Date Night

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Emma and Henry were in the living room playing video games while Hope was taking a nap. "Mom, where are you going with Dad for your date night?""I have no idea. Your Dad planned the date night.""I know you are nervous about being away from Hope.""Yes, you are right. This is my first time out of the house without Hope since the NICU.""She will be with me Mom. I love Hope." "I know, she loves you too." She kisses Henry on the head. Hope woke up crying. "I will be right back." Emma gets Hope from her crib. "Hi, baby girl. Did you have a good nap? Are you hungry?" She nurses Hope in her rocking chair and pumped the other breast."Mommy is going on a date tonight with Daddy. I know you are going to have fun with Henry. Mommy won't be gone for too long." She brings Hope to the living room. "Hope, you are awake." Emma sits down with Hope. He lets Hope hold his finger. "You have a strong grip, baby sis." He shows Hope singing toys until Hope began to cry. Emma bounces Hope up and down until Hope fell asleep."Kid, Hope is overstimulated. Not too long with singing toys." "Gotcha.""I have bottles in the refrigerator for Hope, if you run out, I have extra breastmilk in the freezer." Killian returns home from work. "Hi, Emma.""Hi, Killian." They kiss. "How was work?""Busy but good.""Hi, Dad.""Hi, son. Are you excited to watch Hope?""Yes, Hope and I will have fun while you and Mom have your much needed kid-free time." Hope began to cry. "Killian, Hope wants her Daddy.""Of course, swan. I miss her all day." Killin holds Hope in his arms. "Hi, little pirate princess. How was your day with Mommy and Henry?" Hope coos. "You had a fun day? Tell me more." He sits down and talks to Hope by helping her stand up and facing him. Hope makes a lot of poop. "Hope, why do you love making poop while Daddy holds you? You always poop during our pirate talk." Emma chuckles. Killian changes Hope in their room and returns. "Emma, take your time getting ready. Hope wants one on one with her Dada before she plays with Henry tonight.""Thank you, I need a shower because Hope spits up in my hair a few times today.""Hope was just being a little pirate." He tickles Hope, as she kisses him on the cheek. "Dad. Can I show you my drawings?""Yes, you can, Henry." Henry gets his drawings from his room. "Hope, your brother is a very talented artist. I know he will teach you art and let you join in his art projects." Emma gets ready for their date night taking a shower, curl her hair, and wearing the dress and she got for Christmas with tights and heels. She puts her makeup on as Killian brings Hope. "Hope, your Mommy looks beautiful little love." Hope coos. "Yes, little love. Your Mommy is always beautiful just like you are." He gave Hope kisses on her cheek. Emma smiles. He sets Hope on their bed, Emma tickles Hope as Killian was getting ready. "Hope, are you going to be a good girl for Henry tonight?" Hope coos. "I know you and Henry will have fun tonight." She gave Hope kisses. "When Mommy gets Hope, we are going to snuggle. I will tell you and Henry all about Mommy and Daddy's date night." Hope coos and grabs her Mommy's face which made Emma smiles. "Mommy will be back with Dada. We are going out for a few hours." Hope kicks her legs. "I love you, Hope." Killian takes a picture of their mother and daughter moment. "Emma, are you ready to go?""I am almost ready." Killian holds Hope. Emma made sure they had extra diapers, wipes, and clean clothes for Hope. "Mom, Hope and I will be staying inside the whole time.""Henry, when hope gets fussy you can put her in her chair if you cannot calm her, down, there is breastmilk in the refrigerator and in the freezer. The emergency numbers are on the fridge door. When she is sleeping in her crib make sure she is wearing her sleep apnea monitor....""Mom, I know how to bottle feed her, changer diaper and her outfits. Hope will be safe with me. Also, Mrs.B is next door if Hope gets in a bad mood. You need to have a night out with Dad, kid-free." Emma hugs her son. "Thank you, Henry, for watching Hope tonight.""You are welcome, Mom.""How about during the weekend, your Dad can watch Hope. You and I can go to the Museum of Natural History?""Really? Just you and me? We can be tourists for a day?"Emma chuckles. "Yes, Henry." Henry hugs his Mom. "What about Dad and Hope? I want Hope and Dad to join us.""We can take them with us.""For our one on one time can we go to the movies?""Yes.""Can we see the new Star Wars movie?'"Yes, we can go to the movies on Sunday after a family day on Saturday.""Yes!" They hug. Killian brings Hope, "Do I hear a family day on Saturday?""Yes, Dad. We are going to the Museum of Natural History on Saturday. Hope's first museum.""Aye, we are going to have fun." Hope coos. "Yes, Hope, you are right. It will be so much fun." "Dad, Mom and I are going to see the new Star Wars movie on Sunday.""That is awesome, lad. I know you and your Mom love Star Wars. Hope and I will have our pirate talk when you two go see the movie." Hope moves around. "Killian, give me our daughter." Killian places Hope in his wife's arms. "Hope, are you going to have fun with Henry tonight?" Hope smiles. "Henry, Hope is excited to have H&H time." "Mom, Hope and I will have fun tonight." He takes his sister from their Mom. "Hope, can you tell Mommy that we are going to have fun tonight?" Hope coos. Emma smiles. "Hope, be a good girl for Henry." She gave Hope kisses. "Henry, if anything happens.""Mom, I will call you.""Emma, do you have everything?""I just need to get my purse." Emma gets her purse in her room. "Dad, Hope and I will have fun tonight.'"Aye, I know.""Mom is nervous, I know.""Call me if anything happens.""I will, Dad." Emma returns. "Mom, Have fun tonight.""Thank you, Henry." She kisses him on the head. "Thank you for watching Hope.""Your welcome, Mom. I know you will have fun with Dad tonight." She hugs them and Killian gently links his arm with his wife's. Henry waves Hope's hand. "Hope, it is just you and me little sis. What do you want to do first?" Hope began to cry. "Are you hungry?" He sniffs her. "You need a diaper change." Henry changes Hope's diaper and her outfit. "Hope, you want to talk in my room?" He carries Hope to his room and let her lie on his bed. Hope was kicking around and cooing. "Hope, let's take a picture for Mommy so I can show her we are having fun." He takes a selfie lying down next to Hope and texts the picture to their parents. Hope coos. "You want a story? I can tell you a story about our Mommy." Hope coos a lot. "Once upon a time, in the Enchanted Forest, Snow White and Prince Charming were expecting a baby..." Hope coos. "Yes, Mommy. When the curse was coming..." For the first part of their date, Killian leads his swan around Central Park. Emma did not let go of her husband's arm and she kisses him on the cheek. "We have not been out of the house just us or alone just us in a long time." "Aye, you mean since our Neverland adventure? Or when on the Jolly Roger that night?" Emma chuckles. "I mean our dates around New York before I found out I was pregnant with Hope." Killian smiles big, "That what you mean. I do love our little Hope.""I love our little family." He kisses her on the head. Killian bought them cinnamon hot cocoa they sat on one of the huge rocks on Central Park. Emma cuddles into Killian's leather jacket."I can smell the ocean on your jacket.""I was living on the ocean for so long that the ocean smell will always be on my jacket." "I love the smell of the ocean on you.""Aye, it is the smell of my cologne. Are you cold Emma?""Yes, I am." He takes off his leather jacket and takes off his wife's coat and puts it his jacket wife. "Are you cold?" "I am going to wear your coat." "You would switch coats with me?""Aye, because I know my wife is cold and my jacket is warmer than her coat." She hugs him and kisses him on the cheek knowing he cares for her and wanting to keep her safe and warm. "Where is our next stop captain?" "Dinner is next.""Is it a surprise?""Aye, yes it is swan." Emma checks her iPhone. "Is everything alright?" "Yes, I..I am turning my phone notifications on, just in case Henry calls me." Killian holds his wife's hand. "I know you planned this night out but I am nervous about being away from Hope." "I understand that, Emma. You are her Mommy. You just want to make sure Hope is alright but Hope has her big brother taking good care of her. Henry knew you needed a little break from Hope. I always have my phone on for you and Henry." They both got a text from Henry of a brother and sister selfie "Emma, Hope is happy to be with Henry."Emma was in tears. "Yes, he is a great big brother to Hope. I love their relationship." Killian hugs his wife. "They are close brother and sister, Emma, they will always have their brother and sister bond." He kisses Emma on the head. Killian guides his swan to their next destination. Back at home, Henry ate dinner while watching Harry Potter, while Hope was sleeping in her crib. When he heard his sister crying, he heated her up a bottle. He takes Hope from her crib. "Hope, I know you are hungry, little sis. I have your milk." He carries Hope to the kitchen and feeds Hope her milk on the couch. "You are being such a good girl for me tonight." Hope grips her brother. "I love you so much, Hope." He burps Hope and she did not want to let go of him."Hopey, you want to stay with me? We are having H&H time." Henry takes another selfie picture of himself and Hope snuggling and texts the picture to his parents. "Hope, you want storytime?" Hope fusses. "You want to sleep on my chest?" Hope coos. "You can sleep on me, Hope." Killian walks with his wife to the subway and took the train downtown to Little Italy, "Via Della Pace." "Killian, we are eating in Little Italy?""Aye, yes we are, swan.""The next time we eat in Little Italy, we can bring the kids.""Aye, yes we can. After the museum, we can bring them to Little Italy.""That is a great idea." She kisses him on the cheek. "My swan, our dinner awaits." Killian leads her inside, "Hello, I have a reservation under Jones for two.""Killian Jones party of 2?""Aye, that is us." The hostess leads Killian and Emma to their table. The waitress gave them a bottle of wine with their appetizers, mozzarella sticks. "Emma, do you want wine?""No, I cannot have alcohol since I am nursing Hope.""Sorry, love. I forgot." Emma knew held his hook knowing he felt bad. "That is alright. I am not mad at you, Killian. Since we are on a date night. Tell me about work?""Well, it is keeping me very busy. Even though it is winter there is a lot of shipping entering the dock here.""That is why I chose New York to be our home since it always has opportunities for us. Continue." "We had this shipment of reminded me of Hope...I want to get her all the toys in the world." Emma smiles seeing her husband being a caring Daddy to their daughter. Killian ordered the Rigatoni Del Pirata, Baked Rigatoni with Sausage, Mushroom, and Mozzarella in a Pink Rum Sauce. Emma ordered a lasagna via Della Pace, a beef Lasagna Bolognese Style. "I can see why you ordered the rigatoni because of the rum.""Aye, you know me and my love of rum, Emma." Emma chuckles. Henry facetime calls his Mom."Henry is calling me." She swipes her iPhone, seeing Henry and Hope snuggling. "Hi, Henry. How is watching Hope?""Mom, Hope just wants to stay with me. Is that normal?" Emma smiles. "Yes, Henry. She loves you, kid." "Hope, Mommy is on the phone." He faces Hope to their Mom so Emma can see them. "Hi, baby girl. Are you having fun with Henry?" Hope coos. "Yes, Henry is the best." Killian was smiling. "Dada took Mommy to an Italian restaurant. I know you will have the milk form later." "Mom, Hope is behaving." Hope coos. "You want to say hi to Daddy?" Emma smiles. "Killian." Emma gives her iPhone to Killian."Hi, Henry. Hi, little Hope." Hope coos. "Are you being a good little lass for your brother?" Hope moves around. Killian smiles. "Dad, Hope is having fun with me. How is your date with your Mom?""Going really well." Hope makes poop. "Dad, I will see you and Mom when you both get home. Hope does not want to be anywhere but with me." Hope began to cry. "Hope, I will change you." The facetime ended. Killian hands his wife her iPhone back. "I told you, swan, Hope is going to be in good hands with Henry." "Yes, Henry is a great babysitter." Killian holds his wife's hand. "Aye, I know that Hope and Henry will be very happy to see you when we come home." Their food arrived and they ate their dinner. Emma goes to the bathroom, to use her breast pump to make bottles for Hope, and to avoid leaks in her new dress. Killian paid for their dinner. They walked around Little Italy. "How about we have gelato for dessert?""I love your idea captain. You know me I love sweets.""Aye, especially the cold version." Emma chuckles. They found Ferrara's bakery which sold gelato. Emma ordered chocolate and Killian ordered tiramisu. "How is your chocolate gelato my swan?""Very good. How is your tiramisu?""Very yummy. Do you want to try some?""Yes." He places his ice cream on her nose, making Emma laugh. "Hey..." She places her ice cream on his face. They both laugh. Killian leads his wife to their apartment. "Killian..""Yes..." Emma jumps on him and gave him a huge kiss as he held her in his arms. "I love you.""I love you too, Emma." They make out until they were Killian was up against the wall. "Emma, the kids are on the opposite side of this wall."Emma giggles and leans on his chest. "Thank you for this date night. I really needed a night out.""Aye, we can have another date night soon.""It is a date." She gives him a wink. They kiss. Emma enters the room. "It is quiet..." She sees the living room scattered with dirty diapers and bottles and finds her two children sleeping on the couch. "Good job, Henry." She kisses Henry on the head. Emma takes her daughter from her son, "Hopey, I miss you so much. You were such a good girl for Henry." She hugs Hope. "Little love you were such a good little lass for Henry." He kisses Hope on the head. "Our little lass loves her big brother.""Yes, she did not want to be anywhere but with Henry." Emma yawns. "I will bring Henry to bed." Killian carries Henry to bed. Emma brings Hope to their room. Killian tucks Henry in and returns to their room. He kisses Emma on the head and hugs her. She kisses him on the cheek. Hope wakes up looking up at her Mommy."'Hi, Hope." Hope smiles making her parents smile. "Someone is happy to have her Mommy home." Emma can't stop smiling."You are looking right at me, Hopey. I missed you tonight but I know you were having fun with Henry." Hope coos. "You are happy that I am back home." Hope began to cry. "Emma, Hope wants her Daddy." Killian takes his little lass from his wife. "Hi, little love. I heard you had fun with Henry." Hope stops crying. "She just wanted her time with her Daddy." Emma kisses Hope on her cheek. Hope makes poop. "Love, I will change her." As Killian changed Hope, Emma took a shower and changed into pajamas, she had so much fun evening with Killian but she is happy to be home with her children. She returns seeing Killian lying down with Hope on his chest talking to Hope about their date night. "Yes, I was a gentleman to Mommy on our date night." Hope moves around. "How was I a gentleman? I let Mommy wear my leather jacket which is very polite..." Hope coos. "When you get bigger you can wear my leather." He rubs Hope's cheek. Emma smiles and takes a picture of Killian and Hope's daddy-daughter time. In Henry's room, Henry was tossing and turning, having a bad dream of Pan telling him it was his fault of hurting his family.. "NO...NO...." Emma rushes to her son's room and wakes him up. "Henry...Henry...." Henry wakes up seeing his Mom. "Mom..." Emma hugs her son who was shaking."Henry, I am right here. You had a bad dream.... It is over..." She rubs his head. "I am not going back to bed. I..I have enough my rest from watching Hope...""You are still growing and need to rest." "No...Please I do not want to get the same bad dream again..." Killian carries Hope and joins Henry and Emma on his bed. "Henry, whatever you dreamt about it won't happen again.""No the dream will happen again...""Henry, what did you dream about?" Henry began to cry. She hugs her son. Emm and Killia looked at each other knowing they need to get Henry to talk. "You can tell us Henry, whatever it is, kid. You know that you tell your Dad and me anything.""Lad, you can tell your mother and me anything, son." Hope fusses. Killian adjusts Hope in his arms. "Your brother had a very bad dream, little love. He is not alone, he has you, Mommy and Dada to talk to him." Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom, Dad please stay.""We are not leaving you, Henry.""Lad, we are staying with you." Hope coos. "Hope is staying with you too because she loves you so much." Hope began to cry. "Killian, hand Hope to me. She is hungry." Emma nurses Hope, she had both of her children on her. "Hope, do not kick Henry." "Hope is not going to hurt me, Mom." Killian takes Hope to burp her, Hope began to cry. "Emma, she wants her Mommy." Emma burps Hope, who continues to cry."Kid, I think your sister knows that you are upset. Right Hope? You do not like seeing Henry crying?" Emma comforted her children who both wanted their Mom. "Henry, you need to talk. The longer you are upset, the longer Hope is upset.""I do not want Hope upset."Henry takes Hope from their Mom. Hope cries more. "You want Mommy? Little sis." He gives Hope back to their Mom. Emma holds Hope and hugs Henry at the same time. "Henry, please tell us about your bad dream." "Okay..." Henry hugs his Mom. "I had a bad dream about Pan telling me that it was my fault for hurting you, Dad and the rest of our family in Neverland...bringing you to Neverland and him wanting to hurt everyone we love...I mean we are not with the rest of our family any more, they are in the Enchanted Forest not here with us." Killian gets Hope from Emma to calm little lass down.Emma hugs her son. "Henry, you did not choose to go to Neverland. You were kidnapped by Greg and Tamara. It is not your fault. We all chose to go to rescue you. I was going to rescue you no matter what because you are my son. My baby was being taken away from me again..." Emma hugs her son tight. "Throughout the whole portal journey, all I could think was about you...when I gave birth to you, the first time you were taken away from me..." Emma began to cry. "I was going to do everything in my power to get you back to me... In that journey, your Dad was helping me since he knew about Pan and Neverland and was on my side when I was focusing on getting back to you...We all hated Pan because we knew he was keeping you away from us. We all focused on getting back to you. Pan is dead. He is not going to hurt you ever again." Henry hugs his Mom. "Henry, your Mom was in mama bear mode from the time we were on the Jolly Roger until we rescued you from Pan especially getting your heart back. She was focused on our mission to get you back. I knew your Mom was not going to stop from getting you back from Pan. I helped your Mom and the rest of our family to get you back without asking questions. Her role was being your Mom ever since I met your Mom in the Enchanted Forest, all she cared about was getting back to you which is one of the reasons I fell in love with your Mom. Being a great woman loves her children and will do anything for them which is being a strong brave mother." Hope coos. "That is right, Hope. You and Henry have the best Mommy." Hope coos and kicks her legs around. "We rescued Henry, you are home with your Dad and me in a realm with no magic." She kisses him on the head and rubs his back. Henry hugs his Mom. "Peter Pan is dead. You are safe with us. No one here is going to hurt you. You have me and your Dad to protect you if you are getting hurt in school.""Henry you have us son. You are not alone, you will always have us to protect you." He places his free hand on his son's shoulder. "You will always have us, son." Henry nods his head. "Henry, you want me to stay here with you?""Yes." "Emma, I will put Hope to bed in our room." She kisses Hope on the cheek. "He needs his Mom.""If Hope needs to be fed, bring her in her.""Aye, I will.""I had fun tonight.""Me too, love. We are definitely will have a date night again soon.""Yes, my captain." "Yes, my swan." They kiss. Killian takes Hope to their room. Emma lies down next to Henry. "Mom, how was your date night?"Emma smiles. "It was fun. I did miss you and Hope the whole time when we were out.""You and Dad can have another date night, I can watch Hope.""I know you are going to be Hope's favorite babysitter." Henry hugs his Mom. "I love you, Henry.""I love you, Mom." Henry falls asleep. Emma thought to herself of her past when she had to give her son up for adoption which was the best for him. "I love you, Henry. You are always going to be my first baby. I am never going to leave you again." She kisses him on the head and falls asleep feeling loved her son wants her to sleep with him and how much her husband was being a gentleman during their date night to Hope happy seeing her when they arrived home. Emma wakes up from a deep sleep hearing Hope crying. "Killian...""I am sorry to wake you Emma, Hope wants to sleep on her Mommy.""Hopey." Killian puts Hope on Emma by her chest. "Hopey, you are with Mommy baby girl. I did not leave you, I was sleeping in the next room with Henry. You have to share Mommy.""Aye, I told her that, Hope wanted to sleep with her Mommy.""Awe, Hope." She kisses her daughter on the head. "You can sleep with Mommy and Henry." She rubs Hope's back until she heard Hope's little snore. "She just wanted to be with me.""Yes, swan. Everything I did to calm her down, nothing.""I can tell she was being stubborn."Killian chuckles. "She is her Mommy's mini-me." Emma smiles knowing her husband was right. "Emma, when you and the lad are awake, I will make you both anything for breakfast.""I do like pancakes.""Aye, I am thinking of pancakes, eggs bacon, and toast.""That sounds delicious." Henry wakes up." Hope okay?""Yes, kid. Your sister wanted to join us.""Hope can join us.""Lad, you can help me with breakfast later.""Yes, I can help." "Great, son. Now get some rest." Henry falls back to sleep. "Emma, I was thinking, I can take Henry out for some boy time during the weekend.""Henry will love that after the museum day or before the museum day. I promised Henry after the museum day he and I will have a day together.""Aye, we can do the day before the museum. I know Henry wants one on one time with his Mom after the museum.""I want to have same amount of time with Hope and Henry.""You and I will give them an equal amount of attention love, they will never be left out. That is a promise." Emma smiles and kisses him on the cheek knowing that promise will be kept by both of them since they were unequally treated in their pasts and wanted better life for their children. Killian hugs his wife and kisses her on the cheek and stayed with her until she fell asleep and settle her next to Henry. He took a picture of his family sleeping together and leaves the room knowing is swan was loving this moment with their children even being exhausted being mother of two but would not change any of it.

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