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After Belle used the dagger on Rumplestiltskin, to leave over the town line, Storybrooke has been quiet for a good change with no curse or trouble. Emma was able to take time off from defeating the Snow Queen since her office is being renovated since Regina and Mary-Margaret had a battle during the recent curse and her office door was shattered. She took her free time being a mommy to both children without worrying about the newest villain in town. Emma and Allison finally met up at the Swan-Jones house for girl talk. Emma and Allison were talking on the couch. "How is not fighting villains all the time?"
Emma smiles. "It is weird. Ever since Henry brought me here, I have been the savior helping everyone in town or fighting a villain. It is a nice change of pace, just being a Mommy to Henry and this little duckling. Not rushing around trying to find a villain and being in danger. This pace is like when we were in New York."
"You seem happier, Emma."
"Being less stressed?"
"Yes, more of the savior off duty." They both laughed. Hope babbles. "Hope, are you the little sheriff?" Hope screams.
"She is the little sheriff."
Allison smiles. "Oh, the little sheriff." She takes Hope from the couch and helped her stand up. "Hope, you are your Mommy's little sheriff?" Hope babbles. "Yes, you are!" She gripped Allison's face. Emma takes a picture of Allison and Hope on her iPhone. "Auntie Allison loves you, Hope." Hope babbles. Emma smiles. "You and Henry can call me Auntie. Deal?" Hope babbles.
"Allison, she is saying deal Auntie." Hope looks at her Mommy. "Mommy...say Mommy..."
"Yes, Mama!" She holds Hope and hugs her daughter. "She started to sound out my name while we were in Arendelle last week." Hope moves around. She puts Hope on her lap.
"How was Anna and Kristoff's wedding?"
"It was a beautiful ceremony in a church and they had the wedding reception outside. The whole kingdom was there."
"Wow that is a huge wedding!"
"Yes! It was a celebration of getting Arendelle back from Hans and his twelve older brothers."
"It was double the ceremony."
"Yes, it was." Hope fusses. She holds Hope in her arms who grabs a lock of her Mommy's hair and chews on it. "Hope got to experience her first wedding outside the womb. When Killian and I got married in city hall in New York, I was 5 months pregnant. Henry gave me away. As we were leaving the courtroom, I just fell to the floor. I ended up going to the hospital and have a cerclage surgery the next day."
"That was an unexpected honeymoon."
"Oh, yes. She just wanted to be at our wedding and made it very memorable." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Hope..." Hope smiles at Allison. She tickles Hope making her laugh. Allison lifts Hope up and down.
"I have a feeling Hope will not give me or Killian trouble when we visit you at work."
Allison smiles. "That is because Hope knows I am a good person and her Mommy's best friend. I am also her auntie." Emma smiles seeing her new friend playing with Hope.
Emma and Killian were able to snuggle in bed in the mornings with Hope. She wakes up to see Hope doing tummy time on Killian and having their morning talk. "Morning, Killian."
"Hi, swan." They kiss. Hope babbles.
"Hi, Hope. Are you having a good talk with Dada?" Hope babbles. "Yes, you are." She kisses Hope on the cheek.
"Hope had a little poop explosion but I got her all cleaned up." Hope babbles and looks at her Mommy.
Emma joined their snuggle. "Mommy is right here, Hope." She gripped her Mommy's hand. "This is nice?" Killian gave his swan a look. "Morning time in bed, just relaxing with our daughter. No rushing out to fight a villain."
"Aye, Belle did a good job kicking out the Crocodile over the town line."
"Yes, Belle made the right choice. Now, this is the town I want to raise our daughter in, a safe town."
"Aye, a safe town for both Henry and Hope will grow up here in a safe place, love."
"Yes." They kiss and continue to play and talk to Hope who was looking at her parents, while Henry slept in.
The Swan-Jones family had a new normal family routine, Killian wakes up early to cook his family breakfast. After everyone is ready, Killian, Emma, and Hope walk Henry to the school bus stop every morning. "Little sis, when I get home from school; we are going to have H&H time."
"Henry, remember after school, you have your doctor appointment with Aunt Allison. You both have your appointment today."
"Yes, Mom." He hugs his Mom.
"Have a good day at school."
"I will. Have a good day at work. Dad, can we play video games later?"
"Aye, lad. We can after your doctor's appointment."
"Awesome!" He hugs his Dad making his parents smile.
"Have a good day in school, Henry." Henry goes to the bus as Emma and Killian watch the bus leave. Hope fusses. "We are going to see later, Hope. Henry has to go to school. You get to be my little sheriff today."
Emma walks with Killian to the library with Hope in her carrier looking at her Daddy. "Little love, are you looking at my chin or my dashingly handsome face?" Emma laughs. Hope babbles. "Oh, you are looking at my face." He bops Hope's nose. "You are the cutest little pirate princess in all the realms!" Hope smiles. He gives Hope kisses on her cheek. They arrived at the library, "Hope, be a good little pirate-princess to your Mommy. I will see you later at the sheriff's station."
Emma takes Hope from Killian, "Hey you know it's not your fault right?..."
"I still feel awful about it, love. I did not want to do it."
"It was the Gold's fault, not yours." She holds his hook. "You are still a hero, Killian. You are not a villain." Hope babbles. "You are an amazing Daddy to Hope and Henry. We love you for who you are." Hope gripped her Daddy's jacket and babbles. "She is saying, My Daddy is the best."
Killian smiles at his two loves, cheering him up. He hugs them. "My two loves cheer me up."
"I hate seeing you sad honey."
"You always make me happy, love."
"We will see you later. Hope, say love you Dada." Hope babbles. They kiss. Killian enters the library to help Belle find a way to get the fairies out of the sorcerer's hat. Hope began crying. "Hope, Dada will meet us later at the sheriff's station. It is time for us to go on patrol." She hugs her daughter and rubs her back until Hope settles down from crying. She walks to her car and puts Hope in her car seat and drives around town for patrol. Hope babbles. "Yes, Hope, we are having a little car ride around town." Emma smiles love being able to work and be with her daughter at the same time. Being sheriff when there is no curse or villain in town is a good change. After patrol, Emma changes Hope's diaper in back of her yellow bug,parked her spot at the sheriff's station. She carried Hope as she walked to Grannys' with her blankie wrapped around her. Granny sees the mother and daughter enter the diner. "Hi, Emma. Hi, Hope."
"Hi,Granny. Hope say hi to Granny." Hope smiles. She sits on the barstool. "Can we have cinnamon hot cocoa and grilled cheese to go?"
"You got it." She puts the order in. "Can I hold her?"
Emma smiles."Yes, you can. Hopey, Granny wants to say hi." She gives Hope to Granny.
"Hi, Hope." Hope began to cry.
"Hope, Mommy is right here, sweetie." She lets Hope hold her finger. Hope smiles at her Mommy making her Mommy smile. "I'm right here with you and Granny, baby girl." Hope lies on Granny's chest.
Granny smiles."Emma, she is so cute and she loves being near you."
"Yes, she certainly does. She takes after me, she has light magic but she loves the water like Killian does."
"Hope takes after you and Killian for sure. How is being sheriff since Gold is gone?"
"It has been quiet which is a good change for being sheriff, less fighting villains."
"I know Hope loves going to work with you and Killian."
"Yes, she does. She is a fighter like Killian and I. She proves to us when she was born."
"She is a little beauty, Emma. You and Killian are great parents to her and Henry. I see Henry always taking her around town. He takes such good care of her. "
"He is a great big brother."
"You and Killian are raising them right." Hope babbles. Granny smiles at Hope.
"Thank you, Granny."
Hope began crying. "Emma, someone wants her Mommy."
Emma takes Hope from Granny. "Hopey...Hopey..." She put Hope on her chest who stopped crying. "You just wanted to be with me."
"You are a great mom,Emma. You are juggling motherhood and savior pretty well."
"Thank you, Granny. I am doing my best. I have Killian's help. He is the best husband and best friend. We are a team. In the foster system, I did not have the best parents awful foster parents. I am just happy to have Henry and Hope to raise together." She pays for her cinnamon hot cocoa and grilled cheese.
"Emma, if you need a break, I can watch Hope."
"Thank you, Granny." She takes Hope and her meal back to the sheriff's station. "Hope, we are back at Mommy's office." Hope began to cry. "It is time for our lunch, baby girl." She breastfeeds Hope as she eats her grilled cheese and cinnamon hot cocoa. After she puts Hope down for her nap in her travel crib and does paperwork.
When Killian arrives at the sheriff's station, seeing his swan doing paperwork with Hope on her lap. "Hi, sheriff Swan."
Emma smiles seeing her husband "Hi, my deputy." They kiss.
"Hi, little sheriff." Hope smiles. He holds Hope on his hip. "Are you being a good little love to your Mommy?" Hope babbles. "My two sheriffs both are very busy."
Emma smiles. '"How was research at the library?"
"Aye, nothing yet that could help them."
Emma puts her hand on his scruffy cheek. "We will get the fairies back. I know it."
"You are being hopeful."
Emma smiles. "You, Henry and Hope taught me to be hopeful." She hugs him. "I miss working with you."
"I miss being with my swan." He hugs her back. "I am still your deputy."
"You are here with me, now." He holds Hope letting Emma fill out paperwork.
They waited for Henry's bus to arrive. When Henry arrived, he went straight to his sister. "Hope!" He takes his sister from their Dad. "Hi, little sis." Hope babbles. "I missed you too at school." Hope hugs Henry. "Mom, Dad Hope is hugging me."
"Yes, she is because she missed you today."
Emma and Killian brought Henry and Hope to their appointment with Dr.Cameron, they were waiting in the examination room. "Mom, can I go first?"
Emma looks at Hope who was playing with Killian."Yes, you can. Hope will be wanting to leave after she gets her S-H-O-T-S."
"I can show Hope that shots won't be too bad."
"She might get more than one shot, kid. Baby immunization shots are more than just one."
Allison comes into the room. "Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Allison."
"Hi, Aunt Allison."
"Hi, Henry and Killian."
"Is your house box free?"
"We are almost there. We have a few boxes left. How's being sheriff without a new villain or dark one around?"
"It is very quiet. Now that my office is fixed up after the Snow Queen, I get to do paperwork and go on patrol. Hope always comes with me. Henry comes with us when he is off from school. It is less stressful. Henry is going to go first."
"Swan, Hope, and I will be outside in the hall."
"Dad, you and Hope can stay in here. I want to show Hope not be afraid of the doctor."
"Aye, lad. We will stay." Hope chews on her Daddy's hook.
He goes to his sister. "Hope, Aunt Allison is going to check up on me. You do not have to be afraid of the doctor." Hope babbles. "She is a good doctor, unlike weird Dr.Whale." Emma chuckles.
Allison does a routine check-up on Henry. "Henry, you are healthy. You are 12 years old and you need one shot today for HPV. It is to prevent cancer."
"Okay. I do not want cancer." Killian gave his son a look. "Cancer is a very bad disease that can cause death, Dad."
"Aye,that is why you need to eat healthy to prevent cancer, lad."
Allison looks at Emma. "This HPV shot will be two doses. He can get the next dose in the fall when he comes in for his flu shot."
"What does this shot do?"
"Protect him from cancer that he can get around his age." Allison gets the shot already.
Emma sees Henry getting afraid and sits next to her son. "Do you need me here?" Henry looks at the shot. "I can hold your hand."
Henry holds his Mom's hand. "Stay."
"I am right here, kid." Killian sees Emma being the parent she never had as a child. Allison gives Henry his shot. Henry had his eyes closed."She is almost done, kid."
Allison puts a bandaid on Henry's arms. "You are done, Henry."
"That was not too painful." Henry hugs his Mom. "Thanks for holding my hand."
"You are welcome, kid." She kisses him on the head.
As Emma undresses Hope, Henry was talking to her. "Little sis, the owie shots won't hurt for too long. The shots will help us protect from getting sick." He lets Hope hold his finger. "You will be with Mommy when you get your shots, little sis. She made me feel safe when I was afraid of getting mine. She will do the same for you." Hope looks at her brother. "I will be here with you and Daddy, too." Emma and Killian both smile at Henry giving Hope a pep talk. Emma puts Hope on the baby weight, Allison measures Hope, "She is 14 pounds, which is a healthy weight for her age." She measures Hope's head. Hope fusses. "Emma, you can put her on the examination table."
Emma did as she was told. "You are doing such a good job, Hope."
Allison measures Hope's height, "She is 23 inches." She checked Hope's ears. "Hi, Hope." Hope looks at Allison. "Your ears are clear, Hope." She continues to examine Hope and takes her stethoscope out. "I am going to check her heart." She checks Hope's heart which was beating normally. "Emma, Killian, Hope's heart is beating normal. Her patent ductus arteriosus surgery is helping her heartbeat normally." Hope gripped Allison's stethoscope. "Little niece." She tickles Hope. "I am going to check her lungs now."
Emma was sitting next to her daughter. "You are being such a good girl for Allison, baby girl." Hope gripped her Mommy's finger.
Allison uses a stethoscope to check Hope's lungs. "Emma, Killian Hope's lungs are clear and strong."
Emma smiles. "That is great, that means she is breathing normally."
"Aye, what about when she gets sick? Will her lungs be affected?"
"We have to see when Hope gets sick again, we can see if her lungs are affected. For now, both of her lungs and heart are healthy." Emma and Killian smiled holding hands that their daughter is healthy.
Henry faces his sister. "Little sis, you are healthy." Hope rolls over to her tummy.
"Hope, you are not done, yet."
"Emma, Hope has three shots today." Emma puts Hope on her lap. "The second polio vaccination, pneumococcal and rotavirus shot." Hope was chewing on her Mommy's hand.
"Hope, Allison has to give you a few shots, little love. You are with your Mommy. The shots will be over soon, little love." Hope holds her Daddy's hook. "Dada is right here. Next to you and Mommy, Hope." Emma smiles seeing Killian reassuring their daughter that she was safe. Allison got the shots ready. "Hope, you are going to be with me, sweetie." She held her daughter who was wailing as Allison gave Hope her shots. Emma hated seeing Hope in pain and crying, her heart was breaking. "It is almost over, Hope."
"You need your shots, little love to be healthy." Hope cried more as Allison gave her the last shot. "You are all done, Hope. No more shots." She puts three bandages on Hope's two legs and one on her arm.
Emma was hugging her daughter. "No more, owie, Hope. Shh..shh..."
"Killian, she might get a fever from the side effects. Call me if you need anything."
"Thank you, Allison."
Allison leaves. Henry shows Hope her Pluto doll. "Baby sis, do not cry. It is over, now, little sis."
Hope gripped her Mommy and cried more. "Hopey, we are going home, baby girl. Killian, please help me get her dressed."
"Aye, swan." He gets Hope's clothes and they dress Hope back into her clothes. "You are all done with the shots,little love." Emma gives Hope her pacifier which helped her settle down. She holds Hope on her chest. "You are okay, Hope. You did such a great job with Allison today."
Killian wrapped his little love in her blankie. "You were so brave today, little love. Just like Mommy and daddy are brave." He rubs Hope's head. "Swan, let's go home."
"Yes. We need to go home." Hope gripped her Mommy. "You are with me, baby girl. We are going home." The family went to the yellow bug. Emma buckles Hope into her carseat. "Henry, how is your arm?"
"It is a little painful. I only had one shot, Hope had three." He rubs Hope's hand. "You are okay, little sis. When we get home we are going to have H&H time." Emma drove her family home. Hope was fast asleep. "Hope, you are asleep. We were about to have H&H time."
Emma hears her son's disappointment. "Henry, you can have H&H time with your sister when she wakes up. She needs her nap, kid. She had a rough day."
"She might be napping from the shots, lad." He takes Hope in. Emma takes Hope from her car seat and places her in her crib. She returns downstairs seeing Killian and Henry playing video games. "I am not surprised, my two boys are playing video games."
"Swan, I did promise the lad that we will play games which we are."
Emma kisses him on the cheek. "Have fun boys. I am going to order us in dinner."
"Sounds good, Mom." Emma orders pizza for her family. She hears crying in her room and goes to her daughter's bedroom. "Little duckling..." She scooped Hope into her arms. "Mom is here...Mommy is here. Are you hungry?" She sits on the rocking chair and nurses Hope. After Hope was burped,she cried more. "You need your medicine for the pain you are in, sweetie." She takes Hope downstairs.
Killian pauses the game. "Swan, Hope needs her medicine?"
"Yes, she does. She is in a lot of pain from her shots." Hope cried more and gripped her Mommy. "You are with Mommy, baby girl. We are going to give your medicine to you and will feel better soon." She sits with Hope on the couch.
Killian returns with Hope's baby Tylenol. "Hope, open for the Jolly Roger." He makes the spoon waves. She opens her mouth and he landed the spoon in her mouth."Very good, Hope. You are drinking your medicine."
Hope began crying. "I know, sweetie you are in pain." She nurses Hope again and rubs her head. She and Killian knew Hope will be having a rough night.
Killian burps Hope and snuggles with Hope. "Little love, everything is going to be okay. You are going to feel better soon." Hope gripped her Daddy. "You are with Dada, little love."
Henry hugs his Mom. "I feel sorry for Hope, Mom. She is in so much pain."
"She is going to be okay, Henry. She needs the shot to stay healthy. When she gets older, she won't get those illnesses. She has us to help her feel better, kid." She hugs him back. Hope makes a sound. "Mommy is right here, little duckling." She gives Hope her finger and kisses her hand.
"Hope, you are with your Dada?"
"Right, Dada, little love." Hope pats her Daddy's black leather jacket. He kisses her on the head. "You love my leather jacket."
"She loves both of our leather jackets."She kisses Hope on her cheek.
"Mom, she will be talking so much soon."
"Yes, she will, Henry."
"I know she will be talking to me a lot."
"Yes, she will because you are her older brother."
"She does love my voice." Hope babbles. Henry smiles as Hope holds his finger. "Little sis, do you like when I talk to you?" Hope screams making her parents smile. "You love H&H time, right?" Hope babbles. "I love our H&H time." Hope reaches out for her brother. "Dad, Hope wants me." Killian gives his daughter to his son. "Hopey." He lets her lay on his chest and kisses her on the head. "You are okay. You are with me, little sis." Hope looks up at her brother and smiles. "I love you, Hope." Hope babbles. "You want H&H time? Yes. Mom, Dad, we will be upstairs." Henry takes Hope upstairs to his bedroom.
Killian hugs his wife and kisses her on the head. "I saw the look on your face love, when Hope got her shots."
"I felt awful seeing our baby in pain, like that."
"She got them, love, she is going to be healthy from those diseases. You were there with her when she needed you the most as her Mommy."
"You are right. Lucky, she has you and me to take care of her."
"Aye, you and I are both going to have a long night ahead." Emma falls asleep in Killian's arms. They hear Hope crying and Henry screaming and rush upstairs seeing Hope wailing and Henry covered in poop from head to chest. "Bloody..."
"Mom, Dad, I am covered in poop."
Killian gets a towel and gets Hope from Henry. "Swan, I will start running Hope's bath downstairs."
"Yea, luckily, we have an extra bathtub. I got Henry." She took Henry's shirt off and guided him to the bathroom, his face was covered, and ran the shower. Henry takes a shower making sure he got all of the poop off. She hands him a towel. "Mom, I am okay now."
"What happened?"
"We were having H&H time. She was snuggling on me and all of the sudden poop seeped through her clothes and onto me."
"Kid, I..."
"Mom, Hope is a baby. I know she is not feeling well. She poops a lot. I still love my sister."
"You are a great big brother, kid." They hear Hope crying.
"Mom, Dad and Hope need you."
"You are right. If you need anything, scream. I will come up."
"Thanks, Mom."
Emma goes downstairs to their other bathroom. She sees Killian struggling holding Hope and bathing her. "Killian?"
"Hope is not letting me bathe her."
"I can. You can hold her. Hopey."
"Aaa-Ahh!" She reaches out for her Mommy. "Yes, Mommy is here, little duckling. Everything is okay, sweetie." Emma bathes Hope.
"You just wanted your Mommy, little pirate."
"You are going to feel better when you are clean and warm in a new outfit." She cleans up Hope who was looking up at her. "You are okay. Everything is going to be okay, little duckling." Hope gripped her Mommy's hand. Emma smiles big. Killian wrapped Hope in a towel so his swan hold their lass. She lets her daughter lay on her favorite spot. Hope hugs her Mommy. "You are okay, Hope. Mommy got you. How about we snuggle in your room. Yes."
Killian rubs Hope's back. "You are going to feel better soon, little love." He kisses Hope on the head. He felt useless.
"Killian, I know Hope wants to spend time with her Daddy later."
Killian smiles knowing his swan he feels bad. "Emma, I just feel so helpless, she just wants you when she is afraid, in pain and bath time."
"Killian, she loves you so much. You are an amazing Daddy. Our daughter knew right away you weren't yourself and she wanted her Daddy back. She was telling me that we need to get Daddy back." Hope makes a sound. "Yes, you knew Dada was not himself. You love Dada right?"
"Aaa-aaah!" Emma and Killian were both smiling at their daughter.
Killian faces Hope. "I know you are comfy on you Mommy, little love. Dada loves you so much, Hope. I know we are going to have Dada and Hope time later." He kisses Hope on the head which made her smile. "Nw, there is my favorite little smile." Emma smiles seeing Killian and Hope both so happy. She takes Hope into her bedroom. She changes her into a clean diaper. She takes off her own shirt and puts on a robe so she won't be fully naked. She puts Hope on her bare chest. They do skin to skin on her and Killian's bed. "Do you feel better now?"
"Yes?" She kisses Hope on the head. "You are okay. The owies will go away soon. You are staying with me, sweetie. Mommy loves you so much. We get to have skin to skin time. You are okay. Everything is okay, Hope."She was enjoying skin to skin time with her daughter, something she didn't have with Henry.
"Hi, Mom." Henry enters the room.
Emma smiles. "Hey, kid. Join us snuggling. Hope, your big brother is here. "
Henry sits next to his mom. "Hi, Hope." He kisses her on the head. "You are okay, little sis."
"She is still upset. We are just snuggling now."
"Mom,I have my storybook with me. Hope, do you want a story?" Hope gripped her Mommy.
"You are with Mommy, baby girl. You are staying with me and Henry." She wrapped her arm around her son,so he won't feel left out the snuggles.
Henry smiles. "I do love spending time with you and Hope."
"How are you feeling Henry?"
"The shot is not too bad, my arm is not hurting me. Being pooped on...that is another story."
"Now, you know how your Dad and I feel when Hope poops on all the time."
"Yeah, that is true." He hugs his Mom. "Hope, I am not mad at you, little sis. I know you are not feeling well." He looks at his Mom. "Is she in less pain?
"I think the skin to skin is helping her feel better."
"She knows that she is safe with you, Mom." He rubs Hope's hand. "Mommy is the best right, little sis? We are very lucky to have our Mommy who loves and takes care of us when we need her." He remembers when he found her in Boston and how she stayed for him. He hugs his Mom. "Mom?"
"Yes, Henry?"
"Since I found you..." Henry hugs his Mom. "I am happy to have you as my Mom full time. I knew you did not want to leave me." Emma hugs her son remembering when he found her on her birthday alone. "Little sis, when I ran away to find our Mommy, this storybook told me that she was the savior because she was the product of true love. I was the one to tell Mommy about our grandparents, magic and she was the only one to break the curse." Hope reaches her hand out to her brother which Henry held.
"Henry, Hope wants to hear the story."
Henry smiles. "Hope does need to know." Emma kisses Henry on the head. "I will start at the beginning, Grandma gave me the storybook because I was lonely, felt different than everyone here. When I opened the book, I saw our Mommy's story, I saw Grandma as Snow White. I stole Grandma's credit card and found Mommy on the computer." Emma smiles remembering how she found out about Henry's research looking for her on his computer. "I ran to Boston by taking a bus. Boston is like New York. I went to Mommy's apartment and found her. It was Mommy's birthday." Hope babbles. "Yes, your birthday is the day before Mommy's."
Emma smiles, she remembers as soon as she blew out the store-bought blue candle and cupcake, wanting not to be alone, he showed up. "Hope, Mommy made a birthday wish to not be alone, as soon I blew out my candle, there was the doorbell. I opened the door, Henry was there." Hope smiles at her Mommy, and chews on a lock of her Mommy's hair,making her brother and Mommy smile. "It was the beginning of me not being alone, again." She hugs Henry making him smile knowing she was right.
"Mommy drove me in her yellow bug to Maine. When I brought Mommy to Storybrooke, it was in a dark curse where everyone did not have their happy endings. It was my job to tell our Mommy that she was the only one who can save everyone." He shows Hope the pages, "I used my book to show our Mommy that she is in the book. Mommy is in grandpa's arms." Hope babbles. "It was my job to make her believe in magic. Mommy knew something was wrong when my other Mommy Regina was telling her to leave. Mommy stayed to make sure I was loved." Emma thinks back to when she knew Regina did not love him, calling him crazy, and how they used to argue a lot, especially when she first came into town and how Regina tries to get her to leave. She stayed because she could not leave him again.
"When Mommy decided to stay, time moved and everything began to change meaning the curse was weakening. Mommy helped Cinderella, Ashley, to keep her baby and reunited Ava and Nicholas with their Dad to avoid putting them in the foster system. I had to prove to our Mommy by eating a poison apple tart that the dark curse was real. Mommy fought a dragon and gave me true love kiss which broke the dark curse." Hope babbles. "Yes, Mommy is a hero. She saved everyone." Hope moves around. "Our Mommy is the best." Hope screams.
Emma smiles. "Hope is saying I agree with Henry."
"I am right, little sis?" He gave Hope kisses on her cheek who began crying. "Hope,don't cry. We were having fun."
"Kid, your sister is hungry, that is all." She sits up and breastfeeds Hope. "She was enjoying your story, Henry. You are the storyteller of our family."
Henry smiles. "I am?"
"Yes not just because you are the owner of the storybook. She loves hearing you telling her your story."
"You mean our story? It is about both of us."
"You are right, it is our story."
Henry hugs his Mom. She kisses her son on the head. "I just want Hope to know about our past before we met Dad but when you met Dad, you found your true love."
"That is right. I was a loner until you brought me here. I would not have met your Dad if it weren't for you."
"I knew I was bringing you home."
"Yes, you did, Henry." Hope fusses. She burps Hope, who falls asleep on her Mommy's chest. She wrapped her arm around her son and kissed him on the head. "When you found me, I knew I could not leave you again because I love you so much and you are my baby boy. You brought me home, kid. I have you in my life. I am raising you and Hope together. If you did not find me, we would not have this family with your Dad and sister."
"I am happy to be living with you." Emma smiles. " I love you, Mom."
"I love you too, Henry." She hugs her son. "Hopey, I love you, too." She hugs her daughter. "I love you and Henry so much. You two are my ducklings who I get to raise together." She hugs them both.
"Mom, we love you so much. You are our Mom."
"Yes, I am." She kisses her son on the head.
Killian was downstairs placing the pizzas his swan ordered onto the kitchen table when he got a phonecall from Charming. "Hi, Charming."
"Hi, Hook."
"How did the doctor appointment go for Henry and Hope?"
"It was good for Henry, he only got one shot. Hope on the other hand had to get 3 vaccination shots."
"How was Emma with Hope three shots?"
"She hated seeing Hope in pain. She was comforting Hope and still is upstairs. Both lad and lass are both healthy." Killian goes upstairs and sees Emma and Henry talking. "She is with Henry and Hope."
"If you both need anything? I can come over."
"Aye, I appreciate that, Charming." Their phone conversation ended. He enters his bedroom. "Swan, do you need anything?"
"I am good for now. I cannot move, Hope just fell asleep."
"Dad, I told Hope the story of how I brought Mom to Storybrooke. She was enjoying the story."
Killian smiles. "Oh really?"
"Yes, she was smiling, and screaming telling me she wanted more of the story. She was listening to me the whole time."
"Hope knows you are the storyteller of the family."
Emma smiles. "That's what I told him!"
"Hearing from you and Dad, I am officially the storyteller of the family." Hope fuss. "Little sis, I am officially a storyteller of the family. You are going to hear all the stories from me, baby sis. Like you did when you were inside Mommy's tummy." He kisses Hope on the head. "You are going to be okay, little sis." Emma and Killian smile at each other love seeing their children close brother and sister bond.
"Lad, how about we play video games? We need to let your sister rest."
"Hope is going to have more storytime, later when she is awake."
"Dad, can you help me with my math homework instead? I want to play video games but not now."
Killian smiles. "Aye, lad. Yes, I can. We can do your studies first and then videogame fun. Swan, if you need anything, we will be nearby."
"Thank you." They kiss. Henry led his Dad to his room. Emma smiles, knowing her family is back to normal without fighting a villain. She falls asleep.
Killian just finished tutoring Henry on his math homework when he hears Hope crying in their room. He sees Emma was asleep and scoops Hope into his arms. "Hope, Dada is here. You are with Dada." Hope gripped her Daddy. "Let's go have Daddy and Hope time." He puts a blanket on his swan and takes Hope downstairs and lies down on the couch. Hope just cried more. "Are you hungry?" He takes Hope into the kitchen, heated her up, and bottle-fed her on the couch. "There you go, Hope." Hope looked up at her Daddy with her matching blue eyes. "You are okay, Hope. Everything is okay, little pirate. You are with dada. You are safe." He kisses Hope on the head. "Dada is here. I am myself." He rubs Hope's head. Hope spits up. "You are okay." He burps Hope. "Are you still hungry?" He puts Hope back in his arms and let her eat. Hope was still upset after she ate. He walked around the living room rubbing Hope's back. "You are okay, Hope." He put Hope in her moving swing and turned it on. Hope kicks her legs wanting to get out. "Hope." Killian takes his little lass out of the swing and turns on the television to PBSkids and played Barney. "Look Hope at the purple dinosaur, Barney." Hope slowly stops crying and got into the show, Killian sighs in relief Hope stopped crying.
Emma wakes up hearing the television on downstairs. She puts a comfy hoodie on and heads downstairs finding Killian lying on the couch shirtless and doing skin to skin with their daughter. She smiles as she took a picture of her husband and daughter watching Barney which reminded her of when she was a child at 10 years old and she had to watch the biological children of her foster parents who sussed her as a live-in babysitter. Now, her daughter is into the show. "How are you, my two pirates?"
"Hi, Swan. This purple talking dinosaur is making our little pirate princess very happy."
"Barney is a good show for her. How is she?"
"I fed her a bottle when she woke up from her nap. She has been crying nonstop, I was pacing around the room and put her in her swing which did not help. Until I turned on Barney which is making her happy. Right, little love, You are enjoying Barney?" Hope babbles. "Aye, you are enjoying Barney on Dada." Hope pats her Daddy's chest. "You are staging with Dada."
"She loves her dada."
"Aye, yes she does." Hope babbles. "Mommy can join us." He sits up with Hope so Emma can sit with them.
"Hopey." She kisses her daughter on her cheek. "Are you enjoying Barney?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you are."
"Swan, the pizza is here."
"Yes! I am going to have my dinner now. I am starving." Emma gets her dinner from the kitchen hearing Hope crying.
"Little pirate princess, Mommy did not leave you. She just went into the kitchen, that is all."
Emma returns to the living room. "Hope, Mommy right here." She sits next to Killian and Hope and eats her dinner.
"Mommy is back, little love. Mommy needed her dinner." Hope babbles.
"You are going to have the milk version of Mommy's dinner,later." Hope babbles and holds her daddy's hook. "You are just happy to be with Mommy and Dada, right Hope?" Hope babbles.
"Swan, she is very happy to be with her Mommy and Dada." Hope chews on her daddy's hook and looks up at her parents. "She knows she is having her Dada and Mommy all to herself." Killian smiles at his daughter.
"She is happy that her Dada is back to his pirate self, Dada."
"Aye, she was the one who knew first that I was not myself."
"That because you are her Dada because she loves you so much." She hugs her husband. "I am very happy that you are back to your normal self." The I Love You song began playing.
"Emma, she loves this song." Hope babbles. "I love you You love me We're a happy family With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you. Won't you say you love me too." Killian clapped her Hope's hands. Emma smiles loves hearing Killian singing along with Barney.
"You like this song, baby girl?" Hope smiles. Emma kisses her on the cheek. "Me too."
"Swan, you know this song?"
"Yes, growing up I had to watch the biological kids of my foster parents. The toddlers love this show. Now, I get to experience Barney in a whole different way with our daughter." She holds Hope and hugs her. She lifts her up and down and coos to her daughter. "You like Barney?" Hope babbles. "You get to watch with Mommy all the time!" She kisses Hope on the cheek making her daughter smile. Killian smiles seeing his two loves happy. Especially his beautiful swan so happy who finally is being the mommy the way she wanted to be, not fighting a villain in town.
Henry returns downstairs seeing his Mom playing with his sister. "Ahh!" Hope reaches for her brother.
"Hopey!" Henry takes his sister from their Mom. "Hi, Hope. Are you having fun with Mommy and Daddy?" Hope hugs her brother. "You missed me while I was doing my homework? Yes, you did." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Kid, how about we have a family movie night?"
"Yes! I am in." Hope began crying.
"Kid, give me your sister." Henry gives his sister to their Mom. "Hopey, Henry is staying with us. You just need your milk." Emma nurses Hope.
"Lad, what movie are we going to watch?"
"I was thinking we can watch Aristrocats, movie."
"It is a cat Disney movie. It is a good movie." Henry gets it set up on Disney+. Hope continues to cry. "Hopey, are you okay?" She puts her hand on Hope's head. "Killian, she is warm. She might be getting a fever."
"I will get the thermometer." Killian gets the first aid kit.
"Everything is going to be okay. I know you are feeling awful and your shots hurt. You are going to feel better soon, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head. "You are staying with me, little buttercup."She hugs her daughter.
"Little sis, you are going to be okay." He rubs Hope's head. "You are with our Mommy. She is going to take good care of you." Hope looks at her brother. "I am right here too, baby sis. I am here." Hope holds her brother's finger.
Killian returns with the first aid kit and the baby Tylenol. "Kid, step back. We need to take Hope's temperature and it is going..."
"In her butt?"
Emma sets Hope on the couch as Killian takes Hope's temperature who was crying her eyes out. "You are almost done, little love." Her temperature was 100. "Swan, it is 100."
"We need to give her Tylenol to lower her fever. Besides keeping an eye on her fever tonight." Emma puts Hope's diaper back on. "You are all done, sweetie no more thermometer." She hugs her daughter. Henry goes upstairs.
Killian gets her Tylenol ready. "Hope, open for Jolly Roger." He spoonfed Hope her medicine. "Good little pirate." He wipes her medicine off her chin. Hope continues to cry. "You are going to feel better soon, little pirate. Everything is okay." Hope gripped her Mommy. "You are with your mommy, little love. Later, you can snuggle with me." He kisses her on the head. Hope babbles.
"Killian, she is going to be okay. She has you and me to take good care of her." She lets Hope lay on her chest.
Henry returns downstairs with his storybook. "Hopey, little sis. I have my book with me."
"Kid, I am pretty sure Hope wants a story. She needs a good distraction."
"Lad, sit next to your sister so she can see the book." Henry sits next to his Mom and sister. Killian goes into the kitchen.
"Hopey, look,little sis." He shows his sister his book, their Mom as a baby. "That is Mommy and Gramps in the book, little sis." Hope looks at her brother. "That is our Mommy as a baby, little sis." Hope began crying. "Once upon a time, there was Snow White and Prince Charming, both living in the Enchanted Forest..." Hope stopped crying, gripping her Mommy as her brother read to her. Hope babbles. "You want to see the page?" He shows his sister the page. "Little sis, here is the page. I am reading." Hope pats the page with her hand. "You are a little reader. You take after me, little sis." He continued to read to his sister until she fell asleep.
"Kid, you got your sister happy and now fast asleep."
"I know how to cheer my sister up."
Killian returns from the kitchen with a tray of cinnamon hot cocoa and chocolate chip cookies."Henry, your story cheered your sister up, lad."
"I had to help to cheer up my baby sis somehow. I am happy to help out my sister anyway I can." He kisses Hope on the head. "I am your big brother. I am only doing my job." Emma and Killian both smile at their son knowing their children will always be there for each other.

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