First Thanksgiving

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Emma and Killian were getting adjusted to being parents' of a newborn, they were tired and exhausted, but they did not care, their family was altogether under one roof. Henry loves babysitting Hope. Hope is now a month old, which made Emma tear up. She puts Hope on her month blanket by 1 month old and took pictures of Hope. "You are one month old, baby girl." She hold Hope in her arms. "You are getting so big and most important you are healthy." Hope coos as her Mommy gave her kisses on her cheek. "I love you so much." Thanksgiving was fast approaching, Killian and Henry went grocery shopping for the holiday after he picked up Henry from school. They returned home from the grocery store, finding Emma snuggling Hope on the couch. "Hi, love and little love. We are back from grocery shopping.""You two shopped a lot?" She stands up holding Hope. "Yes, we did love. We got stuffing ingredients, cranberry sauce, and a turkey." Henry and Killian put the groceries away."Mom, we also have sweet potatoes and marshmallows, I found a great recipe online.""I cannot wait to see what you cook." Hope fusses. Emma bounces up and down. Hope cried more. Killian washes his hand and hook. "Swan, our little pirate princess wants her Daddy." Emma puts Hope in Killian's arms. "Dada is are with Dada..." Hope stops crying which made Killian smile and sits with Hope on the rocking. "She missed her Daddy." "Aye, she wants to have our pirate talk." Hope coos. "Mom." Henry hugs his Mom. "Hey, kid. I missed you today. How was school?" "Better and safer all thanks to you." Emma kisses Henry on the head. "How is your art class?""I made a new art project. Can I show you?""Yes, you can." Henry leads his Mom to his room and shows his Mom art, having a moment alone with her son since Hope has been home making her very busy wanting to make sure how he was. "Henry, be honest with me. How are you feeling having Hope home?""I am a little tired since Hope came home but I am happy to have my baby sister home.""Are you jealous?""No, you did not have this special time with me. I love Hope. I know you will treat me equally because you are our Mom." Henry hugs his Mom."That is right, kid. I am both your Mom and Hope's Mom." While Killian was at work, Emma began chopping vegetables for stuffing, while Hope napped. She was tired but wanted to have her first family Thanksgiving dinner with her whole family to be perfect especially having her second chance as a Mom again. She searched for the best recipes to cook. In the midway of cooking, Hope woke up from her nap. She gets her daughter from her crib. "Hi, baby girl. I know you are hungry. Mommy has your milk." She holds Hope in her arms and sat on her bed and nurses Hope. After feeding Hope, she puts her in her moving chair so she can cook. "You are going to have fun in your moving chair and watch Mommy cook for Thanksgiving." While Emma cooked, Hope cried more. She puts the Graco carrier on and puts Hope in it. "Since you want Mommy. You can be with me while I cook." Hope snuggled as her Mommy cooked and listen to her Mommy talk. Killian returns home Emma cooking and talking to Hope, she was being a brilliant newborn Mommy. He hugs his wife and kisses her on the cheek. "My brilliant wife is cooking and having her little talk with our little lass."Emma chuckles. "Hope is a great listener until she fell asleep in the middle of our conversation." "Aye, she loves her Mommy." "Yes, she loves being with me. Our little duckling did not want to be in her moving chair, she wanted to be in her carrier and being held by me." "That is why you are an amazing Mommy." He kisses Hope on the head. "Dada is home." "Where is Henry?""He is over at Jasper's house playing video games.""Good, he needs a break from here...I mean I love he has friends here that he can play with. It was the first thing I knew something was off in Maine, him not having friends." She hugs Hope. "I was very sad that our son was alone even though he had a home with Regina he was still I was. I hated how he was alone in Storybrooke. Everybody needs friends..." Killian hugs his wife. "Now he has friends here in New York with you and I raising him together." Hope coos. "Aye, that is right Hope. He has you his little sister who loves him so much." Emma smiles. "We are a small family and about to have our first Thanksgiving as a family.""Aye, we are all excited love." "My first normal thanksgiving not in the system but with my family that you and I created." "Love, you need to sleep. I will clean the turkey, love." "Yes, later you can help Henry with the sweet potatoes?" "Aye, I know the lad needs our help with cooking.""He has the perfect teach you." They kiss. Hope makes poop. "Love, I will change her." Killian takes Hope into their room to change her diaper, "Little love. You got poop on your back." Emma giggles. "She poops a lot but she is eating a lot." She lets Hope grip her finger. "My little duckling." She scoops Hope into her arms. "You are all clean baby girl." She puts Hope in her arms and sat on the rocking chair. Emma's Thanksgiving in the past was nothing but unhappiness, no family, mostly misery and no gifts. She was barely fed and had foster parents not allowing her or the rest of the foster kids to eat in family dinners or even on holidays. Emma wakes up crying. Killian wakes up and hugs his swan. "Emma. I am right here...I am right here..." "Stay..."Killian knew his swan had an awful nightmare. "I am not going anywhere, Emma. Where is Hope?""She is sound asleep in her crib with her sleep apnea monitor on. Henry fell asleep an hour ago.""They are safe.""Yes, love. Our children are safe and at home with us." He wrapped a blanket around his wife and hugs her. "Do you want to talk?" "I just want us to have a normal Thanksgiving with our kids.""Love, we are going to have a great Thanksgiving tomorrow. I promise, love." He kisses her on the head.She faces her husband. "I had a bad dream about my past in the holidays, where the foster parents did not allow us foster kids to eat just torture us by forcing us to watch them eat, getting presents, love or attention..." Emma was crying. "Every home or group home, I was put in...that happened. I gave up hope of having a family. That is why I became a runaway...I was lonely and had no one. I just want Hope and Henry to have everything I did not have as a child, love, care, parents who love them and give them gifts on holidays. Everything I did not have."Killian hugs his wife who was opening up about her past him. "We are going to have Henry and Hope, both of our children will have everything because you and I will give them all of the love, happiness, gifts and family time together." "You always know what to say.""Aye, I was in a similar situation as a slave after my Dad sold us in servitude...I wanted a family and was a lost boy. I wanted a family and love as well.""Now I understand why we are true love because we are the same personalities and want to have a happy life.""That is right, love. After you drove us over the town line, I knew we were going to be happy."Emma smiles. "I had a good feeling because when I was driving you were cheering Henry up...I had a good feeling too. Back then, I did not know that I was pregnant with our little girl. Now.." She hugs him. "I am so happy I have everything, I never expected to have...a family.""Aye, I knew we belong to each other when I first laid eyes on your gorgeous hazel green eyes, swan. You can always come to talk to me about your nightmares."Emma smiles knowing she can go to him for anything as he can tell her anything. Emma blushes as they kiss. They both fell asleep until Hope needed them. Emma gets Hope from her crib, "Hope, Mommy is here." She nurses Hope in the rocking chair and burps her and held Hope in her arms who was wide awake looking up at her Mommy with her ocean blue eyes. "Hope, I am always going to be there for you and Henry. I did not have my parents as a child with love or care or getting gifts on holidays, just neglect, no food, clothes or no happiness. For you and Henry, little duckling, you two will have everything two parents who love you so much and of anything for you, care for you and spoil you with presents on holidays." Hope coos. "Yes, I have you from the very beginning which made this holiday more special." Hope falls asleep in her Mommy's arms. "I love you, baby girl." The next morning was Thanksgiving, Henry wakes up his parents. "Mom! Dad!""Lad, lower your voice son, your sister and Mom are sleeping.""Happy Thanksgiving, Dad." He hugs his Dad."Happy Thanksgiving, son." "Can we go to the parade today?""Lad, what time is it?""6:30 am. I searched the parade route, since we on the parade route, it starts on 77 Street. It is not too far. Can we go?" Emma wakes up. "Happy Thanksgiving, kid." Henry hugs his Mom."Happy Thanksgiving, Mom." Hope coos."Happy Thanksgiving, Hope. Mom, can we go watch the Macy's Thanksgiving parade? We are on the route."Emma smiles, she loves the idea. "Killian, we are not too far from home.""Aye, we close to home.""I do need a break from the apartment. Hope and I do need fresh air. Henry, we are going!" "Yes!" Henry hugs his Mom. "Love, I will get Hope's diaper bag packed.""Thank you." Emma dresses Hope into her "My First Thanksgiving," onesie. Henry holds Hope in the rocking chair as their parents get dressed. "Hope, we are going to see marching bands, parade floats, and huge balloons and singers." Hope coos. "Yes, you are excited too? Yes! High five?" He high fives Hope's little hand. "Love, are you sure you are alright? After our conversation last night.""Yes, I am. I love Henry's idea. We live in New York we should watch the parade in person. I always watched it on television." "We are going to love watching it in person." Emma changes into maternity jeans, a red nursing turtleneck, tied her hair up and put the carrier on so Hope will be warm over her coat. "Hope, we are going to see a parade." She made sure Hope was comfy, with her hat and long sleeve onesie. Killian helps Emma with her coat on and zipped up the coat. "Love, are you sure Hope is warm?""Killian, I have Hope's blankie in the diaper bag and she will be wrapped warmly in my warm coat." "I have diapers, her nursing cover packed in the diaper bag and extra baby wipes." "What will I do without you." They kiss. Henry was ready. "Mom, are you ready?""Yes!" Henry leads his parents and sister to crowded gates. Emma was walking enjoying fresh cold air as Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves, they both take turns checking on Hope who was happily sleeping on her Mommy's chest. They found a spot to watch the parade, Killian can see how much Henry and Emma were both excited for the parade. Killian gives his swan Hope's baby blankie to keep their daughter extra-warm, in Emma's coat. Emma rubs Hope's head. The parade began, they saw turkey float. "Mom, Dad! It is starting!" Marching bands came all over the country, a lot of floats and big balloons! "Mom, the best band is the Reagan band!""Yes, kid, they are really talented. Daniel Morrison is their leader." Killian smiles seeing his wife happy, and points at Hope at the Snoopy balloon in an orange astronaut outfit passes by the family. "Look, Hope, Snoopy is in an astronaut suit." Streamers fell around them, Killian smiles as his family enjoying the parade. Hope began to cry. "Killian, she is hungry." He gets the cover out, and Emma nurses Hope. She burps Hope who spits up on her Mommy's turtleneck. "It is okay, Hope. Mommy is not mad." She rubs Hope's back to calm her down. Hope grips her Mommy. "You are staying with Mommy, all nice and warm." Killian wrapped his arm around his wife and daughter, Henry took pictures of his parents and the parade capturing the moments, of his family on their first holiday together as a family. Santa was the last part of the parade, "Mom, there is Santa. Hope, look, little sis, Santa gives us presents at Christmas.""Yes, kid that is him. It is the sign of Christmas season is starting a new holiday for you, Dad and Hope. Now today, it is thanksgiving." Hope fusses."Love, do you want to go to Starbucks?""Yes, we all need cinnamon hot cocoa before heading home." The parade was over, the family went to Starbucks, Henry was talking all about the balloons and the marching bands. They walked to the nearest Starbucks. "Mom?""Yes, Henry?""Hope was sleeping most of the parade. Do you think she knows she missed it?" Emma smile knowing her son being a caring brother to Hope. "Henry, she needs her sleep so she can grow big and strong. Yes, this is Hope's first holiday, I know you do not want her to miss out since she is a newborn. When she is a little older next year, she will be awake more in the holiday next year. You can teach her our traditions which we will be making this year with her with us. Just this year she cannot talk to walk yet.""She will be more into the holidays with us next year but I do like seeing her this little at home with us.""That is right, kid. She is made our family complete just in time for the holidays." Henry kisses Hope on the cheek, which made Emma and Killian smile at the same time.Hope made a lot of poop, while they were waiting on line. "Killian, Hope and I will be right back." Emma got the code for the restroom and brings Hope to the bathroom and put a changing mat on the changing table and changes Hope, who had poop all over her. "Baby, you have a poop explosion." She texts Killian and straps Hope on the changing table. He knocks, Emma opens the door and lets him in. "Hope had a poop explosion. It is very messy. I need a pair of hand and hook here."Killian smiles. "Love, I will clean her up." Emma puts the poop covered onesie in a plastic bag and holds Hope's hand. "Mommy is here. You will be clean soon." Killian cleans Hope's poop off. "Hope, Dada is cleaning you. You do not need to cry. You will feel clean in a few minutes." Emma changes Hope into a clean diaper and a new outfit as Killian was cleaning the used baby wipes. "You are going to look so cute in the extra outfit Mommy packed for you." Hope stopped crying. "You are all clean and in a new outfit. You are the cutest baby ever/" She holds Hope on her chest. Hope grips her Mommy's shirt which was covered with spit-up. "You are officially a Mommy.""Yes, covered baby barf, and I probably smell like poop but I love our baby girl. I would do anything for her." She nuzzles her cheek onto Hope's little blonde head. "Aye, that is a sign of being a Mommy of a newborn."Emma smiles because he was right, she is an official Mommy to a newborn."That is right, Daddy of a newborn." "Aye that why were team jones, love." They kiss. "Now I understand why the baby books and other moms in the NICU said parents do a lot of laundry, not just the babies' clothes but the parents' clothes too. They weren't kidding." Hope coos. "Yes, I am talking about you. You are my little pirate-princess, who I love so so much." Hope moves around. "Aye, our little love wants to spend time in Starbucks, a break from her carrier." "Yes, Hope wants to move around and I do need a break from standing.""We do, love. They leave the bathroom and find Henry who got them a table. "Thanks, lad.""I know Hope had a poop explosion. Mom, can I hold her?" "Yes, you can. Hope, Henry is going to hold you at your first Starbucks trip." She places Hope in Henry's arms. Hope move around which made Henry smile. "Hope, are you happy that you are with me?" Hope coos."You are saying that I am the best big brother ever? You are so sweet. You are the best little sis ever." Emma takes a picture of her two children. When they returned home, Killian put the turkey in the oven with Emma's help with the time after she puts Hope in the playmat for tummy time. Henry watches his sister, so his Mom can take a shower and get her very needed sleep which she did. Killian loaded a load of laundry. Hope began to cry. Killian takes Hope from the playmat. "Playtime is over, little love." He holds Hope in his arms and sat with her on the couch. Henry went to his room to take a nap. "Looks like it is Daddy and Hopey time." He plays with her little feet, hands and loves looking at his little daughter, capturing his little lass moments a newborn and as a new Daddy which he loves."You are my best gift, Hope. You made me a Daddy." Hope coos. "I love you, too, Hope." Later, he sets Hope on the moving chair so he can put the stuffing in the oven and baste the turkey. He takes Hope out of her chair, "Little chef, our turkey is looking good. Do you think Dada is doing a great job cooking thanksgiving dinner?" She looks up at her Daddy. "I will take that as a yes." Hope began to cry. He puts a bottle in the microwave and bottle feeds her. "Is Mommy's milk good? Aye, you are getting big and strong every day by drinking your Mommy's milk." Emma woke up hearing Hope's crying and found Hope being bottle-fed by Killian and smiles knowing they co-parent team perfectly and he is letting her rest and goes back to bed. Henry was talking to Hope during her tummy time, while Killian checked on the meal cooking in the oven. "Dad, did Hope given you any trouble?""Not at all even when I changed her diaper a few times, she did not cry that much." Hope was wearing her pirate theme sweatsuit, which was cute. Hope began to cry, Henry puts Hope on her back, which made her stop crying. Hope coos. "You like being on your back." She moved her arms and legs. He tickles Hope's belly. "Let me show you how your toys work." Henry teaches how to play with her toys on her tummy time mat. Killian took a picture of the brother and sister moments on his iPhone. Killian kneeled to Hope, "Hope, are you playing with Henry?" Hope coos. "Dad, she is having so much fun with me. Right little sis?" He lets Hope hold his finger. "You are the best little sis ever." He gave Hope kisses on her cheeks. Emma wakes up seeing Killian holding Hope in his arms wailing. "Killian let me hold Hope." Killian gives Hope to Emma, who puts her on her chest close to her neck. "Hopey, why are you crying? Did you miss Mommy while I was napping?" Hope grips her Mommy. " You did?" She kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, you are snuggling with me now...shh..shh..."She rubs Hope's bak until Hope stopped crying and fell asleep. Henry enters the room. "Hope wanted Mom, Dad. I was right.""Aye, you are right, lad. Hope just wanted your Mom to hold her. But I know Hope loved her time with me." Emma smiles. "Mom, Hope behaved for Dad. Hope had fun playing with me." He rubbed Hope's cheek. "Henry, how about we check on our meal in the oven." Emma lies in bed enjoying Hope cuddles. Killian got their 10-pound turkey out of the oven and carved it, while Henry set up the table with stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes. Killian enters their room finding Emma nursing Hope. "Love, dinner is ready.""We will be right out. Hope is almost done eating." Killian joins his wife on their bed. "I can smell our meal, it is going to be delicious.""You taught us what to cook, love." After Hope was full, Killian burps her and she began to cry. "Killian, Hope wants to be held by me." She takes Hope from her husband. "Hope you are all done with your meal. Now it is Mommy's turn to eat. You will have the milk version of Mommy's dinner later." Hope coos. Emma lets Hope snuggle on her neck. Killian leads his two loves to the kitchen, Emma was in awe seeing their dinner all ready and set up. "Killian...Henry, you did all of this?""Yes, Emma. We did." Emma was in tears. "Mom, I set up the table. Dad carved the turkey.""You both dd a great job." Henry hugs his Mom. "It is perfect, kid." Killian wrapped his arm around his wife."Is it just like you always wanted?"Emma looked up at him." is everything that I always wanted.""Aye, it is my job to make my swan and the rest of my family happy." They kiss. Emma sat down with Hope, Killian made her a plate already. As Emma was eating Hope woke up cooing and moves around and looks up at her Mommy. Emma smiles. Henry takes a picture of his Mom and sister. "Hi, baby little duckling." Hope coos. "Yes, you are with Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head. Killian smiles. "Little love, are you looking at your Mommy?" Emma smiles."She is looking at me," Hope coos. "Yes, Hope. I am talking about you to Daddy." "Swan, her head is getting stronger." "Yes, she is doing a lot of tummy time.""Mom, I taught her how to play with her toys on her play mat today.""Oh really?""Yes, Hope is a good student. She mostly listened to me."Emma smiles. "I know she listened to you, Henry. She loves her big brother." Hope fusses. "Mom, I can hold her. She wants her big brother." Henry gets his sister from their Mom. "Hope, I am right here little sis. Henry is here." Henry sits down with Hope at his seat so their Mom can eat. "Killian, this turkey is the best turkey, I ever had.""Aye, thank you, love. Henry helped me find the right seasonings. Henry and I make a good cooking team.""My two chefs.""Dad, I will cook with you more often. It was fun cooking for Thanksgiving.""You can cook with me anytime, with me Henry.""Yes!" Emma and Killian both laugh. Hope began to wail and make poop. Killian takes Hope from Henry and changes her diaper in their room. Hope poops splatters onto her Daddy. "Hope." Killian takes off his shirt and cleans up his little lass into a clean diaper and they do skin to skin on the rocking chair. Hope slowly calms down. "You like skin to skin with Dada?" Hope coos. He kisses her on the head. "I love you so much, Hope. I am thankful for you, your Mommy and big brother Henry. You made me a Daddy, Hope I never thought I would have a family until I met your Mommy. When she told me that she was pregnant with you, it made me the happiest man in all the realms." Hope coos. He kisses Hope on the head. "Mom, do you think Hope is okay?""Yes, your Dad got Hope stopped crying, which is a good sign. I think Hope wanted one on one time with your Dad." After dinner, they cleaned up and played video games. Killian heard the playing video games having fun. Henry enters the room, "Dad. We are going to watch a movie on Netflix.""Aye, Hope and I will join you and your Mom." Henry gave his Dad Hope's baby blanket. Hope fusses. "Hope, you are staying with dada." Killian sits next to Emma."Did Hope gave you trouble?:"Aye, a little poop on my shirt but Hope loves skin to skin.""I do not blame her...You are my handsome pirate." She rubs her husband's biceps. Hope makes a loud sound. "Hope, are you saying it is my time with Dada?" He kisses Hope on her cheek. Emma chuckles. "Hope, you can snuggle with Dada." She kisses Hope on the cheek. They watched The Incredibles 2. Hope wailed and moved around. Emma takes Hope into their room."Hopey. It is your bedtime." She changes Hope's diaper and changed her into a duckling romper. Hope continued to cry. "I know baby girl, you are hungry." She sits with Hopeon their bed and nurses her. "You get the milk version of my turkey that Daddy cooked." Henry was in his pajamas. "Henry, join us." He hugs his Mom. "Did you have a good Thanksgiving?""Yes. I love it. Did you have a good Thanksgiving?""The best Thanksgiving I ever had. I have a family and a normal holiday." "I cannot wait for the next holiday, Christmas."Emma smiles. "That is right. Christmas is the next holiday where we all get presents." She switches Hope's to her other boob. "Can I sleep in here?"Emma smiles. "Of course you can." After Hope was fed, she fell asleep close to her Mommy's neck. Emma hugged her son who fell asleep on her other sie. She has her two children with her, which she loves so much. "Good night, Henry. I love you." She kisses him on the head. "I love you, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head and watched them sleep. Killian enters the room. "Shh..they are both asleep.""Aye. snuggle with Emma, with Henry on her other side. "Did you have a good Thanksgiving Emma?"Emma smiles. "The best one of my life. Thank you for making this Thanksgiving everything. I always wanted.""You are welcome, love. I have a feeling going to the Macy's Thanksgiving parade will be part of the Jones family Thanksgiving tradition."Emma smiles. "I like that." They kiss. She fell asleep He takes a picture of his family sleeping together. "My family." He kisses Emma on the head. "I will always be there for you and our children, love. We are going to have many family memories and traditions with our children on holiday time together." He fell asleep next to his wife. TheJones family slept together a perfect ending of their first holiday together as a whole.

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