Bringing Hope Home

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Emma was snuggling with Hope in the rocking chair while talking to Killian. "Our little love loves snuggling on her Mommy." Emma smiles as Hope coos. "Hope agrees with you. Hope, you like snuggling with Mommy?" Hope coos and gripped her Mommy's hair. Emma chuckles, "Hope, you have matching color hair like Mommy. When your hair gets longer I will braid your hair." Killian smiles. Dr. Smith enters Hope's NIU area. "Hi, Emma and Killian. How is Hope doing?" Killian stands next to his two loves. "She is doing really well. Hope loves snuggling on me." "I have a feeling Hope will love snuggling on you more when you take her home." Emma and Killian smiled at each other. "When can we take her home?""I am going to test Hope on her breathing on her own for a full day. Her lungs are stronger now since she has been in here. She has not had any scares recently. She is technically 40 weeks.""How can we know if she stops breathing at home or at night?""We can give Hope a sleeping apnea monitor which can track her breathing, the monitor will go off when she stops breathing.""I think that will help me sleep more and worry less.." Killian holds her hand."Emma, my job is to make sure Hope's breathing is normal and healthy to take her home. I know Henry wants his baby sister home.""Yes." Hope fusses. "Hope, are you hungry?'"Emma, before you feed her. I can take off the oxygen tubes out of her nose." Emma held Hope as the doctor took the tube out of her nose and the tape off of Hope's cheeks which made Hope crying. "I am sorry, Hope. We need to know how your breathing is without an oxygen tank." Emma bounces Hope gently up and down and. "You are are okay...the pain is over...shh...shh..." Hope calms down and falls back to sleep in her Mommy's arms. Dr. Smith examines Hope's sleeping. "So far her breathing is normal. If she can breathe on her own without issues, you two can take her home tomorrow morning. I will check on Hope soon." He leaves the room. Killian kneels to his little lass, "You are breathing normal little love." He looks at his wife who was crying. "Emma." He gently hugs his wife. "W-we are g-going to t-take Hope, home tomorrow." Killian kisses his wife on her head. "Yes, we are going to bring Hope home tomorrow. Our family is going to be together under one roof."" makes me so happy. Our family together and not separated.""Me too, love. Our Jones family will never be separated." They both look down at their sleeping daughter. "Hope, you are coming home with Mommy and Daddy tomorrow." She rubs Hope's hand. "Killian.""Yes, love?""I have the cutest outfit for Hope to wear when we take her home tomorrow. I also have the breastfeeding cover/car seat cover in her car seat.""Are you nervous?""A little with her breathing, I just feel safer having the sleep apnea monitor on so we will know if she has breathing issues.""I know you are going to be very protective of our little love."Emma smiles. "That is my job as her Mommy to make sure she is safe, healthy and be loved.""You do that with Henry all the time.""Now with Hope and her health issues, I just want her to be healthy." "She has her family to take good care of her." Hope wakes up crying. "Little pirate, are you hungry?" "Hope...Mommy has your milk." Hope latches on right away gripping Emma's shirt. "Her little hand is so cute.""Aye, when I hold Hope, I always love holding her little feet and hands, they are so cute.""Our daughter is very cute. Henry is going to be so happy to have his sister home tomorrow."Aye, until she keeps him up at night.""Did she wake up at night when you stayed overnight with her?""I got some sleep. Whenever Hope made a noise, I went to her. I did not want the nurses to take care of our little lass. It is my job as her Daddy." "Even though she has been in the NICU for three weeks, we know how to take care of her when we bring her home.""Aye, that swan we can do." Emma switches Hope to her other boob."I just have to find a pediatrician for her...with her breathing, I just want her the best doctor for her.""How about Henry's doctor?""You are right. I forgot...""It is okay, love. That is part of my job as your husband, to help you. I will be always on your side swan."Emma smiles. "That is good to know because Hope and Henry need both of us.""Aye, they will always have us." Hope finishes eating. He gives Emma a burp towel, she burps Hope. "Hope, you want your Daddy? Yes?" Emma sits up with Hope and places her in Killian's arms. Hope coos, which makes her parents smile. "Hi, little love. Are you happy that you are fed by your Mommy?" Hope moved around. "You are coming home with Mommy and Daddy tomorrow. When we tell Henry, he will be so excited that you are coming home." Hope yawns and falls asleep. "Rest up, little love. Daddy is right here to talk after you get your sleep." Emma smiles she loves seeing Killian being a great Daddy to Hope, she knows that they will be great parents when they bring Hope home. "Killian, I am going to pick up Henry from school.""Love, Hope is going to be right here snuggling with me." Killian knew Emma and Henry needed alone time before they bring Hope home where Emma officially becomes a Mom of two kids begins. Henry saw his Mom when he exited his school. "Mom!""Hey, kid!" They hug."Where is Dad?""He is with Hope." They walked home, Emma packs Hope's bringing home outfit in her backpack since she was staying overnight with Hope. They played a few rounds of video games while he told her about his day. "Henry, I do have good news for you.""What is it?""We are bringing Hope home tomorrow."Henry smiled. "Hope is coming home tomorrow?""Yes, kid." Henry hugs his Mom. "They are testing her breathing now without the oxygen tank. If she passes their test, we are going to bring her home.""Mom, finally! Our family will be complete.""Yes, Henry. Our family will be all together under one roof tomorrow." She kisses him on the head. "You are my only son. Hope is my only daughter. I have no favorites. You both are my favorites. I love you two so much equally." "I am not going to be jealous of Hope.""If you ever get jealous, you can always join Hope and me in snuggling.""Mom, I love Hope but I will miss our one on one time together.""Even though I am going to be very busy with your sister, I will have time for you.""I am going to want to watch Hope too. Can I be her babysitter?""Yes, kid, you can when your Dad and I need to sleep. Once we get used to have a newborn at home, you can watch Hope so your Dad and I go out for a date night.""Mom, I am Hope's babysitter. Hope and I will have one on one time a lot because I want Hope to know me.""Henry, Hope knows you already and loves you so much. I know you and Hope will have a very close brother and sister bond.""I can watch Hope at home in my room?""Yes, you can. Hope will love her special time with her big brother."Henry began to cry. "I thought we were going to lose Hope..." Emma hugs her son."Henry..." She rubs his back. "Hope has the best doctors and nurses taking care of her and making sure that she is healthy and breathing normally. We are not losing, Hope, Henry. Hope is coming home tomorrow. As her big brother, you will teach her how to draw, how to play, and tell her our family stories all the time. When your Dad and I need to sleep, you can watch Hope in your room. I trust you and Dad with Hope. Having a baby in the family will be all new to us. I know it has been rough leaving Hope at the NICU and not having her home with us. " "Mom, you are a great Mom to Hope already. You know how to take care of her, and she loves you so much. You will be great with Hope at home. I have a little surprise for Hope tomorrow.""You do?""Yes.""I have a surprise for you and Hope tomorrow.""Really? What is it?""You want to see?""Yes!" Emma gives him a new shirt. "I got something for you to wear for when we bring Hope home." Henry looks at his new shirt, a blue shirt with "Big Bro." Henry smiles and hugs his Mom. "I love it!""You and Hope will wear matching outfits when we take her home tomorrow.""Yes!" Henry works on his homework while Emma made sure they had everything ready for Hope. Henry gets a phone call from his Dad. "Hi, Dad.""Hi, son. How was your day?""It was good. Mom told me that Hope is coming home tomorrow.""Aye, your sister is sleeping on me and breathing normally. She is being a good little lass. What is your Mom up to?""Mom picked me up from school and we played video games. Right now she is making sure we have everything ready for Hope when we take her home tomorrow.""Aye, I am not surprised, Hope." Hope wakes up and coos. "Hi, Hope. Daddy is talking on the phone with your big brother.""Dad, let me talk to Hope." Killian puts his iPhone by his little lass. "Hope, Henry is on the phone, little love."Henry hears Hope cooing. "Hope, Hi, little sis. Mommy told me that you are coming home tomorrow. Our Mommy is making sure we have everything ready for you when you come home. You and I will talk a lot in my room. We can read, play and snuggle..."As Henry spoke to Hope, Emma was smiling at her son loved talking to Hope. At the other end, Killian was hearing their conversation, smiling knowing his son and daughter will have a close sibling bond already. Hope began to cry. "Lad, Hope needs to be changed.""Okay, Mom and I will be there soon."Their phone conversation ended. Emma hugs her son and kisses him on the head knowing he cares so much for his sister already. "You are a great big brother to Hope already. She loves you so much.""I love her, Mom. I want to be part of her growing up.""Of course, Henry. You will help your Dad and I raising her, by being her kind caring protective big brother who will always play with her, teach her about our family's past and be there for her.""Mom, Hope is going to have you all the time. I am happy that you are getting your second chance a mom from the very beginning. I knew if you kept me if you were in a better situation, you will be an amazing Mom to me from the very beginning but you are my Mom always. I understand why you gave me up but you have me now."Emma hugs her son. "You always will be my firstborn, my little boy. You are in my life now, forever." Henry hugs his Mom. "I love you, Mom.""I love you, too, Henry.""Are you staying overnight with Hope?""Yes, I am. I just want to make sure Hope is breathing normally. You will be home with Dad. it is only for one more night.""Yes, we will all be here sleeping tomorrow."Emma smiles. "When we bring your sister home tomorrow, we will not get much sleep.""I do not care, I want Hope home.""I know, it is one more night for her in the NICU." Emma drove them back to NYU and entered the NICU with scrubs. She finds Killian doing skin to skin with their daughter. She took a picture of them her husband and daughter doing skin to skin, fast asleep. Emma gently kisses Killian on the cheek. "Hey.""Hi, swan.""How is our Hope's breathing?""Hope is breathing normal and enjoying skin to skin with me." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope spat up on me after I fed her bottle but I took off after my shirt, she was upset, I told her she is not in trouble. I took her onesie off and we have been doing skin to skin." "She loves you, Killian.""Aye, she is my little pirate but I know she loves her Mommy. She missed you when you left, love."Emma was in awe. "Mommy will never leave you, baby girl." She rubs Hope's hand."Dada loves you, little love." "Dad, she loves to sleep.""Lad, we are taking your sister home tomorrow. You can spend all the time with your sister at home." Henry smiles. "Mom told me that I am Hope's babysitter.""Aye, you will be Hope's favorite sitter." Hope wakes up and moves around. "Hope..." He touches Hope's diaper. "You are wet.""Killian, I will change her." She takes Hope from her husband and changes her diaper and changed her into a new onesie, that says "I love my Mommy." Hope coos. "You like this one? Just wait until I change you in to your going home outfit tomorrow." Hope moves around. "Henry, Hope wants her big brother." Henry sits on the rocking chair. Emma puts Hope in Henry's arms. Hope sneezes. "Bless you, Hope. Do you need a tissue?" Emma uses a burp rag to clean Hope's nose. He checks Hope's nose. "You are clean." Henry told his sister a few stories of their family until it was getting late. "Kid, you need to go home with your Dad.""Okay...""It is one more night, Hope will be with us at home tomorrow." Henry gives his sister to their Dad. Henry hugs his Mom. "I love you, Mom.""I love you too, kid. I will see you in the morning." She hugs him back. Henry holds his sister. Killian hugs Emma. "One more night until we are all together under the same roof.""Aye, that is right, love."Love, Henry and I will make sure we have everything for Hope.""Do not forget the car seat and the part for the stroller.""Aye, love. I won't forget." They kiss. Henry hands his Mom his sister. She helps Hope does a little wave for Hope, "Hope, say see you tomorrow Dada and Henry." Emma snuggles with Hope on the rocking chair. Henry arrives home and makes a surprise for his sister. Killian set up the car seat and stroller part in the yellow bug. Killian and Henry ate dinner and played videogames. "Dad?""Yes?"Henry hugs him. "I am happy that Hope is coming home tomorrow.""Me too, lad. We are not going to get any sleep when she comes home.""I do not care. I love Hope. I want her home with us.""She is coming home, son. Our family will be all together tomorrow." They go to bed. Killian watches Henry sleep knowing this is the last night he is the only child in the home. The next day, Emma was nursing Hope. "Hope, we are going home today." She burps Hope. Dr. Smith examines Hope, which made Hope cry. Killian arrives as Hope was being examined bringing Hope's car seat. He teaches Emm and Killian how the sleep apnea monitor works and how to place it on Hope. He also gave them a CPR lesson. Hope was wailing. "Emma and Killian, Hope lungs are stronger now." Emma scoops Hope into her arms. "Hope, you are breathing normally. You can finally come home with Mommy and Daddy.""You are okay, little love." He kisses Hope on her cheek."Where is Henry?""He is at home, love. He wants so surprise Hope when we bring her home." After Hope calmed down, Emma changes hope into her going home outfit. "Hope, you are ready to bring you home today." Hope was wearing her pink, "Lil Sis," onesie with a pink bow headband and a pink hat. She takes a picture of Hope in her outfit. Emma held Hope in her arms, as Killian took a picture of his two loves. A nurse took a picture of Killian with his two loves. Killian puts the car seat on the portable stroller. A nurse teaches them how to put Hope in her car seat, who was crying. "Hope is mad.""Little love, you need the car seat so when Mommy or Daddy drives you home you will travel safely." He lets Hope hold his hook which calmed made her stop crying. Emma packed the backpack with her duckling plush, and the sleep apnea monitor. Killian puts Hope's baby blankie on her, who was fast asleep. "Are you all packed love?""Yes, we can all go home." Hope was fast asleep. They gave thank you presents to the doctors and nurses that helped Hope. Emma pushed the stroller out of the NICU, nurses clapped as they were leaving the NICU. Killian holds Emma's backpack and wrapped his arm around his true love, who was pushing Hope in her stroller car seat. They arrived outside, "Hope this is fresh air feels like, baby girl. After three weeks in the NICU, you are finally outside." She puts the cover on her car seat as Killian gets their yellow bug. Emma was in tears she was finally bringing her daughter home and she was finally out of the hospital. Killian arrives, he settlesHope and her carseat in the yellow bug as Emma put the stroller part and the backpack in the trunk. Killian hugs his wife. "You okay, swan?""Yes, we are finally bringing our daughter home. I am just so happy." "Me too, love." They kiss. Emma sat next to Hope, in the back as Killian drove his family home. He looked at his swan smiling and kept peeking at their little lass. "How is our Hope, love?""She is sound asleep and breathing normally." They arrived home. "Hope, we are home."Killian turns around. "Emma, are you ready to be a Mommy full time?"Emma smiles. "Yes, I am. Are you ready to be a full-time daddy?""Yes, I am. I am ready for the next chapter of our lives, parenting Hope from the very beginning.""I have been waiting for this so is finally happening. My second chance of being a Mommy." Emma was in tears Hope was crying. "Hope, we are home, sweetie. I know you are hungry." Emma takes Hope out of her car seat. "Hope, Mommy is going to feed you when we get inside." Hope stopped crying. "You just wanted to be with me." She kisses Hope on the head and wrapped Hope in her baby blanket. Killian got the backpack and wrapped his arm around his two loves. Emma knew they were going to be great parents for Hope with Killian on her side. When they entered their, apartment, they see a big banner that says "Welcome Home Hope." Henry rushed to them wearing his big bro shirt, "Hope!" "Henry, you made the banner?""Yes, I did. Dad helped me hung it up before he left to pick you two up. Can I hold her please?" Emma smiles. "I love the banner. I need to feed your sister. She was getting hungry when we parked the car. Wash your hands after I feed her, you can hold her." Henry smiles. Hope began to cry. "I know you need to eat." Killian helps his wife get settled in the living room. Emma nurses Hope who latches on right away. He wrapped his arm around his wife. "I am so proud of you, love." He kisses Emma on the head. Emma loves her husband and their little family. "I love you so much, Killian.""I love you, too, Emma." They kiss. Hope gripped her Mommy's chest."I love you too, Hope." She kisses Hope's hand. After Emma burped Hope she hands Hope over to Henry."Hi, Hope. You are finally home." Killian and Emma took pictures of Henry and Hope together in their matching outfits. "Mommy got us matching outfits." He kisses Hope on the head. "I love you, Hope." "Kid, how about you teach Hope tummy time. She has never been on her tummy before. Her muscles need to be strong." "I will teach her." Emma places ope on the tummy time mat. Henry talks to her. "Hope, listen to your big brother. You need to do tummy time so you can be big and strong." Emma watches Henry talking to his sister. Killian sits next to his wife. She hugs him. "Our family all together, Emma.""Yes, finally." "Aye, finally.""I love it.""Me too." They kiss. Emma takes a shower while Killian makes lasagna for the family to eat and watching Hope with Henry. When Hope began to wail, Killian gets Hope from the playmat. "Hope, Dada is here. Dada..." He can smell her poop. "You need a diaper change." He takes Hope to their room. "Hope, this is where you sleep with Mommy and Daddy." Hope cried more when Killian was changing her on the changing table. Emma saw the boys trying to calm down Hope. "Hope, Mommy is here." She takes Hope from Killian. "Why are you crying Hope? You are okay...shh..shh." Hope calms down and falls asleep. Killian places the sleep apnea monitor on Hope. "You had a very long day, little love. You traveled all the way home and played with your big brother. You need to sleep." He kisses Hope on the head. He can tell Emma was exhausted. "Your Mommy needs to sleep too." Emma smiles knowing he cares for her health too. Emma tries to put Hope in her crib but she will just cry, "Hush Now, Don't be scared, Through this tide of darkness.Shadows may march, Thunders may roar, But peace will soon prevail. Through our land, This sacred land, Nightmares sprite confusion, But stand your ground, Until you've found, The strength to light your way." Hope fell asleep. Sweet dreams, baby girl. We love you so much." Henry puts Hope's duckling plush next to her. Killian hugs Emma and they share a soft kiss. "Henry, we need to let Hope sleep." "Dinner is almost ready, love." Emma gets the baby monitor. They left the room, Killian kept the door a little open and looked at his Hope. She is finally home and turns off the light. "Your first home present is sleeping without the lights on." Emma smiles as Killian left the room and hugs him knowing they will be amazing parents to their daughter. A few hours later, Hope wakes up crying. Emma gets her daughter from her crib. "Hopey. Mommy is here." Emma nurses Hope in bed. Killian made sure that his swan was comfortable, fluffing pillows and helping Hope whenever he can. She feeds Hope and he burps her, Hope wants Emma after being burped. Hope was wife awake at 4:00 am. "You need to sleep at night time baby girl." Hope coos. "Luckily, you are so cute." She wrapped Hope in her quilt and took her out to the living room so Killian can get some sleep. Emma did not mind being up with Hope, playing with her and talking to her and snuggling. She was treasuring every minute of being a Mommy since she missed everything with Henry. She playfully kisses Hope everywhere, their kissing game. Hope was sleeping on her chest. "I can get used to this." she kisses Hope on the head and falls asleep. Killian woke up and takes a picture of Emma and Hope sleeping together. Killian takes Hope from Emma, Emma wakes up. "Love, it is only me. I have Hope." He helps his wife up and they go back to bed together. Hope was snuggling on Killian with Emma fast asleep on him, snuggling. His family where they should belong, treasuring this moment and quietness, Henry sleeping next door. Everyone was home and living their new normal, Captain Swan family is all together at home.

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