Wish Realm

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** Wish Realm different from the show.

Emma has not been feeling like herself, she is tired more often and her breast were tender. She m does not remember her last period because she had been so busy fighting villains. She snuck into the bathroom and took a pregnancy test. As she waited for the timer to go off, she was thinking to the last time that she and Killian had sex which was on her birthday. The timer went off and she looked down at the test, positive. She is pregnant. "I am pregnant again..." She rubs her soon to be baby bump. "Hi, sweetie. Mommy loves you so much. You are coming to a family that is full of love. Mommy won't let anything bad happen to you. I promise."

Killian knocks on the door. "Emma?"


"The Evil Queen took Jasmine." Emma hid her pregnancy test and quickly got changed. She has to wait to tell her husband her special news after fighting the villian. "Lad, stay here with your sister."

"Hope is going to play with me, Dad." He hugs his Dad. "Be careful."

"I will."

Emma gets changed. "Mom."


"Are you okay?"

"Yes." She hugged her son.

"Be careful with the Evil Queen."

"I will, kid." She kisses him on the head, knowing he will be a big brother again. Henry stayed home with Hope as their parents went to find Jasmine.

Emma and Killian met up her father in the middle of Main Street. She had the sword in her hand. They went into the diner together, seeing Jasmine tied up and with tape. "Emma."

"Let go of Jasmine."

"Not until I have my firist wish." She shows them the lamp and rubs it. Aladdin appears. He was surprised the lamp was in the Evil Queen's hand. "Genie, my wish is for Emma's wish to not be the savior."

Emma was stunned, she never said that. Aladdin clapped his hands. She disappeared.

"EMMA!" Killian was furious. "WHERE IS MY WIFE????"

"In a place in another realm." The Evil Queen disappears with Aladdin.

"We will find your wife, my daughter." He held onto Killian.

"We need to find her."

"We will."

"We need to get that bloody genie lamp back."

"I will call Regina to see if she can help us."

"She better help us! It is her fault that the Evil Queen is here!! Now my wife is somewhere in another realm because of her separating herself in half in the first place!!"
Charming faces his son-in-law. "You need to calm down, we are going to find Emma. Regina is going to help us."

"Let's go the Regina now.We need to get Aladdin away from the Evil Queen and get Emma back." Charming calls Regina to meet them at the loft.

When Jasmine, Charming, and Killian arrived, Henry, Hope, Allison, and Regina were at the loft. Hope goes to her Daddy. "Dada."

"Hi, little love." He holds her on his hip. Hope hugged her Daddy.


"Your other half took my wife away from this realm."

Hope began crying. "Mama."

"Dad, let me hold Hope." He takes his sister from their Dad. "Daddy is just mad because Mommy is in another realm. Mommy is coming back. She did not leave us."

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