Mother of Two

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Emma was exhausted but she did not care, her daughter was finally home and she is getting her second chance of being a Mommy from the very beginning. Emma loved Hope's snuggling on her, all Hope wanted was to be held and if she was not Hope would get upset. Killian, Henry, and Emma took turns holding Hope in the carrier or snuggling with Hope. Most of the time, Hope wanted her Mommy, which Emma absolutely loved. Emma love changing Hope into cute pink, purple, and duckling or pirate theme onesies and love giving Hope kisses while Hope sleeps on her. "I love you so much, Hope." She hugs her daughter which made Hope cooed. Emma was sleeping in her room with Hope on her side in her doc-a-tot. Henry returns home from school finding his Mom fast asleep with his sister wide awake. He puts a blanket on their Mom. "Hi, Hope. Your big brother is here." He holds Hope on his chest."I missed you when I was in school. Now, it is time for Henry and Hope time." Hope coos. He takes Hope to his room. "Hope, can you keep a secret?"Hope coos. "I will tell you. You cannot tell Mommy and Daddy." Hope moves around. "I will tell you..."Killian comes home from work, hearing Henry talking to his sister. He finds them in Henry's room, Hope was snuggling on her brother. "Hi, Henry. Hi, Hope." He sits next to his two children. "Dad, Hope is a great listener. Mom is sleeping. I changed her diaper a few times and she loves sleeping on me."Killian smiles. "You are taking care of your sister, which part of your job.""Yes, I want Mom to get enough sleep as possible." Hope began to cry. Killian gets Hope from his son. "Hi, little love. Daddy is here. Daddy is home from work. All I can think of you and Mommy all day. Daddy will feed you." Hope slows down from crying. "Lad, finish your homework. You can help me cook dinner after.""Yes, Dad." He kisses Hope on the cheek. "We will play later, Hope." Killian brings Hope to the kitchen to heat her up a bottle and bottle feeds her. "Here you go, Hope. You are being a good little lass for your big brother and letting Mommy get the sleep she needs." He burps Hope who falls asleep on her Daddy. "I love you, Hope." Killian checks on his wife just woke up. "Hi, swan." He joins her on their bed. "Hi, Killian. How was your day?" Emma leans on his shoulder. "It was good. All I could think about was about my two loves." She kisses him on the cheek."I love my snuggles with Hope. She was being a good girl all day." "Aye, Henry loves watching his sister.""I am just happy that we are all home. We can snuggle together with Hope."Killian smiles. "I love snuggling with my two loves." He kisses Emma on the head and gave Hope a kiss on her blonde head. Emma loves how much Killian is an amazing Daddy to Hope. The next day, Emma gets a phone call from Henry's school. "Killian, Henry's school is calling me." She answers the call. "Hello...yes this is Henry's mother...I am on my way.." She hangs up. "Henry is at the principal's office. He got into a fight.""Bloody hell. That is not like Henry.""I know, something must have happened." She puts her coat on. "He is not a fighting person, unless in Storybrooke during the mine and he runs away from Regina to be me with me. Fighting is something different. I have a bad feeling about this, just like when we returned from Neverland.""Love, he needs his Mom. I will stay here with Hope.""Call me if anything happens with Hope..""Aye, Hope and I will be right here snuggling and have our pirate talk. Call me if our son needs anything." "I will, I am going to be in mama bear mode if someone did hurt our son, they are going to have the wrath of me.""I am not surprised swan." They kiss. Emma leaves and drove her yellow bug to Henry's middle school, she was nervous about what happened to her son did. She finds Henry in the principal's office, with his face covered in bruises, her heart drops. "Henry, what happened?" She hugs her son."Mom! You came!""Of course, I did. I am your Mom, it is my job." She sits next to her son, who began to cry. "Henry..." She hugs him and rubs his back until he stopped crying. "I am right here...I am right one is going to hurt you...shh...shh...Everything is going to be okay." She kisses him on the head. She hates seeing her son afraid and as his Mom, she is going to do all she can to protect him. "Mom...there is a boy in my class Hunter who is the class bully...he has been picking on me the most...I do not know why...maybe because I am different from him...I do not like hurting others..."He hugs his Mom.She placed her hand on his bruised face. "What happened today? Why did you get beat up?""Hunter tripped me in the halls. I did not fight back so he and his friend Eric beat me up." Emma was in mama bear mode which Henry knew the look pretty well. "Mom...""I am going to make sure Hunter is going to get the punishment he deserves. He should not be bullying you for no reason." Emma marches into the principal's office. "I am Henry Swan-Jones, Mom. I want his bully Hunter punished." "Mrs.Jones, Hunter is suspended for a week.""What about when he returns to school!? He is going to hurt my son again for no reason. My son needs to be protected. There are new rules when a student bullies others. What is Hunter's punishment? My son's face is covered with bruises." "Hunter has been bullying other students too.""Why he is not in trouble for those other children?" "You need to expel him..." She faces the principal. "My son has been hurt for no reason by this big bully! I am one angry Mom. I have a newborn at home who has health issues and now my son is being bullied for no reason! You need to expel him. So he won't hurt my son and the rest of the other students that he bullied for no reason."The Principal gulped and was nervous. "Yes, this was his last straw...He is going to be expelled.""Thank you. Now, I have to get my son checked out at the hospital." Henry could hear his Mom screaming at his principal, sticking up for him and scaring the principal. Emma returns to her son, "Henry. I am taking you to the hospital to get your face checked out." Emma drove Henry to NYU hospital and went to the emergency room. Emma gets a phone call from Killian. "Hi, honey.""Hello, swan. How is our son?""We are in the emergency room. Henry has been bullied at school and now his face is covered with bruises."Killian got mad. "Who is hurting our son?" Hope began to cry."The bully is getting expelled as we speak. I will call you if he gets any injuries besides his bruises.""Let me talk to him." Emma gives her iPhone to her son. "Kid, your Dad wants to talk to you.""Hi, Dad.""Hi, Henry. Who hurt you son?""A big bully. Hunter, he hurt me for no reason I did not fight back." Henry gives his Mom back her phone. "Dad is getting mad and upsetting Hope.""I will talk to him. Killian, please calm down, you are upsetting Hope. Henry is going to get checked out. I will bring him home.""Okay, love. Little love, Dada is mad at the lad who hurt your brother." They ended their phone conversation. Emma hugs her son, he falls asleep on her lap. "I am right here, Henry. You are not going to get hurt ever again from that bully. I promise." Henry gets his face checked out with MRI, no head injury. Emma brings Henry back to their apartment. They hear Hope crying. "Hope, Mommy is home.""Our little love wants her mommy." Emma holds Hope on her chest, which made Hope stop crying. "Hopey, Mommy is here. Mommy is home. Mommy had to get Henry from school because a mean bully hurt him." Hope coos. "Yes, I am your Mommy and Henry's Mommy. It is my job to protect you both." Killian goes to Henry seeing his face. "Henry, what happened to your face?"Henry runs to hug his Dad and cried into him. "Dad!" Killian saw how much his son needed him."I am right here, son. I am not going anywhere..." Emma saw how much Killian loves their son. He leads Henry to the couch."Dad, the bully's name is Hunter. He was hurting me for no reason. ""Lad, you are stronger than that bully.""I know, it is just he knew I was different from him..." Killian puts his hand on his son's shoulder. "Lad, you made the right decision of not fighting with that trouble lad. You are bigger the bigger man by not hurting him. If you want, I can teach you how to sword fight? To defend yourself."Henry smiles. "You will teach me?""Aye, you are part prince and pirate, you need how to sword fight." "Killian, I can fight. I can teach him. On our first adventure, we had a sword fight, for the compass and heart remember?""Aye, how can I forget about that? Lad your Mom and I can teach you our own techniques.""Awesome." Hope fusses. "Hope, Mommy, and Daddy will teach you how to sword fight too, little sis. You are a pirate princess." Hope spits up on her onesie and began to cry. "Hopey, it is okay. Mommy will change your outfit." She takes Hope to their room, Killian gets another onesie from the pile of clean laundry, a pink onesie that says, "My daddy is the best." Emma changes Hope's new onesie. " are okay, Hope. You are all clean...Yes..." Emma lets Hope lie on her chest, Hope stopped crying. Henry gives Hope her pacifier. "Henry, I am home, little sis. Mommy and Daddy now know..." Emma and Killian looked at each other."Henry, you told Hope about Hunter?" Henry nods his head. She hugs her son. "I needed to tell someone. Hope is my little sis." "Kid, you could have told me. Why you did not tell me sooner?""I did not stress you out...""Henry, my job is to be your Mom not just Hope's Mom. I am both of your mothers. It is my job that both of my babies are safe and protected.""Mom, I realized that when you were screaming at my principal and being savior before too, that you will fight for me. I am sorry I did not tell you right away." "That is alright but you can always come to me and your Dad if something happens. Okay?" Henry nods his head. Emma hugs her son, Henry hugged his Mom hard. Killian knew Emma was hurt that Henry did not come to her for help when he was being abused. "Lad, our job as your parents to help you when you need us.""I know...I did not stress you both more about my minor problems. Hope needed you both the most." He rubs Hope's hand. "Hope is more important than me." "Henry." Hope fusses. Killian takes Hope from his wife and takes Hope out of the room and listened in. "Henry, look at me. You and Hope are both important to me in the same way. Yes, Hope has health issues, that does not mean you are not as important as her. You are important as much as Hope is. You are my son. You can come to talk to me about anything. I saw your face, kid. You got me worried sick. I do not want you to be a punching bag. I do not want you to get hurt like I was in the foster system. " Killian heard stories of her tales in the bloody awful system. "Henry, I need to tell you what was like in the foster system as a child, I barely had any food, had to wear hand me down clothes, and I was abused physically, like being beaten by the foster parents and foster siblings or in group homes, where I get teased and abused a lot. I had no one to look out for me or go to an adult to talk too." Emma had tears in her eyes, wasn't sure it was caused by the hormones or lack of sleep. "I never ever wanted my children to go what I went through in the foster system, neglected, unloved, homeless or being abused and not being able to talk to me." Henry was crying and hugs his Mom. He knew his Mom went through a lot in the system but she never told him about it. "I had no idea, Mom... I am so sorry. I am sorry for my Dad putting you in prison...I am sorry for not talking to you. I just wanted to be brave for you and Dad. You were so stressed out and worried about Hope all the time. I did not want to add any more stress on you and Dad. Every day, you were tired and stress about Hope. I was worried if I told you, you will have a meltdown or something...I did not want to hurt you, Mom.""Henry, no matter what is going on in our family, you can always come to talk to me. I am your Mom, it is my job for me to care for you, listen to your problems, and protect you from harm besides working to keep our apartment, make sure you have everything you need." Henry hugs his Mom. "I love you, Henry. You can always come to me for anything.""Mom, I am sorry for not coming to you. Whenever I tried...I could not.""Now you know if someone is bullying you, you can come to me okay?" She kisses him on the head. "Yes, Mom. I know now because the way I heard you screaming at the principal. I thought you were hurting her."Emma smiles. "I did scare her. I just did my job as your Mom to make sure you are not ever going to hurt from Hunter again.""You were being my Mom and kind of the savior but mostly my Mom."Emma smiles. " That is because I was doing my job as your Mom making sure you stay safe in school.""I know. I have the best Mom in the world. I love you, Mom.""I love you so much, Henry." She hugs him. "I am always going to be there for you. You can talk to me, kid." Henry fell asleep on her lap. "I never going to shut you out. You can come to me for anything." Killian brings in sleeping Hope. "Hi, swan. How is our son?""He is asleep. How is our daughter?""We had our little pirate talk until she fell asleep on me. I heard you telling the lad about your past.""I had to tell him so he can understand why he needs to talk to me...I cannot believe he kept his from us and now he is hurt." Emma began to cry. "Emma." He wrapped his arm around his wife. "He loves you so much. He did not stress you out...""He needed me...and...I failed.""No, Emma. You did not fail Henry. You are his mother, you fought for him today. I know you, swan, you fight for your loved ones. You were in your mama bear mode leaving the house, I knew the principal will get the wrath of my swan.""I made sure Henry and the rest of Hunter's victims are not going to be hurt by him ever again. He is getting expelled from school. Hurting Henry was his last straw." Hope began to cry. Emma takes Hope from her husband and lets her sleep by her neck where she loves to sleep. "I do not get how this Hunter gets through bullying without getting into trouble. He had other victims.""Maybe love, the other victims did not have parents like you who willing to fight until Hunter gets the punishment he deserves. You are my brave wife who did that job all in one day." He kisses her on the head."Yes, somehow I did with lack of sleep and being a new Mommy to our little girl. I saw Henry's face and knew he was being abused, my mother instincts kicked in and knew to fight for him.""You are being an amazing Mom to both of our children." He kisses her on the head. "I love them so much. I will do anything for them. I had no one as a child, our children will have you and me.""Aye, that is right, Emma." Hope wakes up and makes a lot of poop crying. "Little love, you need a diaper change."Emma chuckles and sees poop on her clothes. "Killian, Hope needs a bath. She just had a poop explosion." Henry woke up. Henry covered his nose."Whoa...Hope.""Yes, lad. Your sister just had a poop explosion." He gets up. "Love, I will run Hope a bath." Hope was crying. "Hopey, you were just being a little pirate, little love. Don't cry. You are going to have bath time in the water. I know you love water just like me." He kisses Hope on the head and goes to the bathroom to run Hope a bath. "Henry, can you set up a onesie, baby lotion and a small comb on the bed?""Sure." "Thank you. Hope, you are not in trouble, don't cry...shh...shh...We love you even if you are covered in poop." She puts Hope on the changing table, and takes her onesie off and threw it in the pile of dirty laundry and took off her diaper. She cleaned her daughter off with baby wipes and wrapped her in a towel. "You are going to be all clean soon, Hope." She takes Hope to the bathroom. "Hope, Daddy is getting the bathtub ready for your bath time. He puts toys, bubbles, and warm water all just for you." "Hope, your bath is ready, little pirate." He takes Hope from his wife and puts her in her chair. Emma scrubbed Hope down. Hope slowly stopped crying when the poop was off of her and cooing with the water on her. Killian smiles. "That is my little pirate, you love the water just like me."Emma smiles. "She takes after her daddy already." Henry takes pictures of his sister's bath time. He enters the room. "Mom, can I play with Hope in her bath time?""Of course." Henry plays with Hope squirting her with bath toys. Emma loves seeing her family together. Hope began to cry. "Aye, lad, Hope's playtime is over and bathtime is over." He gets a towel and wrapped his little pirate in a towel. "You are all clean, little pirate." Emma gets Hope from her husband. "Hope, you are all clean, my little duckling. Henry chose your new outfit to wear." She takes Hope to their room and does their after bath routine and changed Hope into a duckling long sleeve onesie. Killian cleaned the bathtub while Henry puts the poop covered towels and rest of dirty clothes in the laundry machine. After, Killian and Henry had one on one time, playing video games. "Dad?""Yes, son?"Henry hugs his Dad. "I am sorry for not telling you and Mom about school...""You can always come to me.""I know you are my Dad. I just did not want to stress you and Mom out...with Hope in the hospital and work...""You can talk to me, Henry." "I am your Dad. I am going to be there for you always." "Can we go to the docks?""Yes, lad. We can bring your sister too.""Yes! From seeing how much she liked her bathtime, she is a little pirate.""Aye, the ocean is in her blood. I was thinking about our one on one time, we can go to the Nintendo store to buy video games.""I like that for our one on one time. Can we include Hope and Mom?""Aye, we do need a day out all four of us. I know your Mom is going to need a break from your sister to sleep, we can take Hope out so your Mom can sleep.""Yes, I love babysitting Hope. Mom is tired.""Your Mom and I are still worried about your sister's breathing. Until we feel comfortable taking Hope out, we have to watch Hope here.""I understand. I do not want Hope to get sick too.""Same here, lad.""Mom is being a great Mom to Hope.""Aye, she is being a great Mom to you and Hope.""Yes, she is an amazing Mom to Hope and I.You are a great Dad.""I love you and Hope both equally.""I know. All I could think about was seeing you and Mom after I was beat up.""Aye, the next time a bully starts hurting you, tell me. I will scare them so the lad won't go near you ever again." Henry hugs his Dad. "Your Mom and I will scare the bully. She got him expelled.""Yes, she did. Hope keeps her busy.""Aye, all of us busy but we love her.""Yes! I love Hope." Emma was in their room, holding Hope in her arms and gave her kisses everywhere and kept looking at her how she is loving her second chance as being a Mom from the very beginning. "I love you so much, Hope. I will always protect you, care for you and love you. You can always come to talk to me about anything. I am your Mom, that is my job." Hope reaches her little hand out and touches her Mommy's face, which made Emma smile with tears in her eyes, knowing Hope understands her and will have their mother and daughter relationship will be very close.

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