Fuck the book

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"WE BACK !!" Stacy and I jumped at the scream from the hallway and looked toward the door as it opened up, I swear ... They looked as if they were drunk, but I know them both well enough to tell that they're just happy ... Marshall and Proof jumped into the room laughing like two maniacs.

"Man! Did you see her face !! Oh my God!" Marshall laughed and patted Proofs shoulder.

"Yeah, man! She totally bought that shit, dawg! Haha!" Proof laughed with him, I sent Stacy a little smile and made myself quite serious in the face.

"Marshall?" I asked, he turned to me and met my gaze smiling, but as soon as he saw the seriousness in my face, he frowned. He walked over to me immediately and took my hands in his and looked into my eyes while he pulled me up until our lips met.

He kissed me emotionally and comforting until he finally dropped the kissed and looked into my eyes again, I wasn't expecting that as I stood there completely puzzled. I forgot everything I had planned only a moment before but got myself back quickly.

"We need to talk ..." I said, I knew that those words never brought with it any good and I saw in his eyes that he knew the same.

"Did I do something? I swear, it was just a joke, baby ..." He said, I looked at him quizzically. "Shit, you didn't mean that did ya ..." he said and smiled shyly at me. I crossed my arms and looked at him quizzically.

"I'm pretty sure I didn't and what was a joke ??" I asked.

"There was this girl, she was a fan and ... She started to flirt with me and, I'm not kidding right now, she fucking purposed ... For real!"

"... I still don't understand the joke ..?"

"... I told her that I was seeing someone, and said that if it went straght to hell, I would marry her. Again, just a joke!"

"... Whatever ... Anyways, we need to talk so, let's go to my apartment ..." I said seriously, staring at Marshall, Proof leaned into his ear and whispered loudly.

"Either, you 're in fucking trouble, or she wants you to fuck her..." Marshall laughed shortly before he whispered back.

"I'm in trouble in that case..." He whispered back, I looked at him challenging.

"You sure about that, Marshall?" I said and walked over to him, brought my hands down his upper body and kissed him on the lips seductively until I looked into those big eyes of his. "See you at my place ..." I whispered into his ear and walked past them out of the room.

"... Daaaamn, even I got a boner ..." I heard said Proof behind me and I couldn't help but let out a little giggle when I heard Marshall hit him as Proof groaned a little.

"Shut up, go fuck your own girl!" I heard Marshall say to him as I stood in the elevator and pressed the button that closed the elevator doors as Marshall came running out of the room and met my gaze. I smiled at him seductively as the elevator doors closed.


I sat on the sofa smiling when the elevator doors to my apartment opened themselves and Marshall rushed towards me. He jumped on me on the couch and held my hands over my head while his lips kissed my hard before he stopped and looked into my eyes.

"That was mean, holy fucking SHIT, that was fucking EVIL!" He said and let go around me.

"I'm Evils girlfriend, of course I'm evil too ??"  He laughed briefly.


"Marshall..." I said smiling, he met my gaze.



"... Yes, what?"

"YES."  I said again, and looked into his eyes, he looked at me quizzically before his jaw fell down and I got a full blown berzerk-face from him.

"You ..."


"For real?"

"Yup, I called the work today, my job will be in California by the weekend ..." I said, he got big eyes and pulled me against him in a hug.

"You're moving in with me !!" He cheered smiling.

"Now, we 've talked ... " I hinted smiling, he released the hug  and met my gaze.

"Oh, you're just full of surprises today aren't you ..."  he smiled and pulled me up to him until our lips met, this time the cuddling led to something more... What can I say, work-out ish?

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