Spell of Shattered Sight

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Hope is now 5 months old now. Emma was in awe that her daughter is getting so big since she was born. She kneels down and lays Hope on her floral milestones blanket and puts the floral wreath on the 5-month mark. "You are 5 months Hope!" Hope smiles. "No matter how big you get, you will always be my baby girl. You are my second chance of being a Mommy. I got to raise you from the beginning with Henry. I am not missing out on anything with my two ducklings' lives." She kisses Hope on the cheek. Hope smiles as her Mommy took pictures of her on her iPhone. "You are becoming such a big girl."
Killian sees Emma taking the photos and smiles at his two loves. "Swan, is our little pirate princess taking good photos?"
"Yes, she is." Emma smiles. "Our little duckling is taking such good photos." Hope babbles. Emma kneels down to Hope. "Do you want to take more photos?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you do!"
Killian sits up Hope, so Emma can take Hope sitting up. "She is going to sit up on her own soon, love."
"Yes, she will. She loves rolling over and holding her head up." She holds Hope on her lap and gave her kisses on her cheek. Killian takes out his iPhone quickly to capture the moment. "Emma, smile."
"Hope, look at Dada."
Emma smiles big. "Jolly Roger, Hope." Hope smiles big as her Daddy took the picture. "Beautiful picture of my two loves. This picture is going to be my lock screen. When Killian holds Hope, she began wailing, Killian knew Hope knew that his heart was missing. "Dada is here, Hope."
"Hope? What is the matter, baby girl?" She takes Hope from Killian. "Are you hungry, little duckling?" She sits on the rocking chair and nurses Hope.
Killian gets a phone call from Belle. "Morning, Belle."
"Hello, Killian. I need to speak to Emma."
"Aye, she is right here. Swan, Belle is on the phone." He gives his wife his iPhone.
"Hi, Emma, it is Belle."
"Hi, Belle. What is going on?"
"The curse of shattered sight is beginning."
"The curse, already?" She looks at her husband who looked like he was in pain. "We can all meet everyone else, at the clocktower." They ended their phone conversation. "Killian, this curse is coming." The family quickly got ready.
Henry holds Hope so his Mom can get ready. Hope babbles. "Little sis,we are going with Mommy and Daddy on the case."
Emma and Killian drove their family to town by the library. They met everyone at the clocktower, Grumpy, Snow White, Charming, Belle, Regina and Elsa. Emma was holding Hope in her carrier as Henry was hugging their Mom. Belle was telling them about Ingrid's curse, the spell of shattered sight. "It is the spell of shattered sight. Everyone who you love is who you hate." They all see the curse was coming.
Elsa looks through the binoculars, "My aunt is really doing this."
Snow White was looking at the bright blue mist heading their way from binoculars. "The spell of shattered sight."
Charming takes the binoculars from his wife and looks. "We all can take shelter in the mines and the vault to avoid this curse."
Regina,"This is magic. It does not care about ceilings. It started." Emma looks at Regina with worry and hugging her children. Killian gives Regina the binoculars. Regina looks at the curse through the binoculars."By sundown." Emma looks at the blue curse coming at them. "By sundown, everyone in this town will be tearing each other apart."
Emma looks at the curse and thinking. "Okay, the answer is simple. Let's not be in town."
Everyone went to the town line to see if they can escape the curse. Hope was crying. Killian takes Hope from Emma and she just cried more. "Hopey." She takes Hope from Killian. "Everything is going to be okay, sweetie. Shh..shh..." She looked at her husband, knew something was going on with Killian, he was not himself because Hope would not let him hold her. "Killian, are you okay?"
"I am okay, Emma."
"Then, why Hope is not letting you hold her?"
"She knows that her Mommy is not herself and wants to be with you."
"With this curse is coming our daughter is staying with me."
Everyone looks at the frozen ice wall. Regina, "Hardly an elegant solution."
Emma settles Hope. "Nothing wrong with brute force in the works."
Grumpy, "If we can get over it, we can build a frame and pull people over one at a time." Charming wears a harness and puts rope over his shoulder. Snow White, "David, be careful." He takes his ax and walks over to the ice wall and hits the ice wall where more ice was being replaced and Charming falls to the ground. Everyone runs to him.
Emma heads straight for her Dad. "Dad,are you okay?" Charming groans as he stands up.
Regina, "Looks like that wall doesn't care about your brute force." The ice on the street was cracking and Elsa saw her sister's necklace and picked it up.
Emma sees the necklace. "Elsa, no stop! That thing can go off again." She guides her friend away. "Come on."
Elsa was so happy to find her sister's necklace. "This is Anna's. I thought it was gone. It is like a miracle."
"You found it but sentimentality is not worth risking your life for."
"This is a sign, Emma. It is a sign that we are going to win."
Regina, "Is everyone into this hope thing now?"
"If we are going to win. Mom, Dad, Leroy go tell everyone what is going on, if this goes down everyone needs to be separated from their love ones that they do not want to hurt each other. Killian, go to the waterfront to see if we can get boats to take everyone out."
Regina, "I can warn Robinhood his camp is not too far from here."
"Okay, go. Elsa and I are going to talk to Gold to see if he has any ideas to stop this curse. Henry, you come with me."
Regina holds his hand. "No, he is with me, I am his best chance."
Elsa, "That might not be true. Emma and I... I think we are immune." Emma grits her teeth knowing Regina won't like this.
Regina was mad. "What?"
Elsa shows her the bracelet. "These ribbons. If the Snow Queen wants us to be her sisters, the curse won't affect us."
"I should definitely watch Henry."
"No. You are part of this nutjobs plan. I want to be as near him much as possible."
Hope began crying. Henry goes to his sister and holds her. "Hope, I am going bye-bye for a little bit. You are staying with Mommy to save us from this curse because our Mommy is the savior. When I come back, we are going to have our H&H time. Be a good little hero for our Mommy. I will be back soon." Hope stops crying and hugs her brother. Henry smiles, Hope's first hug. "Mom! Hope is hugging me. I am her first hug."
Emma was smiling. "Yes, she is. She is giving you her first hug."
"Yes, Hope loves me. I love you, Hope. I will see you, Mommy and Daddy, soon." He kisses her on the head and gives his sister back to their Mom. "Mom." She hugs him. "I am going to be okay. I know you can do this!"
"Be careful, kid."
"I will!"
Regina looks at the curse. "We got to go. This curse is getting closer. This is happening now." Everyone goes their separate ways.
Killian hugs his wife. "Be careful, love."
"I will."
"I know that you can do this."
"It is part of my job." Hope babbles. "You are going to be my little sheriff."
"Dada will be back, little love. You are safe with your Mommy." He kisses Hope on the head and leaves. Emma and Elsa go into town to find Belle who examines the necklace seeing the magic dust. "Anna's necklace has the spell of shattered sight."
Emma was curious. "Does this mean Anna is immune like Elsa and I are?"
"Yes. If you can find Anna in time, we can stop this curse and save everyone."
"We can find her."
"I will round up the fairies at Granny's." Belle went her separate way. Elsa puts a locator spell on the necklace, they followed it to the library."The library? Why would Anna be here?"
"Regina kept a whole dragon down there for 28 years." They went into the library. They were led to the tunnels of the mines. As Elsa was about to blow up the wall, "Whoa, Elsa. As much as I love our last cave in. We need to think of another plan."
"Anna is right there."
"We are going to find your sister."
Killian goes to the waterfront looking at the ocean in his spyglass, seeing all of the ice like the wall appearing up in the ocean. "No fleeing by boat then."
"This Snow Queen is good isn't she?" Killian looks at the crocodile in hate because he took his heart and now in his control. "Sit lad. Do not forget where your heart lies." Killian sits down on the bench as Rumpelstiltskin pats his bag where Killian's heart was. "I have a job for you." He poofs up a circle container. "Granny's is turned into a hive for the vilest of creatures, a pile of little things."
"Pilest? Fairies?"
"Just like any flying pest. If you want to eliminate the infestation. It is important to get them all. Doing this so, leave the power from the dagger, and leave this town with my powers intact. Suddenly, urge undertaking. Will you do this?"
Killian grits his teeth. "You have my heart. You know I cannot refuse."
Rumpelstiltskin smiles. "Indeed. Here is the thing, my wife informed me that she intends to request help the flees. I need you to stand by while I get her out of the way."
"The fairies are working to stop the spell." He looks at his enemy with so much hate. "You are killing the cure? You doing this you condemned the entire town and even your own grandson to whatever happens..."
"No, I am not leaving Henry. I will take him. I will take Belle. I will leave this town to its fate."
"But Emma and everyone else."
"I don't have time for everyone else. If I have to choose from everyone else to me." He points at himself. "Me, wins. Every time." He looks at Killian who was thinking about his family. "You can clench your jaw and flash your eyes all you wish." He takes out his dagger and waves it above the circle box. "It doesn't change for the fact that we are in this together."
Meanwhile, Emma, Elsa return from the library to the rest of the group have to think fast in the sheriff's station. She changed Hope's diaper. "You are being such a good little pirate princess."
Charming gets a phonecall from Belle. "Belle?"
"Charming, I can use the necklace without Anna."
"Okay, I will tell everyone else." They ended their phone conversation. Emma brings Hope out of her office. "Everyone, Belle said that we can use the necklace without finding Anna."
Elsa looks at Emma. "Emma, we can find her now."
Charming, "Belle said Anna was captured from the Snow Queen."
"Maybe she knows how to defeat her?"
Regina,"We can use the necklace to help the Fairies to stop the curse."
"No, I need to find my sister. This necklace can do both, save everyone from this curse and find Anna."
Regina, "Tunnels can take days."
Grumpy, "Who it will be the town or a sister?"
Regina, "Charming, you want to be the hero. Make a decision."
"We need to save the town."
Emma takes the necklace and gives Elsa a look to find Anna."Emma..." Emma takes the necklace.
Charming, "They are at Granny's with Belle trying to find a way to stop the curse. I will tell Belle we are on the way."
Hope babbles. "You are coming with Mommy, little sheriff." Emma gets Hope's diaper bag, heads to Granny's with Regina, Snow White, and Charming.
Rumpelstiltskin and Killian walk to Granny's. Killian goes to the back of Granny's. Blue, "What do you want?"
"Excuse me, I am here to talk to my wife."
"This is too important. I know they are really close to stopping this curse. Please. Please be patient."
"Until you can go. I will stay here to keep you company. Perhaps, I can help." Blue goes to the dark one. "This is light magic."
"Well, maybe I will learn something." Rumpelstiltskin watches the fairies do their work.
Emma, Snow White, Regina and Charming enter Granny's, Killian sees his swan and little pirate, "Hope knows I do not have my heart. I am only doing this bad deed because of the bloody crocodile."
Belle, "The necklace?"
Emma goes to Belle with the necklace. "Right here."
Belle takes the necklace, and the bag falls out pebbles. "It is not here?"
Emma was surprised. "What?"
Regina was mad. "She can use the necklace to track down her damn sister. I should know to trust blondes now."
"I should go back and get it."
"No, it is too late."
Snow White, "Too late?! Already?" Everyone was surprised.
"By the time you come back here, yes. Without Anna being her physically, there is no way to make a counterspell in time."
Regina, "Time for a hope speech. The virtue of blind faith."
"Well it seems, Elsa's blind faith was screwing us now."
"Coming from you is just terrifying. "
Emma was dumbfounded. "I am not giving up." Everyone looked at her. "I know Elsa is going to find Anna. I am going to help find her."
Charming looks at his daughter. "Then go. Right now, it is our only shot."
Emma leaves with Hope to find Elsa. She finds Elsa at the entrance of the mines. "Elsa!"
"Emma! Did they know you gave the necklace to me?"
"Nope. Let's go find Anna." They went into the mines following the locator spell on the necklace to the wall. "Emma, Anna cannot be here, it is just a wall." Hope makes a sound.
"Well, maybe behind this wall we can find Anna." Emma and Elsa got their light magic ready and blasted the wall into smithereens. They see a bright sunshine light and a beach. They walked around Elsa screaming for Anna.
"Elsa, she is not here."
"She has to be here." She looks down at the necklace and held it close to her heart as she looks at the ocean. "Anna, wherever you are. Whatever happened all those years ago, I am sorry I did not find you." Emma looks at Elsa. "I still have faith. I know you're out there, somewhere. I won't give up hope. I just wish...I wish you are here with me now."
Emma goes to Elsa. "Elsa, come on." They see Anna's necklace glowing in blue and blasted.
Emma and Elsa looked around. "Something is happening." They look around. "Do you think it is my aunt's spell?"
"I do not know."
Emma, Hope, and Elsa look out at the ocean when light magic was appearing was a portal. "What is that?" Emma had no answer.
The light magic went towards them and knocked them toward the sand. Hope was crying. "You are okay. You are okay...shh...shh....Everything is okay, Hope." They sit up seeing a treasure chest on the sand and out appear Anna and Kristoff. Elsa can't believe it, her sister is back. "Anna?...Anna!!" Elsa ran to hug her sister. Emma was watching the two sisters reunited in shock. Hope pats her Mommy. She looks down at her daughter. "Hope, Elsa found her sister." She thought for a moment. "It was the wish she made."
Anna,"My necklace. The Wishing Star."
Kristoff, "It is a miracle. Where are we?"
"Before we do anything." Elsa hugs her sister. Emma smiles seeing her friend reunited with her sister and happy she made her choice to give Elsa the necklace.
"Yes, we need to get Anna to the fairies. She might be able to stop the spell."
"Anna, Kristoff this is my friend Emma and her daughter Hope. You both know, Dad, David. This is his daughter."
"Nice to meet you both, I really need to get Anna into town." She leads them out of the beach. Emma and Hope lead Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff into town. "There is a curse coming that Anna can help us stop. Anna, Elsa and I are immune."
At granny's, Belle got a text message from Emma. She goes to Rumpelstiltskin. "Anna is on her way."
"Belle, let's go."
"You really think they can do it?"
"Perhaps. But one thing I learned is to never trust a fairy. Come let's get you somewhere safe." He guides her out of the diner. Killian watched Rumpelstiltskin out of granny's and use the magic hat. The Fairies scream as he sucked them in. Blue was in a corner. "I am sorry, I have no choice." He sucks the Blue Fairy into the magic hat.
Emma leads Elsa and her family back into town. Kristoff,"Let me get this straight. So this spell, Anna is immuned from because it got her once?"
Anna,"And the two of you?"
"We are immuned. Long story. We just got to hurry." She rushes ahead to Granny's. Elsa and Anna were holding hands. "What a funny-looking world."
"I know right."
Emma entered Granny's first and stopped, seeing the fairies were gone and all of their work was destroyed. Elsa and Anna joined them. "What happened here?"
"What do you think happen? The Snow Queen?"
Kristoff stood next to his fiancee. "What does this mean?"
"It means even with you here, we cannot protect the people of Storybrooke."
Elsa looks at Emma. "What do we do now?"
"Prepare for the worse." From what Emma did not know her husband was hiding behind the counter, he felt bloody awful what had done and cannot tell her that the crocodile has his heart. Emma leads the group out of granny's. Killian heads to Gold's shop who was protecting his shop with his dark magic. "Is it done?"
"You know she truly loves you. You can have her forever or you can have power in all the world. It is your choice."
"I do not need to choose. I can have both." He takes the container away from Killian and walks away.
"Now, it is settled. Are we done?"
"No, no. I am not giving up controlling you just yet. Not until I have everything I need."
"What is left?"
"That is me to know and none of your concern. All should be complete and including your life. Run along dearie, enjoy your last day on any land." Rumplestiltskin leaves.
Emma entered the sheriff's station and saw her parents and Leo there. "Kristoff?"
"You cut your hair!"
"You cut your hair!" They hug.
"Kristoff, this is my wife Snow White, our son Leo and our daughter Emma."
"Long story, code name." They hug. "It is so good to see you. I am confused, how are Emma and Leo both your children? She is your age?"
"Long story, we can explain when we stop this Snow Queen." Emma sees her parents getting into cells. "What is going on?"
"We are locking ourselves up so we do not hurt each other during this curse."
"What about Leo?"
"He is going to be safe with you, Emma."
"What?" Emma looks at her Mom thinking how can she take care of two babies.
"You are an amazing mother to Hope, Emma. I know you're going to be an amazing big sister to Leo." Emma holds Leo and begins crying. Hope began crying too. Elsa goes over to Emma. "Emma, I got him." She takes Leo. Emma hugs her daughter.
Killian enters the sheriff's station. "Swan? A word?"
Anna, "Emma, I can hold Hope."
"Thanks, I have Hope. That is my husband and her Daddy." Hope babbles. "Daddy is back." Emma goes to Killian. Elsa takes Leo to his parents.
"Are you okay?"
"Yea...We found Anna, not in time..."
"I know, I just needed to see you and Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. "Dada is back." He looks at Emma. "Before I chain myself to the dock to protect everyone else...I needed to see you."
Emma stops crying. "Killian, I am not a goodbye kisser... a terrible goodbye kisser. Maybe just this once." She holds the back of his head and kisses him passionately, and kisses and hug even with Hope in the middle of them.
"Aye." Killian hugs his two loves. "I love you two more than anything."He lays his hand on her cheek. "I love you so much."
"I love you so much, Killian."
He kisses Hope on the head. "Daddy loves you, Hope. Be a good little pirate princess for your Mommy. Daddy will be back soon." Killian leaves hate not being able to tell Emma what was going on, that the Crocodile has his heart. Emma knew something was off with her husband. The curse was coming, Emma shields Hope from the curse as Elsa shields Leo from the curse.

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