Henry's Birthday

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Emma was now 27 weeks pregnant, the last week of her second trimester. It was Henry's 12th birthday which is the first time Emma was there for his actual birthday ever since her son found her when he was ten. They were always so busy with a curse or a new villain to celebrate Henry's birthday so this is the first time Emma was able to celebrate with her son and give him all the gifts he deserved and have a fun day. Emma was on bed rest know she can't do too much but she did order him presents and gift wrapped them in her room, the night before Henry's birthday. She tucked Henry into bed. "Mom?""Yes, kid?" "I love you.""I love you, too. Henry." Henry hugs his Mom. "You are always going to be my first baby." She kisses him on the head. "Can we play video games tomorrow?""Yes, we can." "Mom?""Yes?" "Thank you for being the best Mom ever." Emma was in awe. "Thank you for being the best son ever." Hope moves. "Your sister agrees with me.""Hope, I love you, little sis." He kisses his Mom's baby bump. "Tomorrow morning, you will be twelve years old." "Is it because of Neverland? We age a year younger?""Yes, kid. I hate that realm, mostly Pan.""Me too, he was awful. But that adventure got you and Dad together."Emma smiles. "You are right, kid. Now we are in New York, away from magic and are together.""Mom, we are together with Dad and you are going to be a mom from the very beginning. I am happy living here because I have friends here and a normal life with you and Dad and Hope on the way." Henry gives his Mom a hug. "You seem like you needed another hug." Emma was in tears. "Yes, kid. You give the best hugs.""Now it is time for bed, kid. I know it is going to be a fun special day for you tomorrow." She tucked Henry in and kisses him on the head. "Night, Mom.""Night, kid." She kisses him on the head. "I love you.""I love you too, Mom." Emma slowly got up and waddled out of his room and went to her room. "Baby Hope, when you are born, your birth will be a happy one because I get to hold you and keep you. I could not keep Henry, I was in prison, had no money, a job or home. I was framed for a crime I did not commit. Henry found me a few years ago and I never left him because I knew I could not leave him again. Now he is living with Mommy and Daddy and he cannot wait to be your big brother. We are going to give Henry a great birthday tomorrow because it will be my first birthday with him. When you arrive, I will always be there for you." Hope moves around which made Emma smile, "I love you, Hope." Killian was watching his wife wrapping Henry's birthday presents. "Do you need help love?""I got it, thanks. Did you get the baking supplies on the grocery list?""Yes, love. I got all the ingredients you need to bake. I had no idea that you can bake." Emma smiles. "You can cook and I can bake.""Aye, we make the perfect team, swan." They kiss. "Are you okay?" He sits next to wife."It is just this is my first time celebrating his birthday with him. Between curses and villains we never actually able to celebrate Henry's birthday after he found me. Well ever since he found me...I missed his first ten years of his life...now I am able to celebrate with him but I am on bed rest." Killian hugged his wife. "Emma, I know it is going to be a special day for our son. You are raising our son which all he ever wanted. He found you and took you to Maine.""I knew once I dropped him off at Regina's that he was not loved and he needed me. He was lonely and had no friends. I could not leave him again..." "Now you are raising Henry with me on your side. He loves you, Emma. He is very excited to be a big brother t our little Hope on the way.""I know Henry wants boy time with you...""I can take him out, love.""Really?""Yes, swan. You can rest while Henry and I have our father and son time."Emma smiles knowing Killian and Henry will have a fun time together. "Before you take him out we are going to give him his presents. He also wants to play video games too. When you two are out I can bake his birthday cake.""I know the cake will be delicious." Killian helped his wife wrapped the presents for their son's birthday. He can tell his wife was tired. "Love, I know you and our little lass both need to rest." Killian sets Henry's birthday presents on the living room table for their son to open in the morning."Killian?""Yes, love." Emma burst into tears. Killian rushes to his wife's side, he knows that Henry's birth was a very hard day for his wife alone in prison by herself and being in prison for Neal's crime. "I am right here, Emma." He holds his swan in his arms. She cries deeper into Killian's chest as much as she can with her baby belly in the way. Killian gently positions his wife so she can cry into him more comfortably. "Killian...""Yes, my Emma?"She looked directly up at her husband with her swollen eyes from crying. "Henry's birthday was always hard for me...I was in denial that I was in labor with him until my water broke through my prison uniform...I screamed which seemed like hours for someone to come to me...When the correctional officer came...I was lead to the nurse room....I had to a long time until an ambulance came...I had to be chained up my full body to the ambulance...then at the hospital...only one nurse, the only person treated me as a human being was holding my hand in labor...I was chained up to the bed as I was giving birth to him...I did not even know he was going to be a boy...I never looked at the sonogram...I was so scared and terrified and wanted someone to comfort me not a stranger a love one...but I had no one..."Killian hugs his wife tighter in his arms. "When he was born after the final push, I did not look at him...if I saw him I would have kept him...but I knew if I did he would be in the system just like me..." She hugs her husband who was there listening to her. "The doctor said you can change your mind, Emma. I told him I cannot be a mother." She cried more for a moment with Killian holding her. "Even when I got out I had no job, a home or money... I was only seventeen years old with no way of raising a baby alone...I did not feel alone when I was pregnant but my emotional walls were so up I did not get attached...he is my baby...I was all alone again until Henry found me. I could not admit back then but once I saw Henry, I was never going to leave him ever again. I knew that he was not loved and alone...like I was but he was adopted...not me.." Emma stopped talking and continued to cry, she never told anyone about her prison experience and about having Henry in prison and knowing he was listening to her. Killian let her cry knowing that she was only opening up to him about having Henry in prison and giving him away. "Emma, you made the right decision for giving Henry up for adoption.""I gave him his best chance.""Yes, you did love. You gave Henry his best chance because you did not want him to go through that bloody awful foster system as you did. He came to you when he needed help to break the curse. You know when you saw Regina that he was unloved. You stayed for him and always there for him. Now you are raising Henry with me. We have a roof over our heads, a home, a job and our little Hope on the way. You are an amazing Mom to Henry and creating our little Hope on the way. I know once Hope is here with us she is not going to leave you.""I have no idea to be a Mom from...""Emma, you are amazing Mom to Henry. I know raising our little baby will be all new to both of us but we are team love. We are going to parent Hope together. You have me on your side. I am your husband and I never leave my family.""I love you, Killian.""I love you, my Emma." They kiss. Hope moves around, Emma placed her hand on her baby bump. "I love you, too Hopey." "Hopey?""Yes, that is her nickname, Hopey or duckling." Killian smiles. "You are going to be an amazing mother to our Hope, love." Emma hugs her husband. She felt safe in her husband's arms and fell asleep. Killian gently laid his wife on their bed and got her comfortable. "Little love, Mommy opened up to Daddy about her past which is a huge milestone because she was alone most of her life and lost everyone's trust. I got your Mommy to trust me because she knows that I love her and will always be there for her. She opened up to me about her past when she had your brother in prison. I know your Mommy told no one about the story of her past. She trusted Daddy, little love. I know you know Mommy is upset but she will never leave you and always be there for you and your brother. When you are born Hope Mommy will hold you first which make your Mommy so happy since she did not have that with Henry. You are giving your Mommy her second chance from the very beginning. " Emma moves. "Little Hope, I will talk to you later. Mommy wants me to sleep with her. Daddy loves you." He kisses Emma's baby bump and cuddles with his wife, Emma held his arms. "You are with me, Emma. You are not in prison. You are with me your husband, Hope in your belly and Henry is next door sleeping in his room." He kisses Emma on her head and falls asleep. Emma woke up at sunrise, "It is Henry's birthday, Hope." She slipped out of Killian's arms and kisses him on the head. "I love you." She waddles to Henry's room and sees her son fast asleep, she has a twelve-year-old son, his last year of preteen years before he is a teenager. She sits next to him and moves his hair. "You will always be my baby boy." She was happy to be with her son on his birthday since his birthday was always a sad day for her now she can spoil her son. Killian woke up to Emma's side empty and finds her with Henry in his bed watching him sleep. After a while of watching her son sleep Emma decided to wake him up, "Happy birthday to you..happy birthday to you..." Henry woke up smiling seeing his Mom singing to him. "Happy birthday to Henry." Henry hugs his Mom. Emma smiles. "Happy birthday to you. Happy Birthday, Henry.""Thank you, Mom." "There are presents for the birthday boy in the living room." Henry runs to the living room, Emma smiling and waddling to her son seeing his pile of presents. "Happy birthday Henry!""Thanks, Dad." They hug."Mom, you got me presents?" Emma hugs her son."It is your birthday, kid. I love spoiling my son on his birthday. You think I only ordered stuff for your sister?""Yes but you are full of surprises, Mom." "I love you both so much. Now open your gifts!" Henry sits down on the floor and opens his gifts. Killian helped his wife sit on the couch and take pictures of Henry looking at his presents on his iPhone. Henry opened his gifts, he got a batman, spiderman comic books, Joker funko pop, Batman funko pop, and a laptop. "Mom, you got me a laptop?""Yes, kid. I have a feeling you will need it in school next month.""Mom, this will help me in my school work. Also I have been writing fanfiction.""You have?""Yes.""You can show me your fanfiction later." She rubs her baby bump as she watched her son opening his presents.Henry opened more gifts, he got a few more video games like Border Land 2 and 3. He got a new art supply kit. "No way! A whole art kit just for me?! Awesome!""Lad, your Mom told me where to buy it." "Thank you." Henry hugs his Mom and Dad. "I love my gifts.""You are welcome, Henry." "Dad, can we play my new video games later?""Yes, we can, lad. How about we have breakfast first?" Killian cooked his family breakfast while Emma rested on the couch and watch Henry enjoying his gifts. Henry hugs his Mom. "Thank you for the gifts Mom.""It is your birthday, Henry. I love spoiling you." "I am surprised that you got me presents?"Emma felt bad. "I know that I have been shopping for Hope a lot because she needs a lot of stuff but I always think of you and Hope. I have been buying your presents for a while now since we left Storybrooke."Henry smiled big. "You have been getting my presents throughout the year?""Yes, kid. I am your Mom and I want to give you everything that I did not have as a child. It is my first birthday with you.""Mom, just having you as my Mom on my birthday is the best about it." Emma began to cry. "Henry..." Henry hugs his Mom. "You have no idea how much you are making me so happy right now." Killian takes a picture of Emma and Henry's moment. "Are you sure?""Mom, I was always alone on my birthday with my other Mom...but I have you, Dad and Hope on the way. I am happy where we are living and you are giving me a normal life which I always wanted." Emma cried more. "Mom, after breakfast, can I show you my artwork?""Of course, kid. You are the birthday boy after all." She kisses him on the head. Hope moves around. "Little sis, are you telling me happy birthday? I love you." He gave his Mom's baby bump kisses. "You can show me your art now. Help me up, I have to use the bathroom, first." Henry helps his Mom up and goes to his room to get his drawing pad. Emma uses the bathroom and returns to Killian. "Love, you are making the birthday lad, happy."Emma smiles. "He is happy that I am giving him a life full of love, friends, and family.""Aye, we are growing our family." He places his hands on his wife's growing baby bump. They smile at each other and Emma hugs her husband. "You okay love?""Yes about last night I never told anyone about my prison past..."" I saw it on your face when you were telling me your awful tale, love. You were fighter back then and a fighter now, love. I know our little Hope will be strong and a fighter like her Mommy."Emma smiles. "She will be a little survivor like her daddy." They kiss. "Mom. I have my drawing pad.""I am coming, kid." He helps his Mom sits down on the couch. "Let me see what you can draw." Henry gave his Mom his drawing pad, Emma thought she was going to see cartoons but she did not see beautiful art. "Henry...these are beautiful." She sees photos of people but in drawing form. "Henry is that me and Killian when I was in the hospital?""Yes, I was drawing you and Dad when you were in the hospital. I thought it was a moment of you and Dad was special...and I wanted to draw it to capture the moment, not on my iPhone but drawing it." Emma hugs her son. "You have a beautiful talent Henry.""Thanks, Mom.""Killian, come check Henry's art out. We have an artist in the family." Killian looks at his son's drawings. "Lad, you have a gift. You can teach me how to draw.""I can teach you and you too mom.""Kid, art was my favorite subject in school.""Really?""Yes, art was so much fun." "We can do art together.""I like the sound of that." She hugs her son. "Can we let Hope be in our art projects?""Yes, we can but when she is bigger." "Aye say that we have two artists in the family.""I am not the best.""Love, I know Henry gets his artistic talent from you." "I am not a good drawing as Henry.""Mom, I can teach you to improve your technique." Henry hugs his Mom. "I can teach Hope. Little sis, I teach you how to draw to be a little artist like Mommy and I are." Emma and Killian both smile when Henry talks to his sister. "Lad, I was thinking that we can go out today and do whatever you want?" Henry got sad. "Dad, that sounds awesome..." He looks up at both of his parents."I do not want to leave, Mom, Dad. It is my first birthday with her." Henry hugs his Mom. Emma and Killian look at each other in awe and knowing how much he loves his Mom."Henry, you can go out to have fun with your Dad." "No, I want to stay with you.""You can stay with me, kid. We can have fun indoors." She kisses him on the head."Lad, we can have a family day in. How about we play one of your new video games?""Yes!" Henry sets up the x-box. Emma was happy to see Henry enjoying his gifts. "While you two are playing video games, I am going to bake." Killian helps his wife stand up."Love, I will help you with the oven.""Thank you." They kiss. Killian helped Emma get the baking supplies needed for his wife to bake. As Emma was baking, she watched Henry and Killian playing Border Lands 3, Henry was having so much fun. She rubs her baby bump, "Pretty soon you will be here, Hope. You can bake with Mommy while Daddy and Henry play video games." The oven timer went off, "Killian. Can you please put the cake in the oven." Henry paused the game. Killian puts the cake in the oven, "Love, I know Henry will enjoy his cake.""I like baking. I am tired of lying down, at least I can bake Henry's birthday cake.""Aye, I am here to help you love." Emma waddles over to the couch, "Love you need to rest.""Can you take the cake out of the oven when the timer goes off?""Aye, can do that." They kiss. Emma goes to their room and placed her feet up on a pillow and falls asleep. As they were playing video games, "Dad, is Mom okay?""Your Mom needs to rest, lad. Your Mom did not get much sleep last night." Henry paused the game. "What happened? I thought I heard her crying last night...""She told me more about her past when she had you in prison...it was a bloody awful experience for her alone...I was the first one who she told..""Mom doesn't want to tell me?""She is happy that you are with her now, lad. It was very hard for her to talk about it with me, son but for you...I think it will be harder for her to tell you since she gave you up.""She told me a little bit but I knew that she was alone abandoned by my biological Dad. I know that you are not leaving her.""Aye, I am not leaving your Mom, you and Hope. Never. I am always going to be there for my family. When your Mom goes into labor, I am going to be with her the whole way." Henry hugs his Dad. "I love you, Dad.""I love you, Henry." The oven timer went off. "Lad, your cake is done." Killian takes the cake out of the oven and lets it cool off on the counter. Henry goes to check on his Mom and kisses her on the head. Emma wakes up seeing her son, "Hey birthday boy."Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom, did I wake you up?""Maybe? What do you want to do?""Can we watch something on Netflix?""Yes, we can." He helps his Mom up. "How is Hope?""She is getting bigger every day which is a good sign." He helped his Mom sit down and he turns on Netflix and puts on Marvel movie. "Good choice, kid." While they watched the movie, Henry hugged his Mom, she gave him kisses on his head. She enjoyed her son hugging her throughout the movie. Killian frosted and decorated his son's birthday cake. Killian ordered in Chinese food for his family. After they have dinner, Emma and Killian sang Happy Birthday to Henry. Killian took pictures of Emma and Henry together. Henry hugs his Mom. "Next year, Hope will be here with us on my birthday.""Yes, kid. Hope will be here with us soon." Emma took pictures of Henry and Killian together. Killian even did a family selfie picture. After cake, Killian and Henry played video games."Mom, can I teach you how to draw better?""I can use a lesson or two? By my talented son." He helped his Mom stand up and they go into his room, Henry gave his Mom an art lesson. Killian took pictures of his wife and son one on one time. He knew Henry was enjoying his special time with his Mom because it was his first birthday with his biological Mom. After they draw, Henry cuddle with his Mom. "Mom?""Yes, kid?""This is my best birthday ever."Emma smiles. "Really?""Yes, all of my past birthdays I was only with my other Mom. I always thought of you and know how hard it was for you on this day for giving me up.." Emma was in tears he did care for her even when they were separated. "Henry... every year I always thought of you every day, especially on your birthday. I would be so sad and called in sick from work...being away from you on your special day...Now this year I am so happy to be with you on your birthday and being your Mom full time." Henry hugs his Mom knowing how much she loved him even when they were apart. "I love you, Mom.""I love you, too, Henry." She kisses him on the head. "I know we could not go out because of my bed rest."Henry smiles. "Mom, I am with you on my birthday, which is the best thing that can happen, besides becoming a big brother to Hope." He places his hand on his Mom's baby bump, Hope kicks. Henry smiles. "Hope wished me a happy birthday.""Yes, she did, kid. She loves you.""I love her, you and Dad." Emma hugs her son. "We all love you, Henry." "Thank you for the presents and for everything today. I had so much fun.""You are my only and I love spoiling you especially on your birthday." "You are the best Mom. Hope, our Mommy is the best, she gives us the same amount of love and care and will always be there for us."Emma smiles. "That is right, kid." Henry fell asleep with his Mom's arms wrapped around him. "Happy birthday, Henry. I love you so much. You will always be my first baby." She kisses him on the head. Killian smiles seeing his wife and son together and takes a picture of their moment. "How is the birthday lad?""He is very happy...he just wanted to be with me on his birthday..." She was in tears. "He loves being with his Mom on his special day." He kisses his wife on the head."He loves being with all of us." "Yes...pretty soon our family will be complete." She rubs her baby bump. He sits next to his wife and son and wrapped his arm around his family and placed his hand on his wife' baby bump. "He had so much fun with you today.""I know you were left out..."Killian smiled. "I enjoyed seeing Henry enjoying his time with his Mom. I have a feeling that the lad and I will have boy time soon. Today he just wanted to be with his Mom. I do not blame him because he has the best Mom in all the realms." He kisses her on the head."I love the whole day with him..." She rubbed Henry's head. "Pretty soon he won't be an only child soon.""Aye, he is looking forward to having a little sister. He is looking forward to see you be a Mommy from the very beginning.""I have you and Henry, pretty soon our baby girl will join our family.""That is right, love." They kiss. Emma enjoying being with her two boys and feeling Hope moving inside of her knowing that her family is around her and full of love. She was really happy that she made her son's birthday special especially being his Mom on his birthday which everything better

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