Hope's 1st Birthday

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The Jones family have been busy finding the Evil Queen and figuring out Hyde's plan. Hyde was still locked up in the psych ward. Emma has been planning Hope's first birthday party. She was busy making sure Hope had everything on her birthday. She never had to plan a birthday party before and might be one of the only birthdays with her daughter.

It was October 21, and Emma was breastfeeding Hope one last time, who was losing interest in breastfeeding. "You are one year old, Hope. Mommy loves you so much. You made me a mommy from the very beginning one year ago today." She kissed her daughter on the head. "I love you so much, Hope." She hugs her daughter and enjoyed her snuggles with her baby girl.

Emma had the day off for Hope and her birthdays. Regina and Robinhood and the Merrymen were on Evil Queen watch around giving the savior off. Hyde is still in the psychward. She was awake thinking of her cesarean section a year ago of her mini-me being born with Killian on her side and Henry. Killian sees his swan awake. "Hello, love." He hugged his wife.

"Hello, captain. We have a one-year-old today."

"Aye, we are parents to a one-year-old today."

"She is a happy healthy little pirate princess. She loves the Jolly Roger just like her Daddy."

"Aye, she is her Mommy's mini-me. Who loves being with her Mommy."

Emma smiles. "We are going to give Hope a great birthday."

"We are going to give her an amazing 1 year old birthday party. Her Mommy has been very busy planning."

"I just want to make sure that we have everything for Hope's birthday."

"Hope is going to have an amazing birthday, love." He kisses his swan on the head. Emma smiles. They went downstairs to set up the balloons and presents in the living room.

Hope wakes up. Emma enters the room. "Happy birthday, Hope." She takes her from her crib. Hope babbles. "Yes, you were born one year ago today. You were born early, you were supposed to be born in November. You just wanted to be with Mommy on her birthday." Hope babbles. "Yes, today is your special day, all about you." Hope lays her head on her Mommy's shoulder. "You will always be my baby girl, Hope."


"We are going to find Dada." She carried Hope downsitars to the living room where Henry and Killian were at.

"Happy birthday Hope!!" He gently threw pink balloons making her smile.


Killian holds his baby pirate princess. "Happy birthday baby pirate."


"You want to go on the Jolly Roger?" Hope gives her a pouty lip. "Little love."

"She gets that from you, honey."

"Yup, from Dad."

"I cannot say no to that cute face." Emma knows that is the beginning of Hope getting what she wants. "We can go on the Jolly Roger before your birthday party." Hope screams. Emma and Killian laugh.

"Dad,she wants me to hold her." He takes his sister from their Dad.


"Happy birthday, baby sis." Hope hugs her brother. "I love you, Hope." Emma and Killian were in awe.

"Little love, do you want to open your presents?" Hope babbles.

Henry carried his baby sister to the pile of pink wrapping papered presents. "Look Hope, these are all for you." He sits on the carpet. "Which one should we open first?" She reaches out for the big one. "Good choice." He tears the wrapping paper so his sister can open her presents.

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