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Emma wakes up early to take a shower before work. She enters her daughter's bedroom, Hope was wearing a heart onesie. "Good morning, baby girl." Hope smiles. She held Hope into her arms and breastfed her daughter. She loves enjoying her morning time with her daughter. "My little duckling. I love you so much, baby girl." She kisses her on the head. After Hope was burped, she laid Hope another month's blanket, I am 6 months old. She took pictures of her daughter. "I cannot believe you are half a year old, baby girl." She tickles Hope making her smile. "No matter how old you are, you will always still be my baby girl." She kisses Hope on her cheek. Hope flips over. "You little sneak." She watched Hope try to crawl to her duckling doll. "Let's go find your big brother." She held Hope on her hip and finds Henry dressed for school in his bedroom. "Hi, Henry."
"Hi, Mom." He goes to his Mom and sister. "Hi, baby sis." Hope babbles. Henry takes Hope from their Mom."Hopey, you want to play with me?" Hope grab Henry's hair. "Hope!"
"Kid, I do need to take shower before work."
"I can play with Hope, Mom. Even though she is pulling my hair." He tickles Hope's belly making her laugh. "We are going to play in your room." Henry takes Hope to her room and Emma took a shower. When she was showered and dressed she, hears Hope laughing. She finds her daughter sitting up against the boppy pillow and Henry playing peek-a-boo in Hope's bedroom with her duckling doll. Hope grabs her duckling doll from her brother. "You have a strong grip, little sis." She takes a picture of her two children playing.
Killian had the morning off and stayed home with Hope. Mulan recently arrived in Storybrooke. Emma was showing Mulan the ropes to be part of the sheriff's station group. "How did you move here?"
"I used magic bean to travel here. I wanted my own adventure. From what you and your Mom said about this land, I wanted to try it out."
Emma smiles. "I am happy that you moved here. I really needed another female on my squad. I know you are really good with your sword."
"Yes, I am." Emma drove Mulan around town teaching her patrol and giving her a tour of the town
Hope was crying after Henry and Emma left, Killian had an idea. He went to get his guitar out. "Little love, how about some music time." He strum his guitar. Daddy's little Hope paints the world with her magic wand,Daddy's little pirate breathes new life to the morning time for me, When I come home from work, Hope smiles with the dawn,Hope smiles, and she radiates the glow around her halo, When she plays, Hope smiles in the ocean a summer day, Hope smiles..." Hope stops crying and looked up at her Daddy stops crying. Killian was smiles seeing his daughter happy with his music. He continues to sing. A new day, Hope smiles, Daddy's little Hope ties a ribbon around my heart, Daddy's little child waves goodbye to the ocean tide that sweeps me, She's a part of me, my little pirate princess, Hope smiles with the dawn, Hope smiles and she radiates the glow around her halo, When she plays, Hope smiles, On a summer day, Hope smiles, A new day, Hope smiles, When the days have gone grey,Nothing's wrong when Hope smiles.
Killian seeing Hope smiling at the end of his singing, "That is called Hope Smiles." Hope kicked her legs. "Yes, it is your song, Hope. All just for you."
Emma returns home hearing Killian in the living room. She smiles seeing Killian lying on the floor lifting Hope up and down kissing her belly while she is down. Hope was wearing a white onesie with purple and blue butterflies on them. She was laughing when her Daddy was kissing her belly. Emma takes pictures of Killian playing with their daughter, the perfect daddy on her iPhone. "Killian, Hope."
"Hope, Mommy is home, little love."
Emma joins them on the carpet. Hope faces her Mommy smiling big, and reaches out for her. Emma smiles knowing her daughter wanted her and scooped her into her arms. "Hope, did Dada change you into a cute butterfly onesie?" Hope coos. "Yes, he did!" She gave Hope multiple kisses on her cheek making her laugh.
Killian smiles at his two loves. "How was work today?"
"It was good. I taught Mulan the ropes. Do not worry, you still are my deputy, Killian."
"Aye, I just want to make sure."
"Mulan is a good addition to our squad."
"Aye, I remember when you two tied me up to a tree in the Enchanted Forest." Emma remembers when she and Muan found Killian in the pile of dead bodies. "Aye, when you two were fighting against Cora and me."
"You let me win."
"Aye, yes, I did. So you can go back to your son."
"Now, Henry is our son." They kiss. Hope babbles. She holds Hope facing her. "Hope, Dada, and Mommy met in the Enchanted Forest." Hope grabbed her Mommy's face.
"Little love, dada helped Mommy on our beanstalk adventure." Hope smiles at her Daddy. "Yes, Mommy was slowly trusting Dada. Our Neverland trip helped your Mommy trust Dada."
Emma smiles. "Operation Henry is when I began to trust your Dada more. Now we have you, baby girl." She kisses her daughter on the cheek.
Killian kisses Hope on the cheek. "Our little treasure."
"Is treasure her new nickname for you to call her?"
"Yes, swan."
"I like it. She is still my little duckling. I taught Mulan how to do patrol and mostly treating Will Scarlet as a criminal. Belle is mad."
"Aye, at work she has been asking me to let him out."
"She will stop being mad at us soon. She needs to focus on getting the fairies back from her dark one husband's magic hat."
"Aye, it is her husband's fault." He gives Hope his hook to chew on.
Emma leaned her head on his shoulder. "I am happy to come home see you and Hope playing together."
"Aye, after you left, Hope was very upset. Hope did not want her Mommy to leave."
Hope babbles."You had fun with Dada though." Hope smiles. "Yes, you did." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek. The doorbell rings. "I can get it." Hope fusses gripping her Mommy. She carried Hope on her hip and answers her door, it was her Dad. "Hi, Dad."
"Hi, Emma." Hope was gripping on her Mommy's hair and chewing on it. "Hi, little princess." He looks up at his daughter. "Emma, she is getting so big."
Emma smiles."Yes, Hope is six months old today." Hope tugs her Mommy's hair. "Hopey!" Hope smiles.
"I came over to see if you are free to go to granny's for lunch with me?"
"You only?"
"Swan, you and Hope have lunch with your Dad. It is my turn to watch Will." Hope babbles. He holds Hope. "Hope, it is Dada's turn to go to the sheriff's station. You are going to be with your Mommy." Hope grabbed her Daddy's hook. "My little pirate princess." He gives Hope kisses on her cheek.
Emma gets a phone call. "Emma Swan-Jones."
"I am looking for Emma Swan-Jones."
"This is she? Who is this?"
"I am from Storybrooke Middle school. I need you to come in."
"What happen to my son?"
"I need you to come in."
"I am on my way." She ends the phone call.
"Something happened to Henry. The school called me, saying I need to go in. I don't know what is wrong with our son."
"I am coming with you."
"Emma, Killian. I can watch Hope."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I can watch her."
"Okay." Emma faces her daughter. "Hope, Mommy, and Daddy have to go get Henry at school. You are going to spend time with Grandpa."
"If you two are going to the school, who is watching Will?"
"Mulan. I taught her the ropes today. She is watching Will." She gives Hope to her Dad "Hope, be a good girl for Gramps." Hope babbles.
"Emma, Hope will be with me."
"Thanks, Dad." Emma and Killian left the house. "I just know something is wrong with Henry.
"He is going to be okay, Emma." Emma drove the yellow bug fast to the middle school.
Once the door was closed, Hope began crying. "Hope, your Mommy and Daddy are coming back." She just continued to cry. He bounces her up and down trying to get her to stop crying. He walked over to the toy area to her bouncy chair. "You want to go play in your bouncy chair?" He sets Hope in which made her cry more. "That is a no." He takes Hope up to her room. "Little princess, this is your room? Your Mommy decorated your room just for a princess, which you are." He sits down on the rocking chair and rocked her back and forth. Hope makes a lot of poop, seeing through her onesie. "Oh, you need a change." Charming changes her diaper after cleaning her off. Hope just cried more. "You are all clean, Hope." He puts his granddaughter on his chest. "It is okay, Hope. Shh...shhh..." He knows Hope wants her Mom. "Your Mommy is coming back."
Emma arrived at the school. Killian knows his swan was in mama bear mode. They got out of the car. He holds her hand. "Emma, our son is going to be okay, love." They entered the school and headed straight to the office. "Hi, I got a phone call about my son Henry Jones."
"He is in the nurse's office." Emma and Killian looked at each other knowing this was not good. They went to the nurse's office, Emma sees her son lying on the table "Mom!"
She goes straight to her son and hugs him. "I am right here, kid."
"Emma, Henry came here with a fever."
"Mom, I feel dizzy too." Henry hugs his Mom."I just want to go home, Mom."
"We are going home, kid."
"Swan, I can carry his backpack." He carried his backpack as they walked in the halls.
"Henry! Emma!"
Emma sees August. "Hi, Pinnochio!"
"Hi, Emma! Henry, are you okay?"
"He is not feeling well, lad."
"Oh. I was wondering when I can meet Hope. Henry has talked so much about her. I helped my papa make her crib."
Emma faces her old friend who turned back into a boy before their Neverland trip over a year ago. "Pinnochio, you can come over when Henry is feeling better to meet Hope."
Pinnochio smiles big. "I can?!"
"Yes, you can, Aug-, I mean Pinnochio." She hugs her old friend.
"Pinnochio, we can play video games when I am feeling better."
"Yes! I have to go back to my class. Bye, Emma, Bye Henry! Bye, Killian!"
Killian wrapped his arm around his swan. "Your old friend? August?"
"Yes. Now his name is back to Pinocchio because he was turned back into a boy and lost his memories of his life as August."
"Dad, he warned Mom about Tamara."
"Oh, that is how you were warned."
"August said her before he died. The Blue Fairy turned August back to Pinnochio."
"Aye a reboot?"
"Yes, he had no memory of what happened. I had a bad feeling it was Tamara. I was right."
"You had a good sense of danger, love." The family walked to the yellow bug.
"More of when I tell of when someone is lying. Or a gut feeling when something is wrong with my kid."
Henry hugs his Mom."You were right, Mom about Tamara."
"I am doing my job as your Mom." She hugs her son. Killian drove his family home.
"Can you tell me a pirate story when we get home?"
"Yes, lad."
"Hope can join us too." They arrived home.
Emma entered inside hearing Hope crying, followed by Henry and Killian. "Henry, you can rest in your room." Henry goes to his room. Emma finds her daughter and father in Hope's bedroom. Hope face was red from wailing and only wearing a diaper. Her Dad was covered in poop and puke. "Oh my gosh." She gets Hope from her Dad, "Mommy is home, Hope. Shh...shh..." Hope stops crying. "Killian, can you lend my Dad one of your shirts?"
"Aye, love." Killian goes into their bedroom.
Henry goes to his sister. "Little sis, Mommy and Daddy are home." He lets Hope hold his finger.
Emma looks up at her Dad who was covered in poop. "Dad, I am so sorry about your shirt..."
"Emma, it is alright."
"Let me guess, Hope gave you a hard time?"
"Yeah...she was crying non-stop. She would not stop crying whatever I did. Now, I see her in your arms." He looks at his granddaughter. " I just knew she wanted her Mommy. She was being stubborn." Emma smiles. He rubs Hope's head. "You are happy now that your Mommy is home." Hope smiles. "You are so much like your Mommy."
Emma smiles. "Hope is my mini-me. She needs to get to know you, that's all." She holds Hope on her chest. "Hope, you will know your grandpa." She kisses her daughter on the head.
Killian returns, "David, do not feel too bad, Hope was upset when Emma left this morning to do patrol. The only difference is I got her to stop crying. We had so much Daddy and Hope time, little love." He kisses Hope on the cheek and passes his shirt to his father-in-law. Charming changes his shirt. Hope babbles. "Hope, you tired out your grandpa." Hope babbles. "Yes, you did." Emma and Killian both laugh.
"Dad, I think she might be coming down with whatever Henry has. Hopey, are you not feeling well?" She kisses her daughter on the head. "You and your brother are both not feeling well." She looks at her husband. "Can you call Allison, see if she can come check Henry and Hope?"
"Aye, swan."
Emma carried Hope to Henry's room, he was dressed out of his uniform. "Henry, I am going to make you toast to eat."
"Thanks, Mom." He looks at his baby sister. "Hopey, are you happy to be with Mommy?"
"She might be not feeling well, too, kid."
"Yes, she is feeling warm."
"Mom, that means Hope and I can have H&H time." Emma puts Hope on Henry's lap. "Hopey, we get to have H&H time until we feel better." He kisses Hope on the head.
Emma takes Hope to the kitchen. Hope babbles. "You can help me get Henry's food, Hope." Hope grabs a lock of her Mommy's hair. She makes Henry's toast holding Hope on her hip.
Killian and Charming enter the kitchen. "Swan, Allison is coming by in a few hours to check on the lad and lass. I can bring his toast up."
"I got it." Hope fusses. "Hope, you want Dada to hold you?"
"Aye, someone wants her Dada." He holds Hope on his hip. "Little love, you are with Dada." He takes Hope to the living room to do skin to skin. "Dada is here..." He rubs her back. Hope hugs her Daddy. "Dada is staying with you, little love." He kisses her on the head.
Emma goes to her Dad and hugs him. "Thank you for watching Hope. I know watching Hope for the first time was hard because she was sick."
"I am happy to watch Hope, Emma. I finally got to spend time with my granddaughter."
Emma smiles. "I have a feeling when you watch Hope next time, she will not be sick."
"I will do anything for my princess and little princess." Emma smiles. Charming leaves to the station.
Emma goes upstairs to Henry's room. "Kid, I have toast for you."
Henry sits up in bed and eats it. "Thank you, Mom." Henry hugs his Mom.
"You are welcome, kid." She noticed something was wrong with her son. "I know you have something on your mind. You can tell me, Henry."
"I am happy that I am sick, I am able to leave school."
"I get laughed at in school for being different.I get teased."
Emma hugs her son. "You are being yourself, kid. They are just jealous because you are special."
"I know I need to be myself..."
"But I was the only one growing up here, while everyone here was the same age and doing everything the same without noticing it...I was alone."
Emma felt guilty her son was alone like she was. "Henry." She hugs her son. "They just do not want to admit that they are jealous of you. Because you and me broke the dark curse. You are the heart of the truest believer. You are always on our adventures with us. That is why they are jealous of you and they choose to bully you. I know what alone feel like, I was all alone in the world. You are not alone, kid. You have me, your Dad, Hope, your grandparents, and Regina. A whole family that loves you." She hugs her son. "If you want me to talk to the principal, I can do that."
"I do not know, Mom. You might make it worse. I just feel alone in school because I do not have any friends. Even after you broke the curse. I still do not have friends or feel like I belong here. I want to go back to New York, where I have friends there. I miss my friends. I miss our life in New York." He began crying.
"Henry..." She hugs her son. "I know it is rough, but school will get better here. You are going to make friends here."
Killian brings Hope upstairs hearing Emma and Henry's conversation. He enters the room. "Dad?"
"I am right here, son." He joins them on the bed. "Hope is here too." Hope babbles.
"He is getting bullied in school, Killian. He feels alone."
"Why are you sad son?" He rubs his back.
"I want to go back to New York, Dad. I miss my friends there. I miss our life there. We are happy in New York." Hope fusses in her daddy's arms, Emma takes her daughter from her husband. "Henry, our home is here, son." He hugs his son.
"You have your family who loves you so much, kid."
"Your mom is right, lad. We all love you and are here for you." Hope pats her brother's back.
"Even Hope is here for you, Henry."
"Hope knows that I am sad." Henry takes Hope from their Mom. Hope babbles. Henry smiles at his sister. "I love you, too." He hugs his sister. "You are the best sister ever." Hope babbles.
"You are not alone, Henry. You have us on your side."
"You have us, lad. If you need me to scare your Mom and I can scare them for you."
Henry smiles. "Killian, you know I can scare them."
"Aye, I know, love."
"Mommy and Daddy are always there for us when we need them, baby sis. I just did not want my other Mom to know because I know she will throw fireballs at them."
Hope began crying. Emma takes Hope to her bedroom and changes her diaper. Hope vomits.
She wipes the vomit off her and puts a clean onesie on her daughter. "You are all clean." She holds Hope on her chest. "You are going to be okay, baby girl. Mommy is here."
The doorbell rings, Killian answers, it was Allison. "Hi, Allison.
"Hi, Killian. I got your voicemail about Henry."
"Aye, he is not feeling well, and now Hope too."
"I will check on both my niece and nephew." Killian leads the way. "Who should I see first?"
Killian sees Emma struggling with upset Hope. "I think Hope first."
"Okay." Allison enters Hope's room seeing Hope wailing. "Hope, you are very upset."
"Allison, she is very upset. I think she caught what Henry has."
"I can examine her on the changing table." Emma lays Hope on the changing table. Allison checks Hope's temperature. "She has a 100. Fever."
"She also has diarrhea and vomiting. When we were picking up Henry, she got sick when my Dad was watching her." Hope cries more.
"From Hope's fever, vomiting, diarrhea, she has a stomach virus. She will need baby Tylenol for her fever and Pedialyte for fluids." She faces Hope. "You are going to feel better soon, little niece."
"Can I still breastfeed her?"
"Yes, you can, Emma." Hope grabbed Allison's stethoscope. "You can hold it, little niece." Hope holds the stethoscope. "I am going to check on Henry." Emma holds Hope on her hip and follows Allison to Henry's room, she is pretty sure she will need her stethoscope back. Henry and Killian were talking. "Hi, Aunt Allison."
"Hi, Henry. Your Dad told me you weren't feeling well."
"Yes, I was in science class when I felt cold and dizzy. I was sent to the nurse's office."
"Little pirate, did you steal your auntie's stethoscope?" Hope babbles.
"Killian, Hope had a stomach virus. We need to get her Pedialyte."
"Aye." Hope hands out her Daddy the stethoscope. "Thank you for sharing Auntie's stethoscope with me, little love." He wipes the slobber off with a tissue. "Allison, here is your stethoscope back. I wiped off Hope's drool."
"Thank you, Killian." Allison examines Henry. "Henry, you have a 100. fever. You also have a stomach virus."
"Aw, man."
"You need to rest, drink a lot of fluids, like Gatorade and ginger ale."
"Swan, I will drive into town to get everything for them."
"Thank you." Hope babbles.
"Little love, Dada will be right back." Killian leaves the house.
"Mom, can I hold Hope?"
Hope babbles and moves around. "Someone wants her big brother." She puts Hope on her lap.
"We get to have H&H time." He hugs his sister.
Emma walks downstairs with Allison. "Allison, when can we start giving Hope solid foods?"
"When Hope starts showing interest in food. Start slowly with solid food, but keep breastfeeding her, it is her main source of food still. When Hope is feeling better, you can schedule her next appointment."
"More vaccination shots?"
Emma sighs, "I do not like seeing my baby in pain but I know that Hope needs them."
"It is a few days of discomfort for her rather than having serious illnesses."
"Yes, I do not want Hope to have serious illnesses." She hears Hope crying. "Two sick kids."
"They are going o to feel better soon,Emma."
"When they feel better,we need to get coffee before work."
"Yes!" Allison leaves the Jones' house. Emma returns upstairs to Henry holding Hope on his bed.
"Hope, Mommy is back with us, little sis."
Emma was surprised, her daughter said her first word, her name. Henry's jaw dropped. She faces her daughter. "Yes, mama, baby girl." She held Hope into her arms. "Mama is here."
"Hope you said your first word, baby sis!" He kisses Hope on the cheek. He has his iPhone out.
Emma smiles at her daughter. "Your first word!" She kisses Hope on the head. "I am so proud of you, Hope." Hope hugs her Mommy.
"Mom, I have it on video."
"Thank you, Henry. You and I get to witness Hope's first word."
"Are you going to put her first word in her baby book?"
"Yes, I am."
"Even though Hope and I are both sick, she made my day. I got to hear her first word." Hope babbles. "Yes, little sis. You made me very happy today."
"You make your sister very happy,kid." Hope babbles. She looks at her son. "I am going to take your sister downstairs so you can get some sleep, kid. You can play with Hope later when you feel better." Henry lies down. She kisses him on the head. "You will feel better soon, kid." She takes Hope downstairs. Killian returns home from the pharmacy. "Dada is back from the store, Hope."
"Hi, swan." They kiss. "Hi, little love." He kisses Hope on the cheek. "I got Gatorade, ginger ale,saltines and pedialyte. I also got you and me Granny's."
"Killian, thank you."
"You are welcome, love." Hope fusses. "I know you need your pedialyte, little love." He sets the groceries down at the table in the kitchen.
"Henry is napping. I will get a spoon so we can feed her medicine.." Killian takes Hope from Emma. Hope began crying. "Mama."
Emma faces her daughter. "Little duckling, do not cry. Mama is not leaving you,sweetie."
Killian was in awe. "Hope, your first word." Emma and Killian smile at each other. He faces his daughter. "You are starting to talk, Hope. Dada is so proud of you. Emma, Hope's first word."
"Yes, Hope first word is my name." Hope cries more.
"We will give you your medicine now, little love." Emma takes Hope and sits down on the chair with Hope on her lap. "Hope, open your mouth for the Jolly Roger to enter..." He moves the spoon up and down which made Hope open her mouth and eat it. "Good, little pirate."
Emma breastfeeds Hope. "Your medicine will help you feel better, sweetie." She rubs hope's head.
"Your mama is right, little love." Emma and Killian smile at each other.
"I have a feeling Hope's second word would be Dada."
Killian smiles. "I am very happy Hope said her first word, which is your name."
"It is a milestone that I cannot forget. Her first word, my name. I never could have had it with Henry..." She teared up. "But Henry was with me when Hope said it for the first time."
Killian was happy that Emma was there for Hope's first word."I have a feeling that I will be with Hope when she says her second new word." Hope finished eating and looks at her Dada. He takes Hope and burps her. "Dada is here. Dada is not mad for missing your first word."
"You heard it, Killian. By the look on your face, a very proud Daddy of his daughter's first word."
"Aye, I am so proud of our daughter."
"Me too." Hope moves around.
"Are you hungry?"
"Starving." Hope fusses. She takes her daughter from her husband. "You can stay with me, Hope." Hope babbles. Killian sets up their food from Granny's. "You got me grilled cheese and onion rings."
"I know what my wife loves." As they ate their meals, they were talking, Emma had sleeping Hope in her arms. They hear Henry upstairs puking in the bathroom.
"Emma, I got him." He gets the ginger ale and saltines and brings it up for his son.
Henry sees his Dad in his bedroom."Dad?"
"I'm right here son. I have saltines and ginger ale for you."
"Thank you, dad." He eats saltines and drank ginger ale. "Did you hear what Hope did today?"
"Aye, your sister told me her first word herself."
"I was holding her and she said, mama. Mom was so happy."
"I have a feeling Hope was say Dada next."
"I think she will say my name. Bet?"
"Aye a bet, $20 my name, next dada."
"$40, for my name next."
"You are on." They shake hands. "Can we play videogames later?"
"Yes, we can, lad. After you get some rest." Henry falls back to sleep.
Emma breastfeeds Hope and lets her lay on her chest. "I love you so much, Hope." Hope smiles. "You are happy that Mommy is home. We are having Mommy and Hope time." Hope gripped her Mommy's lock of hair. Killian goes downstairs finding Emma fast asleep lying on the couch with Hope on her chest who was fast asleep. He kisses Emma on the head. "My two loves are napping." He takes a picture of his two loves having nap time on his iPhone. He loves Emma so much. If it weren't for her,he would not have his family. "I love my family."
Later in the evening, when Henry was feeling better he went downstairs seeing his Mom playing with his sister on a new bouncy hanging by the door of the kitchen. Hope was bending her knees and moving her legs around. "Bounce...Bounce!!" Hope screams. "You are bouncing!"
"Little sis, did Mommy and Daddy get you a new toy?" Hope babbles.
"Your dad set this bouncy set for your sister who is feeling better. How are you feeling?"
"I am feeling less dizzy for the moment." He watches his sister move around. "Hopey!"
Hope smiles. "I am awake, little sis." Hope fusses. "You want to watch a movie with me, little sis?" He takes her out of the jumper, Hope began crying.
"Hope, did Henry take you out of your jumper?" She cried more. "Kid, you can put her back into her jumper."
"Okay." He puts Hope back in her jumper. "You are back into your jumper baby sis." Hope grabbed his hand. "You want me to stay." Hope looks at her brother. "I can stay." He looks at his Mom. "Mom, Hope wants me to stay."
"She has been waiting for you to wake up so she can play with you."
Henry smiles at his sister who is looking up at him."We can play now, baby sis." Killian returns home from the grocery store, he bought ingredients for chicken soup. He sees everyone in the kitchen. "Swan, I see Hope loves her jumper."
"Yes, Hope loves it. She cried when Henry got her out of it."
"Mom is right. Hope is loving her new toy." Hope moved her legs around and grabbed her brother's cheek. "Hope!"
"Hope takes after you, love."
"I thought she takes after you, Killian." She takes the ingredients from her husband and began cooking the soup.
Killian kneels to face his daughter."Hope, are you jumping in your jumper?" Hope moves her legs to her Dada. "Dada is back from the store." She holds his face, making him smile."Aaah-aah!!"
"You got my face, little pirate." Henry takes a picture of his Dad and sister. Emma smiles seeing her daughter and husband having a daddy-daughter moment. He gave multiple kisses to Hope on her cheek making her smile.
"Henry, are you okay?"
"I am still nauseous."
"I am making you chicken noodle soup for you to eat. You can have saltines and ginger ale." Henry hugs his Mom. "How about we watch a movie? Marvel? Your choice."
"Okay. After I eat your soup."
"Your Dad found the recipe, I am only chopping the vegetables."
"I am teaching your Mom,lad."
"I am going to lie down in the living room until you are both finish cooking." He takes the saltines and ginger ale to the living room.
"Oh, you want Mommy to cook so I can play with you?" Hope chews her Daddy's hook. "Yes."
"Killian, I can cook. You can play with our little duckling."
"Are you saying thank you to me?"
"You are welcome. You're just happy you can play with Dada while I cook." Hope smiles. She kisses her daughter on the cheek.
Emma follows the recipe, boiling water for the noodles, chopping up the vegetables, and cutting up the roasted chicken. She loves hearing Hope's laugh while she is playing with Killian. He was tickling her in her jumper. He gets a phone call from Belle. "Hi, Belle."
"Hi, Killian. I might have found a way to get the fairies back. I need you to come to the shop."
Killian sighs, which Emma notices Hope was having fun with him. "I will be there in a few minutes." He ends his phone call.
"I have to go the crocodile's shop, Belle might have found a way to get the fairies back."
"What is it?" Emma held his hand.
"I am having so much fun with Hope. I don't want to stop playing with my daughter."
Emma smiles her husband doesn't want to leave their daughter. "When you come back, I know Hope will be so happy to see you when you come home."
"Aye, you are right."
"Also, dinner will be ready when you come back. I got these two."
"You are right, love."
"That is why we are team Jones."
"Team Jones." They kiss.
"Hope, dada will be back. Be a good little pirate for your Mommy." He kisses Hope on the cheek and leaves. He drives the yellow bug to town to the library. He finds Belle with a pile of books. "What have you found, Belle?"
"I think I found a spell but I need your help to set the potion."
"Aye, just tell me the directions."
Hope began crying whether Daddy left. "Awe, Hope." Emma holds her daughter. "Dada left before playtime was over, I know. Dada will be back. You can help me cook, and be my little chef." She puts Hope in her carrier and continues to cook.
Henry enters the kitchen. "Hope, don't cry baby sis. Daddy will be back."
"She is very upset because your Dad left before playtime was over."
"Mom, I think Hope pooped."
She sniffs Hope. "Yes, I think you are right. Can you watch the soup while I change her?"
"Yes, I can. It smells good by the way."
"Thank you, Henry. We will be right back." Emma takes Hope upstairs, who had a blowout. "Whoa, baby girl. You have a blowout." Hope cried more. "I know you are not feeling well, sweetie." She cleans Hope up and changes into a clean diaper. "I know you need your medicine sweetie." She sits Hope on her rocking chair. "You are going to sit here while I give you your medicine." Hope pukes and begins to cry. She wipes Hope using baby wipes and spoonfed Hope her Pedialyte. "This will help you feel better, little duckling." She breastfeeds Hope after giving her Pedialyte which calms her daughter down. She places sleeping Hope into her crib and heads back downstairs back to the kitchen. "How is the soup?"
"I added some hot sauce to it. I also added the potatoes. How is Hope?"
"She had a poop blowout and needed her Pedialyte."
"She is still not feeling well."
"Yes, like you." She hugs her son. "I hate seeing you two sick. I am going to finish this soup and we are going to watch a movie." Emma finished cooking the soup and poured two bowls for her and Henry. He puts a movie on Black Widow on Disney+. She carried the soup on a tray to the kitchen. "Henry, what are we watching?"
"We are watching Black Widow. It is new on Disney+."
"Good choice, kid." They watched the movie. Emma hears Hope. "I will be right back, Henry." She goes upstairs to Hope room who was crying. "Hope." She takes Hope from her crib. "Little duckling, Mommy is here." She changes Hope's diaper. "You can join henry and me watching a movie." She takes Hope downstairs.
"Little sis, you can watch the marvel movie with us."
"What did I miss?"
"I paused the movie so you won't miss anything."
"Thank you, Henry." She sits next to her son. Henry gives Hope his finger.
Killian returns home late at night, after another fail attempt with a potion to get the fairies back. He sees Henry fast asleep in his bedroom. He finds Emma lying down on their bed with Hope sleeping lying next to her. "Hi,swan."
"Hi, honey. Hope just fell asleep. Henry and Hope both are still not feeling well."
"We all had a rough day." He changes into his pajamas.
"The spell did not work?"
"Aye, we tried a few times. The bloody hat did not open. They are still stuck in there."
Emma hugs Killian. "We will get the fairies back, Killian. You are my hero pirate who I love so much. Remember that you are a hero." Killian smiles, his swan believing in him and loves him for who he is. "By the way, Hope was very upset that her Daddy left before playtime was over."
"I did not want to leave our daughter. I am definitely going to play with her a lot tomorrow."
"Henry is going to stay home tomorrow. He still is nauseous and vomiting. We had to stop the movie a few times. I do not want him to be sick in school."
"Aye, he is not going to go back to school until he feels better." Hope wakes up crying. "Swan, I for hope." He scoops Hope into his arms. "Hi, little love. Dada is home." He kisses her on the cheek. He felt her head. "Swan, she still has a fever."
"I will get her Tylenol."
Hope cries more. "You are going to be okay, little love. Dada is here...shh...shh..." Hope hugs her Daddy.
Emma returns to the room watching Killian being there for their daughter Even though he is having a hard time finding a way to get the fairies back but he is being an amazing Daddy for their children and her husband.

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