Witch Hunt

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Killian wakes up early to go to the yellow bug to get a few of Hope's toys, playmat, and baby swing. He returns seeing Henry in the kitchen. "Dad, I am making breakfast."
"Thanks, lad."
"I heard the argument last night as I was "sleeping."
"It was a rough argument with your Mom and grandma disagreeing about who is your father."
"You are my Dad." Henry hugs his Dad.
"I know, son. That is not going to change." Killian sets up Hope's playmat and the baby swing in the living room while Henry makes pancakes from the box from New York.
Emma wakes up hours later to Hope's crying, exhausted emotionally but Hope needed her. She got Hope out of her cot. "Hopey, Mommy is here." She nurses Hope and snuggles with her daughter after she was fed. "I am sorry Hope for yesterday. I know Mommy never really argues and screams like at your grandparents...Mommy had no way of letting them know that you were coming. We weren't supposed to see them after the curse took the town and took your grandparents to the Enchanted Forest." Hope babbles. "Yes, I was mad because your grandma was being mean to Dada." Hope moves her arms around. "I know, Dada is the best. When someone is being mean to my family, I have to defend them." Hope smiles. "I promised you snuggles and we are snuggling right now." Hope babbles. "Yes, you give the best hugs. I do need your hugs.'' Henry joins them in bed.
"Can I join?"
"Yes, you can." Henry hugs his Mom and sister. "Where is Dad?
"He is in the living room setting up Hope's playmat and baby swing. I heard arguing last night."
"Yes, we were loud. Your grandparents came to talk about the curse. My dad apologized to Killian. Then your Dad proved to him that you are his and Hope's Dad. Your grandma argued with me about your bio-dad."
"Is he here?"
"I am not sure, kid. People are missing in this curse."
"I do not want to see him if he is found."
"I understand, kid. You do not need to see him." Henry hugs his Mom and sister. "You two give me the best hugs."
"I made pancakes."
"You did?"
"Yes, I did." "I need some. I just fed your sister." Killian brings up a tray of pancakes for Emma to eat. "Killian, thank you."
"You are welcome, swan. I know you are hungry." Hope makes poop. Killian takes Hope from his swan. "I will change Hope in the living room." He takes Hope downstairs.
Emma had her pancakes. "They are really good, Henry."
"I put cinnamon in the pancakes."
"I like it."
"Can we go to Granny's later?"
"Yes, we can. I know I'm going to be busy being savior/sheriff today."
"I can watch Hope, Mom."
"Thanks, kid." Emma finished her pancakes, pumped breast milk for Hope, and took a shower and changed her outfit. She finds her family downstairs, playing with Hope, her two boys were doing tummy time with Hope. There was a knock on the door. She answered the door, it was Regina. "Hi, Regina."
"Hi, Emma. Your Dad told me that you are staying here."
"Come in."
Henry sees his other Mom and runs and hugs her. "Mom!"
"Henry! You have gotten taller since last year."
"Yes, I did. Mom, and Dad really took good care of me in New York."
"Wait, Mom and.. Dad?"
"Yup, Dad is the best." He hugs his Mom. Hope began to cry. Killian scoops Hope into his arms.
"Little love, you are with Dada. Henry is still here with us."
Regina sees the baby in Killian's arms and did the connection. "No way, Emma and Hook?"
"Yes, Killian and I are married. Henry is a big brother."
"Emma, Hope wants her Mommy." Emma takes Hope from her husband.
"Hopey, everything is okay." Hope babbles
"Hi, your majesty."
"Hi, captain eyeliner."
"Mom, this is my sister Hope. Hope, this is my other Mom, Regina."
"She looks a lot like Emma."
"She is my mini-me."
"How did you all know to come back? I gave you, Henry and Hook a new life, new memories."
"We did not lose our memories, our whole year New York was real. Hook and I fell in love and had Hope. I accidentally called Granny's when I was trying to call my boss back and Granny answered. That is when we knew Storybrooke was back."
"Look, I did not cast this curse, if that's what you're thinking."
"Thought did cross my mind."
"Why would I do this? Why would I erase an entire year of my life?"
"Maybe it was a bad year for you? Maybe this curse was your way of getting me back here to bring Henry back here."
"Without me remembering the whole year?" Hope began to cry. Killian takes Hope from Emma and up to their room. "I cast curses to hurt others, not myself."
"Maybe so. But I need to cross people off the list."
"By walking around, using your superpower, on everyone?"
"You got a better idea?"
Henry returns. "Mom, I have a photo album of our whole year in New york. Can I show you?"
"Yes, show me." Emma watched Henry and Regina catching up. Her iPhone rings, it was her dad.
"Hi, Dad...trouble at the town line? I am on my way." Killian brings down Hope. "Killian, my Dad called. There is trouble at the town line."
Killian was thinking of the monster that ended up in green smoke on the night he proposed to his swan. "I am coming with you."
"No,you need to stay here with Hope."
"Emma, I am going with you. It is a new villain in town, who knows what can happen."
"Mom, I can watch Hope. You did say earlier that I can babysit her."
"Emma, I can stay with them."
"Thanks, Regina. Henry, you can watch, Hope. You know how to take care of your sister."
"Yes!" Emma takes Hope from Killian.
"Hope, Mommy has to be sheriff and savior for a little while, be a good girl for Henry." She hugs her daughter and hands over her daughter to her son. "Killian."
"I am ready, let's go." They left the room.
Hope babbles. "You are with me, baby sis. You want to play on your playmat?" He places Hope on her playmat.
Regina was watching Henry playing with Hope. Hope began to fuss and he held his sister in his arms. "Henry, you really know how to take care of Hope."
"Yes, Hope is my baby sis and I love her so much. My other Mom had a rough pregnancy. Dad and I took care of her during her bed rest. When Hope was born she had a few surgeries but she proves to us that she is a fighter like our Mom and Dad." Hope babbles. "I babysit her once in a while. Now we are back in Storybrooke..."
"You are a great big brother to Hope."
"I actually helped my other Mom give Hope her name." Hope babbles.
Regina smiles. "Tell me about your year in New York." He sits next to Regina.
"The ice cream in New York is gelatos which are amazing. The pizza is awesome especially Brooklyn pizza I got better at math."
"Oh really?"
"Yes, Dad tutors me a lot. He is the best."
Emma drove them to the town line seeing men they did not know and her Dad was with them. She sees a man going by the town line. "This is where he was taken."
"I wouldn't step over that townline if I were you."
"You think little John was carried away because he attempted to cross the line?"
"Makes sense, the dwarfs were checking the line to see if anyone was coming or going when they disappeared. What exactly took Little John?"
"We did not get a good look, some manner or beast with wings."
"Aye, that sounds a lot like the monster that tried to attack me in New York."
Emma was surprised. "Killian? You did not tell me?"
"It happened the night of our engagement, the attack was before I came back to our apartment..."
"I can see why you did not tell me. You did not want to ruin your asking me to marry you..."
"We need to find Little John."
"It may lead us to everyone else who's gone missing. David, take him and the rest of his m-..." She looks at the new man.
"Merry men."
Emma cannot believe she is talking to Robin hood. "Right them, and run a search grid and see if you can find any sign of their missing guy."
"Are you not joining us swan?"
"Not yet, Regina was right. I'm not going to figure out who cast this curse by talking to people one by one. Killian, you are coming with me."
Charming was curious. "What are you going to do?"
"I'm going to talk to everybody." She starts walking to her car. Killian catches up with his wife. She drives with Killian at her side. "
"I have to make a plan with Regina, by tricking the one who is the villain at the town meeting. I need you to stay with Hope and Henry. I do not want them around with these flying monsters around."
"Emma, I am sorry for not telling you about my almost attack in New York. I was about to tell you after our engagement but you were so happy.I did not ruin our night."
"I am happy that you did not tell me." They return inside to their room, Hope was wailing in Henry's arms. "Henry, I am back." She scoops Hope into her arms. "Hopey, Mommy is back."
"Mom, Hope just got upset."
"I came back just in time. Hopey, I am back. You were such a good girl for your Henry." She got Hope to calm down.
"Henry was telling me about your year in New York."
"Mom, I told her most of the events happen in New York, not all of them."
"Regina, you and I need to work on a plan to catch the real villain. Robinhood's men..."
"Merry men, swan."
"Yes, Merry men."
"Mom, Robin hood is here?"
"Yes, kid." Hope babbles. "One of his Merry Men got taken by a flying monster before he went over the town line. We need to host a town hall meeting, and trick the one who is there thinking that we found the villain..."
"Yes. We are going to trick the person." Hope babbles ."Hope, you think Mommy can trick the villain?" Hope smiles. "Yes. While Mommy tricks the villain with Regina, you are going to stay here with Dada and Henry."
"Why can't Snow White watch her?"
Emma hugs her daughter in her arms who began to cry, wanting to nurse. "I got to feed Hope upstairs." Emma takes Hope upstairs. Hope just wanted to play on her tummy. "You are a little sneak. You just wanted Mommy's full attention!" Hope smiles. She gave Hope kisses on her cheek. Hope rolled over to her back. "Hope! You did it!" Emma was in happy tears. "Killian!"
"Regina, Snow White is against our marriage and wants Emma to be with Neal."
"From what Henry told me that you are his Dad then Neal ever was."
"Aye, I treat him as my own. From earlier, Emma does not want her parents to know that we didn't have our fake memories in New York. She does not want them to know yet."
"From what Henry told me what happened at the apartment and last night here, I do not blame her."
Killian rushes upstairs hearing his name and sees Emma crying. "Emma?"
"Hope, show Dada." Emma sets Hope on her tummy. "Rollover." Hope rolls over to her back. "That is such a good girl."
Killian was a proud Daddy of his little lass. "Hope, you can rollover. Good little love." He gave Hope kisses on her head. "Dada is so proud of you." Hope chews on her Daddy's hook. He smiles.
"We just have to be careful when she is sleeping on us, rolling over at night when we are sleeping."
"Aye, I know we will be very careful when Hope is sleeping on us. You saw our daughter's milestone."
Emma smiles. "Yes, I did. I am not missing anything with her." Hope grips her Mommy's hand.
"We both are here for our little lass."
Henry enters the room."Dad, is everything okay?"
"Yes, lad. Your sister can roll over now."
Henry smiles big. "Awesome." He faces his sister. "Hope, you can rollover now? Can you show me later?" Hope kicks her legs. "I will take that as a yes." Emma nurses Hope. Killian and Henry return downstairs to Regina. "Hook, is everything okay?"
Killian smiles. "Yes, Hope just rolled over for the first time."
Emma returns with sleeping Hope. "I have an idea of how to catch the villain." After Regina and Emma discussed Emma's plan, they went into action. Emma places Hope into Killian's arms and rub Hope's head. "Emma, Hope is going to be with me."
"I know. I am going to miss her. Call me if you need anything."
"Hope is going to miss you too. See you later, swan. I know you will find the villain." They kiss. Emma and Regina left the room. Hope woke up crying knowing her Mommy left again. "Hopey...little love...Dada is here...dada is here..." He gently bounced Hope up and down. She just cried more. He takes his shirt off and does skin to skin with Hope who calms down. "You are safe, little love, with Dada. I know you are in a new place but you have your family here with you."
"Dad, does this mean we can get a house here? "
"I was thinking about it, you and I can go house hunting together."
"You mean an operation?"
"Aye, a Dad and Henry and Hope operation to surprise your Mom."
"We can call it operation mouse."
"Aye, operation mouse it is."
"I remember how much Mom wants us to have a home."
"Aye that is why we can surprise her since she is working."
"Yes being sheriff and savior again." Hope babbles. "Yes, Hope, she is our Mommy first. You are going to be part of your first operation, little sis." Hope smiles.
When Emma arrived at the town hall, there was a crowd of people, sitting down and standing up wanting to know who the villain was. Emma was waving her arms to get their attention. "Everyone. Everyone. Everyone, I know that you're frightened and confused, but I need you to listen."
Archie stood up. "Is it true? Is there, is there some kind of monster keeping us from leaving town?"
Grumpy was mad. "Is that what happened to my brothers?"
Emma looked at Grumpy in the eye. "Yes. We believe that people are being abducted as they approach the town line." Regina enters the town hall.
Emma looks at Granny. "So we're trapped here again?"
"It's not different from the last time."
Grumpy was next, "The last time we lost our memories. This time we get dragged out into the woods!"
Belle stood up. "Do you know who cursed us? Why do they want us here?"
"I am working on it, but it's hard to figure out who cast a curse when no one remembers the last year."
"Who?" Grumpy stood up. "Isn't it obvious?"
"Do you remember something?"
"Who cast the last curse?" The townspeople started agreeing. "Who knows how to use it? Who's the only one who ever did anything like this before?!" Grumpy points at Regina. "The Evil Queen!"
Townspeople were murmuring and staring at Regina. "For once, I am just clueless as the rest of you."
Dr.Whale, "You expect us to believe that?"
"It's the truth."
Granny stood up. "This curse has your fingerprints all over it."
Belle, "And you did take our memories away once before."
Granny, "You still have your big house."
"You think I care about my house? About my job? About any of these things?"
Archie, "Regina, please. Just tell us the truth. We'll understand.
Granny, "Speak for yourself."
"I am telling the truth. If I had done this, there's one thing I'd have right now, my son."
"Yeah, you're not going to get anywhere near him until I get the bottom of what is going on here."
"So now you're siding with the rabble?" Townspeople started murmuring to each other. "I thought we'd been through this. I'm innocent."
"Yes, that's what you said before. But now I'm wondering if I believe you." More people were standing up looking at Regina.
"Don't come any closer."
"Do you remember who you are dealing with?" More muring. "If you want me to be the Evil Queen, then fine. That's exactly who you'll get." She used her hands toward Emma and magic made the whole place rumble in an earthquake, making townspeople scream in fear, part of the town hall decorations fell to the stage. Regina magically poofed herself away in a cloud of purple smoke. Grumpy stood up, "I knew she did it!"
Dr.Whale, "We cannot let her get away."
Emma was already leaving the town hall. "I won't." Everyone was murmuring in fear except for one person with red hair smiling and looking innocent. Emma arrives at Regina's office, Regina just got inside. "An earthquake?" She slams the door.
"I had to make a statement and you're fine." Regina walked closer. "So do you think they bought it?
"Yeah, I think they did."
"Nice work. Now, let's figure out who really cursed this town." Emma checked the coast was clear as Regina set up ingredients on her table. "How long do you think we have?"
"Until whoever cast, this curse realizes you're not actually on the run from me. But till then, no one gonna suspects we're working together."
"Let's see it."
Emma shows her the potion bottle of memories that Regina made before Emma, Killian, and Henry at the town line before Pan's curse took over but it did not work on the Jones family but going to add more ingredients to work to wake everyone else from the curse. "Is that enough?"
"Uh, to use no. But to replicate? I think so."
"We can start waking people up so we can figure out who the hell sent everyone back here."
"Thank you."
"For what?
"You saw how quick this town was to blame me. But, you. You believe I did not cast the curse that curse." Emma smiles and looks down. "I know that wasn't easy for you."
"Sure it was. I knew you were telling the truth."
"Even though everything that has happened has put me right next to Henry? Maybe this was some super-complicated ingenious plan."
"It wasn't. My superpower may not be perfect, but with you, Regina, I always know when you're lying. This time you're not. You didn't do it."
"Even though, I cannot live without him."
"There you go, telling the truth again. He was really happy seeing you today."
"I missed him in the missing year. I know you took really good care of him."
Back in the inn, "Dad, can we go to the library? I want to show Hope the library."
"I do not see why not, for a little bit of reading." Killian gets the diaper bag packed while Henry holds his sister.
"Hope you want to go see where we borrow books little sis?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you love books just like me and Mommy." Hope moves around. Killian carried Hope in the carrier as they walked into town, Henry took a picture of his Dad smiling at his baby sister who was awake looking up at their Dad.
"Dad, Hope loves looking at you."
"Aye, Hope is my little pirate princess. She loves her Dada. She needed fresh air."
"Yes, I had a feeling Hope needed a break from the inn. Hope knows that Storybrooke is very different from New York. Right Hope?" Hope smiles. "Yes, Storybrooke is a quiet town and New York is a loud city." Hope babbles. They enter the library and see Belle."Hi, Belle!" Belle turns around seeing Belle sees Killian, Henry, and Hope. She gets afraid. "Hook?"
"Belle, Hook is with me. He is not evil anymore." Hope babbles. "That is right, baby sis. Daddy is a hero." He kisses Hope on the cheek.
Belle was in awe seeing cute Hope."Who is this sweetie?"
"Belle, this is my daughter, Hope. Emma is her Mommy."
Belle was surprised "Really? You and Emma?"
Killian smiles. "Aye, Hope is a lot like her Mommy and like me her Dada." Hope babbles. He kisses her on the head. Hope moves around and babbling. "Yes, little love, you are so cute."
"It is true, Belle. He is both our Dad."
"Yes, dad is awesome." Hope babbles. "Dad, Hope wants to see the books."
"There is a children section, you can show Hope."
"Hope, you will love library books." Hope babbles. "Dad, Hope wants me to hold her." Henry takes Hope from her carrier and shows her around the library.
"You seem to have changed..."
"Emma changed me, for the better Belle. Once I saw Emma, my heart changed. A year in New York with Emma and Henry. When Emma told me that she was pregnant, it made me the happiest pirate in all the realms that I would finally be a Dad. When Hope was born, our little Hope changed me for the better."
"I am glad, Emma has changed you for the better, which is a good thing." They watched Henry showing Hope around the library. Hope fusses.
"Dad, Hope wants you." Killian takes Hope from his son and sat down in the children section, reading Hope books while she was sitting on his lap
Back at Regina's office, Regina was finished making the potion. "Did it work?"
"There's the only way to find out." She sipped it.
"Well? Did you remember?" Regina got mad and threw the vial which shattered into millions of pieces. Emma winces. "Either that wall did something to you in the past year, or I'm gonna say that it didn't work."
Regina sighs. "I must have missed an ingredient."
"Can we try again?"
"I already used up what was left of the potion I gave you before you went over the town line. There is nothing left to replicate."
"What if we can still find the person who cursed the town?"
"Haven't you paid attention? I can't make any more of the potion."
"You don't have to make anything. We can still catch the person."
"We've been running a con, by making this potion in secret. What if we're running the wrong con?"
"I'm sorry, I'm not well versed in cons. Unlike you I never spent time in prison."
"No, it's not something I learned in prison. It's an old bail bonds trick. You smoke out the perp by making them think you're onto them."
"How does that help us?"
"If the person who cast the curse thought we were about to make a memory potion..."
"They'd want to stop us."
"Yes and then we set a trap for them when they do. We just need to get the word out that you're close to making all this work."
Regina smiles. "I just know who to tell." She calls Grumpy about their plan as they set up their trap and waits in the yellow bug for the newest villain to arrive.
Grumpy enters Granny's. "Big news everybody!" He slams the door and the whole diner looks at Grumpy. "Emma found Regina. She holed up in her office, working on a potion."
Archie stood up from his seat. "What kind of potion?"
Sneezy, "Was she gonna hurt us?"
"A memory potion. Regina says she's gonna use it to prove that she did not cast the curse."
Granny, "Like I'd drink anything she handed me."
"Well, somebody will! And if they remember, we will exactly know who did this to us." Everyone began to talk while a woman with red hair was getting mad and left the diner.
In Storybrooke hospital, Little John was rushed into the hospital, followed by Charming, Robin, and the rest of the Merrymen. Dr.Whale arrived. Little John turned into a flying monster and broke the window and escaped. Charming faces Dr.Whale. "What the hell was that thing?"
"Don't look at me. I'm a doctor not a vet."
While Emma and Regina waited in the yellow bug car for the new villain, "So do we just...sit here and wait?"
"Till the person who cast the curse makes a move on your office."
"Is this ... really what you do for a living?"
"Yeah. It is called a stakeout."
"You don't get bored?"
"I do not know. You find ways to pass time, eat, talk...mostly watch which we should be doing."
"Does he have friends?"
"Does who have friends?"
"Does he have friends in New York?"
"Yeah. A lot of friends. No girlfriends yet, at least I do not know about, maybe he told Killian.'' Emma smiles. Emma got a selfie text of Henry and Hope from Killian which made her smile, her family. "Swan. Henry and I showed the library to Hope. They both had fun."
"I know Hope had fun."
"Can you buy more diapers and wipes on the way back?"
"Yes, after we catch the villain. Emma smiles.
Regina sees Emma smiling at a text. "You and Hook..."
"Yes, we fell in love in New York."
"You two were in love before New York. You two were making googly eyes at each other when we were in Neverland before the missing year."
"I got to know him and trust him. He never left me like everyone did in my past. He is the only one who kept his promises to me. He loves Henry as his own son."
"What about Neal?"
"He never was there...he left me in prison for his crime and rejected Henry at the town line. He is not a real father to Henry. Killian is a real father to Henry, he teaches him how to sword fight, helps him with his math homework, they cook together."
"Hook is really a father to Henry. I can see how he is with both Henry and Hope."
"Henry was the one who asked Killian to call him Dad, he cried with happy tears when Henry asked him."
"Life was good in New York?"
"Yeah, I almost did not come back because of that, I have my family, I always wanted it, it was perfect as it can be not exactly perfect but Killian and I were raising our family together without villains attacking..."
"Henry told me that Hope had health issues and you had a rough pregnancy."
"It was rough, I was on bed rest for half of pregnancy but once Hope was born it was worth it. She had a few big surgeries but she proves to Killian and me that she takes after the both of us. Henry loves being a big brother. They have a close brother and sister relationship. Hope completed our family."
"Well, why did you leave?..."
"Henry told me that we needed to come back. I thought about it and Killian told me that we needed to rescue the rest of our family...they were both right..." Emma sees a shadow in Regina's office window. "We got them." They snuck back inside. "You sure whoever is in there can't escape?"
"I sealed the room with a blood lock. It can keep you out or keep you in. I know what I am doing." Regina uses her magic to unlock the soon as Emma got her gun ready and they entered the room.
Emma spotted the new villain by the wall. "There." She points her gun at the villain. "Don't move." Regina flashes the flashlight at the new villain, who was wearing a black hood covering the identity. The villain disappears in a cloud of green smoke. Emma was confused. "I thought you said they could not do that."
"No one can break through blood magic, no matter how powerful they are."
"Then who are we dealing with?" Emma and Regina return to the inn meeting up with Henry, Killian, and Hope. Emma was happy seeing Hope snuggling with Killian and Henry reading a new baby book to his sister. "Hey."
"Mom, you are back!" Henry hugs his Mom. "Did you find the villain?"
"Kind of."
"We did trap her and she escaped..."
"Kid, what books did you borrow?"
"A few books for Hope. I found a few Goosebumps books the ones you recommended."
"After I finish the series can we watch the movie?"
"Yes, we can."
Hope began to cry. "Swan, someone wants her Mommy."
Emma puts the bag full of diapers and wipes on the floor and scoops Hope into her arms. "Hopey. Were you a good girl for Henry and Dada?" Hope smiles. "You had so much fun today? Henry showed you the town's library."
"Mom, she had fun before and after she had a poop explosion on Dad at the library."
Emma laughs."That is why you told me to buy extra wipes and diapers."
"Aye, that is why."
"I bought extra wipes and diapers." Hope babbles. Killian and Emma gave Hope kisses.
Henry goes to his other Mom. "Are you okay?"
"I just cannot figure out why this new villain escaped my blood magic?"
"You will figure out why, Mom."
Regina smiles, knowing Henry always believe in her."Thanks, Henry." They hug.
Charming and Snow White arrived. "Emma, we need to talk about the case."
Emma looks at her daughter and son. "Henry, can you take Hope up into our room?"
"Mom, I can listen. I know Hope wants to be with you. She missed you when you were being savior and sheriff."
Emma smiled. "You two can join." Henry holds his sister.
"When Robin Hood, the Merry men and I went with Little John to the hospital, he turned into a flying monkey."
Snow White was surprised. "They are turning into flying monkeys?"
"Yes. He took on a simian form with bonus added wings."
"Do you think that's happened to the missing dwarfs too?"
"It would explain why we haven't found any trace of them?"
"And Neal?"
"No sign of him either."
Emma sighs in relief. "So it's possible..."
"Mom, I do not want to see him."
"I know, kid. Me too." She hugs her son who was hugging his sister. Hope babbles making Henry smile.
Snow White was getting mad. "Emma, you are turning Henry against..."
Killian was getting mad at his mother-in-law. "Snow White, do not start about him again to my wife and son! You are only here to talk about the case that is it!" Hope began to cry. "Thanks to you, you are getting me mad around my daughter."Killian takes Hope from Henry. "Dada is mad at grandma not you. Your grandma is stubborn. Everything is okay, little love. Shh..shh.." He calmed down Hope.
"The person who escaped our trap disappeared in a cloud of green smoke and now there are flying monkeys in this town? I think we know who exactly cursed us."
"The wicked witch of the west?" Regina gives Emma a look. Emma was just guessing the new storybook character is in this town. "Seriously, she's real too?"
"Says the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming." She gives her husband a look.
"Mom, my other Mom is correct except her story is not in my storybook, she is not from the Enchanted Forest."
"I do not get it. It's not like we are in Kansas. Why would the wicked of the west want to come to Storybrooke?"
"I do not know, Emma. We will figure this out together."
Hope began to cry. "Killian, we need to put Hope to bed."
"Aye, I will take Hope in our bedroom." He takes Hope upstairs. Henry hugs Regina.
"I will see you tomorrow, Henry."
"Yes! I am so happy that we are reunited."
"Me too, Henry." Henry went upstairs.
Snow White approached Emma. "If you have anything bad to say about Killian, I am not talking to you. I had a busy day." Emma went inside her room and closed the door. Regina left before her stepdaughter said anything to her but she knew the truth.
Charming face his wife. "You need to get used to Killian, he is our daughter's husband. He is part of our family."
"I do not like him."
"Get used to it." They left the inn. Emma takes a shower and hears crying Hope.
"Emma, Hope wants you to feed her not the bottle."
"I will feed her." She got cozy in bed and nurses Hope.
Henry brings in pizza for his Mom. "Mom, while you were trapping the Wicked Witch of the West, we got pizza and saved you a few slices."
"Thank you Henry." She ate her slices. Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves.
"Long day being savior and sheriff?"
"Yes. I missed our daughter the whole day."
"Mom, Hope missed you too. She is very happy that you are back with us." Hope finishes eating. Emma burps Hope. "Baby sis, you are very happy that Mommy is back." Hope pukes. "Gross."
"It is only spit up, kid." Killian gets Emma an extra towel. She faces her daughter. "You missed eating from Mommy's boobs?" Hope smiles. You did? Right Hope?" Hope smiles. She gave Hope kisses on her cheek. Killian gives Emma an onesie for Hope. She changes Hope's diaper and outfit.
"So, the only one knows that we have our memories is my other Mom right? Not anyone else?"
"Yes, kid not anyone else. Everyone else knows that your dad and I are married and Hope."
"I told my other Mom about New York but not about my adoption...Dad..."
"It is okay lad, now it is not the time."
Henry hugs his Dad. "You are my Dad."
"Yes, I am your Dad. You are my son." They hug.
"Can we play video games?"
"Yes, for a little bit."
"Awesome! I will set up my Xbox." Emma loves seeing her boys' close relationship. Henry went into the living room.
Killian hugs his swan. "You had a very long day?"
"Yes, I did. I forgot how being sheriff and savior is so tiring and busy. I missed my little girl all day. I miss my deputy, you."
"Aye, I have a feeling we are going to work together soon." He kisses his wife on the head. "You did great today. You got to see Hope's newest milestone and be savior and sheriff at the same time."
"I can juggle both jobs but I love being a Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head. "I do not want to fight villains..."
"I know love. I know you are protecting our family and the town from this villain. I have faith in you and so does Henry..." Hope babbles. "And our little lass who believes in her Mommy." Hope moves around.
Emma smiles. "I just want to have that simple life of not fighting villains."
"I have a feeling that we will have that life together with our family."
"I love our family."
"Aye, I love my wife and children." They kiss. "I am going to my video games with our son. I know our Hope wants her one on one time with her Mommy."Killian goes to the living room. Hope wanted to snuggle, Emma placed her daughter on her chest and rubbed her back in circles. Hope fusses. Emma sets Hope on her thighs while setting her feet against the bed. "Hopey, I missed you all day. Whenever I come home from work, I am always happy to see you." Hope smiles. "Yes, because you are my little girl and i missed you so much the whole day. I know you were safe with dada and Henry. You had a fun day with the boys." Hope babbles. "Yes, but it wasn't the same without Mommy?" Hope smiles. Emma was in awe that her daughter misses her and wants to be with her. "You are my sunshine My only sunshine,You make me happy, When sky's are grey, You'll never know, dear, How much I love you, Please don't take my sunshine away." Hope smiles, Emma smiles back enjoying being a Mommy after a long day of being sheriff while Killian and Henry were having boy time in the living room playing video games. They still have their family time in Storybrooke besides fighting the newest villain. Emma and Killian being parents first then rescuing the town.

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