Killian's Birthday

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Hope is now three months old, she was getting so big. Emma placed Hope on her month blanket. "You are three months old, Hope." She was wearing a floral wrap swaddler with a matching bow, her Mommy took a picture. She holds Hope in her arms. "You are getting bigger every day, sweetie. You are healthy and with me." She kissed Hope on the head. "I am not missing any of your milestones. I will be here for all of them. You are lucky you have your whole family who loves you and will spoil you." Hope babbles. She sits on the rocking chair, Hope gurgling to her, "Oh really? Tell me more." Emma absolutely loves Hope's little voice and the start of their girl talk.Emma was looking forward to celebrating her pirate husband's birthday. He is always there for her and their family. She wants Killian to have a great birthday. When Killian was at work, Emma went out with Hope to go shopping for presents for her husband. Hope was in her carrier napping away while Emma took the subway to find Killian the perfect birthday present. She was able to get out of the house after she nursed and changed Hope's poop explosion. She used the GPS on her iPhone to find Nelson and Nelson's Antique store. "Hope, Mommy found the store to buy Dada's birthday present." Emma found her present for her husband and had it gift wrapped. "Dada present is gift wrapped baby girl." Emma returned back uptown just in time for Hope's next feeding who was crying. "Hope, it is your lunchtime. It is also my lunchtime."She heats up mac and cheese leftovers to eat while she nurses Hope who latched on right away. "You had fun traveling around on the subway with Mommy and shopping." Hope gripped her Mommy. "I love you so much, Hope." After she burped Hope, she let Hope lie in her arm while she ate her lunch. "You are going to have the milk version of my macaroni and cheese later." Hope kicks around. "Are you excited to celebrate Dada's birthday on Sunday? We are going to give him gifts, have cake and have fun on his special day." Hope gurgle. "You are excited? You came just in time for my birthday now you are celebrating Dada's birthday. You were in my tummy for Henry's birthday." Hope falls back to sleep. "I will talk to you later after your nap, little duckling." After Emma ate her lunch, she carried Hope to their room and laid on the bed letting Hope sleep on her which she loved. " </em>You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, You make me happy when skies are gray, You'll never know dear, how much I love you, Please don't take my sunshine away.</em>" Emma fell asleep until her phone alarm woke her up, it was a text from Killian about shopping for dinner. She checked the time, Henry almost done with school. Hope makes a lot of poop. She changes Hope's diaper and new onesie, I love my brother. After Emma got herself and Hope ready, she carried Hope in the carrier and walked to Henry's school. "Hopey, we are picking up your brother from school." Henry sees his Mom and sister when he leaves school. "Hi, Mom!""Hi, Henry. How was your day?""It was good. Jasper and I were talking about videogames." "Awesome.Henry kisses Hope on the head. "Hi, baby sis. I love you." As they walked home. "What did you and Hope do today?""I took Hope on a subway ride downtown. I bought your Dad his birthday present.""Awesome. Did Hope behave?""Yes, she was asleep most of our outing but she had fun.""Mom, can I play with her when we get home?""Yes, Henry. She needs to play on her playmat." Hope gurgles. "Yes, Hope, Henry wants to play with you when we get home." They arrived home, Hope was crying. Emma changes Hope's diaper. "Henry, Hope is ready for playtime." Henry takes Hope from his Mom."Hopey, hi, little sis." He sets Hope on her playmat. He lied down facing his sister who was doing tummy-time. He told Hope about his day at school. Emma took a picture of her two children bonding. Hope began to cry. "Little sis." Henry put Hope on his chest and she stopped crying. He was in awe his sister just wanted to be with him. "Hope you just want to talk to me up close?" Hope gurgles and moves around. "We can talk just you and me." He takes Hope into his room and continued their conversation. Killian returned home and it was quiet, Emma was cooking in the kitchen. "Hi, Emma." He wrapped his arms around his wife. "Hi, honey." They kiss."It is quiet.""Yes, I know. Henry and Hope are talking in his room.""Aye, how was your day?""It was good. Hope and I did a little shopping in Lower Manhattan. We picked up Henry at school. Since we came home, Henry has been with Hope. I am Texas chili for dinner.""It smells delicious." She turns around."Your birthday is coming up. What do you want to do?""I just want to spend time with my family on my birthday.""You will get your birthday wish, Killian." They kiss. Killian's birthday finally came, at midnight he was up with Hope who was having a rough night. After Emma nursed Hope she still was crying. "Emma, get some sleep. I can be with our little lass.""Thank you." She kisses Hope on the head and hands her over to Killian. She kisses Killian on the cheek and goes to bed. Killian wanted to spend Hope one on one time so his swan can rest. He takes Hope into the living room. "Hopey, you are with Dada little love. Shh..shh..." He bounced Hope up and down. "Once upon a time, there was a pirate who was captain of the Jolly Roger..." Hope stopped crying and looked up at her Daddy with her matching blue eyes. Killian smiled Hope just wanted a story from her Daddy. "The pirate was sailing around Neverland..." As Hope heard her story she made a lot of poop and sighs happily. "You love pooping on me, little love." He takes Hope to their room to change her diaper and pajamas, a new onesie type waffle kind. "Your Mommy got your new onesie, little love." He changed Hope and they sat on the rocking chair. "Where was I? Oh yes, after the pirate fought the green little devil..." Emma heard Killian's storytime with Hope. Hope gurgles."Oh really? What would you do with the green little devil? Tell me more." Hope gurgles and pats her Daddy's chest "You are a little pirate?" Hope gurgles more, Killian was enjoying his one on one time with his daughter who loves being with him. "Hope it is time to go to sleep." Hope gurgles. "No? It is night time, we sleep at night." Hope gurgles. "Mommy and Dada need to teach you to sleep at night."Hope gripped her Daddy's shirt which made Killian smile. "I love you so much, Hope. You are my little lass." Hope fusses. Killian puts Hope on his chest and back in his arms. "You can sleep on Dada." Hope gurgles. "You are making my birthday special already because you made me a Daddy, Hope." Hope smiles. "Yes, you, Mommy and Henry made me so happy because I never thought I would have happiness or a family when I was a pirate until I met your Mommy in the Enchanted Forest. Once I laid eyes on your Mommy, I was a changed man to be a good pirate. I slowly broke Mommy's walls down and always there for your Mommy. I am still on your Mommy's side and have not left her. I was the only person in her life that has never left her. All the people in her life have left her and abandoned her. I love your Mommy so much I do not want your Mommy to be alone ever again and to protect her heart. It is my job to make her happy which means keeping family together." Hope gurgles. "I am doing a good job as your Daddy and being a great husband to Mommy?" Hope smiles. He kisses Hope on the head. Hope fell asleep in her Daddy's arms. "Night-night, Hope. You will always be my little pirate princess, Hope." Emma woke up around 8:00 am finding Killian sleeping in the rocking chair with Hope in his arms. She smiles as she took a picture of her husband and daughter sleeping together which she loves. She kisses Killian on the head. "You are an amazing Daddy, Killian. Hope is so lucky to have you as her Daddy." She lets Killian and Hope sleep in and goes to the kitchen and cooks her family breakfast. Henry joins his Mom. "Hi, Mom.""Morning, Henry.""Where is Dad?""He is fast asleep with Hope. Your sister kept your Dad up most of the night.""I can tell Hope kept Dad up. Can I help with breakfast?""Yes, you can. You can set the table for me then you can help me with pancakes." Henry helps his Mom with breakfast. They heard Hope crying, Killian brings Hope to the rest of their family. "Hope, Mommy is right here with your milk. Morning, Emma.""Morning, Killian. Happy birthday.""Thank you, Emma." They kiss. Henry hugs his Dad."Happy birthday Dad.""Thank you, Henry." Hope cried louder. "Our little lass is very hungry.""I will feed her now. Henry is almost done with the pancakes.""Yes, Mom." Emma nurses Hope on the couch. "You are getting your milk baby girl. I know you had a long night with Dada, you two have your pirate talk right?" Hope gripped her Mommy. "You enjoyed your time with your Dada last night?" She kisses Hope on the head. Kilian wrapped his arm around his wife. "Hope and I had a long conversation, she just wanted to talk to me until 4:00 am.""Wow, Hope did keep you up all night."Killian smiles."Aye, yes she did. I had fun with my littlest love, talking to her all night. If I did not, she would cry.""Hope knew it was her Daddy's special day and she wanted to spend time with her Dada." Hope stops eating and spits up. "Hopey. Mommy will clean you up." Hope began to cry. She burps Hope and takes Hope into their room to change her outfit. As they ate breakfast, Hope would not stop crying. After breakfast, "Emma, I have an idea of how to calm our little lass." "I will get her diaper bag packed." Emma changed Hope's outfit and packed her needs in her diaper bag while everyone got ready to go out. "Your Dada is up to something, Hope." She puts Hope in her carrier. The family took the subway downtown and walked to the docks. "Killian, we are by the ocean.""Aye, love the Hudson River. Hope, we are by the ocean, little love.""Hopey, we are by the ocean, little duckling." Hope stops crying. Emma takes Hope out of her carrier. "Yes, you love the ocean just like your Dada." She found a bench and let Hope sit on her lap. Hope was gurgling away happily. Killian joined his wife on the bench. "The ocean calms you down just like your Daddy.""Aye, she has the ocean in her blood, Emma. She loves the ocean.""She takes after you, Killian.""Aye, she is a little pirate princess. She loves water." Hope gurgles. "Hope, you want a closer look?" He carries Hope to the ocean. Henry took photos of his parents holding his sister."Mom, Dad knew how to calm down Hope.""Yes, kid. You are right. At night though we cannot take her here at night.""That is true. Hope stopped crying when we arrived here." "Yes, she has the ocean in her blood just like your Dad.""Can Dad give Hope and I sailing lessons?""We need to find a boat but when he and I are both free, yes." Hope was crying."Emma, Hope needs to be changed and fed." Emma laid out the changing mat on the bench and changed Hope's diaper, while Killian cleaned up the mess, Emma was nursing Hope. Killian passes the burp towel after Hope was done. "Mom, is it a good tie for presents? Before Hope takes a nap.""Good idea, kid." "Dad, this is from Hope and me. Happy birthday." Killian opens his present a canvas of himself Hope and Henry, "Dad, we love you so much. Love Henry and Hope." Killian had tears in his eyes. "Henry. It is beautiful." He hugs his son. "I love it.""Happy birthday, Dad." "Killian, Hope has a present for you too." Emma gives Killian Hope's present, he opens it which was Hope's footprints in clay, painted, "I love my Daddy." Killian was in tears. Emma gave Hope to her husband. "Thank you, Hope. I love the gift you made me." Hope gurgles and kicks around. He gave Hope kisses on her head. Hope grabbed her Daddy's cheek. Emma was in awe, she took a picture of Killian and Hope daddy-daughter moment. Emma and Henry smiled at each other. "Killian, you have one more gift from me." Hope began to cry when she was being moved. "Killian, I got Hope." She holds her daughter on her chest. "Hope, you are next to Dada, baby girl. He is going to open his birthday present from me." She gave Hope kisses on her head."Dada is next to you, Hope." Killian opens his gift from his swan, which was an anchor with Jones Family. "Emma is this for our keys or a sign?""It can be both. Hope and I did a little shopping and found this in an antique shop. I had our last name on it, knowing wherever we live, everyone will know our family." Killian smiles knowing they have the same dream raising their family together in a normal lifestyle. "Emma, this is perfect.""It is? I always wanted a sign in my home...I thought it would be a perfect symbol and sign for our family.""Everything I always wanted, Emma. I know where to put this in our home.""We have the same dream?""Yes, Emma. We have the same dream for our family." They kiss. Hope gurgles. Emma and Killian both smile. "Little sis, you are interrupting their kissing, nice. High five?" Henry high fives Hope who chews on his finger. "Hope!" He gave his sister kisses on her cheek. "Emma, I am hungry. We can get lunch.""Yes, birthday captain. It is your birthday. I am hungry. Henry?""Yes, I can eat." Hope began to cry when they left the docks."Aw, little pirate." Killian holds Hope. "Hope, we are going bye-bye, little love." Hope reaches out to the ocean. "You are a little pirate, the ocean is in your blood." He takes Hope back to the ocean and points it out to Hope and tells her a little pirate story from his days on the Jolly Roger, which Hope responded in her own way babbling. Emma takes photos of her husband and daughter. "Mom, Hope loves the ocean.""Yes, she loves the ocean. Now we know how to calm down your sister." "By taking her to the docks the smell of the ocean and being close to the ocean.""Pretty much.""Mom, I am happy that Dad chose to come with us to New York.""Me too, kid.""He is a great Dad to Hope and I. He loves you so much, Mom. He is the perfect man for you. He never would leave you, as my bio Dad did. Dad is your true love.""You are right, Henry. Killian is my true love, he was the first person in my life who put me first and always at my side no matter what. He rescued you, Henry. He hates Neverland and helped me rescue you. Then he offered to come with us here to New York." Emma smiles. "I just had a good feeling that he will be good to you and I when he told you a story on the way here. When we got to know each other and found out about your sister; I just knew he was never going to leave me."Henry hugs his Mom. "You are happy, Mom. You are not alone. You have us your family all together.""Yes, kid. I have my whole family." Killian returns with Hope fast asleep. "Emma, Hope is fast asleep. The ocean waves calmed our little lass to sleep." "She looks happy to be sleeping with her Daddy." Killian smiles. "She can sleep with me.""You can put her in her carrier so you can use hands are free." Emma helped Killian put the carrier on him and placed Hope in her carrier. Henry takes a picture of Killian carrying Hope in her carrier. They took the subway back uptown to Carmine's restaurant. Hope was crying when they arrived at the restaurant. "Killian, it is Hope's lunchtime." She takes Hope from her carrier. "Hopey, Mommy has your milk for you. Don't cry." The host leads the family to a table, Emma nurses Hope right away with a nursing cover on top of Hope. They all agreed on the family meal since it was a family-style restaurant, spaghetti, and meatballs for the main course and antipasto for an appetizer. Emma ate appetizer as she was feeding Hope. "Mom, can I hold Hope later?""Yes, you can after she eats and gets a clean diaper." "Dad, it is a good choice for the antipasto, it is really good.""Aye, it has everything that I like spicy, salty, meaty, olives and cheese."Emma chuckles. "Basically you love everything."Aye, I am not that picky as you are, swan." Emma smiles and playfully hits Killian. "I am not too picky.""Then try this." He gives her a piece of artichoke. "Okay." He hand-fed her. She ate it. "Not too bad. I do like mozzarella cheese better." Killian gave her more on her plate. "Thank you, captain. I also like prosciutto as well.""Aye, I know what to get you in the deli section in the grocery store." Emma smiles. Hope finished eating, Killian hands her a burp towel and burps Hope. Hope fusses. "Boys, we will be right back." Emma changes Hope's diaper in the bathroom. "Hopey, you are making daddy so happy on his birthday." Hope smiles. They return to the table their main course has arrived. Killian made his wife a plate. "Emma, it is my turn to hold our Hope." "Killian, I can hold her while I eat." As Emma ate her lunch, Hope was fast asleep on her which Emma did not mind, she loves holding her daughter. Henry finished eating. "Mom, it is my turn to hold Hope." Henry gets Hope from their Mom. "Hope, I did not hold you all day." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hopey, I love you, little sis." Henry sits down with Hope, Killian held his wife's hand as they both smiling love seeing children so close brother and sister relationship. After lunch, the restaurant workers sang Killian, Happy Birthday." Emma recorded on her iPhone as the staff was singing to Killian, he had Henry next to him and Hope in his arms. The family returned home in the evening, Henry was relaxing in his room while Emma and Killian were snuggling on the couch with Hope fast asleep on her Daddy. "Did you have a good birthday Killian?"Killian smiled big. "Yes, it is the best birthday I ever have. I am not alone or on the Jolly Roger seeking fir my revenge....a birthday I never thought I was going to have true love or be a Daddy. You are giving me everything, Emma. Happiness and love." Emma smiles. "You give me everything, Killian. You are always there for me. I can never repay you for always being there for me.""Emma, you make me happy all the time. I love helping you and our family. Once I laid eyes on you in the Enchanted Forest, my heart belongs to you and I was going to do everything to love you, protect you and break your emotional walls down. You are my true love, Emma.""You are my true love." "I love you.""I love you, too." They kiss. Hope began to cry. "Hopey." She takes her daughter from her husband. "You are with Mommy.""Emma I have to hang my birthday present." Killian hangs his anchor on the wall. "Perfect." Emma was holding Hope next to him. "It is perfect." They kiss.

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