7 Months Along

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**I just returned from Vancouver, seeing where Once Upon A Time was filmed. I hope you enjoy this chapter.***

Emma and Killian were waiting in the waiting room for her 7-month sonogram of their son on the way. He was holding his swan's hand knowing she was nervous. "You and our son are okay. Our son is going to be healthy."

She squeezed her husband's hand and lay her head on his shoulder. "I just do not like doctors."

"I know. Which is why I got Allison to watch Hope. Letting the lad sleep in during his spring break."

"He needs his rest with all the exams he had before his break. I have a feeling Hope is having fun with Allison on their outing."

"She has the day off?"

"Yes. If you are free after we see our little guy, maybe we have our own outing."

"I told my boss I was taking the afternoon to night shift." He wrapped his arm around his wife. 'I get to spend the morning with my beautiful wife and son." He kissed his wife on her cheek.

A nurse appears, "Emma Jones."

"That is me." Killian helped his wife up from her chair. They followed the nurse to the examination room.

Dr.Peirce enters the room "Hello, Emma and Killian."

"Hi, Dr. Peirce."

"Hello, doctor."

"How are you feeling, Emma?"

"I am feeling tired and huge. I can still see my feet a little bit. He feels heavy to carry." She pulls up her maternity shirt.

Dr.Peirce examines Emma's baby bump, Killian was holding Emma's hand. "Your baby is measuring bigger in 28 weeks. That just means your baby is weighing heavier than the normal weight."

"That makes sense why I feel more huge now."

"Aye, our son is strong already." Emma smiles.

Dr.Peirce began the sonogram, the couple loved hearing their son's heartbeat. During the sonogram, Emma was crying seeing her healthy son growing inside of her. Killian is in awe seeing his son growing inside of his wife. They both cannot wait to meet Ian.

After Emma used the restroom, "Love, since we have the morning off and have a babysitter how about we have our own alone time?"

Emma smiles. "I do miss our morning fates."

"Aye, our date awaits us." He held his swan's hand and the couple began walking out of the doctor's office building.

They began walking around the city. Emma smiles remembering their dates around the city when they were getting to know each other before she found out she as pregnant with Hope. Now, this time, their son is growing inside of her who is healthy and getting bigger everyday. Ian might be her biggest baby to carry. They went for brunch at a diner, Emma ordered a grilled cheese and onion rings with cinnamon hot cocoa as Killian order eggs, sausage, and pancakes.

The husband and wife walked to baby stores and bought some baby boy clothes. Emma was crying, holding baby boy onesies. This is something she never thought of buying since she gave Henry up. Killian hugged his wife. "You are going to be raising our son, love. Two of our sons together with our daughter."

Killian and Emma return to their apartment in a taxi cab, with shopping bags, She opened the door with her key, finding Henry was awake playing video games. "Hi, kid. We are back."

He paused the game. "Hi Mom!" He goes to hug his Mom. "Hi, Ian."

"How was sleeping in?"

"It felt good. I do not like getting up so early for school."

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