The Procedure

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Emma was still lying on the floor wrapped in her Killian's arms. "Henry call an ambulance."
"Dad, I am on it." Henry gets his iPhone out and makes the call.
Emma was crying and gripped her husband's hand and hook. "Hope...something is wrong? I do not want to lose her..." She cries into him.
He rubs her back, "Love, you need to be calm, it is not good to stress for Hope. We are going to have healthy little lass." He rubs Emma's back as she tried to calm down.
"Dad, the ambulance is on the way."
"Lad, wait outside for the ambulance and lead them in here."
"Yes, Dad." He hugs his Mom. "Mom, everything is going to be alright. Hope is going to be born healthy. She takes after you and Dad, she is a fighter and survivor."
Emma smiles, "It runs in the family, kid." She hugs her son Henry goes outside and returns with the EMT's and a stretcher. The EMT's put Emma on a stretcher. "What happened?"
"I am having back pain...I think I am bleeding." They rush her in the ambulance, Killian and Henry rode with Emma. Henry sat in the front as the ambulance was rushing to NYU hospital. Emma was scared of Hope's safety. "Killian..." He leans to Emma and wrapped his arm around his wife knowing she was afraid about their little lass, he was nervous but he knows that she needs him to be strong. "I am right here, love. I am on your side."
"Hope, I am afraid about losing her..."
"We are going to have a healthy baby love. She is strong just like her Mommy."
"I am staying right next to you my beautiful wife." The EMT's rush Emma on the stretcher to the Emergency Room. Killian was not letting go of his wife's hand. In the Emergency room, the nurse places a heart monitor on Emma's bare baby bump to monitor Hope's heartbeat, covering her lower body was a blanket. Emma rubs her hands on her baby bump, "Hope is so small, she cannot live in the outside world yet."
"Love, she is not going to be born right now, love."
Henry was hugging his Mom, "Mom. Hope is going to be alright. You have Dad and me right here to help you."
"Thanks, kid." Dr. Pierce entered Emma's room. "Dr. Pierce."
"Hi, Emma. What happened?"
"I started having back cramps before our wedding and as we were leaving I felt weak and I feel blood." Emma began to cry. "I do not want to lose my baby..." Killian hugs his wife.
"Congratulations on your wedding. Let's see what your little girl is up too." Dr. Pierce examines Emma. "You are not in labor yet but you are showing signs of early labor."
"It is too soon. She is only 20 weeks."
"Emma, I know. To prevent you go into early labor, I am going to put a cervical cerclage."
"What is that?"
"It is a stitch incision inside of your uterus to close it up until you go into labor at nine months."
"It is a surgery?"
"Yes, Emma and also you will need to be on bed rest for a while but it will help to keep your unborn daughter growing inside of you. " Dr.Pierce does a sonogram to see where to stitch up in Emma's uterus. They hear Hope's heartbeat and see Hope. "Your baby girl is healthy, Emma."
Killian arms were wrapped around his wife, "Just like her Mommy."
Emma smiles, "Killian, Hope is healthy."
"Aye, our little lass has a strong heartbeat."
"Mom, Dad Hope is getting bigger."
"Yes, she is Henry. She is not coming now."
"Emma, she is getting bigger inside of you. I am going to do a cerclage stitch in your uterus. I can schedule you for surgery tomorrow morning. You can stay here overnight for bed rest. I will book you a room." Dr.Pierce leaves the room.
"I am right here love." He hugs his wife. "Hope is still healthy love. She just wants to come soon to meet us."
"I know. I am going to have surgery."
"Mom, the surgery is going to help Hope grow inside of you."
"I know..."
Killian hugs his wife. "Love, you are going to have a safe surgery and have Henry and me to help you in recovery."
"You are right..." She puts her hands on her baby bump. "Hope just wanted to be at our wedding."
Killian smiles. "Aye, she just wanted to be at the wedding with the rest of her family." He kisses his wife's baby bump. "Little love, we know you wanted to be in Mommy and Daddy's wedding but you are too little to come yet, Hope. You need to be big and strong when you arrive little love."
"I know you want to be part of our family sweetie, you will be here before we know it. You just need to just bigger."
"Hope, I know you want to meet our Mommy and Daddy but you will meet them soon, little sis." He rubs his Mom's baby bump. Killian kept holding his swan's hand knowing she was nervous for the procedure. A nurse brought Emma to her room for the night and places a heart monitor on her bare baby bump. "Some honeymoon. Our little girl just wanted to be part of our wedding." She rubs her baby bump.
"Aye, our little lass wants to make our wedding memorable."
"Oh yes, she has."
Henry talks to his Mom's baby bump. "Hope, you made our parent's wedding very eventful."
"Our little lass is not in any danger. She is still safe growing inside of you." He kisses her on the head. "I am going to go home to pack your overnight bag."
"Just make sure you pack comfy clothes for me to wear home tomorrow."
"Aye, I will pack your bathroom supplies and hair supplies."
"Thank you, my husband."
Killian smiles. "You are welcome, my beautiful wife." They kiss.
"Dad, I am going to stay here with Mom."
"Text me or call me if something happens."
"I will Dad. I am going to watch Mom and Hope." They hug. Killian leaves the room. Henry joins his Mom on the bed and hugs his Mom. "Mom, I am right here. Hope is not coming now."
"I know, I am just happy your sister is still safe inside of me."
"Little sis, I know you want to join our family moments like today but you need to be big and strong before you arrive and not just yet. When you arrive you are going to complete our family." He kisses his Mom's baby bump, "I love you, Hope. I am staying with you and our Mommy. Mommy was alone when she had me but she has Daddy and me with her. She is not alone this time."
Emma smiles. "I do need a hug from my favorite son." Henry sits with his Mom and hugs him. "Thanks, for staying with me."
"You are my Mom, I know that you are afraid. I am right here. You are always there for me and I am there for you." She kisses him on the head and falls asleep. Killian arrived back home packed two overnight bags for himself and Henry and mostly for his wife and returned back to the hospital by driving the yellow bug car. He returned to his wife's room, seeing her fast asleep with Henry hugging her. "Hey, Dad."
"Hey, son. How is your Mom?"
"She is resting."
"Aye, as she should be. I got your art supplies from home."
"Thanks, Dad." Henry gets off of the bed and started to draw on his drawing pad on the chair next to his Mom's hospital bed.
Emma wakes up. "Hey."
"Hi, love." Killian hugs his wife and kisses. "How is my beautiful wife?"
"I still feel uncomfortable pregnant wise." She leans her head against his chest.
He hugs his wife, "I know you are afraid, love. I am right here."
Emma hugs her husband. "I am so happy that you are here. I do not know even want to think about if you did not come with us over the town line."
"I told you love I had no home in any other realm not anywhere but with you, my true love. Now we are married and have our son Henry. In a few months, we are going to be parents from the very beginning together raising our little lass."
Emma smiles. "She is still growing inside of me which makes me so happy. I am also very happy that I am officially Mrs.Jones. Your wife."
"You are the most beautiful lass in all the realms." They kiss.
"I love you, Killian."
"I love you, Emma." He rubs his wife's baby bump. "I love you, Hope." Hope kicks. Killian smiled big and looked at his wife who was smiling, "Emma was that..."
"Yes, Killian. That is Hope's first kick." Killian was so amazed and leaned to his wife's baby bump. "Hope, dada is here. We love you, Hope. Can you kick for Daddy again?" He lays his cheek on his wife's baby bump. Hope kicks again. "Good job, little Hope. You listen to your Dada. You are a little kicker just like your Mommy."
"Dad, I want Hope to kick for me." Emma knew Henry was jealous.
"Henry, come here." She hugs her son. "Kid, Hope is going to be kicking a lot more when she grows bigger inside of my belly. I know when she kicks the next time you will be feeling her kicks. Okay?"
"Yes... I just want Hope to know me.."
"Henry. Hope is going to know you. You are her big brother. Why would you think that Hope won't know you?" Henry began to cry. "Oh. Henry..." She hugs her son. "Hope is still growing inside of me and she is not coming now which is very important." Killian sat on Emma's bed.
"I just want Hope to be okay..."
"She is healthy and growing inside of me." Killian leaves the room to give his wife and son alone time. "What is wrong Henry?"
"I am jealous already."
"Is it just because Killian felt Hope's first kicks?"
"Yes, but he is Hope's Dad...he should be the one for the moment..."
"Henry, I know you are upset about something..." She gives him a look. "You can tell me anything..."
Henry cried more and hugs his Mom. "I want Hope to know me. I do not want to lose you and Hope."
"Henry." She hugs her son, knowing that she is the only blood relative that he has in this realm. "Henry. I am right here, kid. You are not alone in this world. I am here. This heart monitor is tracking your sister's heartbeat and the sonogram we had before, Hope is healthy and strong. Your sister and I are not going anywhere."
"I do not want to lose my family."
"Your family is not going anywhere, we are all right." Emma made room for her son to sit next to her and he hugs his mom and placed a hand on her baby bump, "Hope is going to know you, Henry. She is going to look up to you her whole life. I have a feeling you and Hope are going to have a very close brother and sister relationship."
"Yes, kid. She has a great big brother."
"I am going to read to her all the time, and talk to her."
"You are not going to be replaced. I was always replaced all of my life in the foster system. You are my firstborn and Hope is going to be my second born. I am always going to love you both equally and the same. Like I said before if you are jealous of my time with Hope, you are always welcome to join us in snuggles."
Henry hugs his Mom, "I love you, Mom."
"I love you, too kid."
"Mom, I cannot forget, Hope." Emma smiles as Henry leans to his Mom's baby bump, "Hope, this is your big brother, Henry. I love you, little sis. I am always going there for you. I will read to you and talk to you all the time. You keep growing inside of our Mommy alright?" He places his hand on her baby bump, Hope kicks. "Mom! Hope kicked!"
Emma smiles, "I told you, Henry, you will feel her next kick. She wants her big brother to be happy because you make her happy."
Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom, I love Hope. I just want Hope to be healthy."
"She is going to be healthy and strong. She is a little fighter like you, your Dad and I are."
"I have a feeling that Hope will take after you." Henry hugs his Mom. "Where is Dad?
"I think he wanted to give us alone time."
"I will bring him back to us." He kisses his Mom on the head. "I will be right back." Henry went to find his dad. Emma rubs her baby bump, "Hope you made your Daddy and Henry very happy today. They felt you kick, sweetie. I love you so much, Hope." Hope moves which made Emma smile. "You just keep growing inside of me, baby girl. Next year, you will be with here with us celebrating our wedding anniversary, our whole family complete." Killian ending up walking to the nursery and look at all of the newborns, which made him more excited be a Daddy to Hope. He cannot wait to hold his little lass in his arms for the very first time. "Dad?"
Killian turns around and sees his son. "Hi, son."
"I thought you find you here." Killian smiles, Henry looks at the glass window of the babies. "Dad, Hope is going to be this small?"
"Aye, yes she will be this small when Hope comes we are going to hold her."
"But Mom is going to hold Hope first since she did not hold me."
"Aye, that is right, lad. Your Mom is going to hold your sister first." They walk back to Emma's hospital room, who was fast asleep. Killian went to cuddle with his wife in his hook hand and placed his hand on her baby bump where Hope was growing inside, while Henry sat on the chair and began to draw his parents on his drawing pad. Very early the next morning, a nurse woke Emma up and prepped her for her surgery putting her in a gown and a surgery hat on her head.
An anesthesiologist placed an epidural shot into Emma's lower back which was painful. "It hurts." Killian was at her side as she was gripping his hands. "It almost over love." He kisses her gently on the head. When it was done, Emma hugs her husband. "I am right here, love." He gently puts his wife on her bed. Henry sat with his Mom while they were waiting for her surgery to begin. "Mom, you are going to be okay." Emma hugs her son.
"Hope is going to grow healthy inside of me with this procedure." Henry kisses his Mom on the head. "I love you, Mom."
"I love you too, Henry." Nurses came into the room and pushed Emma's hospital bed, Killian carried his backpack and held his wife's hand. Henry was walking on the other side. They stopped walking once they were by the surgery room with Dr. Pierce, Henry got afraid, "Mom."
Henry hugs her son. "Hey." She knows her son was afraid. "I am going to be alright. You are not going to lose me and your sister okay?" Henry nods his head and she kisses him on the head. "Swan, Henry is going to be with me." He rubs his son's shoulder. "I love you, Mom."
"I love you, Henry." They hug.
"Dad and I will be right there when you wake up."
"I know."
"Dr.Pierce, are you sure this procedure is safe for my wife and daughter?"
"Yes, Killian. Your wife and baby daughter are in good hands."
He goes to his wife. "I am right here, love." He hugs his wife.
"Hope and I are going to be alright."
"Aye, I told you that we are going to have a healthy lass."
"I will see you and Henry later."
"Aye, we are going to be right there when you wake up, love." They kiss.
"I love you."
"I love you, Emma." They kiss. Nurses pushed Emma's bed into the surgery room. Killian hugs his son who was crying. "Henry, your Mom surgery is safe. She is going to be alright."
"Hope is going to be alright?"
"Yes, Henry. Your sister is where she needs to be growing inside of your Mom. How about we go get some cinnamon hot cocoa?"
Henry stopped crying. "I am hungry."
"We can get breakfast, lad." Killian walked with Henry to the cafeteria, Henry hugs his Dad.
In the operating room, Emma was hooked up on wires and iv's was put to sleep from a mask that a nurse put on her face, "Count back from ten."
"10...9...8..." Emma fell asleep. Dr.Pierce puts the cerclage stitch through her vagina to the uterus while the ultrasound technician to use doppler to help Dr. Peirce to see if the cerclage stitch was inserted correctly. After the cerclage was inserted, the surgery was over. Emma was being pushed into her recovery room. Killian and Henry were waiting in the waiting room when Dr. Pierce found them. "Emma Jones."
"Aye, Dr. Pierce how is my wife?"
"How is my Mom?"
"Your wife and Mom is in recovery. Her surgery went smoothly. She is going to be on bed rest an in a lot of uncomfortable pain."
"Aye, how can we help her?"
"I will give you a paper when I visit Emma later. She is going to be on bed rest for a while until I say so."
"We understand. My mom and sister's health are both important."
"That is right, Henry. You and I are going to take care of your Mom."
"Emma is in room 228. She will be sleeping for a while." Killian and Henry went up to Emma's recovery room. Killian sits next to his wife and holds his hand. "Emma, I am right here. You and Hope are alright. She is still growing inside of you."
Henry sat on the other side of the bed and hold his Mom's hand. "Mom, Dad and I are right here. Hope is still inside of you growing. We love you, Mom." They waited in the recovery room until Emma woke up groggily seeing Killian. "Hey, you."
"Emma. How is my beautiful wife?"
"Tired..." He wrapped his arm around his wife.
"Henry and I are here, love. Hope is still growing inside of you." He kisses her on the head.
"Mom." Henry hugs his Mom gently.
"Hey, kid. I am...okay. I know the numbness from the epidural is wearing off because I can feel Hope move again." Henry sat next to his Mom. Emma was happy to be with her two boys, and Hope growing safely inside of her and knowing they will help her during her recovery. She falls back to sleep feeling safe with her family. Killian kisses his wife on the head. "We are with you, love. You and Hope are safe." He knows he is going to take of his wife during her recovery. He is going to be there for her as no one else had in her past. He is going to be on his wife's side when she needs her. The next day Emma was released from the hospital. Killian helped his wife get dressed and put her in the wheelchair. Henry was holding the overnight bags and Dr.Pierce paper of instructions for Emma's recovery in his hand. A nurse wheels Emma to the front of the hospital while Killian walk right next to her. Henry waited with his Mom at the front door while Killian retrieved their yellow bug car. Killian helped his wife into the car on the passenger seat while Henry loaded the car. "Are you ready to go home love?" Henry sits in the back.
"Yes, Hope and I want to go home."
"Aye, the little love knows she is safe inside of her Mommy." Emma smiles as Killian rubs her baby bump. "You are getting bigger little love." A car honks at them. "Daddy has to drive, Hope." Emma chuckles as she was rubbing her baby bump. Killian drove them back to their apartment. He parks their car and helps his wife out of the car. "Easy, love." She holds her husband's arm as they walk together. Henry went ahead to get the elevator and opens the door to the apartment.
"We are finally home."
"Aye, we are all home." He helps Emma to bed.
"I need to take a shower. I smell awful."
"Love, I will help you."
"Dad. What does Mom want to eat? I am hungry."
"Kid, how about we order in pizza. We have not had pizza in a while."
"Mom, what do you want to order? I will call."
"Pepperoni pizza sounds good to me."
"One pepperoni pie coming right up." They hug. Killian helps Emma undress and help her shower. "I know you are tired."
"Emma, you need my help. I know my swan is brave and independent but our little lass needs her Mommy to rest so she can grow big and strong."
Emma sat on her bed. "What are we going to do? I need to work to afford the bills...I need to keep a roof over our heads..." Emma began to cry. Killian hugs his wife. "I do not want us to be on the streets. No, not again that is why I gave Henry up to adoption to avoid that life for him. I do not want that for our daughter and all three of us."
"Emma, you need to rest love for our little lass to grow safely inside of you and get bigger. I am going to work at my job, love to provide for our growing family. Henry is going to help you while I am at work. I am going to help you all the time when I am at home. When your time gets closer, I will help all the time." Emma hugs her husband and he hugs her back. "You are not alone, love. We are not going to lose our home. I already called your boss. He gave you paid maternity relief." She felt safe in his arms and being taken cared of by her husband.
"Since I am on maternity relief now I can rest and also shop for Hope. Our baby girl needs clothes, diapers, blankets, a car seat and something called a dock a tot."
"Aye, we can get all that Hope needs."
"For a little baby, she needs a lot of stuff."
He kisses her on the head. "Our little love is going to have everything she needs."
" We already have her crib."
"Aye, Henry and I will set up soon. We just want to focus on you and Hope, love."
"She takes after her Daddy."
"Aye, Hope takes after her brave Mommy."
"She is a little fighter and a survivor."
"That is right, Emma. My wife."
"My husband." Hope moves. "My baby girl."
"Aye, our little lass." They kiss and both placed their hands on her baby bump where Hope was still growing inside, healthy and getting stronger every day.

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