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It was still in the dark knight, the sorcerer's assistant was in Isaac's body. Rumpelstiltskin finds the author, who sees the dark one. "Hello, deary."

"Y-you got to get me out of here..."

"Do not worry, I will." The dark ones make himself and the author disappear to his cabin.

A few hours later, Emma wakes up hearing Killian in Hope's bedroom. She finds Killian walking around the nursery with Hope, helping her walk. "Good little love." He sees Emma at the door. "Let's walk to Mommy."

Emma kneels down to face her daughter and husband. "Hopey, you are walking with Dada!"
"Mama!" She held Hope and gave her kisses on her cheek.

"Swan, do you want to go to grannys or I can make breakfast for us?"

"I want to eat in."

"Aye, I will cook us breakfast." As Killian cooks breakfast for his family, Emma talks to Hope who was bouncing in her jumper, who was babbling away.

"You are bouncing!!" Hope babbles. "Bounce!!"

"Ahh!" Hope bends her knees. Emma smiles.

The doorbell rings. Killian answered the door, it was his in-laws. "Snow, David."

"I got a letter from a bird. You need to see it."

Emma hears her parents and carried Hope to the door. "Mary-Margaret, Dad.."

"I got a letter, well a note for Hook."

"Killian, what does the note say?"

He opens the note, <i> You do not have to worry about the author. </i> "It is about the author."

Hope chews on her hand."What does that mean?"

"I do not know, love. I just know that the one who is helping us has a plan. "

Charming, "What does this mean?"

"He did something to the author. We do not have to worry about him.."

Snow White, "We do have to tell Regina?"

"No." They all look at Emma. "We cannot tell her what we have found. She is working with Gold. He is going to know if she is lying to her. Then, he is going to find out."


He knew his wife was still mad at her parents for keeping a secret from her. "Aye, she does have a point. Only the 4 of us, Belle and Blue know who is out of the hat."

Hope began crying. "Killian, I am going to get Hope and Henry their breakfast ready." She takes Hope into the kitchen.

"We do need to know what Gold is up to."

"Aye, ask Regina to tell you both what Gold is up to now."

"We can do that, Hook." Snow White and Charming left.

Emma puts Hope in her booster seat on the table. "You are going to try bananas today, Hope." Hope bangs her toy keys on the table she has connected to her booster table.

Killian enters the kitchen,"Looks like someone is excited for her new food." Hope throws her keys to her Daddy. "Whoop!" He catches the keys, making his daughter laugh. "You little sneaky pirate." He tickles her belly making her squeal with joy. Emma smiles and took a photo of the father and daughter duo.

Henry joins his family in the kitchen hearing his sister laugh. "What is going on here?"

"Your sister loves throwing her toy keys to your Dad."

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