First Save

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Charming and Snow White were in Granny's with the newcomers. Killian was hugging Emma in bed. Henry was playing with Hope in the living room. "Love, do you want cinnamon hot cocoa?"


He kisses her on the head. "Hey, I am not going to tell anyone what you told me a few days ago."

She hugged her husband taking him all in. "Thank you."

"Let's go find out kids, love." The couple went downstairs finding Hope tackling Henry.

Emma smiles. "Hope Marie Jones, are you tackling your brother?"

"Mama!" She reaches out for her Mommy.

"Now, you are innocent, when Mom is here."

Emma chuckles and scooped her daughter into her arms. Hope babbles. "You were having fun with Henry?" Hope hugs her Mommy. She kisses her daughter on the head.

"Dad, Hope is tough. She is showing more of her pirate side."

Killian ruffles his son's head. "She is showing her pirate side to her big brother."

Regina arrives at the Jones house early. She knocks on the door. Killian answered the door. "Your majesty is everything alright?"

"I need to talk to Henry, you, and Emma."



"Come in." He leads Regina to the living room.

"Hi, Mom." Henry hugs his other Mom.

"Hi, Henry."

Hope was gripping her Mommy. "Regina is not going to throw a fireball at you."

Killian rubs Hope's back. "She is not going to hurt you, little love."

"I am not here to hurt you, Hope." She looked at Emma, Killian, and her son. "I took my evil half from me."

Emma was surprised. "What?"

"I used the red elixir from Jekyll. My mean side comes out, and I hurt people. Like, I scared Hope with the fireball on the Jolly Roger on Henry's birthday." Emma held her daughter closer, maybe this is a good thing for Regina taking her evil side out of her.

Henry was happy. "The Evil Queen is gone."

"Yes." She hugged her son.

They all went to Granny's to help with the newcomers. Regina talks to the newcomers about being the same as them, getting a fresh start.

Belle arrives at the diner. Emma sees her first. "Belle. Where have you been?"

"Aye,we haven't seen you since the new villain came into town." He was holding Hope on his hip.

"I need a place to stay, I thought Granny has a room."

"I would not recommend her beds. The mattresses killer on the back." Granny gives a look to the savior.

"Aye, they are filled up with newcomers.What happen to you and Will?"

"I went back to Rumple....I had no idea that Rumple brought a new villian in town behind my back. I am pregnant."

Killian gets an idea. "I have the perfect place."

Emma gives her husband a look. "You do? Where?"

"The Jolly Roger of course."


He faces his daughter. "Hope, you can help me show, Belle the Jolly Roger." He takes the diaper bag. "Love, Hope, and I will be back soon." He leads Belle to the docks. Emma smiles, her husband is a good pirate.

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