Operation Cobra-Swan

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The next morning, the Jones family was still in the hospital. Charming and Elsa were still finding research on the Snow Queen,who was not causing trouble at the moment. Regina was not talking to them, which Emma did not mind, she had enough on her plate, taking care of her daughter, and protecting the town. Killian woke up Henry, while Emma and Hope were fast asleep on the bed. "Henry." Henry wakes up. "Yes, Dad?""It is the weekend!""You mean?""Aye, the surprise. I need your help at home."Henry was excited."Yes! Can we call it operation...""Operation cobra swan?""Cobra swan?" He thought for a moment. "I get it, for Mom.""Yes, lad! Instead of her bringing the happy endings to everyone else, we are bringing the happy endings to your Mom!" Henry hugs his Dad."You are the one who makes Mom happy. I knew you were the one for her, Dad." Killian smiles."That is part of my job as being your Mom's husband and Dad to you and Hope. Making your Mom happy is part of my job, lad. Your Mom needs happiness in her life, lad. Not any more pain. Your Mom has been in enough pain in her life. My job is to keep her happy for the rest of her life." Henry gets ready to leave. Killian kisses Hope on the head."Daddy will be back soon, little love." He drove Henry home in the yellow bug. They see Gepetto and little Pinnochio in front of their house. "Hello, Hook.""Hi, Geppetto. Hi, Pinnochio.""Henry!""Hi, Pinnochio.""Hook, lead the way.""Dad, I can open the door.""Thaks, lad." Henry opens the door as Marco and Killian carried the crib inside to Hope's room. "You can put the crib by the wall with Jolly Roger painting." The two men placed the crib by the wall. "It is perfect.""Hope is going to love her crib." Henry sees ducks, swans, anchors and a Jolly Roger pattern on the crib. On each corner of the crib, it had either a swan or a Jolly Roger. "Dad, there are ducklings, swans, anchors, and the Jolly Roger!!""Yes, son. I wanted your sister something to remind her where her parent's story.""I help make the swans and ducks."Henry smiles knowing the former August helped his Mom as a duckling. "You did a great job, Pinnochio.""Thanks, Henry!" Pinnochio looked around at the paintings. Who painted the walls?""I did!""They are really pretty. You are very talented.""Thank you, Pinnochio."Geppetto and Pinnochio leave. Henry and Killian fixed more furniture and set up Hope's room. "Dad, do you think Hope and Mom will be surprised?""Aye, our Mom will be very surprised. I know Hope will love her room.""She will, Dad." Killian sees the room knowing after Hope's rough few days, this will cheer his wife up knowing their daughter has her own room. He gets a phone call from Emma."Emma?... We are coming back, love." He hangs up his iPhone."Dad?""Your sister needs us." Killian and Henry leave the house and return to the hospital.Emma wakes up when Hope was awake crying. "Hopey." She hugs her daughter. "I know you are not feeling well, little duckling. "You are my sunshine My only sunshine,You make me happy, When sky's are grey, You'll never know, dear, How much I love you, Please don't take my sunshine away . Hope cried more. She felt Hope's skin, still hot. She presses the button for Dr.Cameron. "Allison?!" Allison rushes in."Emma..""Hope is getting hotter and her skin is getting a rash."Allison takes Hope from her and takes her temperature. "Her temperature is 102.00." Hope cried more. "I will bring her more baby Tylenol." She heads to the medicine cabinet. Killian and Henry return, "Emma, what is going on with Hope?""Her fever is higher and she is getting a rash.""Poor, Hope. Dada is back." He kisses Hope on the head."I got our little pirate." He holds Hope. "Dada is back." Hope babbles. He kisses Hope on the head lets his daughter lay on his chest. "We are snuggling." Emma joins Killian and Hope on the bed. Hope coughs."I know you are not feeling well, baby girl." She rubs Hope's back. "You are okay." Allison returns with Hope's medicine. "Killian, it is my turn to feed Hope her medicine." She spoonfeed Hope her medicine. "Good girl Hope. You will feel better soon." "Little sis, I am going to stay with you and our Mommy." He kisses Hope on the head."Kid, you can sit with your Dad and Hope." Emma sits next to Killian on the bed, Henry sits next to his Dad and sister. Emma puts a cool compress on Hope's body to lower Hope's fever. Henry helps his Mom with he cool compress. "You are okay, Hope." Hope looks at her Daddy. "You are getting better, little love. Dada is here." he kisses Hope on the head and enjoying Hope's snuggles. Emma and Henry continue the cool compress until Hope's rash was gone. Hope grabs Henry's hair. "Hope, what are you doing to your brother?" Hope babbles. "Oh, I see. You are being a little sister."Henry smiles. "Dad, she has a strong grip." He looks at his sister. "You just like making my hair messy." He kisses Hope on the head. Henry read Hope a story from his storybook. Emma takes a picture of her family on the bed. Allison returns into the room. "Emma, I need to check on Hope." Emma lays Hope down on the bed. Hope began to cry. "You are going to be with your Mommy very soon.""Mommy is right here, Hope. Allison is going to check your fever." Allison takes Hope's temperature which was, 99.0. "Her fever has dropped. When she is 98.6 you can bring her home."Hope rolls over and faces her Mommy. Emma scooped Hope into her arms. "Your fever is going down, Hope. We can go home soon." She lets Hope lie on her chest and Hope gripped her Mommy's finger. "You are with Mommy, Hope." She kissed Hope on the head. Hope coughs. "Bless you. Little sis, you are getting better." Hope babbles. "Yes, when we go home, we can have playtime." Hope smiles. "Mom, Hope is excited to go home." Emma kisses her on the head."She is feeling better. The cool compressed helped her fever go down." Killian goes to Allison. "Allison, how long will my Hope will be sick?""A week but as long as Hope gets her medicine, she is going to be okay."When Hope's fever was down, Allison examined Hope. "Hope, you can go home with your family." Hope smiles. "I know I will see you and your Mommy for girl talk." She tickles Hope.Emma changes Hope into a pajama onesie. "We are going home, Hope." Hope kicks her legs and smiles. "You are excited to go home." Hope reaches out for her Daddy. "Killian, someone wants her Daddy."Killian scooped Hope into his arms and wrapped her in her baby blankie. "Hope, did your Mommy changed you into a cute heart onesie?" Hope gripped her Daddy's hook. "Yes, you are my little pirate princess." Killian kisses Hope on the cheek, Hope gripped her Daddy's scruffy cheek making Killian smile."Emma, if you have any concerns or questions, please call me.""Yes, I will. You are a much better doctor than Dr.Whale.""He is that bad?" Emma and Killian looked at each other giving each other the same look. "Yes, Allison. Dr.Whale is not a good doctor.""My mom is trying to say that he is Frankenstein and not the best doctor. You are a way better than him." "Henry, I appreciate it. Emma, when Hope is better you can schedule her and Henry for their physicals. I know Hope needs her immunization shots.""Mom, I can go first so I can show Hope that she won't be afraid.""That is your job as her big brother. I know Hope won't be happy that day because she will be getting more S-H-O-T-S than you, kid." "Mom, I want to show Hope that she is going to be okay." Emma smiles, her son was right.Killian placed his hand on his son's shoulder."Lad, you are right. That is your job as her big brother.""Killian, can you hold Hope? I have to sign Hope's discharge papers.""I am on it." Killian takes Hope from Emma. Henry made funny faces to make his sister smile. After Emma signed the discharged papers, "Allison, when Hope is better, you can come over, we can talk.""I can come over. I do not mind seeing boxes. My house is pretty much the same." They both laughed. Emma and Allison exchanged numbers. "Hope, Mommy made a new friend." Hope babbles. "Yes, Allison looks a lot like Mommy." Hope fusses. Emma gets Hope from Killian. "Hopey, we are going bye-bye. Say bye-bye to Allison." Hope smiles as her Mommy waved her hand to Allison. "Bye, Hope. I will see you soon. You are so cute!" Killian walked with his two loves, Emma was smiling at Hope who was babbling away. "Mom, Hope knows that we are leaving the hospital.""Yes, you are right, kid. She knows that we are going home." Killian drove his family home, Henry was talking to his sister. Emma was happy that everyone was in the yellow bug together again. "We are back home.""Yes, we are swan. I have Hope's medicines in her diaper bag.""We need to keep her schedule to feed her medicine to her.""We will, swan." They both get out of the car."Little sis, we are back home." Hope began crying.Emma takes Hope from her carseat and puts Hope's pink coat back on her. "Hope, Mommy is going to feed you when we are inside." Hope gripped her. "You are staying with me." She kisses Hope on the head. Killian rubs Hope's back as he led his two loves inside. Henry opens the door. Emma knew something was going on. "Killian?""Emma, close your eyes." Killian leads his two loves carefully upstairs and into Hope's room. "Hope, your Dada is up to something." Henry got his camera ready."Open your eyes, Emma." Emma opens her eyes seeing Hope's room was complete, with the changing table, the painted murals, dresser, rocking chair, the new crib, and the fuzzy rug she ordered were all there. Everything for Hope's room was in her daughter's room, Emma was in tears, this is their daughter's room. "Killian? You did this?"Killian places his hand on Henry's shoulder."The lad and I had set up all the furniture. It was a father and son project.""You two boys are the best." Emma hugs Killian and Henry the best as she could with Hope in between, a family hug. Hope babbles. "Hope, this is your bedroom, baby girl. Dada and Henry worked so hard on it to make your room so pretty. All just for you." Emma walked around the room showing her daughter her bedroom. "Dada got you a new crib to sleep in." She sees the design. "Hope, there are swans, ducklings, hooks, and the Jolly Roger on your crib. I know your dada made that especially for you." Hope babbles. She turns to her husband and smiles. "Killian, you made this for our daughter?""Aye, I did, Emma. I wanted Hope to know where her parents have come from.""You are the best Dad.""Aye, I am doing my job." Hope gripped the railing. "You like your new crib, little love?" Hope babbles. "Yes, there are Jolly Roger and swans on the corners of your crib."Emma sees the pink bedsheets she chose for her daughter. Hope pats her crib. "You want to go in your new crib? Yes." Emma puts her daughter laying in her crib. Hope smiles as she moves her arms and legs. "You love your new crib?" Hope rolls over to her tummy.Killian kneels down to face his daughter in between the rails of her crib. "Aye, you are getting a good look at your new crib." Hope babbles. "There are ships and anchors that represent Dada. Swans and ducklings represent your Mommy." Hope smiles making her daddy smile."Little sis, we can have H&H time in your room now." Hope babbles. "We can H&H time in my room too." Emma was smiling at Killian. "She is enjoying her new crib." "Yes, she is getting used to her own bedroom." Emma kneels down to Hope. "She never had her own room until now." Hope reaches out for her Mommy. Emma holds Hope on her chest. "Hope, are you happy?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you are very happy. Dada and Henry made you very happy a big surprise all just for you when you came home from the hospital." Killian sees the joy on his Emma's face giving Hope something that she never had as a child, her own room, which she wanted Hope to have when she was pregnant with their daughter.Henry takes a picture of his sister and his Mom on his iPhone. "Dad, she loves her bedroom." "Aye, I made sure Geppetto made a great crib for your sister. We did a great job, lad, decorating Hope's room.""Yes, dad. We make a great team.""Aye, a father and son team." Henry hugs his Dad. Hope needed to nurse. Emma sat down on the rocking chair and nurses her daughter. "Hopey, are you happy to be in your own room?" Hope gripped her Mommy's shirt. "Yes, you love your room! Dada and Henry did a great job decorating your room. Mommy chose all your furniture and color patterns. Your room is for a little princess, which you are." Hope coughs and spits up her milk. Killian gives Emma a burp towel and gets Hope's medicine. Emma makes sure Hope was not choking. Hope tugs on her breast. "You are still hungry, I know. I need to make sure you are not choking, sweetie." Hope coughs. She cleaned Hope up and let her nurse. "Swan, is Hope okay?""She has a cough. I just want to make sure she is not choking when she is eating. She is not happy when she is not finished with her milk." "If you let me I can bottle feed her."Emma smiles."I will take you on that offer soon. I know Hope will be happy to have one on one time with her daddy. I am just happy that our daughter is home and on the road to recovery." Killian wrapped his arms around his two loves. She leaned her head on Killian's shoulder smelling the ocean on his leather jacket, knowing everything is going to be okay. They work together on Hope to give her nebulizer treatment. Hope yawned. "Little pirate princess you need your nap." Killian puts the nebulizer away.Henry went with his Dad to his parent's room. "Dad, operation cobra-swan a success?""Aye, operation cobra-swan a success!" They high five. Henry went to his bedroom to read a book. Killian returns back to Hope's bedroom.Emma places Hope in her crib. She rubs Hope's head. "You are home, Hope. You are okay. You have Mommy and Daddy, little duckling to take care of you."Killian placed Hope's duckling doll next to Hope. "Emma, she is going to be okay. Allison would not release her if she was not better.""I know. I am her Mommy, it is my job to worry." Killian kissed his swan on her head. "She is very happy that she has her room just like her Mommy wanted for her." Emma smiles and hugs her husband. "I am so happy. You made Hope's room, Killian. Hope has her own bedroom. She loves it.""I saw you planning Hope's room since we were in New York when you were pregnant with her, swan." Emma smiles that he remembered. "I just knew what you wanted our daughter's room to be whenever we get a house of our own." Emma was in tears, her husband created their whole home with her. "Yes, now we have a home of our own.""This proves that operation Cobra-Swan was a success.""Henry came up with the operation codename?""I did. I knew your job as the savior to bring everyone their happy endings. This operation was to bring your happy ending.""It is more of a happy beginning.""Happy beginning?""Yes, this is our new chapter of our life together, living in our own house, our children in their own bedrooms, getting everything they need, fighting villains side by side as sheriff and deputy. This is not our ending. It is our new beginning in Storybrooke since our home is complete now. You created our home.""It was not only me, love. You created our family and our home. " "We created our home together.""Yes, that is why we are team Jones." They kiss. They are so happy that their whole family is back home and under the same roof.

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