Just... For now, okay?

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The next day I still sat beside his bed, the others had gone home long ago. I had "stayed" here, sitting in the chair without looking away from him in the hope that he would wake up.

But it wasn't until today that they removed the breathing machines and hoses, they were certain that he would wake up. That was 2 hours ago, I still hadn't released him from my look once and they longed to see his blue, beautiful eyes looking back at me.

"I'm soo sorry ... This is all my fault, I shouldn't have said that ... I shouldn't have LIED to you! Oh my god ..."  Was mostly the only thing I had said to him over and over again the last day.

I held his hand in a firm grip and put my head into the mattress while I cried quietly.

'Oh, for fuck sake! Stop crying! You CAN'T have more fluid in your fuckin body NOW ?'

I looked up and sighed loudly when I saw "Marshall" was leaning against the wall on the opposite side of the room. I shook my head and looked down at the real Marshall, lying there with his eyes closed quietly.

Suddenly, let's call him Slim, sat besides Marshall and looked down at him.

"Damn, WAKE UP !! HELLOOOO !! DUDE! WAKE THE FUCK UP!" He stood and waved frantically over him as he screamed, I swung my hand for him, but of course it went right through him. He looked up at me with a shocked expression before he sent me a cocky grin. "Sorry, baby girl! Can't do that shit ..." He laughed, I looked down at Marshall again and sighed quietly to myself.

"Please, wake up ... You're fucking ANNOYING ..." I said quietly and smiled when I saw Slim looked at me with an over-dramatized facial expression. I laughed.

"Ooooh, girl, I'm that guy over there. So you stop complaining, cause you love me ..! I know you doo!"

"No, I don't love YOU, I love HIM!"

"We're the same person, blondie!"

"First of all, I'm not blonde, I have black hair. Completly the opposite thing ... SECOND! YOU are not HIM! YOU are Slim Shady, a FUCKING douchebag! I don't love that side of him, I love Marshall! And he's polite!"

"Ehrm ..." he cleared his throat and sent me a glance.

"... When he's sober ... SHUT UP!"

"Well, if I'm Shady and you don't love that side of" HIM "... Why do you imagine me and not him ..? Huh?"

"... Uhm ..."

Just then Marshall's eye started twitching, I looked at him expectantly.

"Marshall ..?" I shook his arm.

"Hmmm ..." He groaned and on the first time in nearly two days, he opened his eyes and looked straight up at the white ceiling, his eyes adjusted to the bright light. I took his hand in mine and shed a tear when he met my gaze, he smiled at me.

"I must be dead ..." he said and smiled at me, I shed a tear again when he said it and shook my head while I squeezed his hand.

"No, you're not. I'm here, I'm really here ..." I said smiling, he squeezed my hand in his and opened his eyes wide to look around before he laid back in the bed and let my hand go.

"Fuck ..." He said, looking down at his hands.

"Marshall, I'm so sorry! It's all my fault, I shouldn't have said---"

"The truth? I'm glad you did, now you don't have to be unhappy, dating me and shit... " He said venomously and looked out the window, my tears was streaming now.

"No, Marshall ... I'm sorry for lying to you."  I said, his breathing stopped short before he turned to me and met my gaze.

"What?" He asked, totally lost.

"I Do love you, I just didn't want to be your second choice... So I made it easier for both of us, at least I thought I would, by lying and telling I didn't love you ... I'm so sorry !!" I exclaimed, and burst into tears, I felt his hand on mine and met his eyes smiling through all the tears.

"You're not, my second choice Alex." He said and pulled me close to him, but I bristled and closed my eyes when he finally let go around me. "What's wrong?" He asked worried and smiled easily to me when I met his gaze.

"I think, we should just be friends ... For now, okay?" I said, he was startled when I said "just friends" and looked down at his hands again.

"I do love you, but I don't want it to be just sex between us... I want it to be proper, like dates, and, and cuddling! Romantic, y'know... "He looked up and met my gaze. "And public, no secrets..." He nodded and sighed.

"You've really changed..." He said, I smiled at him easily.

"I grew up, one of us had too ..." I joked, he laughed and showed me his finger before he met my gaze.

"Growing up is so boring, rather stay forever young !!" He said smiling and stuck his tongue out at me.

"You're so fucking childish ..." I said and laughed briefly.

"That's just something boring people say ..." He said and winked at me with a cocky grin.

"Hey! I'm not boring!" I said laughing

"I know you ain't ..." He met my gaze still, it was quite obvious what he hinted at. I chuckled nervously and looked down at my hands. "This'll be hard ..." He finally broke the awkward silence, I laughed again and looked up with a slight smile.

"Really hard ..." I agreed and nodded.

Wake Up Call (English) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now