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Henry kept having bad dreams of him being in Neverland ever since his family rescued him from Neverland and returned himself back to his body from his evil grandfather. He keeps dreaming of Peter Pan snatching his heart and switching his body. Henry woke up screaming "Noo!! Get away from me!" Emma and Killian were in their room and rushed into Henry's room when they heard him screaming. "Bloody hell..." Emma kneels to Henry and wakes him up. "Henry...Henry...wake up! Wake up!" Henry woke up, breathing hard. "Mom.." Henry hugs his Mom. "I am right here, Henry." She rubs her son's back. "You had a nightmare, we heard you screaming...""I have been having bad dreams of Neverland...Pan taking my heart from me to him switching bodies with me." "Henry." She hugs her son and kisses him on the head. "He is gone, Henry. He is dead. He is not going to hurt you ever again." "Lad, the green little devil is my enemy in Neverland. He is not going to hurt you ever, again." He rubs his son's back. "Lad, do you want some cinnamon hot chocolate?""Yes, Dad." Killian makes his family cinnamon hot chocolate. "Mom...""Yes, Henry?" "Can you stay with me in here..."Emma hugs her son. "I am right, here, Henry. I am not going anywhere." Henry hugs his Mom back, gently. "How is my baby sister?" Emma smiles. He places his hand on his Mom's baby bump. "Hope is getting bigger every day. She is healthy inside of me, which is very important.""Hope, I am with you and our Mom, little sis. Our Mom is the savior and mostly our Mom. I will tell you our Mom's story, and I know both of our parents' will tell you their stories to you.""She is lucky to have you as her big brother Henry.""I love her so much already. I cannot wait to meet her.""We all cannot wait to meet your sister. I never held a baby before...""Mom, you are going to be a great mom from the very beginning with Hope. You have Dad and me on your side. I can watch Hope."Emma smiles. "I know you will watch her when I need to sleep.""We are not going to sleep a lot when she comes.""Yes, Henry especially for the first few months." "With no sleep,I do not care, I love her already." Emma hugs her son. "Can I tell you something?""Yes, kid. You can tell me anything." "I like art. Can we go to the nearest art store to buy some drawing supplies, not too much...""Yes, we can Henry. My son an artist.""I do like the sound of that." Emma chuckles. "I cannot wait to see what you can do." "I can show you and Dad.""Maybe we can do some art projects together.""That will be awesome. Can Hope join us in our art projects?""Yes, kid. Your sister will join us when she is bigger not for the first few months. Henry, if you are jealous of Hope, you can tell me. If you get jealous when I am holding your sister you can always join our snuggles.""I might be jealous at first when Hope arrives. I would love to snuggle with and Hope. I get to spend time with you and Hope.""I just to make sure. You can always come to talk to me, kid.""I know. I want to help you with Hope because I know you weren't able to raise me. You are not alone, Mom. I am right here to help you with my sister. I also want to Hope to know who I am." Emma was in awe. "Henry, Hope knows you now because she can hear our conversation. You can talk to her or tell her stories. I know you will be a great big brother to her.""I am going to teach her to draw, read and play.""I know you will, Henry." Henry hugs his Mom and she kisses him on the head. "Hope, can you hear me, little sis? It is Henry, your big brother here with our Mom. I love you." He kisses his Mom's baby bump. "You keep growing inside of our Mommy's tummy so when you arrive you are big and strong. I will tell you stories all the time." Killian returned with cinnamon hot chocolate and sees Henry talking to Emma's baby bump and looks at Emma who had tears in her eyes and smiling at her son. "Lad, are you talking to Hope?""Yes, I am. I am telling her to grow big and strong when she arrives we get to play together.""I know you will talk to Hope and play with her all the time. I have your cinnamon hot chocolate together." "Thanks, Dad." "Your welcome, Henry." They all drank cinnamon hot chocolate together and talked more. "Henry, you are getting sleepy.""I am not..." "You can sleep next to me. I am staying with you, remember?" Henry hugs his Mom and falls asleep on his Mom's lap. She smooths her son's hair. "I am right here, Henry. No one is going to hurt you." "Love, you did great with him.""Thank you. Were you spying on our conversation?"He gives Emma a guilty look. "Maybe? I did see parts of it when he was talking to our little love." Emma smiles. "I love being his Mom. I cannot wait to be a Mommy to our daughter.""Love, you are going to be great Mommy to our little Hope.""I just want to give her and Henry a normal life, not what we went through in our childhoods. I was alone...I do not want her and Henry to be alone ever. It was just awful." Killian held Emma's hand. "We are going to give Henry and Hope a life that we both dreamt of a happy caring and loving parents and with a roof over their heads, always. I am never ever going to leave you, Henry and Hope." Emma saw how serious he was, "Yes, we are." They kiss. He wrapped his arm around his family. "We just need Hope to complete our family.""She will be coming soon, little love." He rubs her baby bump. A few days later, Emma told her boss about her pregnancy and he gave her maternity relief when she is seven months pregnant with Hope. Her boss lets Killian work with her when she had a case. After working on the docks, Killian was walking home from the docks, he felt like someone was following him which he did not like. He turns around and sees a tall brown haired man and hits him against the wall. "Who the bloody hell are you?" "Not telling, pirate.""How do you know that I am a pirate?""I have my ways of knowing." He turns into a flying monkey. "Bloody hell." He knocks the flying monkey out and he disappears and vanishes. Killian came home from work seeing Henry in a nice dress shirt and pants. "Lad, I can see you are ready for our family dinner night out.""Yes, I am, Dad. Mom is getting ready."Killian smiles. "Aye, I know tonight is going to be special.""Are you okay?""Just nervous..when I ask her..""I know you are nervous, just try to stay calm, Mom can read faces.""I will do my best, lad. You have a camera.""Yes, Dad. Do you have...""Yes, lad. I bought it today." He shows Henry the ring. Henry was in aww. "Lad...""She is going to love it." "Aye, let's hope she says yes." "Killian?" Killian puts the jewelry box back into his pocket and enters the room. "Hi, love." Emma was wearing a black dress and red heels. "You look beautiful, swan.""Are you sure? Is it too much? I cannot choose a dress that fits me right, because of my little baby bump, my old dresses are snug now. The maternity dresses that I bought are for when I am big as a house." "Aye, you are gorgeous love." He wrapped his arms around her waist and place his and hook on her baby bump. "Your baby bump is where our little lass is growing is making you more beautiful." He kisses her neck. "Are you sure? I have acne and feel very bloated." "Yes, you are beautiful and perfect, love. Are you excited for tonight's dinner?""Yes, where are we going? Captain.""I made reservations for the three of us at a restaurant. Whenever you are ready, let me know.""Thanks, how was work today?""Good. I just need to take a shower.""I am about to say you need a shower.""I will look dashing handsome and smell better after I shower." They kiss. Killian takes a quick shower, changes into his nice outfit with his black leather jacket and looking dashingly handsome to ask Emma the most important question of his life that can change both of their lives forever. Henry knocks on the door, "Dad, are you almost ready? Mom is getting hungry.""I am coming, son." Killian exits the bathroom. "Dad, you look great.""I agree with you, Henry." She hugs her son. "Killian you look...""Aye, I know. You look beautiful.""Thank you, captain." They kiss. "Now let's go, your daughter and I are hungry.""You heard the lasses, Henry. We need to go to the restaurant, your sister and your Mom want to eat." Emma chuckles. Killian wrapped his arm around his love as they walked to the subway to their destination dinner. Henry got his Mom a seat once they entered the subway cart. "Thanks, kid.""You are welcome, Mom." "How is my dress?""You look perfect, Mom.""Thanks, kid. I do not feel perfect." He sits next to his Mom and hugs her. "You are perfect." She hugs him back, "I love your hugs, Henry.""You are my mom. I give the best hugs to you. You are perfect for who you are, Mom." Killian looks at his true love and her son, he is hoping that she will let him be apart of their small family. He is never going to leave her or their family. "Emma and Henry this is our stop." He helps Emma up from the chair and leads Emma and Henry to the restaurant, in Times Square to Sardi's where famous celebrities have been there. "Killian, this is where we are eating tonight?""Yes, my swan. A special night with my love and son at one of the most famous Italian restaurants in all of New York."Emma was impressed and smiled big and kisses Killian on his scruffy cheek. "I know dinner here will be delicious." They entered the restaurant, the hostess leads them to their table which was by the window. Henry looks around at the walls of the famous celebrities photos on the walls. "Dad, you chose a really fancy place to eat tonight.""Aye, I know how to do research thanks to you, lad. I will do anything for your mother." "You are so sweet, Killian." They ordered their meals, Henry kept the conversation going on, he can tell Killian was nervous to ask the most important question and trying not to show his Mom he was up to something. Emma read Killian's face and held his hook hand. "Killian? Are you okay?""Of course, I am, swan." He kisses her hand. Emma smiles."Okay. You chose a great place tonight." The food arrived, the waiter offered wine for Emma and Killian. "No thank you. Killian?""I am good for now. Thank you.""No wine?""I am good. I know you cannot drink." He smirks"Yes, I cannot drink any alcohol because of our little Hope." She rubs her baby bump. "Mom, how is your chicken parmigiana?""It is really good, kid. How is your spaghetti?""It is good. I like adding a lot of cheese to it."Emma chuckles. "Killian, how is your dinner?""It is delicious, love." After they ate, they ordered dessert all Emma was chocolate, Henry and Killian ordered tiramisu. "Kid, you know that is coffee right?""Yes, I want to try it. Can I?""Yes, you can." They ate their desserts."Emma...""Yes.""I need to ask you something..." Henry moved to where his Dad was sitting. Emma knew something was going on. Henry took his camera out. "Henry?""Mom, look that way." Henry was pointing to Killian, who was standing on one knee with a jewelry box in his hand. Emma was speechless and in shock, "Killian?"He looked up at Emma right into her green-hazel eyes. "Emma, I know we have not known each other for a long time. Ever since I laid my eyes on you for the very first time in the Enchanted Forest, I was in love with you and I know you are my true love. I know we have not known each other for a long time, but I love you and want to be there for you every day for the rest of my life. I want to be on your side whenever you need me. We fought many battles together side by side. We are both survivors and fighters and our histories of being alone and abandoned over and over again by others who had betrayed our trust and ones who suppose to love us. Ever since I have met you, my heart wanted to change for the better and not get revenge on my enemies to become a hero like you are and you helped me change for the better. I helped you rescue Henry in Neverland and I came with you and the lad here to New York instead of going back to Enchanted Forest because there is nothing for me there. I did not want you and Henry to be alone here, and I did not want to be alone anymore. All I want is you. When you trusted me and opened up to me I knew that was a huge step for you. Every day I wake up next to you, I am such a grateful man, which makes me the happiest pirate in all the realms. All I want to wake up right next to you forever. Henry is my son even though he is not blood-related to me but he is my son. Now with our little Hope on the way, I want our family to be all together, always. I will always be there for you, Henry and our little Hope. I will never leave my family and always will be there for you, Emma." He opened the jewelry box. "Emma Swan, will you make me the happiest and most lucky pirate in all the realms and be my wife?" Emma was crying because Killian made her the most special woman in all of the realms and so grateful for him, who loves her so much, being there for her always, on her side and taking care of her, their baby and her son. "Killian...Yes! Yes, I will marry you!" They kiss. Killian puts the engagement ring on her ring finger and lifted Emma off of her feet and continue to kiss her as the whole restaurant was clapping at the very surprise engagement happening in the restaurant. Henry was crying taking a video of the engagement on his iPhone. "You just made me the happiest man in all the realms."Emma smiles. "You are my true love.""Aye, you are my true love, Emma." "Mom, Dad. Over here." Henry took pictures of his Mom and Dad kissing and pictures of his Mom's engagement ring. The waiter took pictures of Killian, Emma, and Henry with Henry's camera for them and handed it back to Henry. Killian hugs his fiancee. "Emma, you are my fiancee now.""You are right, you are my fiance. You can call me swan, still. Even though I will be Mrs. Jones, soon.""You will always be my swan." She kisses him on the lips."You will always be my captain."Aye, that is right, swan." "I am the luckiest woman in all the realms because I have you...I never thought I would have that.""Now, you have me, love. I will never leave you, Henry and our Hope." He places his hand on her baby bump. "Our baby girl is lucky to have you as her Daddy. Henry!" "Mom!" He hugs his Mom. "Congratulations on your engagement.""Thanks, kid. Were you in on your Dad's plan?""Yes, I helped him planned the night out. Are you surprised?""Yes! I am very surprised." She hugs her son. "Killian, how did you plane with Henry?""I asked him for his permission to marry you?"Emma was impressed. "Really?""Aye, he is the one who got us together, our Neverland adventure and got us to trust each other. After all, he is the one who you trust most of all.""Now, I have you who I trust." She holds his hook hand. "I have Henry and our daughter, which is all I need." They kiss. They paid for their meal and headed home. Henry gave his parents space, walking on the streets and on the subway. His Mom looks so happy being engaged to Killian, which is why he said yes to Killian's question since he always there for them and care for them. He knows that Killian will never leave them like his father did leave his Mom in prison framing for his crime and being a selfish jerk to her. Killian is nothing like Neal and he is happy that his Mom found true love and able to have baby Hope a life that he can help raise her from the very beginning, a normal family. When they arrived back to their apartment, they all relaxed on the couch. Henry hugs Killian. "Dad, does this mean that you are my Dad?" "I am your Dad now. When your mother and I get married it is official, lad."Henry got sad. "Henry, what is wrong?" Emma hugs her son. "Mom... how can Dad be my Dad? Even if he is married to you?""You mean since you are adopted and I am your biological Mom?""Yes. I want Killian to be my Dad, I want Hope and me to have the same Dad.""Well, you are in luck, kid. There is a way that you and Hope can have the same Dad. I will be right back." Emma went to her room and found the important documents that Regina gave her before they said their goodbyes at the town line, Henry's birth certificate where it says Emma Swan was his mother and father is unknown. Regina did give me important papers before we went to the town line for the last time. " Emma sat down next to her son, Regina did give me important papers before we went to the town line for the last time." She gives him a very important document. "Henry, this is your birth certificate, Henry. Even though I gave you up...I am still your Mom. I put my name on your birth certificate before I...for if...you ever was curious about me..." Emma was tearing up.Henry holds his Mom's hand. "I would have wanted to find you, which I did." Emma smiles. "You came with me to Storybrooke and you stayed because you wanted to make sure I was loved. You broke the curse.""Yes, I did Henry. You were under a sleeping curse and all I could think of was getting you back to me...now you..."Henry hugs his Mom gently. "Mom, you are my Mom.""Yes, I am. Since I have your birth certificate and your father was unknown...""Mom, I know you do not have to finish that sentence." Emma smiles and looks up at Killian. "Killian, you can adopt Henry in court. To make him officially your son...if you want too...I want our family to be official on papers, to show proof that our family sticks together and not going to be broken." Killian wrapped his arm around his fiancee. "I can adopt, Henry since I am his father who will never leave him. Our family is not going to be broken, love." He kisses her on the head."Dad, I want you to be my Dad. My biological father abandoned my Mom in prison and framed her for his crime so he won't face his father.He was a selfish person to my Mom who did not believe her about Tamara, who took me to Neverland. He did not want to come here...You came with us and are still there for my Mom and I. You help me with my homework and teaching me how to cook and give me advice, that what a real Dad does. You are my Dad." Henry hugs his Killian who was crying happy tears."Henry, I am honored to have you as my son. I want to adopt you." "Yes!""I am not going to leave you, Henry.""I know, Dad. You are with us. You did help the rest of our family to rescue me from Pan.""That is right, son." Emma was crying seeing Killian and Henry having father and son moment, Killian is going to adopt Henry."Kid, time to get some sleep.""Yes, Mom." He hugs his Mom. "I love you, Mom.""I love you, kid.""By the way, I am so happy you said yes. Dad was nervous all week.""Oh, really?" She gave Killian a smirk."Yes, he was nervous about your answer." "I said yes. I love how you two worked together to surprise me." "Mom, can we go to the art store next week?""Yes, Henry. I can buy your art supplies." Henry hugs his parents and went to his room. Emma placed her hand on her baby bump, "Baby girl, by the time you arrive, your Mommy and Daddy will be married and your big brother will be officially be adopted by your Daddy." They kiss. "I was just talking to Hope, by the time she arrives her parents will be married and her brother will officially be your son.""Aye, what I like to hear.""Me too. Everything is all coming together. Now we have to plan when to get married while I am able to walk properly and not huge." She leans onto Killian and he rubs her shoulders and placed his hook hand on her baby bump and she placed her hand on top of his hook. "Do you want a church wedding?""I am not religious, I never was raised in a religious household. We do not know too many people in New York for a church wedding. I was thinking we can get married in court, just us and Henry." Emma got sad and hugs Killian."Are you sad that your parents won't be at your wedding?"Emma nods her head. "Yes. They missed every milestone in my life..." Emma continued to cry as Killian hugged her in his arms. "Emma, I know how you feel. My parents missed every milestone in my life. They are going to miss my wedding to the most beautiful in all the realms and seven seas." Emma places her hand on her baby bump. "Even though our parents missed our milestones in our lives, we get to see every milestone of our baby Hope's all from the beginning.""Yes, love. You and I are not going to miss any of our daughter's moments, love. We get to experience everything from the very beginning.""I cannot wait to meet her.""Me too, love.""I hope she inherits your ocean blue eyes.""Killian smiles. "You want our little lass to have my blue eyes?""Yes, I love your ocean blue eyes, they are so beautiful.""I have a feeling our little lass, will inherit your beautiful blonde hair." Emma smiles. "I just cannot wait to hold her for the very first time and hold her and not ever wanting to let her go.""I know our little Hope will love her Mommy and not ever want to let you go. You are going to be holding her all the time love. I know you are going to have a special bond with our little lass." Emma smiles and kisses Killian on the cheek. "Just this time, I am going to experience everything and not miss her moments and treasure my time with her.""That is right, love. You are not going to be separated from Hope. You have Henry and me to help you with Hope during the night or day whenever you need us." He kisses her on the head. "I just do not want to miss anything with her.""You are not going to miss anything with her, swan. You will be there for her first smile, first laugh, crawling and first steps. I know you are nervous.""Yes, nervous but happy. I mean what if we make mistakes?""We are bound to make mistakes love, we are going to be first-time parents and we will learn from our mistakes. Hope is going to love us no matter what." Emma hugs Killian. "We are going to parent her together just like we are with Henry.""I just want to be perfect, Mommy to her.""You are going to be perfect Mommy to Hope, just the way you are with Henry. I know you are going to everything for Hope whenever she needs us. We both are going to be there for her always." "I like the sound of that." They kiss. She rubs her baby bump, "Hope, Mommy loves you so much. When you arrive, I will hug her, do skin to skin with you, and spoil you with clothes but mostly love and care that I never have growing up. You are so lucky to have an amazing Daddy who will always be there for you and protect you and an awesome big brother Henry who will protect and be there for you. I love you, Hope." Emma felt Hope move from inside her, which made her smile big. "Hope...just moved inside of me. She knows who I am."Killian smiles big. "Aye, she knows her Mommy who is nurturing her, taking good care of her and making sure that she is safe while she is growing inside of you." "Now Hope and I need some sleep.""Both of my two loves needs their rest." Emma hugs her fiance and fell asleep feeling safe in his arms as she always did. He leans to kiss Emma's baby bump. "Daddy loves you, Hope. We cannot wait to meet you. I know your Mommy cannot wait to hold you, our special little lass." Emma smiles and falls asleep in Killian's arms. He watched his fiancee sleeping in his arms, "Emma, I am so happy that you said yes to my proposal. We are going to be great parents to Hope, love together. I know Hope will love her Mommy so much." He kisses Emma on her blonde head. "I love you, Emma." He carries her to their room and put her in their bed and snuggle with her, he knows that she feels safe in his arms, he will always protect her and their family.

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