My Life, My Secrets, My Story Part 72

Start from the beginning

“Aw!! Thank you.” I said, tearing up.

“Hey, I just did your makeup!! Don’t ruin it!” Bells exclaimed.

I had to laugh at that one. I hugged everyone and we went to the living room. It turns out we were really late, because everyone was already downstairs. As I come through the hallway, all eyes were on me; as if I was the only one anyone ever cared about. I really felt loved and cared for.

Alec was wearing the traditional tux, which I bet was from Daniel, David and Damon too. Or he could have gotten it from Jack, John and Jacob. I don’t exactly know, or care. Either way, he looked amazing. Very handsome.

“Hi.” I said nervously.

This is the first time I’ve been in this nicely dressed up in front of him, and I waiting for his opinion of me. He was gaping at me, like the rest of the guys, but I couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing. The guys pushed Alec towards me, and then he finally snapped out of his reverie.

Alec took his hand out, palm facing up, asking me to come with him. I gently put my hand in his, and we left. Everyone was standing by the doorway as we left; waving like moms and dads would as we left for prom or something. I smiled at that, this was probably the most normal thing I’d done since, well I can’t remember.

“Where are we going exactly?” I asked, as we were no longer in view of the cottage.

“You’ll have to wait and see.” He said, kissing my hand.

“It daytime here, are we really going to go outside looking like this?” I asked, indicating to how well we were dressed.

“We’re not going to stay here. We’re going back home.” He said, smiling at me.

I forgot we were in China, so we were going back home to the US of A.

“What are we going to do there?” I asked.

“First, we’re going to go back to the pack house, to see everyone. I’m sure they miss you.” He told me.

We’re going back home!! I can’t wait to see Suzy and everyone back home!! I’d missed them.

Before I knew it, we were outside the pack house. I smiled at Alec as we entered the house.

A few gasp came as we entered. I’m not sure if everyone was surprised that we were here and alive, or if what we were wearing was a surprise, probably a bit of both. In a couple minutes everyone was gathered around us. We made our way to the living room, where the stage was set up, as everyone around us started talking.

“I know you guys are all happy to see us, but one at a time please.” Alec smiled at everyone.

“When did Alex wake up?” someone asked.

So they knew I had been in a coma but I bet they didn’t know the whole story.

“Just yesterday, but she’s perfectly healthy and healed.” Alec answered.

“Why are you dress so prettily.” Mary asked.

“We were supposed to go on a date, but we thought we’d pop in here first.” I answered.

This got everyone talking at once again. I rolled my eyes as Alec smiled down at me.

“Now that you see Alex is ok, you guys can go back to what you were doing.” Alec indicated them to leave.

Everyone slowly dispersed. Some of our family and friends came up to us after everyone left.

Suzy, Mary, Jesse, Emily, Joe, and Pam where sitting around with us for a while.

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