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The first night home with Ian, Emma and Killian were watching him when he was sleeping since he was still on oxygen. Both of them were nervous his oxygen machine will go off on alarms., They took turns watching Ian sleeping, letting each other rest. Killian was helping Emma with Hope at night and changing Ian's diapers letting her sleep. He would place Ian in her arms so she could breastfeed him and bring her a snack as she was breastfeeding. Emma felt guilty having her husband awake at night because he had work in the morning. "I got Ian, you need to sleep. You have work in the morning."

"No, I do not have work. I have paternity relieve. I am taking care of you and our son." Emma hugged her husband who is there for her and their son.

"You are the best, you know that?"

"I know. I am always going to be there for you and our children, love." They kiss. He changed Ian's diaper and carried him to his swan.

Emma snuggled with Ian doing skin-to-skin. She kissed her son on the head. "You are with Mama, Ian. I am so happy you are home." She loves the smell of her newborn son.

Killian took a picture of his swan and their baby duckling on his iPhone. He is treasuring these moments with his wife and their last baby. Ian coos. "Dada is right here,son." He kissed his swan on the cheek, his mini-me.

In the morning, Henry wakes up hearing his sister. He sees his parents fast asleep with Ian. He went to her room, Hope was standing in her crib. "Henwy!" She smiled big.

"Hi, baby sis!" He took her out of her crib and spun her around making her laugh.


He carried his sister to their parents' room. "Mom and Dad are sleeping."


"Yes, he is sleeping. Let's go get breakfast outside."

"Yes!" Henry changed his sister into an outfit and they went out. Henry took his sister to Starbucks. He made sure his sister was at his side the whole time not to wander off.

Emma wakes up, finding a note from Henry. "Mom, I took Hope out for breakfast. I am also going to take her to the park. Henry." Emma smiles. Ian coos. She goes to the cradle where her son is moving around. "Hi, Ian." She scooped her son in her arms. "Are you hungry?" She went to make herself coffee and toast. She ate her breakfast as Ian was breastfeeding in the kitchen.

Killian finds his swan and son in the kitchen. "Hello, love."
"Hi." They kiss.

"Hi, little lad."

"Henry took Hope out for breakfast and to the park."

"Aye, they are having fun. I can make you eggs to go with your toast."

"Sure. I am extra hungry."

"Eggs for my swan, coming right up." Killian made his swan scrambled eggs just the way his swan likes them. He made himself scrambled eggs and toast. He gave the first round of his eggs to his wife.

"Thank you."

"You are welcome, love."

"Ian's appointment with Dr.Glass is on Friday."

"Aye for his check-up."


"I will be driving you and Ian there. You cannot drive yet."

"It will be a while I can be able to chase around Hope and take care of Ian."

"I am taking care of you and my two little ones, love. It is my job as your husband and father to our children."

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