Jones Valentine's Day

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Emma was getting used to being a working Mom as a bail bondwoman  and mother of two while Killian stayed home with Hope and Henry at night. She loved returning home seeing her husband waiting for her to eat with her with Hope fast asleep in his arms. "Hi.""Hello love.""How was she while I was working?""She was a good little lass for her Dada." Emma takes Hope from Killian and gave Hope kisses on her head."I missed her so much when I was out.""Aye, I know the feeling whenever I am away from you too. Are you hungry?""Starving.""Aye, our dinner is in the oven warmed up for us."She kisses Killian on the cheek knowing he taking good care of her and their family."Thank you.""Henry went to bed a few hours ago. I helped him with his math homework. Hope was upset but Henry told her a few stories she calmed down." "Mommy is home. I missed you so much." She kisses Hope on the head and lets her snuggle on her favorite spot. "Hopey." She sits on the couch and hugs her daughter. "Mommy is home. I caught a bad guy. He did not escape. He went to prison where he belongs. Bad people go to prison. Not good people like you, Henry, dada, and Mommy are." Killian brought his wife dinner, steak, mashed potatoes, and spinach. "This looks delicious.""Aye, I know you will like it. You need all of the energy to eat after a long night of working and being a Mommy." Emma smiles. "Henry helped me cook." "Love, I can hold her.""Killian, I miss her snuggles. I can hold her while I eat. I missed her so much when I was working." Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. "Emma, you are not too far away from Hope and Henry, love.""I...just do not want to miss anything with her..""You are not missing anything with our little love. Hope knows that her Mommy needs to work. She is very happy when her Mommy is home." Hope wakes up smiling up at her Mommy. "Hi, baby duckling. Mommy is home from work. I missed you so much." Hope gripped a lock of her Mommy's hair which made Emma smile and gently kissed her on the head. Hope moves around and makes sounds. "You are not missing anything with our little lass." Emma ate her meal. "This is delicious." Hope babbles. "Sweetie, you are going to have the milk version later in your next feeding." Hope began to cry. She puts her meal down to comfort her daughter. " is time for you to go back to sleep." Emma gives Hope to Killian and changes out of her dress into her pajamas and puts Hope on her chest, who stopped crying right away. Emma smiles. "You just want to sleep with Mommy." She gave Hope kisses on the head. Hope babbles. "I told you, Emma, she missed you at work."Emma smiles. "Yes, my duckling just wants her Mommy." Hope was babbling. Henry approached his Mom crying. "Henry.""Mom." Henry hugs his Mom. "Henry, what happened?""I-I...I had a bad dream..." "You want me to sleep with you?" "Yes." Killian takes Hope from Emma who began to cry. "Killian, Hope wants me. I can hold her." Killian hands over Hope back to his wife as Emma looks at both of her children who both needed her. "Killian, we are going to have a family sleepover tonight.""Aye, we shall. It is very late and we all need to sleep." He guides his family into the bedroom, Emma lies on her bed next to Killian on one side, and Henry on the other side hugging her while Hope was fast asleep on her chest. "Kid, what happened?""I had a bad dream about Pan again..."Emma hugs her son. "Henry, he is gone. He is not going to hurt you ever again.""I missed you at work.""You can sleep next to me, anytime." She kisses him on the head. "You are safe with me,kid." "Mom, Hope is happy that you are home like me."Emma smiles. "I missed both of my ducklings. Now you need to sleep, kid while your sister is sleeping.""I love you, Mom.""I love you, kid." They hug and he fell asleep. "My two duckling just want their Mommy.""They both missed you at work. I do not blame them." Emma smiles. "I am off tomorrow for Valentine's day. I was thinking for Valentine's Day tomorrow we can have a family day.""Aye, I am off tomorrow too.""It will be Hope's first Valentine's Day ever. She is very happy sleeping on me." They all went to sleep.The next morning, Killian woke up early in the morning, seeing his little lass awake, he kissed her on the cheek."Happy Valentine's Day, little love. Do you want to go on a little adventure with Dada?" Hope babbles. He gets dressed and Hope dresses her in cute onesie "My First Valentine's Day," with hearts and places her in her stroller, car seat. He takes Hope to the closest flower shop to buy buttercups for his wife. Hope smiles. "You think Mommy will love the flowers?" Hope babbles. "Aye, you are right Hope. She will love them." Hope moves around. "You love Dada's voice." He gently tickles Hope on the head. He paid for the flowers and they returned home. "We are back home, little love." He sees his swan in the kitchen. "Morning, love.""Morning, honey." They kiss. Hope babbles. "Hi, baby girl." She takes Hope out of her stroller. "Did you have a fun walk with Daddy today?" Hope smiles. "You did?" She kisses Hope on the head. Killian took the flowers behind his back. "Happy Valentine's Day, Emma." Emma was in awe. "Flowers?" She takes them from her husband and kisses him on the cheek. "Thank you. They are my favorite." They kiss. Killian puts his wife's buttercups in a vase. She takes Hope's coat off and sees her Valentine's Day onesie and faces her daughter to her face."Hopey, you are my little Valentine." Hope babbles. "Yes, you are." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek making Hope smile. Henry wakes up."Happy Valentine's day Mom, Dad and Hope.""Happy Valentine's day, lad." Emma hugs her son. "Happy Valentine's day, kid." Henry shows his Mom his present."This is from me, Mom.""Henry." Emma sits down on the couch, Killian holds Hope as Emma opens her gift which was a canvas painting of herself with Henry and Hope, Mom's two ducklings. Emma was in tears, "Killian, look what Henry made?"Killian smiles, "It is a beautiful portrait of my swan and her two ducklings." Emma hugged Henry. "Henry, this is so beautiful. I love it." "I thought this would be a perfect Valentine's present.""I love it." Emma hugs her son. "It is perfect, Henry." Hope babbles. Emma shows Hope in the painting. "Hope, you are in a painting. Henry painted this." Hope grabs the painting and tries to eat it. Emma chuckles."Little love, Henry's painting is not food."Emma takes it away from Hope who began to cry. "Henry, I am going to put it on the mantle, so we can always see it." She put it on the mantle over the fireplace. "Swan, Hope has a gift for you too.""Little sis, give Mommy your present." Emma sees a homemade card and kneels to her daughter. "Is this for me?" Hope smiles. "Yes? Thank you, Hope." She opens her gift was Hope's footprints in clay painted with her name and birthday. Emma was in awe. She scoops Hope into her arms. "Hope, I love my present you made for me. Thank you." She gave Hope kisses on her head. "Swan, Hope has a card for you too." Killian hands over Hope's card, made of Hope's handprints which were so cute, "Dear Mommy,Happy Valentine's Day. You are always there for me, care for me, hugs me and give me so much love. I love you so much. I will always be your little duckling. Love, Hope." Emma was in tears. "Hope, I love you so much, baby girl." Hope babbles. "Emma, Happy Valentine's Day." Emma sees a swan. "Killian?""Open it, love." Emma opens the swan which was full of chocolate, which makes her smile. "Killian, you bought me chocolate and flowers?""Aye, anything for my swan.""Thank you." They kiss. "I have gifts for you, Henry and Hope." Emma went into her room and brought our gifts for her family, and gave Henry and Killian's presents. She takes Hope from Killian. "Hopey, you have a Valentine's Day gift from Mommy." Hope babbles. "You want Henry and Daddy to open their gifts first?" Hope moves around. "Killian and Henry, Hope wants you both to open your gifts." Henry opened his gift which was a new Spiderman shirt. "Mom, thank you!" He hugs his Mom and sister. "You are welcome, Henry."Killian opened his gift which was a hook warmer. "Emma, I love it." He puts it on his hook. "It fits perfectly." "Dad, I have a gift for you too." Henry gives his Dad his gift, Killian opens his gift which was a canvas painting of him steering the Jolly Roger. Killian smiles. "Henry, is this the Jolly Roger?""Yes, Dad.""I love it, Henry. This looks exactly like me and the Jolly Roger." Killian hugs his son. "Thank you, Henry.""You are welcome, dad." Hope babbles. "Hope, are you saying can I open my present?" Hope smiles. Emma helps open her daughter's present which was a teething toy ring of Winnie the Pooh characters. "Little sis, you have a new toy." Hope gripped it. "Hope, I will open it for you, little sis." Henry takes the toy to open and Hope begins to cry. "Hopey, Henry is only opening your toy." Henry gives Hope her toy which Hope chews on and stops crying.Killian returns and gives gifts to Henry and Hope. Henry opens his gift which was a videogame for his x-box of Pirates of the Carribean. "Dad, this is awesome!!" Henry hugs his Dad. "I have a feeling that we will play this later!""Yes!" Emma smiles."I cannot forget my little pirate-princess." "Hopey, dada has a gift for you." Hope was still chewing on her new teething ring. Killian takes Hope's gift out of the gift bag which was a Pluto doll. "Hopey, Dada got you a Pluto doll." He shows his little lass her new toy, Hope chews on her new plush doll. "Emma, she loves it.""Yes, I have a feeling she will sleep with her Pluto doll and her duckling doll." Hope gripped on both of her new toys. "Mom, Dad she loves both of her new toys.""Aye, lad yes she does." "Captain, I was thinking since you and I are both off, we can have a family day. We can go to Brooklyn.""Mom we can go to DUMBO?!""Yes, Henry!""Yes!" Hope began to cry. "Hopey, do not cry, little sis. We are going to Brooklyn today." "Emma, that is a brilliant idea." Hope cried more."Hopey, I know you are a hungry baby girl. I will feed you." Emma nurses Hope. "Love, I will get Hope's diaper bag packed. Including her teething toy and her carrier.""Thank you." They kiss. Hope gripped her Mommy. "You love interrupting Dada and Mommy's kissing little love." Hope gripped her Daddy's hook. "You are so cute." "Our little Valentine is so cute." Hope makes poop. "Hopey. I will change you later when you finish your meal." Hope makes more poop. Emma burps Hope and changes her diaper. Hope stops crying. Emma continues to nurse Hope. While Emma was getting dressed Killian was playing with Hope on their bed with Hope on his chest, Hope was gripping her Daddy's beard. Hope babbles. "My beard is rough?" Hope smiles. "You like my beard?" Hope smiles. He gives Hope kisses. After the family got ready, Killian put Hope in her carseat in the back of the car. "Hope, you are sitting next to me, little sis." Hope babbles. "Yes, we are going on a car ride to Brooklyn." Emma was setting up a baby mirror able to see Hope while she was driving. She sees Hope in the back with Henry making funny faces. "Kid, buckle up.""Yes, Mom." Emma drove her family to Brooklyn with Killian on her side. Henry and Killian were looking at the city while they were passing by in the car on the way to the Brooklyn Bridge, while Hope was napping. After Emma drove them over the bridge, Killian used his GPS on his iPhone to help navigate her to DUMBO. Emma drove to cobble road and found a parking spot."We are here swan?""Yes, we can walk there. We are not too far." Killian sets Hope's stroller car seat while Emma unbuckles Hope and puts her car seat in the stroller. Hope wakes up. "Hi, baby girl. We are in Brooklyn." Hope began to cry."I know how to cheer up our little pirate-princess." Killian pushes the stroller into DUMBO passing by the restaurants and finds the ocean. He took Hope out of her stroller and went to the ocean and stood with Hope on top of the rocks facing the Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan. "That is Manhattan Hope. We are in Brooklyn." Hope babbles. "Yes, ocean. The ocean is between Manhattan and Brooklyn. That is why Mommy drove the yellow bug over a bridge over the ocean." Henry took pictures of his Dad and sister and of the view. Hope babbles. "That is a great idea, little pirate." Killian returns to his family and takes off Hope's shoes and pulls up her leggings and takes her back to the rocks. "Hope, you are going to get wet." "Killian!"Killian helps Hope stand on the wet rocks and watch the ocean tide coming over to them and hearing Hope's scream happily. "Hope, tell Mommy you are staying with me." Hope babbles making Emma smile at her two pirates. Killian smiles enjoying his special with his daughter. Henry took pictures of his sister and Dad getting wet. The wind picked up. "Time to warm up little love." Hope began crying when she was out of the ocean. "I know, little pirate but you need to warm up and Mommy will be mad with me if I am the reason you get sick." "Luckily, Mommy is prepared with Hope's extra outfit and a towel." She takes her daughter from her husband and dried Hope up. "I know little duckling you had fun in the ocean with Dad but it is winter, I do not want you to get sick." Killian dries off his feet. Emma puts warmer pants over Hope's legs and her shoes back on her feet. "You love the ocean just like your Dada. My duckling." Killian holds Hope."Little love, we will come back here when it is warmer, Hope. I know you want to stay in the ocean." Hope moves her legs around and babbles. "Yes, you are my little pirate. You have the ocean in your blood just like me." Hope gripped her Daddy. "We can snuggle." Emma wrapped Hope's baby blankie on her daughter. "Killian, we should be finding a restaurant.""Aye, I know we stay warm, Hope and I. I am getting hungry." Hope babbles. Killian smiles. "You want to stay outside?""Hope, you need to be warm, baby girl. You are a lot like me and you Dada." She kisses Hope on the head. "She loves the ocean, just like you." "Aye, she is a lot like you too, swan." They kiss. Henry leads his family to the restaurant area. Emma was pushing the stroller. "Mom, Dad I found us a restaurant." He chose an Italian restaurant. Emma wrapped her arm around her son. "Great choice, kid." They went inside and got a table for three of them. Killian sat in between Emma and Henry, Hope's stroller was in between him and Emma. "Hope, it is your first restaurant little sis." He rubs Hope's cheek who was snuggling on their Dad. Hope smiles. "You are happy to be out of the house, right Hope? Your first family meal in a restaurant." Hope babbles. "Yes, you always wanted to be part of family events and holidays, now you are here with us." He kisses Hope on the head. Emma takes a picture of Henry and Hope, Killian was smiling, with Henry's camera which makes Emma smile that her family is all together. Hope tries to find her milk. "Little love, Mommy has your milk. Not Dada." Emma chuckles. "Hand her over to me, Killian." Killian hands over Hope to Emma, Hope began to cry. "Mommy is going to feed you. Don't cry." Killian helps Emma get her nursing cover on her and Emma got Hope settled underneath and she latched on right away. They ordered their meal. "Dad, I took pictures of you and Hope by the water." Henry shows his Dad the pictures. "Kid, we are going to develop your pictures and have them in the family photo album.""Yes its mostly all my pictures."Emma chuckles. "Your Dad and I have photos too from our iPhone, kid.""Okay, the photos are from all of us." Killian was looking at his iPhone so confused. "Swan. How do we develop photos from our iPhones?"Emma smiles. "Well, we goto Walgreens and plug our iPhone chargers into a machine and we get to choose and get them printed.""Aye, any photos?""Yes, Killian.""Aye, you are teaching me more every day of the modern world, love.""You are easy to teach." Emma burps Hope who falls fast asleep, she loves snuggling with her daughter. "Swan, smile." Emma smiles as Killian takes pictures of his two loves on Henry's camera. Henry loves seeing his Mom so happy and being with his family. "Henry join us in the pictures, kid." Henry joins his Mom and sister, Killian takes pictures of his family. Henry and Killian switched places, Henry took pictures of his parents and baby sister. Their meals came, Emma placed Hope in her stroller right next to her and Killian. "Have a good nap, little buttercup." Emma ordered chicken parmigiana, Henry ordered spaghetti and meatballs and Killian ordered seafood pasta. As they ate, they talked, Emma and Killian took turns checking on sleeping Hope. "She is sound asleep, love.""I know,she had so much fun experiencing the ocean for the very first time with her Daddy." Emma smiles.Killian smiles. "Aye, it is my job as her Daddy to show Hope the ocean, it is part of her pirate side." "Dad, there is a merry go round, nearby.""There is one around here?""Yes, Mom.""What is a merry go round?""It is a ride, where you sit on plastic horses that goes up and down while the merry go round goes in a circle.""Mom, it can be Hope's first ride?" Emma smiles. "I think Hope will like that. Killian, what do you think?""I do not know what it is but if I see that it is safe for Hope, she can ride on it.""Dad, it is a kiddy ride. Right Mom?""Right, Henry. Kiddy rides go very slow." "If it is a kiddy ride, I guess it is safe for Hope." Hope wakes up poop. "Little love, you need a diaper change." Killian gets the diaper bag and carries Hope to the bathroom. After lunch, they walked around DUMBO until they found the carousel, which was inside a glasshouse. "Swan,that is a merry go round?""Yes, Killian. Is it safe for Hope?""Yes, Emma."He looks down at his little lass in her stroller. "Hope, you want to go on a merry go round ride?" Hope smiles. Killian takes Hope from her stroller who reaches out for her Mommy. "Emma,someone wants her Mommy to go on her first merry go round ride." Emma smiles and takes Hope from her husband. "Hopey, are you excited to go on your first ride?" She kisses Hope on the head. "Yes, you are." Emma and Henry went on the merry go round, Henry chose a horse while Emma chose a seat for her and Hope. She pointed at all the horses, lights and paintings. Henry was in front of them. "Mom, I think Hope likes the colors and music.""I think so, kid. She is loving it." Killian took pictures of his family on the carousel. The carousel began to move, Hope was smiling. "We are moving, baby girl.""Mom, this is so much fun!" Emma smiling so much seeing both of her children having fun. She looks at her husband making a video, "Henry, Hope wave to Dad." Emma helped wave to Killian. Killian was smiling seeing his family happy while taking video on his iPhone. Hope was crying when the ride was over. "Mom, Hope wants to ride again.""Yes, you are right. I know Hope wants to ride it again with your Dad.""Dad! Hope wants to ride again with you." Emma chuckles. "Mom, I am going to ride it again. It felt like riding a real horse." Henry holds Hope as Emma goes to their stroller. "Your turn captain.""Aye, I will ride with our little lass.""Make sure the seat belt is tight on you and Hope.""Yes, love.""Have fun." They kiss. Killian joins Henry and Hope on the carousel and he sits down with Hope and makes sure she is sitting up correctly on him as Henry sets the seatbelt."Little love, are you ready for another merry go round ride?" Hope makes a loud sound."Dad, Hope is excited.""Aye, she was very excited." Henry goes on his horse. "Hope, you are the expert on this ride. You can tell me how it works?" Hope gripped her Daddy's hook. The bell rang, the merry go around began to go around. "The merry go round is moving. Yay!" He helped Hope clap her hands, who was laughing. Emma was smiling as she was taking pictures of her family having fun on the merry go round. Killian was having so much fun on his first carousel ride with Hope. After the ride was over, Hope puts her Daddy's hook in her mouth and went to sleep. "You are tired out, little pirate-princess. You can sleep on Dada." He holds Hope as he and Henry return. "Aww, Hope is fast asleep.""Aye, her second merry go ride tired herself out. She wants to sleep on her Dada." He kisses Hope on the head. "She looks so happy to be with her Daddy.""Mom, she fell asleep instantly on Dad after the ride stopped.""Aye, my littlest Valentine had a very busy day." "Mom, can we get ice cream before we go?""Sure, we can. I saw Ample Hill's Creamery earlier.""Yes!" They went to Ample Hill's Creamery, Emma ordered,Triple Chocolate Surprise, which is part of the Mickey Mouse collection, chocolate malted ice cream with chocolate fudge, dark buttercream and mickey shared white chocolate pieces filled with fudge on a cone. Henry ordered Mexican hot chocolate on a cone. They sat at a table, Killian was watching his sleeping Hope after Emma and Henry finished their ice cream, he ordered his. "Killian, I can hold her.""Aye, after I get my order, you can hold our little lass. She just wants to be with her Dada." Killian carried Hope to look at ice cream. Killian ordered I Contain Breakfast Food, which was cinnamon, chocolate donut pieces, and coffee cake crumble on a cone. "Mom?""Yes, Henry?""Is it just me or Dad is very overprotective of Hope?""Are you jealous?""No.""He may be a little overprotective of Hope because he is still getting used to technology and the modern world, kid.""You are right but he is being taught by you, Mom, almost a year.""Yes, it has been almost a year since we left Storybrooke.""Do you miss it?""I miss my parents. How about you?""I miss my other Mom the most and grandma and gramps. Even though Storybrooke was my home, New York is my home. I am happier here with you, Dad and Hope. You give me a normal life that I always wanted before you found me." "Henry." Emma hugs her son and kisses her on the head. "You changed my life forever. I knew once you found me, I was never going to leave you again. Now we have a family we both always wanted." "Yes, kid. You are right we got what we always wanted a family.""Yes, Mom. That is because of you." They hug. Hope woke up crying. Henry gets his sister from tier Dad. "Baby sis, why are you crying?""Kid, your sister is hungry." She takes her daughter from her son. "Oh, she needs a diaper change too. We will be right back." She takes the diaper bag and Hope to the bathroom and changes Hope's diaper. Henry hugs his Dad. "I have the best Dad ever.""Aye, I have the best son in the world.""If you did not meet Mom in the Enchanted Forest, she would not be happy or have Hope right now or have our family complete. You and Mom are giving Hope and me normal lives.""Aye, after I tore my own family apart, I met your Mom and not tore her family apart.""You did the opposite Dad, you kept our family together.""I love your Mom and wanted to keep her family together.""You are a part of our family, dad. You came with us and you are an amazing Dad to Hope and me.""Aye, yes, I am. I love being you and Hope's Dad.""That is why you are the best." They hug. Emma returned with crying Hope. "Mom, what is wrong with Hope?""She is hungry and tired.""Love, I think it is a sign we should head back home.""Yes, after I feed her we will head back." Emma nurses Hope. "How is your ice cream?""Really good. How about yours?""It was delicious, I have a feeling Hope is tasting it right now.""Mom, you chose a Disney one which is awesome.""That is really awesome, kid. How about yours?""It was really good." After Hope was fed and burped, the family returned to their yellow bug. Hope was fast asleep in her car seat, Killian put her car seat back into the car and joins Emma in the front of the car. "Emma, I can drive.""Are you sure?""Aye, yes, I can.""Okay." She kissed him on the cheek and switched seats. Killian drove his family home, there was some traffic heading into Manhattan. Henry placed Hope's baby blankie on his sister. "This is everyone's first Valentine's day, except for Mom. Valentine's day is showing how much you love your family and friends. I love you so much, baby sis. You did not miss this family holiday." Emma and Killian held hand and hook happily. Henry falls asleep. "Swan, did you have a good Valentine's day?""No, it was a perfect Valentine's day. The best Valentine's day I ever had, because I was with my dashing husband and my two children who I love so much. It was the first time, I was not alone and not felt alone, I have love on Valentine's day.""Aye, you are never going to be alone and unloved ever again. You will always have me, your husband, and our children who love you so much.""We have our family.""Aye, a family that you and I created.""Yes, our family.""I love you, Emma.""I love you, Killian." They kiss. Killian drove his family over the Brooklyn Bridge. Emma knew that she is with her family who will never leave her and always is going to be there for them. This is the first of many Jones Valentine's days with her amazing husband and wonderful children.

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