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A few weeks later, Emma was 30 weeks pregnant, she was holding Hope's hand as they were waiting for Henry to be let out of school. The crowd of teenagers formed as they were being let out, a man snuck in and took Hope from Emma. "Hope!!"

"Mama!!" Hope was crying. Emma chased after her daughter.

Henry sees his sister with a stranger, and he and Jasper ran and attack the man. "I got him, Henry. Go to your sister."

"I am right here, baby sis." He was trying to get his sister out of the man's clutches.

A security guard came quickly to prevent the man from escaping with Hope. Hope was crying more."Let go of my sister!! Or you will get in more pain." He takes his sister from the stranger. The security guard handcuffed the man. Hope clung to her big brother. "You are with me, baby sis. You are safe."


Jasper, "Henry is she okay?"

"She is now."

"Hope, Mama is right here." She takes her daughter from her son. "You are with Mama. Shh..shh..." Hope gripped her Mama. "Hopey,you are with me, baby girl.." She hugged her son. "You saved Hope, kid."

"I could not let a creep man take my sister away."


"Yes, you saved me from Zelena. I saved you from a crazy man. I am your big brother, I am doing my job." He hugged his sister.

Emma hugged her son as close as possible. "You take after me, kid."

"Do you need to sit down?"

"Yes." He helped his mom find a seat on his school steps and waited for the cops to interview them. An ambulance arrived, after Emma filed charges against the man, she waddled over to the ambulance and let the EMT's examine Hope.

"Hope, the nice lady is going to check for boo-boos."

The EMT examines Hope, "She has a few scrapes from the tackle. Other than the scrapes, she is unharmed."

"Thank goodness. Hopey, you are okay." She hugged her daughter.

"How about I can check on you? You are 8 months along?"

"Yes, I am almost 8 months along. I am 30 weeks pregnant. Can you check?"


"Hopey, come to me baby sis."

"No. Mama."

"Hopey, the lady is going to check on baby brother. I am not leaving you."

"You are going to be with me,baby sis." He takes Hope from their Mom so the EMT can examine their Mom inside of the ambulance.

Killian arrived at the middle school seeing his swan in the ambulance and his son holding his daughter, "Emma! Hope!"

"Dada." She reached her arms out to her Daddy.

Killian holds his daughter in his arms. "Little love, Daddy is here."

"Hope is okay, Dad. The nice EMT lady checked on Hope first. She is checking on Mom and Ian."


"Dada is right here, little love." He kissed his daughter on the head. She gripped her Daddy's hook. "Let's go see mama."


He carried his daughter to his swan in the ambulance."Killian!"

"Emma!" He hugged his wife. "Are you okay?"

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