Captain Swan Wedding

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Emma was now five months into her pregnancy her halfway point with her daughter. Her baby bump was more noticeable and can feel Hope moving around inside of her which she loved. Emma and Killian decided together to have their wedding in court in July. Emma bought a white dress to wear which was showing her baby bump which was bigger than when she was pregnant with Henry. Emma and Killian applied for their marriage license at City Hall and fill out forms that needed to be signed before their wedding day. On the eve of their wedding day, Emma was resting in bed while Killian and Henry were playing video games. "Dad, are you nervous for tomorrow?"

"You mean getting married to your Mom?"


"Aye, I am not worried, I was more nervous when I asked her to marry me." Emma wakes up hearing her boys talking and slowly gets out of bed and rubs her baby bump and looks at her bare baby bump in the mirror. "Hope, you are getting bigger inside of me every day. Mommy loves you." She started to waddle instead of walking, Killian sees his fiancee, "Hi, love." he helps her sit down on the couch. "How is our little Hope?"

"Moving around and getting bigger. I hate waddling."

"But Mom, Hope is getting bigger everyday and she is healthy."

"Yes but backaches and waddling sucks." Killian massages his fiancee's back. "Thank you."

"Your welcome, love." Henry gives his Mom a glass of water.

"Thank you, Henry. It is hot in here."

"I will turn on the air conditioner lower." Henry turns on the air conditioner.

"I am being pampered by you two. Why?"

"We know you are uncomfortable love."

"Yes, and if I am not comfortable you two want to prevent me go on a hormonal rage?"

Killian gave her a look, "Killian, am I that hormonal?"

" love. We know you are tired and very comfortable. We just want to help you be more comfortable that is all."


"Yes, Emma. You always help us and we want to be there for you when you need us." Emma could not believe what she was hearing and began to cry. Killian hugs his soon to be wife. "Emma..."

Emma looks up at Killian with tears, "I never had anyone to help me or support me or pampering me...I feel so happy and feel so spoiled...I did not have anyone when I was pregnant with Henry...I was all alone and scared all the time because I was in prison but some security guards were kind to me...but you and Henry are there for me...I have maternity clothes this time around not in a prison uniform.." Emma cried hard. Killian hugs her and rubs her back.

"You are not alone, love. Emma,you are with Henry now and you are raising Henry. You are carrying our daughter who you are going to hold as soon as she is born. You always help us with your caring heart making sure we have a home, clothes on our backs, food on the table and being loved. You are creating and carrying our little Hope who is getting bigger every single day and healthy. We love you Emma and we want to be there for you. We want to spoil you. I am nothing like anyone in your past, I am never going to leave you. I will always be there for you, you are my true love and going to be my wife tomorrow."

Emma smiles. "I am looking forward to our wedding tomorrow." She felt Hope move inside of her and placed her hand on her baby bump, "Hope is looking forward to her Mommy and Daddy getting married tomorrow."

Killian smiles. "Oh, really?"

Emma smiles."Yes, captain. Once she heard me say our wedding she moved inside of my belly."

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