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Emma and Killian were both at the sheriff's station, Henry was at home with Hope. When they drove home and entered the house, they see Henry was playing with Hope. "Hope, where are we landing?"Hope babbles. "Ahead towards Mom and Dad?" He lands Hope by their Mom.
"Aa-ah!!" Hope reaches out to her Mommy.
Emma smiles. "Hi, baby girl." She takes Hope from Henry. "Henry, did she gave you any trouble?"
"No, she was so much fun to play with."
Emma smiles. "Did you have a fun morning with Henry?" Hope hugs her Mommy and babbles. "You did?! Kid, what were you two playing?"
"I was playing Flying Jolly Roger, showing her how it was when Dad sailed us home from the Jolly Roger." Emma thought of that night when Hope was conceived, she hugs her daughter.
Killian smiles. "Lad, you have to teach me this pirate game!"
"Yes, Hope and I can teach you."
All of the sudden, they feel a rumble. "Earthquake!" Emma holds Henry by the doorway and shields him as Killian holds onto Hope and shields her who was crying. The rumble stops. "Is everybody okay?"
"Yes, love."
"What was that?"
"Mom, I think that was magic. Like you first got here."
"We have to figure it out." She hugs her son. Hope cried more. "Hopey." She gets her daughter from her husband. "Everything is okay, sweetie. We are safe. You are with Mommy. Shh...shhh..." Her iPhone rings and picks up. "Hi, Dad."
"Emma, you felt the rumble?"
"Oh yeah, we felt that rumble."
"Regina thinks it is at the mines."
"We will meet you there." Emma looks at her husband. "We are meeting everyone at the mines." Killian gets the diaper bag.
"Mom, I know it is magic."
"I believe you, Henry. We just have to figure out who caused this magic to happen." Hope was still crying. "You are coming with us, baby girl." Killian drives his family to the mines. They see Snow White, Charming, Regina, Robinhood, the Merrymen, Leroy, Granny and Red. Red sees the yellow bug. Emma gets out of the car first and puts Hope in her car seat stroller. "Henry, stay nearby the car with Hope."
"Yes, Mom." Hope babbles.
Red, "Emma, everyone in town felt the earthquake, it was like magic." Everyone crowds the savior.
"How did you find the earthquake started here?"
Regina,"I sensed the person, it is in the cave. That is it."
Emma got thinking to strategize. "We need a plan before going into the mines. We need to find the source of the magic. Red, you can help us find the person, leading Leroy, the Merrymen, and Robin to go inside to find the person. Dad, you and Killian find the sources. Regina, you go with them, to stop the magic from happening again. Granny, can you watch Henry and Hope? Just in case whoever escapes, I do not want them to get hurt."
"Yes, I can, Emma." Granny goes to Henry and Hope.
Hope began crying in her stroller. She goes to her daughter and holds her. "Hope, Mommy, and Dada have to be sheriff and deputy for a little bit. You are going to be with Henry and Granny." She rubs Hope's back. "Mommy will be back."
"Mom, Hope is going to be with us." Henry takes Hope from their Mom. "Hope, Mommy is going be right back."
Everyone began searching in their groups. Red lead Emma and Killian the way. They hear something coming at them. Killian pointed the flashlight as Emma pointed her gun, it was Will Scarlett. "You again?!" Killian gripped Will Scarlet. Emma faces him. "Are you the one who started the earthquake?"
"Yes, that is me! I wanted to get out of this realm?"
"So you try to use magic to blow up the town?"
Emma handcuffs Will Scarlet and uses the walkie-talkie. "Dad, it was Will Scarlet. Killian and I are going to take him out the mines to the patrol car."
"I am with Regina who is trying to stop the magic." Killian and Red take Will Scarlet to the patrol car and puts him in.
"Killian, I am going to see if Regina needs my help."
"Aye, love."
"Just watch him. And Henry and Hope."
Killian remembers Henry getting kidnapped when his swan used magic in the mines last time. He holds her hands. "They are going to be safe with me." They kiss.
Emma heads back into the mines and walks until she sees Regina doing magic on a crystal. "Hey, is there anyway I can help?"
"Yes, you can help me, stop this magic from this crystal causing the earthquakes."
Emma uses her light magic to help Regina to stop the magic. "What the hell was that?"
"I do not know. I have to do research on what type of magic that was."
"Killian has Will Scarlet in custody. I am going to question him."
Charming, "Knowing our experience with him, he snuck into Gold's shop."
"Yes, he could have done that easily overnight." She began to think of a plan. "When we get out of the mines, Regina, research on what magic Will Scarlett use, so the magic can stop. Dad go to Belle and figure out that he had stolen. Killian and I will interrogate him." They felt a rumble from the magic crystal. Emma used her light magic to protect herself, her Dad and Regina. Outside, Robin and Merry men held onto the patrol car. Killian immediately protected his children. Hope began crying. The rumble stopped. "Is everybody okay?"
"Dad, I am okay. Hope, it is okay, baby sis."
Killian takes Hope from Henry and bounces her up and down. He looks at the mines, it was covered with rocks. "No! No!" Killian and Granny go to the mines. "They are trapped in." Killian gets the walkie-talkie out. "Emma!!! Emma!!!"
"We are okay. Regina, Dad, and I....are trapped."
"Is anyone hurt?"
"No...I used my light magic to protect everyone. We just got out of here."
Killian looked at the merry men, Granny, Red, and Henry. "I have an idea, I need everyone's help to get them out of there. We need a lot of rope. Granny, I need your help to me locate where exactly they are. Red, I need you to put Will Scarlet in his cell. Robin, can you go with her just in case he causes trouble?"
"Aye, I will go with her. My Merrymen can help you here."
"Thank you, Robin. Leroy, can you get more help in town?"
"You got it, Hook." Ruby, Leroy, Robin Granny went to work. Hope was still crying.
Killian gets Hope from Henry. "There...there...little love. You are with Dada. We are going to get Mommy out. You will be with Mommy soon." He rubs Hope's back which helps Hope stop crying. She hugs her Daddy.
"Dad, what is your plan?"
Snow White, "Hook, what is the plan? My husband and daughter are in there?"
"Dad, the last time the mines collapsed was when Archie and I were stuck down there. Mom rescued us out of there."
"Son, I am going to get your mother out there. She has been through worse in her life. We are not going to lose your Mom." He looks at his mother-in-law. "We are going to get our family out of there."
In the mines, Regina was getting mad. There was no way they can leave, all rocks surrounding them. "That Will Scarlet causes this. I do not know how to get out of here. My magic can help us."
Charming looks at his daughter. "Emma, you used your light magic to protect us from being killed. Maybe you can use your magic to help us get us out?"
Emma gets an idea from when Elsa used her magic to blast the mines to the beach. She holds her walkie-talkie. "Killian?"
"Emma? Is everything okay?"
"I need you to clear the path?"
"Clear? What are you talking about?"
"I am going to try to knock out the rocks."
"Swan! Are you crazy?!"
"Elsa and I have done this before. We blasted out the wall with our magic and on the other side was a beach."
"Swan you are stuck in a mine. Your light magic can cause another cave in!! I have an idea, just stay tight."
"Emma, Hook has a plan which is a good sign."
"I hope so, Dad."
"You are trusting the pirate!"
Emma was mad at Regina."Yes, I do Regina. I trust my husband. He was right about using our magic it might cause another cave-in, which we do not need. We just need to wait."
Back outside, the dwarves, Archie, Geppetto, Belle, and half of the town all came to help Emma, David, and Regina. "Hope, help arrived. Everyone here is going to help get your Mommy out of the mines. Son, take your sister."
Henry takes his sister from their Dad. "Hope is going to be with me, Dad."
Belle, "Killian, I found a book to help stop the magic."
"That is great. We just need to get Regina, Charming, and Emma out." He looks at everyone else.
"Everyone, thank you for coming. I need all your help to get the rocks out of the mines, to get Emma, Charming and Regina out of the mines."
Archie, "Emma, rescued me in the mines with Henry. When we got trapped. She rescued both of us. I am going to help her." Everyone around him agreed with him.
Killian smiles at the support. "Alright, now everyone I need your help to get the rocks to the way, using ropes..."
Leroy,"Hook, us dwarves have axes. Luckily, we have extras." Dopey gave an ax to granny, Ruy, and Killian.
"Everyone, the dwarves and I are going to use the axes to get the rocks out. I need you all to get the rocks out of the way."
Geppetto,"We can make a line to get the rocks out."
"Everyone line up."
Snow White goes to Killian. "This is not to work."
"How do you expect to get your husband, daughter, and Regina out?!"
Snow White sighs. "Fine." She walks away.
Everyone did as they were told. Killian, Leroy, and the rest of the dwarves got the rocks out, as other townspeople helped get rocks out the way. Henry watches Hope who was being fussy. He bottle feeds his sister. "Daddy's plan is working."
Belle sees Henry being a good big brother. "Hope is happy with you."
"I know how to make my sister happy. I knew she wants Mom and Dad. But Dad is busy getting Mom back."
"I know your Dad is going to get her out."
"Mom saves everyone. Dad is always there for Mom. He is not going to stop until Mom is back." Hope fusses. He burps Hope. "Mommy is coming back, Daddy is getting her out of the mines." Fire trucks came and an ambulance. Two firemen came to Killian, they are going to help them get Charming, Regina, and Emma out. Killian sees Henry afraid. "Lad, the firemen are going to help us vet your Moms out of the mines. He hugs his son. "Your Mom and other mom are going to be okay, lad." Hope began crying. Killian holds Hope and hugs his son. "Mommy is going to be okay, Hope. You are with Dada."
Emma was thinking about her children and Killian. She has to get out of this mine. Charming knows his daughter was nervous. "We are going to get out of here."
"I am just worried, if we do not. I am thinking about my children...I did not have parents growing up. I do not want them to grow up like I did, no mother. I had no parents, if we die, they have Killian. They are not alone as I was."
"Emma..." She walks away and sit on the track.
Charming goes to his daughter and sits next to her. "I know you are afraid of losing your family."
"Yes, I am because this is my second cave in. I keep thinking when I was in the ice-wall with Elsa that my children have their Dad with them."
"Henry and Hope are not going to lose,you, Emma. I know you are going to hug them as you get out of here because we are going to get out of here. Your husband is doing everything to get you out of here because I saw him doing everything he can to get you out of the ice-wall. He is doing that again right now. You have an amazing caring husband Emma. I was wrong about him."
"You were just trying to make sure I did not get hurt. I would not have let him come to New York with me and Henry if I did not trust him. He saved your life, Dad. He has been a Dad to Henry ever since we went over the town line. When I told him I was pregnant with Hope, he was thrilled to be a Dad. He is the only one in my life that put me first. I just don't see why Mary-Margaret still does not see that." She lean her head onto her Dad's shoulder.
"I think your Mom will change her mind soon, seeing Killian doing everything he can to get you out of here. She will change her mind soon about your husband." He hugs his daughter.
"Emma, we are going to get out of here. Henry is not going to lose both of his Moms. I was thinking I can use my magic to destroy the cave in."
"Absolutely not!!"
"Killian!" Emma gets the walkie-talkie out of her jean loop."Killian, what is the update?"
"Belle has a book from the library. She can help Regina with the magic crystal. We have firemen helping us getting you out. Just stay put. "
Emma sighs in relief as her husband is helping her and rest of them out of the mines. "We will stay put, captain. Please tell Henry and Hope that I am okay."
"Aye,swan." They ended their conversation.
Emma smiles. "My husband is the best."
Back outside, Killian, the dwarves, and firemen were carefully getting rocks out the way while the other volunteers put the rocks out of the way. Belle was holding Hope while Henry was making silly faces at his sister.
Snow White goes to them. "I just want David out of there."
"Grandma, dad is going to get him and Mom out of there. Have faith in our Dad."Hope fusses. Henry holds his sister. "You know Dad can rescue Mom, Gramps and my other Mom?" Hope babbles. "Yes, you agree with me."
Archies goes to Henry. "Henry, your Dad is going to get your Moms and David out."
"Yes, I know Dad will." Hope babbles. Henry holds his sister. "Hope say hi to Archie." Hope babbles.
Archie smiles. "Hi, Hope! Henry, your sister is so cute."
"Yes, she is cute. She is the best baby sister ever." He kisses Hope on the head.
As the firemen went deeper, Ruby helped Killian find Emma.
Emma, David and Regina hear crackling sounds whole appeared in the cave wall. "Everyone step back." Regina, Emma and David stepped back. "What is that?"
Emma smiles big, it was her husband. "Killian!!"
"We are getting you all out, just stay back." They heard more people helping Killian with rocks moving around. Once, most of the rocks were away, a fireman helped Emma out of the trapped area. Killian's heart dropped with relief that his swan was safe. He hugs his wife. "Emma!" Killian lifted his swan in his arms and began crying.
Emma felt his tears on her. "I am okay. You saved me." She hugs his neck. The firemen helped David and Regina out of the trapped area.
"Let's get you all out of here." Killian lead his swan, father-in-law, and Regina out of the cave.
Everyone who volunteered cheered seeing Emma, Charming, and Regina out safe with Killian, Red and the firemen. Snow White goes straight to David. Emma was surprised that there were so many people here. "Killian, what is this?"
"When the town heard you were trapped everyone wanted to help the savior."
Henry sees his parents. "Mom! Mom!!" Henry carried Hope.
"Henry! Hope!" She hugs her children and holds Hope. "Henry."
"Mom, are you okay?"
Emma hugs her children again. "Yes, I am Henry." Hope babbles. "Baby girl, Mommy is back."
"Hope, Dad save Mommy, Gramps and my other Mom. He is a hero, like Mom."
Emma smiles. "He sure is a hero." She kisses her husband on his cheek. "My hero." Killian hugs his Emma.
"Mom!" Henry goes to hug his other Mom.
"I am okay, Henry. I have to get this magic crystal to stop." She works with Belle.
Henry goes to Snow White. "I told you that Dad was going to get Mom and Gramps out."
They went to the EMT's to get checked out. Killian was holding Hope. "M-."
"Yes, Mommy is right here, little love. Dada got Mommy out of the mines." Emma smiles.
Snow White goes to Emma and Killian after she was checked out from the EMTs. "Emma, are you okay?"
"Yes, I am." There was silence. Emma was mad that her mother was not thanking Killian for saving her husband. "Mary-Margaret, if it weren't for my husband, Dad and I would be still stuck there!!"
"No! You saved, Regina, my dad, and me. She needs to thank you! If it weren't for you, we would be still in there." Hope began crying. She steps away from her Mom to calm down her daughter.
"Hook, thank you for saving David."
"That is what family is for."
"Killian, I am going to go to the sheriff's station to see why Will Scarlet use that magic."
" just got out of the mines."
"I got to figure out why he used the magic."
Killian knew he wouldn't be able to stop his wife. "I am going with you." Hope babbles. They both smile at Hope. "You are coming with us, Hope."
"Mom, I am coming too."
Charming, "Emma, I am going to work with Belle and Regina to see if they can spot the magic."
"Okay, Killian and I will interrogate Will Scarlet." They all went into different cars. Killian drove his family back into town. Emma was sitting with Henry and Hope in the back of the car. "Mom, you are okay right?"
"Yes, Henry. I am not hurt. I used my light magic to protect myself, Regina and my Dad from the avalanche of rocks."
"Ever since we came back, you have had two cave-ins since we returned."
Emma chuckles. "Yes, I almost had another cave-in with Elsa at the mines with Hope when were finding Kristoff and Anna. The same place but I stopped her."
"You were prepared but this time, you were with Gramps and my other Mom."
"Yes, I was prepared this time, kid." When Killian parked the yellow bug at the sheriff's spot Hope began crying. "Hope." She takes her daughter out of the carseat and holds her to her chest.
"Mom, I bottle-fed her."
"She just needs her diaper change." They enter the station, "Killian, can you take Will Scarlet into the integration room? While I change Hope?"
"Aye, I will swan."
"If Hope just wants me to hold her, can you interrogate him while I watch on the opposite side?"
Killian smiles. "Aye, I can do that. I have a feeling Hope wants her Mommy after her being away from you for a long time." He rubs Hope's head. "Hope, you are with Mommy, little love. Dada is going to make sure the bad man who caused trouble stays in prison." He kisses his little love on the head.
She takes Hope inside to her office and changes Hope on her desk. "Baby girl you're getting a clean diaper. Do not cry." She changes Hope into a pink onesie who continues to cry.
Henry shows Hope her Pluto doll. "Little sis, everything is okay."
Emma holds her daughter onto her chest. Hope gripped her Mommy. "You get to be my little sheriff. Everything is okay." She gently bounces her up and down.
"Little sis, Mommy is not going anywhere." He rubs Hope's cheek.
"Henry, thank you for keeping Hope distracted when your Dad was getting me out of the mines."
"You are welcome, Mom. Hope is easy to have fun with because she is the best sister ever." He gave Hope kisses on her cheek.
Snow White takes Hope from Emma who began wailing and reaching out for her Mommy. Emma was furious. "Give me back my daughter!!" Emma takes her daughter from her mother. "What the hell is wrong with you?! Why would you take my daughter out of my arms, like that?"
"I knew you needed someone to watch her when you are interrogating..."
"No! No! You do not snatch my daughter out of my arms like that and scaring her!! You are not her mother, I am!!" Hope gripped her Mommy.
Killian comes rushing in. "Emma, I got her." He takes Hope away from Snow White and walked to his son.
"Dad, Mom was holding Hope. All of a sudden Grandma took Hope from Mom."
"You never acknowledged my daughter since Killian and I arrived back here with her and Henry." Emma was staring at her Mom."You do not grab my daughter from my arms and scare her like that!"
"I just want to know her..."
"Now you do? By scaring her?!! We have been back for almost 2 months now and you do not even acknowledge her or accept her as your granddaughter!"
"I want my second chance..."
"Your second chance? You gave me up to save a kingdom. You lost your chance to raise me. You have Leo to raise. The difference between you and me is that I am raising my son and daughter together. My daughter is my daughter, not yours." Hope cries more. Emma gets Hope from Killian and takes her into her office. "Hopey. Everything is okay."
Snow White tries to follow them but Killian blocks her. "Leave my wife and daughter alone."
"Grandma, you scared my sister. She doesn't know you because you did not get a chance to know her when we arrived. You also do not like my Dad. He is a great dad. He is always there for my Mom. He saved Mom, gramps and my other Mom."
David comes from the interrogation room, "Snow! What the heck are you doing?"
"Your wife snatched my daughter out of Emma's arms."
"Why would you do that?!"
"I wanted to know Hope."
"Not by that, Snow."
Henry enters his Mom's office. "Mom, is Hope okay?"
"Your sister got afraid when grandma snatched her out of my arms."
He faces his sister. "Hopey, grandma is not going to take you away from Mommy, little sis. You are with our Mommy, baby sis." Hope gripped her Mommy and looks at her big brother.
Killian enters the room. "Emma, how is our little pirate princess?"
"She is very afraid. Hope, dada is here."
Killian faces Hope. "Little love, Dada is here." Hope reached out to her Daddy. He smiles as he holds his little pirate princess. Hope babbles. "You are happy to be with Dada!" Hope smiles. "Yes!!" He gave Hope kisses on her cheek.
Emma smiles seeing Killian being a great daddy to their daughter. "Killian, we need to interrogate."
"Aye, yes, sheriff." Hope coos. "Aye, little sheriff."
"Kid, it is time for me to get to the interrogation room." Hope babbles. "Let's go watch Daddy interrogate the bad man, little sheriff." The family walked together to the interrogation room. "Little love, you can be with Mommy while I yell at the bad man." He gives Hope to his swan and enters the room."You caused so much trouble today. Stealing a magic crystal which caused two earthquakes, one of them causing my wife the sheriff, trapped in the mines. My question is why? Why did you caused this?"
"I wanted to find a way to get back home to my wife Anastasia in Wonderland."
"Instead of asking for help, you stole magic."
"I did not steal magic, I borrowed it."
"Magic that caused earthquakes throughout the whole town."
"I did not expect magic to cause an earthquake."
"Aye, two earthquakes."
"I just want to get back to my wife. I made a mistake." There was a knock on the door. Killian returns outside to his swan and little sheriff, David, Regina and Snow White were all there.
"Hi, captain guy-liner. I was telling your wife that crystal magic is down and hidden. With the help from Belle, I used to stop the crystal's magic."
"That is great."
"Killian, I think he is telling the truth. He just wanted to find a way to get back to his wife."
Killian got mad. "Emma,he could have killed you and your Dad and Regina in that mine."
"I can tell he is not lying. He was just searching for a way to leave here. He made a mistake. Dad, what do you think?"
"I think Emma is right, we can help him find a way back to Wonderland."
"I have been to Wonderland."
Emma was surprised at Regina. "You would help him?"
"Yes, I just want him out of my town and stop causing earthquakes. I know who can help us. The mad hatter."
"Jefferson? The one who wanted me to use magic before I knew I had light magic."
Snow White was mad. "The one who kidnapped me?! You are really going to get him to help? Will Scarlet should be in prison!!" Hope began crying.
"Sweetie, everything is okay. Grandma scared you, again." She bounces Hope up and down.
Charming faces his wife. "Snow, he just wanted to find a way home for his wife. He made a mistake. I am with Emma, I saw we can help him."
"I am with my swan. If I was in another realm from her, I would do anything to get back to her."
"Snow, it is just like us getting back to Emma."
"Yeah in Will Scarlet's case, he will only be reunited with his wife. When you two used a curse to return to me was only to use me for my light magic to defeat a witch. Will would not need a curse.." Killian places his hand on his swan's shoulder.
Snow White, "Emma, we do not use..."
Hope began crying. "Hope,I know you are hungry."
"Swan, I can take her." Killian takes Hope to his swan's office to bottle feed her.
"Regina, can you ask..."
"Jefferson is not a fan of me..."
Belle rushes in. "Emma!! Emma!!"
"Yes, Belle?"
Belle was out of breath. "Leroy told me it was Will..."
"Yes. Will wanted to go back to Wonderland."
"No... no!!"
Emma, Regina, and Charming were all confused. "Belle, do you want to tell us something?"
"I did not know it was...Will....he is my boyfriend. I didn't know he was the one who caused the earthquakes until Leroy told me."
"Did he tell you he has a wife?"
"Yes, but his wife died."
"He told us he wanted to help return to Wonderland."
"Let me talk to him."
"Okay." Belle enters the room.
Charming, "Emma, what are we going to do with Will? He did cause earthquakes?"
"Dad, can you get Killian? He needs to know about the update and new plan we have to make."
Charming finds Killian holding Hope in his arms and talking to her in Emma's office. "Hope, you are the cutest princess pirate in all the realms." Hope coos. "Yes, you are."
Charming smiles. "Hook, Emma wants you. There is an update on the case."
Killian stands up holding Hope. "Aye, little pirate princess you coming with Dada. Mommy needs our help." Killian and Hope return to Emma. "Emma, what is going on?"
"Apparently. Belle is Will's boyfriend."
Killian smiles. "Oh, really?"
"She also told us that his wife has died."
"Aye...that is not good. He lied to me."
"I just have to see what Will tells Belle."
"Swan, I can interrogate him with Belle." Hope coos.
Emma takes Hope from Killian. "You can interrogate him. I can see if he is lying. I had a feeling he was."
"Wow Miss Swan, your lying superpower is weakening." Emma gives Regina an annoying look.
"Change of plans." She gives Hope to Killian. "Mommy need to kick some butt." She goes in. "Belle, I need to talk to Will Scarlet alone."
"Yes,I am sure this is a misunderstanding, Emma." She leaves the room. Emma sits in front of Will.
"Oh, the savior? Where is your pirate?"
"My husband is watching outside mad because you lied to him. I am here to get the truth out of you. I don't think you want my husband here, hurting you for lying to his face."
Will Scarlet grins. "Aye, maybe you are right, savior."
"So, why did you really steal that magic? Not return to your wife because she died. What is the real truth?"
"Since the dark one is gone. I thought it was easy to get magic. I have been here since the dark curse. I just wanted to try out magic."
"You caused a few earthquakes around town. Why did you lie to us?"
"To have an alibi."
Emma knew he was telling the truth. "You know what?"
"You are going to a comfy cell." She handcuffed him and brought him to a cell. She hears Hope crying and goes to her daughter. "Hopey." She takes her daughter from her husband and bounces her up and down.
"Swan, Regina went into town to check for damage."
Charming approaches his daughter. "I can keep an eye on him."
"Charming, I can take the first shift."
Hope cried more. "Sweetie, we are going home."
"Swan, I will be home soon."
Henry carries the diaper bag. "Dad, can we play video games later?"
"Aye, yes we can, lad."
Emma drove her family home. Hope was still crying in the back, with Henry trying to calm her down. She parked her car. "Mom, Hope is still crying."
Emma takes her daughter from her car seat. "Hope, you are with Mommy. We are back home." Henry opens the house with his house keys. Emma takes her daughter to her room and they do skin to skin; which stopped Hope from crying. "You are with, Mommy baby girl. We are home."
Henry brings his storybook in. "Mom, I think Hope wants a story." He faces his sister. "Baby sis, we are home. I have a feeling you need a story." He kisses her on the head. "Do not cry."
"Hope, Henry is going to read you a story from his book." She looks at her son. "I am pretty sure a story will cheer her up."
Killian returns home finding Emma in Hope's bedroom, sitting with Hope in the rocking chair. "How are my two loves?"
"Hope just wanted to do skin to skin and snuggle."
"She just wanted her one-on-one time with her Mommy." He kisses Hope on the head. "Dada is home, little pirate."
"Dad, you are home!"
Killian spun Henry around. Emma smiles at her son and husband. "Lad, have you finished your homework?"
"Yes. Can we play video games now?"
"Aye, we can play video games, after we began cooking dinner."
"Can we use the crockpot?"
"Aye, yes. You can help me choose the meal."
"As long as it is not an 8 hour cooking time, kid."
"Yes, Mom and Dad!" Henry goes downstairs.
Hope wakes up crying. "Killian, someone wants her Dada."
Killian takes Hope from his swan. "Hi, Hope. Dada is home." He puts her on his chest and rubs her back. Hope hugs her Daddy. Killian smiles. "You were right, Emma."
"I just knew Hope missed her Daddy." She hugs him. "I missed you too."
"Emma, all I wanted was to be home with you, Henry, and our little love. After the scare today in the mines, I just wanted to make sure my wife is okay." He hugs his wife.
"I am okay, Killian. I just want to be with you and our children."
"I am not going anywhere." Hope babbles and makes poop. "Little love." Emma chuckles. He changes Hope's diaper and gave her kisses on her cheek. She grabbed her daddy's hook. He tickles her belly, making her laugh.
Emma goes downstairs to check on her son. "Hey, kid. What dinner did you choose to make?"
Henry was reading a cookbook for crockpot recipes. "I want to make beef stroganoff."
Emma looks at the book. "It looks good."
"Can you boil the noodles? I can cut the beef and vegetables."
"I can help you with the vegetables."
"You can. Dad has taught me how to cook beef a certain way."
Emma smiles. "Your Dad is a great chef."
"Yes, he is a great chef teacher. If he can teach me,I can teach you." They began to cook.
Killian sits with Hope on his lap in the rocking chair. "Little love, everybody has a long day." Hope babbles. "Yes, Dada saved Mommy from the mines. Mommy got the bad man into prison." She chews on her Daddy's thumb. "Little love, are you hungry?" She looks at her Daddy and continues to chew on his thumb with her gummy mouth. "You just want to be with Dada." He kisses her on the head. "Once upon a time, Captain Hook was in Neverland, steering the Jolly Roger..." Hope babbles. "You want more of the story?" He lays Hope in his arm and let her chew on his thumb and hold his hook. "Captain Hook..." Hope babbles. "Dada was steering the Jolly Roger trying to find Peter Pan. Pan is a very very naughty lad who just wanted to stay young...this is way before I knew he was after your big brother." Killian hears Emma and Henry playing video games downstairs.
Emma and Henry got the beef stroganoff in the crockpot. "Can we play video games, Mom?"
"Yes, we can. Do you want..." Henry hugs his Mom.
Emma smiles, her son wanted to play with her. "We can play the wizard game."
"You mean Diablo 3?"
"Yes!" He set up his x-box and gave his Mom a controller.
"I am only a level 5 wizard. You are at what level?"
"Level 30. Dad is level 30 like me."
"Killian is really good at video games."
"Yes, and he has a hook, Mom. He is better than you." Emma chuckles. "Dad and I both are knights."
"You met your match at video games."
"Yes, Dad is hard to beat in video games." He paused the game and hugs his Mom.
"Henry, I am okay, kid. I am not going anywhere." They continued to play the video game until the crockpot timer went off.
"Mom, dinner is ready."
"Let's go see how our beef stroganoff is cooked." They went into the kitchen, Emma opened the lid. "Henry, this smells so good! I want you to taste it first." Henry takes a spoon and tries his food creation. "Mom, it is so good. You need to try it."
She takes the spoon and tries it. She smiles. "Mmm. This is so good! You and I made a good team, kid."
Henry smiles."Yes, we do, Mom." They high-fived. Henry sets the table.
Emma goes upstairs finding Killian talking soldering to Hope who was fast asleep holding his hook and his thumb. Emma smiles seeing her Killian being an amazing Daddy to their daughter telling her stories and being there for her. Hope has her fingers wrapped around his hook which she knew once she told him she was pregnant with her. "Killian.."
"Swan, I smell dinner."
"Henry and I made beef stroganoff. It tastes pretty good. I see your hands are full."
Killian chuckles. "Aye, our little lass was chewing on my thumb and gripping my hook during storytime. She has been fast asleep for a little while now."
"She has her Daddy's hook around her finger." She kisses Killian on his forehead. "I will save your dinner for you, later."
"Thank you, Emma." They kiss. Hope wakes up. "Little love..."
"Hi, baby girl. I see you are comfy in your Dada's arms." Hope kicks her legs. "Yes, you are."
"You want to come with Mommy and Daddy to eat dinner?" Hope smiles at her Daddy. He carried Hope down to the kitchen and sees the meal. "Swan, the food looks delicious!"
"Thank you! Henry chose the meal and cooked most of the meal. I just helped him." They began eating.
"Mom, you helped me a lot." Hope began crying.
"It seems your sister wants to try our cooking." She takes Hope from Killian. "Hope, are you hungry? Yes." She breastfeeds Hope.
"Lad, where did you get this recipe? This beef stroganoff is so good."
"I found it in a cookbook."
"You did, choose a good recipe, kid."
"I did. Dad, you need to teach Mom how to cook." Emma and Killian both laugh. They continue to have family dinner and talk.
Emma smiles this is what she always wanted, family dinner. Killian finished eating first and sits next to his Emma and wrapped his arm around his swan. "I am okay, Killian."
"I know,Emma. I just wanted to be with my beautiful wife." She kisses him on his scruffy cheek knowing he was making sure she was alright. They placed their heads against each other, the Jones family were safe and home together.

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