. She gently placed her hand on my knee, I didn't react at all and just shook more.

"What happened with him ..." she said quietly and tearfully.

"He's ...." I sobbed loudly again and jumped up, I pulled my hair and cried until I fell back on my knees again and breathed heavily. "He's fucking gone." I said, and burst into tears, she was quiet and a little squeak escaped her lips.

"Gone, please not like ... Not like ... Gone-gone?" She asked and met my gaze as I looked up, I had red eyes and a lost look.

"He's ..." I collapsed again. "He's dead ..."


He's dead ... dead ... dead ... dead ... dead ...

I took a step back and fell down on my knees while I stared into the wall in front of me. What if...

She's dead ... dead ... dead ... dead ... dead ...

"I'm here to get you to the hospital, you just need to sign these papers and you're free to go with her..." He gave them to me, I stared into the wall. Who's her?

"Marshall ... Sign the papers, so we can go as quick as possible ..." Said a familiar voice behind him, a voice that reminded me of Alex ... I looked up and met her brown eyes and stood up, I pulled her close. She cried into my chest as she hugged me. "Son, sign the papers ..." I sniffled and nodded, I went over to him and signed the paper.

I shook my head sad and gave him the paper, he nodded and gave me an apologetic smile. I took Anne's hand in mine. She kissed my hand soothing and followed me out to her car in splashing rain ...

She got into the driver's seat and I in the passenger seat, she took my hand in hers and stroked it soothing while she drove. I looked out the window at the buildings which passed in a big hurry, I stroked down my face with a sad expression with my free hand, please Alex ... Don't leave me too ... Not again ...

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