Happiest Place on Earth

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After Killian stopped the crocodile from cursing the town, it was peaceful again. Emma was finishing the last of her paperwork Killian was holding Hope playing with her. Mulan enters the office. "Hi, Hope." She tickles her belly. "Are you having fun with your Daddy?" Hope babbles.

"She is saying yes."

"Hi, Mulan."

"Hi, Emma. Everything is quiet on patrol."

"How are Aurora and little Phillip doing?"

"Aurora is seeing Archie for help. She has nightmares at night from Prince Phillip's abuse."

"It will get better with time and help from the cricket."

"They are still adjusting to living with me. Phillip has his own room. I am getting less sleep because of little Phillip but Aurora is happy and safe with me. Little Phillip barely cries in my arms. You both helped her out of that horrible marriage."

"Aye, my swan and I are happy to help."

"I did enjoy putting the Prince in prison." Hope fusses.

Mulan takes Hope from Killian. "You two make cute babies." She kisses Hope on the head who was smiling.

"Aye, we do need another one."

Emma's eyes popped open. "Whoa..whoa! Hope is only 6 months old."

"Not now, love, in the future."

"Good. We do make cute babies, though." They kiss.


"Henry is at school, baby girl."


"Hi, baby sis!" Henry enters the office and scooped his sister into his arms. "Hi, Mulan."

"Hi, Henry."

"Kid, you are here early."

"Yes. We ended school early. Grandma dropped me off on her way home." Hope babbles. He hugs his sister.

"How was your day, lad?"

"It was good. How is work?"


"I am done with my paperwork. I am officially on break. I am pretty sure the town will be quiet when you and my Dad are in charge."

Mulan smiles. "Your Dad and I will have everything under control while you are away, sheriff. You all need this vacation."

"Mom, I am excited for our family vacation." Hope babbles. He spun his baby sister around, who began fussing.

"Mama." Emma scooped her daughter in her arms and hugged her son. Mulan smiles at Emma with her two children, who was she fighting to return back to in the Enchanted Forrest.

The next day, the Jones family packed the yellow bug with their luggage at 4:30 in the morning. Henry was playing with Hope in the front yard waiting for Allison to arrive. Hope was getting better at crawling. He was chasing his sister all over the lawn.

"Swan, the luggage is all packed."

"Did everything fit?"

"Yes, love. We need to wait for Allison so she can drive us."He hugs his swan. "We are going on vacation."

"Yes, we are, our first of many family vacations." They kiss.

Charming and Snow White arrived. "Hi, Emma!" They got out of their truck.

"Hi, Mom, Hi, Dad."

"Hook, are you excited for your first flight?"

"Yes, I am, Charming. I have never flew on an airplane."

Missing Yearजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें