Follow Up

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The following day, Emma and Killian were up early for their son's appointment. Emma was making a list of what she wanted to ask for the pediatrician Ian's doctor. Killian was getting his son's diaper bag ready for appointment as Henry was holding his baby brother in his arms. "Ian you are going to the doctor with Dr.Glass." He coos. "When you come home, I am going to read you a lot of stories." He kissed his brother on the head.

Hope entered her parents' room holding her Pluto doll. "Henwy, Ian!"

"Hi, baby sis. Ian, Hope is here."

"Hi, baby." She kissed her brother gently on the head. Ian coos. Hope smiles. "Ian."

"Hi, little love."

"Dada!!" She goes to her Daddy.

Killian scooped up his only daughter in his arms and hugged her. "My only daughter!" He spun her around making her laugh.

"Ian, you and me are going to be very overprotective of Hope when she gets into boys." Ian moved his arms around. "You are right, Dad will be the one not letting her date." He high-fived his baby brother's hand.

Emma, Killian and Ian took a taxi to the pediatric office. "Ian is going to be alright, love. It is a follow up after the hospital."

"I know, he is doing great on oxygen. He is getting an MRI today on his brain." She rubs her son's little hand.

"His MRI is going to show how his brain improved. He is going to be okay." he kissed his swan on the head. He knows their son takes after both of them survivors.

Hope was crying when her parents left. "Mama...mama...mama..."

Henry holds his sister. "Mom is coming back soon with Ian and Dad."


"How about I tell you a story of our Mommy."


Henry turns on his laptop and plays Hope's favorite song on Youtube, From Now On. Hope stops crying. He sighs in relief. Hope was clapping to the music. He sits on the couch with his sister hugging him.

At the doctor's office, Killian was holding Ian as Emma was filling out forms for her newborn son. Ian was chewing his Daddy's hook. Killian smiled at his son. "You are so cute, son. After the doctor, we are going to go by the ocean. Would you like that?" Ian looked up at his Daddy. "I will take that as a yes."

Killian holds Ian who was naked. He wrapped his son in his baby blanket. "The machine is going to take a picture of your brain. Your Mommy is going in with you. After your picture, you will be with me." He kissed his son on the head. Ian coos. "My brave baby pirate."

Emma was dressed in a gown. He set his son in his swan's arms. Ian moves his arms."Yes, you are with your Mama."

"See you soon, love."

"We will be back soon." She carried her 1 week old son following a nurse to the MRI room. Killian stayed behind with the diaper bag.

They walked into the room with a big machine. "See, this is not so scary. This machine will take a picture of your brain. Then we can go to Dada." Ian makes a sound. "You are brave? I will be with you." Her son was placed on a machine as she was wearing protection wear. She held him still as the MRI began. "You are doing great, baby boy."

A little while later, Dr.Glass examine Ian who was wailing. Emma holds her son in her arms. "I am going to take him off the oxygen tank. I am going to monitor him here in the NICU for a few hours for him to be breathing normally."

"He does not need it anymore?"

"He has no fluid in his lungs and none on in his brain from his MRI today."

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