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Ever since Killian brought Emma home from the hospital, he has been taking care of her. He and Henry helped Emma as she was in recovery, making sure she rest. Henry and Hope have been keeping their Mom company as she was in recovery. While their Mom was resting Henry and Hope were working on an art project in the backyard. They were making a Mother's day gift for their Mom. Henry was letting Hope help him on the art project. She was enjoying getting paint on herself and getting messy. Killian returns home finding Henry and Hope who was covered with paint. "There are my two pirates. One of them is covered with paint."

"Dad, Hope is helping me with our Mother's Day gift for Mom. She loves to paint."

"I can tell." He kneels down and faces his baby pirate. "You are having fun with paint, little love."


Killian smiles big and holds Hope on his hip. "Yes, Dada, Hope."

"Dada!" She hugged her Daddy. He did not care he was covered in pain, his daughter finally can say his name.

Henry took a photo of his dad and baby sister on his iPhone. "Baby sis, you can say our whole family names."

"Wy-wy!" He kisses his sister on the cheek.

"Are you two finished with your art project?"

"For today, yes."

"Aye, no we have to do laundry so your Mo won't know what you tow been up too."


"Yes, Dada will do laundry." Hope babbles. "You need a bubble bath, little pirate." Hope babbles. He babbles back at his daughter.

Hope also been teething. He was bouncing his little love up and down, trying to soothe his daughter from crying. "Mama!"

Emma gets out of bed hearing her daughter needs her. "Hopey."



"Someone wants her Mama." She scooped Hope into her arms. "Mama is here, baby duckling. I know your teeth are hurting you." She kissed her daughter on the head. "We are going to snuggle, sweetie." She gripped her Mommy's shirt.

Emma sits on the rocking chair with her daughter. Killian returns with a cool teething ring. "You are just having a bad night." Hope whimpers. "Yes, you are staying with Mama." She kisses her daughter on the head.

"Dada has your teething ring, little love." He gives the teeth ring. Hope drops it and gripped her Mommy. "Little love." He picks up the teething ring.

Henry enters the room. "Baby sis." Hope babbles. "You are staying with Mommy. Do you want a story?" Hope screams.

Emma smiles. "Kid, that is a yes, from your sister." He shows his book to his sister. Hope reaches out for the book.

They went to Emma and Killian's room, he wrapped his arm around his swan, Henry sat next to his sister who was sitting next to their Mom. He read his book to Hope.

The next day, Emma needed to get out of the house. She, Killian, and Hope walked to the docks and sat in their favorite spot. Hope reaches out to the ocean.

"You cannot swim yet, little love."

"I signed her up for swimming lessons." Hope babbles. "Yes, you are going to be in swim lessons, baby girl." She kisses her daughter on the head.


"You are going to swim in the ocean when it is warmer, little love, with Dada."


"Mama too, little love." Hope babbles.

"She is so happy to bey the ocean, just like her Daddy."

"Aye, you mean just like her Mommy." They kiss. They hear a big loud splash and see a ship appear from a portal. "Who ship is that?"

"I do not know, love." Hope babbles. "We are going to see who is on the ship, little love." They approached the ship, she held her daughter tightly.

"Emma, Hook!"

They see Prince Eric. "Hi, Prince Eric!"

"It is Ariel and Prince Eric, little love."

The couple went off the ship, Ariel has a noticeable baby bump. "Ariel, you are pregnant?"

She smiles big."Yes, I am, Emma. I am 5 months along. I am due in August." She faces Hope. 'You are going to have a friend to play with you very soon."

Emma smiles big. "Hope, you are going to have a friend your age. Ariel is going to have a baby. You two are going to be 10 months apart."

"Killian is the one who rescued me and my baby from being in that bottle. I was 3 months along." She placed her hand on her baby bump. "If Killian did not get me out of that bottle with the Jolly Roger, I do not know what would have happened to my baby." She rubs her baby bump. "We are really grateful Killian got us out in time."

Emma smiles proudly at her husband. Killian was in awe that he is a hero to Ariel. "I did not know you were expecting, when I was getting the Jolly Roger back from the bottle, I had no idea that you were pregnant.."

"I did not want anyone to know yet. You rescued us." She hugged Killian. "Thank you."

"You are welcome."

"I do not know how Eric and I are going to be a parent like you two. You and Emma are amazing parents to Hope and Henry. "

"It takes a lot of teamwork."

"Aye,we work together."

"Seeing you with Hope, I knew you have changed."

"I met my swan who changed me for the better." Hope babbles.

"Our babies are going to be best friends!" Hope babbles. "Yes, your best friend is coming in a few months." Hope reaches out to her Daddy. "Someone wants her Daddy."

He takes his baby pirate from his swan. "You are with Dada, Hope." Hope babbles and chews on her Daddy's hook.

"As you can see, Hope loves her Daddy."

"They are going to be ocean princess best friends."

"You are going to have a baby girl?"

"I think so, that is what my maternal instincts are telling me. We are in town to check on the baby. We are going to find the gender tomorrow."

"We also have a gift for Killian." He hands over a box-wrapped gift to Killian

He opened his gift which was a whisky set. "Thank you, Eric and Ariel."

They went to the Jones house. Emma and Ariel talked about motherhood as Killian was giving Prince Eric tips on being a father. Hope was babbling away and crawling to Ariel and her Mommy. "Mama."

"I am right here." She crawled to her Mommy. Emma scooped her daughter into her arms and gave her kisses. Henry returns home. "Hi, Hope."


"Hey, kid." She hugs her son. "We have company."

"I see. Hi, Ariel."

"Hi, Henry."


"Thank you. Your sister is going to have a best friend very soon." Hope babbles.

"Mom, Hope wants to play with me."


"Wy-wy!" Henry scooped his sister into his arms.

"You love your big brother, Hopey." She tickles her daughter. Ariel smiles seeing Emma being an amazing mother to Hope and Henry Killian and Emma have a feeling Hope is going to have a best friend for life very soon. 

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