Marshall, it's important...

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Marshall sat on the chair above me and looked at me quietly.

"I need to tell you something..." I said upset and coughed to get my mind clear.

"Can't it wait ?? I have something really im--"

"Marshall, It's important..." I said, he sighed and leaned back in his chair. His blue eyes met mine pending.

"You know... The bar." I said, and dropped his gaze, he shook his head.

"No, I don't." He said firmly and met my gaze cold, I looked into his eyes and shook my head.

"Stop it, we had sex. It happend! Stop the playing, I'm fuckin serious!" I bursted out, he looked at me quizzically and sat up properly in the chair.

"Aigh't, what is it then..." he said finally, clearly annoyed.

"We've been friends since school, we've had a great time together." I started and looked up to meet his gaze. "When we...did that...I...I looked over and felt tears drain.

I cannot believe I'm actually going to tell him, I can't say it !! BUT I DO!

I have had a constant internal struggle since the morning we woke up together in the same bed.

"What?" He asked, a little anxiety was not to disguise in his voice. I met his eyes while I bit my lower lip and felt tears running down my cheeks.

"I...I couldn't help it! It just happend !! I'm a girl! It's supposed to happen some day ?! I just didn't expect it to be you..." I said and rubbed away the tears, Marshall looked at me uneasy.

"Alex, what is it ?? Tell me!" He said impatiently. "It can't be that---"

"I Love you!" I yelled out, his eyes opened in shock. "I Love you! Aigh't !! I think I've always loved you, but the sex triggered me to RESPOND to my inner girl..." I met his eyes. He looked at me quietly with a shocked expression long before he finally said something.

"You...You love me?" Was the only thing he said, I was getting annoyed at the small questions...

"YES! I love YOU! OKAY! I FUCKING LOVE YOU!" I shouted to him, he jumped and his eyes were wide open as he screamed back.

"Well, you don't have to fucking SCREAM, do you!?" He shook his head annoyed at me.

"You will not listen if I don't ?! I LOVE YOU! OKAY !! JUST FUCKING EXCEPT IT !! YEAH, BITE ME!"

"FUCK YOU!!"  He shouted to me,  pushed his voice to scream out an angry tone.

"FUCK YOU!!" I yelled back and showed him the finger. "I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY NOW! I HATE YOU!!"

"Good!" He yelled back, I turned around to go. But then I was spun around and met by some arms.

He looked into my eyes.

"LET ME GO, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I called out to him and beat around me wildly.

"Do you hate me?" He asked quietly with a menacing voice. I met his eyes angry and tightened my jaw muscles.

"YES! LET GO OF ME!!" I screamed.

"Good. Cause you're so fucking beautiful when you're angry..." he said and lifted me up and over to the bed. I kicked and punched wildly until he threw me onto the bed, he pulled off his shirt so he was shirtless. My gaze fell on his torso, but I would not fucking do our friendship more strange than it already was.

"FUCK OFF!"! I shouted to him, he laughed shortly and before I knew it, he sat on me. I screamed, but he interrupted me with a hard kiss. Then I could not keep him away more.

I went up to him, he kissed me down my neck and I let him take off my t-shirt quickly. He smiled when I started to take off his pants.

"I fucking hate you..." I said, knowing that I meant the total opposite.

He laughed briefly while I sat down on my knees.

"I know you do..." He gave me an evil grin, but his eyes were focused on me and they looked at me softly.

He grabbed the black ponytail and my---

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::

"Ahhh..." I moaned and jumped by myself. I opened my eyes and looked up at the ceiling in my bedroom. I exhaled relieved and sat up in bed to check whether it was actually a dream. I thanked myself inside and wiped my forehead when I felt something drain. I sighed out loud when I saw it was sweat, I laid back into the bed and stared up at the ceiling.

I had a wet dream... My first wet dream in my life. A sex dream. About my best friend ...

What the hell is wrong with me??

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