Team Jones

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It was the weekend. Killian wakes up for work smiling seeing his two loves sleeping together, Hope was sleeping in Emma's arms, with a pillow by the edge of the bed. "My two loves." He takes a picture of the mother and daughter sleeping together and kisses his little lass on the head. He goes into the kitchen to cook his family breakfast oatmeal with cinnamon and decaf coffee for his swan. He returns back in the room with a tray of Emma's breakfast. He kisses Hope on the cheek and kisses Emma on her blonde head. Emma wakes up smiling. "Morning, swan.""Morning, honey." They kiss. "How is our little love?""Fast asleep. Our Hope would not sleep in her crib, she just wanted to sleep with me after I fed her two hours ago." She kisses Hope on her head. "You love your Mommy right Hope?" Killian smiles. "I told you love, Hope just wants to sleep with her Mommy." He wrapped his arm around his two loves. "I have to the two gorgeous loves in all the realms.""I have the most handsome good-hearted captain." They kiss. Hope wakes up needing a diaper change. Killian changes Hope diaper. Emma hands him a new outfit of a cozy pin onesie with a hoodie connected. "There you go, little love. You are clean and nice and warm." He brings Hope back to Emma, both lie on their bellies and took turns kissing Hope which she cooed at them. "Love you, I made your breakfast." "Thank you." She eats her breakfast watching Killian playing with Hope giving Hope kisses on her cheeks and talks to Hope in baby voice which she loves until Hope fell asleep. "You fell asleep during playtime, Hope." Killian held Hope on his chest. "You love sleeping on Daddy and Mommy? I can see why because you love Daddy and Mommy so much. We love you so much, Hope." He gave her little kisses on her cheek. Emma gave Hope her baby blankie to keep her warm. She leans on Killian's shoulder."You have work today?""Aye, yes I do. I am going to work after I drop Henry off at Jasper's house to play video games." Henry talks to Hope while Emma takes a shower before leaving to Jasper's house. "Hope, can you saw my name? Henry?" Hope coos."You are so cute." He gave Hope kisses on her cheek which was making her happy. Killian takes a picture of Henry and Hope, brother and sister moment. "Lad, it is time to go.""Hope, I will see you later." Emma takes her daughter from her son. "Mom?" Henry hugs his Mom. "I love you,Mom." "I love you too, kid."She hugs her son as best as she can. Hopecoos. "I love you too, Hope.""Hope, you and I have the best Mommy. We are very lucky." He gave Hope kisses on her cheek. "Lad, we should be going.""Yes, Dad. Mom, Hope I will see you later.""Love, I will buy more diapers and baby wipes on the way home from work.""Thank you. Have a good day at work." They kiss. The boys left. "Hope, it is just you and me."A few hours later, Emma was changing Hope into a new onesie, and tickles her belly. Hope coos. " little duckling." Hope moves her legs. Henry enters the room. "Mom?""Yes?""Can we go for a walk?""Where?""Not too far Central Park?" Henry sits on his parent's bed. "Hope, you want to go for a walk with Mommy and Henry?" Hope coos. "Mom, Hope is saying yes." He holds Hope his arms.Emma smiles. "How about you help me pizza casserole, and when it cooks in the crockpot maybe we can go for a short walk. It is getting cold, kid." "Okay...I just want to show Hope New York, where we live." Emma hugs her son. "We are going to show Hope her home but I do not want your sister to get sick.""I understand. I do not want Hope to get sick too, she has been through enough already. I know you are always telling Dad and I to wash our hands and use hand sanitizer." "Yes, I do not want Hope to get germs." Hope moves her legs. "Hope, are you happy Henry is home?" Hope coos. "How was playing video games at Jasper's house?""It was fun. Where is Dad?""After he dropped you off at Jasper's house he went to work.""Jasper's Mom gave me a gift for Hope." Henry gives his sister to his MOm, Hope began to cry. "Aww Hope you want your big brother?""Hope, I am going to be right back, little sis." Henry gets the gift and returns to his Mom and sister. He takes out a pink onesie, "Mommy's little princess," and a floral swaddler. "Henry, please tell Jasper's mom thank you. Let me try the swaddler." Emma sets the swaddler in half in a triangle Henry sets Hope in the center and Emma continues to swaddle Hope. "Aw, Hope you look like a baby burrito." Emma giggles and holds her daughter in her arms."She is a very cute burrito." Hope yawns. Emma leans against the pillow. Henry sits next to his Mom. "Mom, you are very happy.""Of course, I am because I have you, Hope and your Dad.""I mean really really happy...I never have seen that happy since... ever."Emma smiles."Henry, you and hopefully make me very happy. I was alone most of my life until you found me, I knew you when I was driving you to Storybrooke that I was not going to be alone anymore."Hope makes a sound. "Yes, Hope. You and Henry make me so happy. Henry brought me to my family and I met Daddy and now we have you, who completed our little family." Henry rubs Hope's cheek, "I love you, Hope." Henry helps his Mom cook dinner, while Hope was happily in her carrier being snuggled with her Mommy. Killian returns home from work in the evening bringing grocery bags filled with baby supplies. "Hi, honey.""Hi, love. Something smells delicious.""Henry and I made pizza casserole in the crockpot." Hope fusses."Hi, little love. Dada is home." He takes Hope from the carrier and holds her on his chest. "Hi, Dad.""Hi, son. How was Jasper's house?""It was fun. Hope is happy to see you." "Aye, she missed her Daddy." After dinner, Henry and Emma were playing video games while Killian was snuggling with Hope in the rocking chair.Hope began to cry. "What is the matter, Hope?" Hope spits up on Killian. "It is okay, little love." Hope began to wail. Emma hears Hope crying, Henry paused the game. Emma gets Hope from her husband. "Hopey, what is the matter?" She bounces Hope up and down. " are with mommy...shh...shh..." She hugs her daughter and rubs her back. She feels Hope's head. "Killian, Hope is warm. I think she has a fever." He feels Hope's head. "Emma, you are right.""We are going to take her to her pediatrician.""I will call them right now." He calls the pediatrician office out of the room. Hope pukes more. "Hope, Mommy, and Daddy will bring you to the doctor. The doctor will make you feel better soon." She kisses Hope on the head, she hates seeing Hope sick. Henry enters the room, "Mom? What is going with Hope?""Hope has a fever and puking.""Poor little sis." He rubs Hope's hands. "Hope, you will feel better soon, little sis. Mommy and Daddy will take good care of you when you are sick." Killian returns to the room. "Emma, the pediatrician office is closed." Emma closed her eyes. "Killian, we can check her temperature, we have a baby temperature in the first aid kit." "Mom, I will get it." Henry rushes out of the room. Killian knew Emma was nervous about Hope her being sick will affect her lungs, he was nervous too. "Emma, we are going to take care of Hope." Henry brings the first aid kit, Killian takes Hope's temperature, 99.00. "Love, it is 99.00.""We just have to keep track of her fever.""Emma, we have her sleep apnea monitor on her while she sleeps." "I have a feeling you and I will not be getting sleep. I am not.""Love, I am not going to sleep at all, too." Hope cried more. Killian takes his little lass from his wife. "Hope, you are with Dada.Dada...shh...shh.. Dada and Mommy are going to take good care of you until you feel better." Emma takes a shower, now worried about taking care of a sick baby, she does not have her fake memories of motherhood and she is worried about her daughter's lungs. Killian holds Hope as Henry researches on medicines to help his sister. "Dad, Pedialyte will help Hope feel better and baby Tylenol with her fever." "Hope, Daddy will be right back." He puts Hope in her dock tot. "Lad, I m going to the drug store.""Dad, I will be with Hope." Killian rushes out to the nearest drug store knowing his little lass needs the medicine. Once Emma heard the door, she knew Killian left...she began to panic, remembering all of the times she was abandoned now she was abandoned this time with her two children, when one of them is sick, he left them when their daughter needed them both... Henry carries Hope to the bathroom door, "Mom. Hope wants you." Emma opens the door and gets Hope from Henry. "Hopey, Mommy is here...mommy is here...You are going to be okay..." Henry knew his mom was nervous. "Mom, Dad...""Henry, he left us when Hope needed him..""But Mom..."Hope began to cry. "Hopey. Mommy will feed you." Emma nurses Hope on the couch began to cry, feeling abandoned again... Henry as frustrated he knows his Mom was worried about his sister and thinks Dad left them which he did not, she is not thinking clearly. Killian returns with medicine for Hope, Emma was on the couch with Hope sleeping in her dock a tot. "Emma. Emma..." He saw the anger in her face. "You left us...When our daughter needs both of us.." Emma was crying. "Emma..." "I do not want to hear it." Emma went to their bedroom. Hope pukes and began to cry. Killian scoops Hope into his arms from her dock a tot."My little pirate princess. You are going to be okay. Hope, Dada is back...Dada has your medicine to help you feel better." Hope stops crying. Killian smiles. "Mommy is mad at Daddy because she was left over and over again. She thinks Daddy left her but I was only getting you your medicine." Hope cried more. Killian enters their room and sits next to his wife. "Love..." Killian uses his hook to face his wife's chin to face him. "Emma, I did not leave you and our children. I got Hope the medicine that she needs to feel better. I know you think I left you when Hope needed me but I knew Hope needed medicine since we could not take her into her pediatrician. I got the medicine she needs. Hope needs you and me, Emma. I know you are afraid, love. Hope will be taken care of by both of us. I am not going anywhere, Emma. " Emma gets Hope from Killian. "Little love, time for your medicine." He spoonfeeds Hope her baby Tylenol."Good little love for drinking your Tylenol." Emma nurses Hope. "Hope, you need your Pedialyte." Emma sits Hope on her lap, Killian spoonfeeds Hope her Tylenol. "Good little pirate princess. You listen to Dada." He wipes Hope's chin with her bib. Emma nurses Hope, she knew he was telling the truth. He knows Emma now feels awful, he is being a great daddy to Hope. "Killian?""Yes, Emma?""I am sorry. I always was left alone when something bad happened or abandoned...I really thought you left us...I am were just getting Hope her medicine...You must think I am a jerk..." Killian wrapped his arm around his swan. "Emma, I would never leave you and our family. Our little Hope needed her medicine. You really think I would leave you. After all you, Hope and Henry have been through? Hope being sick would not let me leave think of leaving you all? I am not ever going to abandon you to our children, Emma. I am your husband, I never will leave you or our family. I am here for you in the long run. I will never abandon you." "I feel like an idiot..." She burps Hope. "I really am sorry that I assumed right away that you left us...I just got afraid of Hope being sick we never taken care of a sick baby before and with her lungs...""Emma. I am nervous about Hope's lungs too, love. I do not want her lungs to be affected by her sickness and we have to take her back to the hospital. I rushed out to get her medicine after Henry researched on his iPhone to help her with her fever and her tummy ache. I also got her water grip to ease her tummy." Emma began to cry. "I am so so sorry I ever doubted you." Killian hugs his wife. "I am not mad at you, Emma. I knew you were nervous. I am nervous too, but you have me, love. Hope needs both of us. We are team Jones right?""Yes...we are team Jones." They kiss. Hope was fast asleep on her favorite part by her Mommy's neck. Killian rubs Hope's hand. "Dada and Mommy are right here little love.""You have Mommy and Daddy, Hope to take care of you." Henry enters the room. "Henry, I am sorry for not listening to you before.""Mom, I know you were nervous about Hope being sick. Dad was getting Hope's medicine that is all." "I will listen to you next time. Henry, get some sleep while Hope is asleep.""Yes, Mom." Henry hugs his Mom and goes to bed. Killian wrapped his arm around his wife and little lass. "Love, I am going to watch Hope. You get some rest." Emma kisses him on the cheek and falls asleep. "I will never leave you, Emma. Never leave you or our family." Hope wakes up a few hours later, Killian gets Hope from Emma. "Little love, Dada is here. You are alright. Shh..shh..." Hope pukes on herself. "It is okay, little love." He changes Hope's outfit and diaper. "You are all clean." Hope was still crying, Emma wakes up. "Killian, is Hope okay?" She goes to her husband and daughter and places her hand on Killian's shoulder and looks at Hope."I changed her diaper and outfit, she made a lot of poop and vomited. I am pretty sure our little love has a tummy ache." Hope was still crying. "Hopey." She cradles Hope by her neck. "You are okay...your tummy pain is going to be gone soon." She rubs Hope's back which helped her daughter's cry lessen. "You just want Mommy to hold you when you are sick." She gave Hope kisses on her head. " Mommy and Daddy are here taking good care of you." She nurses Hope, after she was fed, Hope made a lot of poop. Emma changes Hope's diaper and outfit, she takes her shirt off and they do skin to skin on their bed. Hope fell asleep right away. Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. "Killian, I really am sorry for yelling at you.""Emma, I am never going to leave you, my wife and our family. I will always be at your side raising our children. I know you just get flashbacks especially when times get rough. I have flashbacks too, love. My own father abandoned me, I will never be like him to Hope and Henry. Our little love needs both of us." He rubs Hope's hand. "Dada is here, dada will never leave you.""Thank you for buying Hope's medicine." "You are welcome, swan. Hope will get better soon, love. Hope has you and I, love. We are team Jones." Emma smiles leans on his shoulder, Killian kisses his wife on the head. The next morning, Henry found his parents' passed out in their bed and the room was covered with dirty diapers and dirty clothes; Hope was awake. "Whoa.." Hope cooing. "Hi, baby sis." He takes Hope from their Mom and puts a blanket on their Mom. "Time for Henry and Hope time. You kept Mommy and Daddy up all night. You can play with me." He takes Hope into the living room and let her snuggle on him until she began to fuss. He sets Hope in her dock a tot next to him and read her a few storybooks he borrowed from the library. "These fairytales are not the real ones that our family went through." Hope coos. "You will know all of our family histories, both of our parents are from the Enchante Forest. I know all of it because I used to own the book." Hope naps after a few stories and began to cry. He sets Hope on her playmat and Hope was kicking around her toys hanging by her leg. "That is it Hope, kick are just like our Mommy, a kicker. I know when you are older, Mommy will teach you how to fight." Emma joins them on the floor. "Kid, she will be a little fighter like the rest of us." Hope kicks her legs. "Hopey, you are my little kicker?" Hope coos. "Yes." She leans over to Hope and gave her kisses. Hope grabbed her Mommy's face which made them both smile, Henry took a picture of his sister and Mom moment. Hope pukes and began to cry. "Hopey." She holds Hope on her chest. "You are okay." Henry gets a clean outfit for his sister."Here, Mom.""Thanks, kid. Hopey, Henry brought you a new outfit." She puts Hope in her new onesie. Henry puts a load of laundry in the machine. "Mom, I did all of the dirty laundry.""Thanks, Henry." She nurses Hope. "Does she have a fever?""Her fever has lessened. Your Dad and I think she has an upset stomach. The Pedialyte and baby Tylenol is helping her." Emma burps Hope who grips her. "You are staying with Mommy, baby girl." Henry wrapped Hope in her quilt. "Henry, get some sleep.""I am not tired." He rubs Hope's hand. "I just want to spend time with my little sis." Emma smiles at how much Henry loves Hope. "We can snuggle in my room." Emma carries Hope to Henry's room and they snuggle. Hope coos. "Yes, Hope, you and I are hanging out with our Mommy.Our Mommy is the best." Emma smiles. They continue talking to Hope until she fell asleep. "Mom?""Yes?""I like this, you, me and Hope.""Me too. My two babies are together." Henry hugs his Mom. "You have both of us." Henry falls asleep. Emma kisses him on the head. "I love you both of my babies so much." Killian found is family asleep together, he took a picture of them and finish the laundry, he kept glancing at his swan enjoying her time with their children. He kisses Emma on the head. "I love you, Emma. I love our family."

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