Family Time

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While Henry was still on vacation, Killian took Henry out for some boy time. He took Henry to a comic bookstore in Midtown. "Dad?"

"Yes, son?"

"I was wondering..."

"What is it, lad?"

"Can you teach me how to sail?"

"Lad, you know that the Jolly Roger is gone but I can teach you how to sail but we have to find a ship."

"You will teach me?"

"Of course, lad. You are part pirate after all. I have an idea. Follow me, Henry." Killian took Henry to the subway downtown and walked to the docks in Chelsea Piers where he works. "Dad, this is where you work? This is awesome."

Killian smiles. "Yes, lad. You can go on the ship to look around."

"Awesome." Henry runs on the ship. Killian watches his son explore. "Dad. What is this?" Killian smiles and ends up giving his son a ship lesson. Henry wanted to know every part of the ship.

While Killian and Henry had their father and son day, Emma and Hope had a Mommy and Hope day. Most of the night, Hope had a rough night, keeping both of her parents' up. Killian told his wife that he can stay home with her and Hope. "Killian, I can be home with our daughter. Hope loves being held as long as she is being held she is happy and not crying like last night. Our son needs one on one time with his Dad. He has been waiting all week for his special day with his Dad."

Killian smiles. "Aye, I have an idea of where to take Henry."

"I know my two boys will have a fun day." Hope coos.

"Little love, Dada has a special plan for our daddy-daughter day on Sunday." He gave Hope kisses on her cheek.

Henry was ready. "Dad, are you ready?"

"Yes, I am. Emma, we will see you two lasses later."

"Have fun with Henry." They kiss.

Henry hugs his Mom. "Have fun today with Hope."

"Thanks, Henry. Have fun with Dad." Henry and Killian leave. Emma looks down at Hope. "Hope, it is just you and me today, sweetie. What do you want to do?" Hope coos. "You want to take a nap? How about after your naptime, we can take a walk in Central Park? It is nice and warm outside." Hope coos. "That is a great plan." Hope goes to her breast. "You just want another breakfast." Emma sits down with her daughter and breastfeeds her. As Hope was napping in her carrier Emma was packing the diaper bag making sure she has everything before she takes Hope out for their Mommy and Hope time, the first of many. Emma sets Hope on her bed and gets dressed. Hope woke up crying knowing that she was not with her Mommy. Emma was smiling because her daughter wanted to be with her. "Hopey." She rubs Hope's belly. "Mommy is right here. I am just changing my outfit, that is all." She sits next to her daughter, who was gripping her fingers. "I am not leaving you ever. You will always have me, Hope. I am your Mommy." Hope was chewing Emma's fingers. "Are you fingers tasty baby girl?" Emma smiles. She gets Hope dressed and placed the carrier on her, diaper bag on the shoulder. She takes a picture of Hope in a long sleeve onesie and wrapped up in her baby blanket with their matching gray beanies which were so cute. "You are ready for Mommy and Hope time." She takes a selfie with her daughter in their matching beanies and puts Hope in her carrier. "You and I need fresh air." It was sixty-degree day, Emma decided to take Hope to Central Park. She takes a mother and daughter selfie in Central Park. Emma enjoyed Hope cooing at her and sat on a park bench. "You like the park, baby girl? There are buildings across the street, there are many trees here. There are clouds, up in the sky. There are so many huge rocks to walk on when you can walk..." She sees Hope was copying her, trying to talk, Emma was in awe a new milestone. "Mommy...Mommy..." Emma smiling enjoying seeing her daughter trying to talk to her and copying her.

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