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During the night, Emma had a bad dream of herself as a child crying lost in the streets, <i>I want my Mommy...I want my Daddy..." </i> She wakes up and goes to Hope's nursery, her daughter who was sleeping peacefully. She scooped her daughter in her arms and walks over to her son's room, who was sleeping peacefully. She sat next to her son and rubs his head. Her two ducklings are with her. "My two ducklings, I love you two so much. I will never hurt you two. You will always have me." She watches her two children sleep.

Killian wakes up knowing Emma was not in his arms. He finds his swan in Henry's room holding sleeping Hope sitting on Henry's bed. "Love, is everything okay?"

"I had a bad dream. I just wanted to make sure our kids are okay. I just wanted to be with our kids. I dreamt I was alone in the foster system, wanting my parents." Killian hugged his wife. "I thought when I finally found them, I would trust them...When I do I get replaced. They lie about me about changing my fate before I was even born." She began crying. "I am hurt. I cannot lie to my children like my parents did to me."

"You are an amazing mother, Emma. you are parenting the way you did not have as a child. You know not to hurt, lie, or neglect our children. You give our children,love, care, endless hugs, and kisses. They love you, Emma."

"I just want to be with my babies."

"You are with them, love. They are not going anywhere." He sat with his wife and his children.

Killian was up early with Hope. He was getting her ready for the day. He was letting his swan sleep knowing she was up most of the night. Henry enters his sister's nursery in his uniform. She sees her brother and began babbling."Hi, Hope!" He takes his sister from the changing table. "Dad, I already had cereal. I want to play with Hope before school." Hope babbles. "Baby sis, you are with me."

Killian smiles. "I will make your Mom and me some coffee. We both had a long night" He goes downstairs.

Hope babbles. "Baby, sis, we can have storytime." Hope hugs her brother. He smiles as he sat down in the rocking chair.


"I have a story about Mommy."

"Once upon a time, on the day Mommy became deputy, she put the badge on and the whole own had an earthquake. Because Mommy was changing the tone. When Momm changed the town, it was affecting the curse." He looked up at her brother with her ocean blue eyes. "I was with Archie when the rumbled happened. Mommy was helping with the mine cave-in. I knew there was something down there. I told Mommy and Archie who are all a part of Operation Cobra. Archie, later on, told me not to believe in magic. I went to Mommy crying. After Mommy dropped me at my Mom Regina's office, I snuck back to the mines trying to find a clue of magic. Archie came to the mines and the mines began collapsing again. He helped me find a mine elevator when we heard Pongo's bark."


"Mommy came down with rope and harness."


"Yes, Mommy held me and the elevator was collapsing. Archie used the umbrella to attach to the harness. We were lifted up back outside. All together. Mommy is my hero."

Emma hears Henry telling Hope a story of the time she saved Henry and Archie. "There are my two ducklings!"


Emma smiles love hearing her daughter so happy to hear her voice. She scooped her daughter in her arms. "Good morning, Hope. Is Henry telling you a story about how I rescued Henry and Archie from the mines?" Hope babbles. "Yes, Henry is the best storyteller?"

"She is a good listener. She loves when I read to her." He kisses Hope on her cheek.

"Hope is right, you are the best storyteller, kid." She hugged her son. "I heard you telling her about the mine cave-in."

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