Gender Baby Jones

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Emma was 20 weeks pregnant, she was sitting in bed hearing Killian in the kitchen with Hope and Henry. She rubs her baby bump, she was halfway through her pregnancy. She feels huge already. "We are going to see you today on the sonogram. I have a feeling you are going to be a baby boy. Your whole family is going to see you. I cannot wait to meet you, baby boy." She waddles over to the kitchen. "Good morning, Killian."

"Good morning, love." They kiss.

Hope was playing with a toy in her high chair. "Mama."

"Good morning, Hopey." She kissed her daughter on the head whose face was covered with her breakfast.


"Good morning, Henry!" She hugged her son. "Are you excited to see the baby today?"

"Yes! I am happy you are letting me miss school to come to your appointment."

"We are seeing your baby brother or baby sister on the sonogram today, it is a family event. I want all of my family to be there."

Henry hugged his Mom. "I think the baby is a boy."

"We will find out today."

"Swan, what do you want for breakfast? I made pancakes and eggs. I can make you something else."

"I can have pancakes and eggs. It smells delicious." She cleans up Hope's face and cleaned her high chair.


Emma took her daughter out of the high chair and sat down with her daughter on her lap. "Dada."

"Yes, Dada is cooking, sweetie."

"Baby sis, we are going to see the baby today inside of Mom's tummy. Do you think the baby is a boy or girl?"


"Kid, she is excited to see the baby, right Hopey?" Hope screams.

Killian puts his swan's plate and a water bottle. "Thank you."

"You are welcome." Hope babbles. "Are you still hungry, little love?"

"She needs her milk."

Kilian takes a bottle of milk from the refrigerator. "Dada." He takes his daughter from his swan and had his daughter sit on his lap, drinking her bottle of milk, while Emma ate her breakfast.

At Emma's next appointment, Killian was holding his swan's hand as she was doing bloodwork. Emma sighs when her blood drawn was over. He hugged his wife. Henry was chasing after Hope in the hallway waiting for their Mom give him the okay to bring his sister in. "I can hear out kids in the hallway."

"Aye, Hope is causing a ruckus in the hallway."

"Let them in."

"Are you sure?"


Killian opens the door, "Henry."

"Dada!" Hope runs to her Daddy.

He scooped his daughter into his arms. "You are causing mayhem here. I can hear you inside the room." Hope babbles.

"Dad, I was trying to stop her."


"I am telling Dad the truth, Hope."

He chuckles. "Your Mom wants you two to come in." He carried Hope inside.


She holds her daughter on her lap. "Hopey, I heard you running outside being a little sneaky little pirate."

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