Snow Queen

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During the night, Emma woke up by Hope's crying. She goes into Hope's room and nurses Hope in a rocking chair. Hope began crying when her Mommy put her in her crib. "Hope." She remembers when she was a toddler and as a child wanting her Mommy at night. "Do you want me to sleep with you?" Hope stops crying. Emma smiles."I will take that as a yes." She climbed into Hope's crib. Hope babbles and grips her Mommy's hair. "Hope, we are having a Mommy and Hope sleepover." Hope babbles. "Yes, your crib is so beautiful." Hope babbles. "Yes, Dada designed your crib just for you." She lightly tickled Hope's belly. "You are so cute." Emma rubs Hope's head as she spoke to her daughter until fell back to sleep. "Good night, Hope. Mommy is staying right here with you. I am never going to leave you."
The next morning, Killian felt Emma not next to him. He smiles finding his wife in his daughter's crib with Hope fast asleep. He takes a picture of his two loves, their Mommy and daughter time. "Emma..."
Emma wakes up smiling seeing Killian. "Hi."
Killian smiles."What are you doing in Hope's crib?"
"Sleeping with our little pirate-princess. After I nursed her, she did not want me to leave."
"So you just slept in her crib?"
"Yes, Hope and I had a sleepover." Killian smiles. "She was telling me how much she loves her crib." Hope wakes up. "Good morning, Hope." Hope smiles big and babbles. "I told you, I was staying here with you." Hope grabs her Mommy's face making Emma smile.
Killian smiles. "Hope, did your Mommy sleep with you in your crib?" Hope looks at her Daddy and babbles. "Your Mommy is the best." Hope gripped her Daddy's hook. "My little pirate." He kisses her on the head.
Henry enters the room. "Mom, what are you doing in Hope's crib?"
"I slept in here with Hope."
"Awesome! Does that mean I can read to Hope in her crib?"
Emma chuckles. "Yes, you can."
Killian helps his swan out of the crib. Henry climbs in."Hi, baby sis." Hope moves to her belly. He puts Hope on his lap. "Little sis, we are having H&H time." Hope babbles.
"Swan, we need to have breakfast."
Hope fusses. Henry helps Hope stand up. Hope began crying. Emma gets Hope from her crib. "What is the matter, little pirate princess?" Hope gripped her Mommy. "You are with me, baby girl." She rubs Hope's back and makes poop. "You need a clean diaper." She puts Hope on the changing table and changes her diaper, Killian passes the clean diaper and a new outfit. "Don't cry. You are getting clean. Dada chose you a cute clean outfit." She cleans up Hope and gave her kisses on her belly which calmed her down.
Henry climbs out of the crib. "Dad, can I help you cook breakfast?"
"Aye,yes, you can,son." Henry goes downstairs. Emma changes Hope into a pink pirate pattern onesie. Hope grabs her Daddy's hook. "Hope, you are wearing a pirate onesie. Dada chose you a cute onesie?" Hope smiles. "I know what my little pirate loves." He gave Hope kisses on her cheek. He holds Hope in his arms. "Swan, Hope wants one on one with her Daddy."
"Yes, she does. Hope be a good little duckling for Dada. Mommy has to get changed out of my pajamas." She kisses Hope on the cheek. Killian brings Hope downstairs while Emma goes into their bedroom to take a shower and get ready for the day. He helped Henry cook breakfast. During breakfast, Emma gets a phonecall from Belle. "Hi, Belle."
"Hi, Emma. I found a spell that can help you capture the Snow Queen. I can drop the book by the sheriff's station."
"Thank you, Belle. We will see you at the sheriff's station soon." Their phone conversation ended.
"What did Belle say,love?"
"Belle found a spell in a book that we can use on the Snow Queen. I have to meet Elsa at the sheriff's station after breakfast. We are going to practice this magic trick that can help us capture the Snow Queen."
"Oh really?"
"Yes." Hope babbles. "Hope, you are coming with us."
"Mom, Hope wants to see you practice magic."
Emma smiles. "Yes, she wants to watch so she can learn her magic early." Hope babbles. She kisses Hope on the cheek.
"Our Mommy will teach you, little sis. You have light magic just like her." Hope smiles and grabs Henry's face. "Hope!" Hope smiles.
"Swan,Hope knows that you're going to teach her."
"That's what I am going to do, I am her Mommy."
Emma and her family arrived at the sheriff's station, Belle was there."'Hi, Emma, Henry Killian, and Hope." Hope babbles. "Hope, you are getting so big." She rubs Hope's cheek.
"Hope is almost 5 months old." Hope gripped her Mommy's hair.
"I found this book. I was able to translate it for you to read it." Emma takes the book from Belle.
"Thank you. I know I would not be able to read it." She juggles Hope and the book. Killian takes the book from his swan.
"Emma, if you need someone to watch Hope, I can."
"Thank you, Belle." Belle leaves and Elsa arrives.
"Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Elsa. Belle just gave me this new spell for us to try."
Killian gives Elsa the book. "Can you read this?"
"No elvish." Elsa gives Emma a look. "Luckily, Belle gave me a translation."
Hope began crying. "Elsa, before we start, I need to breastfeed Hope." She takes Hope into her office. Killian closes the blinds so Emma can nurse Hope in private. She lifts her navy blue sweater up and Hope eats right away. She rubs Hope's head, she loves being a Mommy from the very beginning. Emma and Elsa were practicing magic tricks with fire to catch the Snow Queen in the sheriff's station, with Killian nearby with Hope sitting on his lap. Hope babbles. "Yay for Mommy!" Killian clapped Hope's hands.
Emma smiles and kisses Hope on the cheek. "The magic fire is not going to hurt you, baby girl." Hope smiles.
"Swan, Hope loves seeing her Mommy do magic."
"Yes, you are right." Emma checks her iPhone. "I will be right back. I am picking up Leo to babysit." Emma was still mad at her Mom.
"Swan, are you okay?"
"It is just... Never mind."
"Why are we babysitting Leo?"
"Leo is still my brother. I still need to get to know him even though I have issues with our Mom." Hope babbles. "You are going to play with your little uncle, Hope." Hope grabs her Mommy's face. "You are my little duckling, Hope. You are the cutest baby ever!" She kisses Hope on the cheek. She scooped Hope into her arms, hugs her daughter and looks at her husband. "You and I get to experience two babies at home."
"Aye, two babies that cry at night who give us no sleep."
Emma chuckles. "Luckily, Leo is my brother. Hope is such a good little pirate princess and the best baby ever!" She tickles Hope making her laugh.
"Aye, swan. You are right. Was this your idea?"
"My Dad. He wants me to bond with Leo. You know how much I do not want to admit that I am a daddy's girl."
Killian smiles. "Oh really? I have not noticed that." Emma chuckles. "I remember how he was so overprotective of you when we were in Neverland. Telling me to stay away from you."
"You prove him wrong, you know? You did save his life and know how much you take care of me and our family."
"I did that so you can keep your family together." Hope chews on her Daddy's hook.
"He knows that you completely changed to be a caring Daddy and my husband."
"Aye, I know the difference once I stood up for you and our family when we arrived back here. He knew I was there for you and protecting you and our family. After he punched me in the face."
"I am still mad at him for that."
"Aye, he was surprised that you had a child with me, love."
"Yes, but I did not expect him to punch you in the face. He also did not know we were married."
"Swan, I am not mad at your Dad. I understand as Dad point of view, just thinking when Hope is older, I would punch the guy too." Emma chuckles as she can imagine him threatening Hope's future boyfriends. "I also have the travel crib set up in the next room to Hope's that Allison loaned us for your brother to sleep in."
"Thank you." Hope babbles. "Leo is your uncle and Mommy's brother but you are my baby girl." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek. "You gave me my second chance being a mommy from the very beginning. Plus, you are older than Leo so you can boss him around." Killian laughs knowing Hope will be doing that when she is bigger and takes after his wife."I will be right back." Emma heads into Granny's inn, where Mary-Margaret and Leo were attending a Mommy and Me class. She enters the room seeing Mary-Margaret and Leo with a group of mothers and babies including Aurora and her son Phillip Jr, run by Ashley at the inn. Emma sees what she did not have as a child but she was not interested in joining this group with Hope because she knows what she was doing with Hope and did not want to be around her Mom and other princesses. She heard the goodbye song, Goodbye Alex, goodbye Leo, goodbye Phillip. It is time for us to go. Yay!" The mothers clapped with their babies.
Ashley, "That was not a bad first week? Okay, Mom, next class we are going to sing more songs and I made you all a CD."
Aurora, "What is a CD?"
Snow White, "She is new."
"Oh, CD player is sort of like a music box."' Emma smiles at her Mom and Aurora. "There is one in here like the one at Granny's inn."
"I do not dare to touch that devil box. I won't make that mistake twice."
Snow White approaches Emma. "Emma, you missed the goodbye song."
"I got the gist of it from the title. So, is baby bro ready to go? Hope is excited to play with her little uncle."
"Yes." Snow White turns around. "Diaper bag, stroller, milk."
Emma sees the whole over packing her Mom done for her brother. Snow White gives Emma the baby bottle of milk. "He sure has a lot of stuff."
"Well, I want to give him everything." Emma was more hurt.
Ashley approaches Emma. "Hi, Emma"
"Hi, Ashley. Hi, Alexandra. She has gotten so big."
"Yes, she has. How is Hope? I heard she was in the hospital."
"She is all better now. She is with Killian at the sheriff's station. Is this what you do?"
"Yes. We do songs and give first time mother tips."
Emma smiles. "I was excited to be a Mom again once I found out. Killian was thrilled to be a Dad and Henry was so happy to be a big brother. I never held a baby before Hope arrived but she had some health issues so the nurses helped me by giving me tips. Killian and Henry we all love Hope."
"She was in the hospital before recently?"
"Yes, for the first month in her life. She was born early a few weeks early with lung issues. We visited her every day in the NICU. Before we returned here, she had open-heart surgery which cured her breathing issues. We call her our miracle." Emma takes her iPhone out and shows Ashley and Aurora photos of Hope when she was in the NICU, her snuggling with Hope, Killian snuggling with Hope and Henry playing with Hope.
"Hope looks like you and Killian."
Emma smiles proudly. "She takes after the both of us."
"You and Hope are welcome to join us."
"Thank you but I am busy being sheriff, savior, and being a Mom all at same time, busy schedule. Hope is happy to be with Killian and me at the sheriff's station or on patrol. Henry and Hope come with us on the case. We are busy with the newest town villain the Snow Queen."
Ashley nods her head. Emma looks at her Mom. "First time mom?"
"Emma, of course, I am not a first-time mother."
"Well, you kind of are. You never have raised a baby before." She chuckles. "You just put one through a magical wardrobe that ended up in the foster system."
"I get it, you are experiencing everything for the first time. The mommy me classes, the songs, the first steps. It must be really exciting for you. I get it, Hope is my second chance, I still am raising Henry. I am getting my chance to be a mom to both of my children together, not missing on both of their childhoods."
Aurora, "Emma." Snow White, Ashley and Aurora looked down at her hand.
"The bottle."
Emma looked down, and her light magic was acting up with the baby bottle and the rest of the women were holding their babies closer. "Oh, uh. It is just my magic. I have been practicing to try to capture the Snow Queen. And I guess my magic revived up." She dropped the bottle and was ready to hold her brother. But her Mom pulled away. Emma saw the look on her Mom's face, she had a bad feeling that this will not end up well when she offered her Mom to babysit Leo. Emma gets a phone call. "Hello."
"Emma, Hope wants her Mommy. She got very upset when you left the sheriff's station."
"Killian, tell Hope I am on my way back. I will be there in a few minutes."
"Aye, swan."
"Thank you." She looks at her Mom knowing her Mom did not trust her. "I am needed back at the sheriff's station. I think we can raincheck on the babysitting." Emma was relieved that Killian called her to get out of the awkwardness. She returns to the sheriff's station, finding Hope with Killian.
"Mommy is back, little love."
"Hopey!" Hope stops crying seeing her Mommy and smiles. Emma takes Hope from Killian. "Hi, baby girl." She holds her close, "We are going to have our Mommy and Hope time." She takes her into her office and closed the door.
Elsa goes to Killian, "What happened with Emma? Where is Leo?"
"Something must have happened with her mother. Emma was a lost girl when her parents sent her to this realm to escape the dark curse. She was alone in foster care, bad homes, and end up on the streets where she met Henry's father who left her and framed her for his crime so he can avoid seeing his father the dark one. When I met Emma in the Enchanted Forest, I knew she had trust issues and needed someone at her side. She is being replaced, which happened during her time in foster care as a child. Now with her Mom and brother getting everything, Emma did not have...she is just hurt and being replaced. I just know it is something Snow White is doing to upset her." He goes to his swan's office and sees her snuggling with Hope.
"Hope, you know Mommy won't use magic to hurt people right?" Hope grabbed her Mommy's finger and chewed on it and looks up at her Mommy with her big ocean blue eyes. Emma smiles. "Yes, you trust me. You have light magic just like me. I am going to teach you how to use your magic the right way when you are a big girl." Hope babbles. "Yes, I know you can use your light magic. It is my job to make sure you are using your magic the right way." Hope looks up at her Mommy. She kisses Hope on the head. "I love you, Hopey. Mommy is always going to be there for you and Henry and support you both no matter what." Hope babbles. "I am the best Mommy?" She kisses Hope on the head. "You are so sweet. I have the best daughter ever."
Killian wrapped Emma in his arms. Hope looks at her Daddy. "Little love, you are making Mommy happy. You are having your girl talk." Hope babbles.
Emma smiles."Our daughter is the best."
Killian rubs her back. "Emma, what happened?"
Emma got sad."I got jealous, seeing my Mom and Leo at the mommy and me classes. I do not want Hope to be in that class." Killian nods his head. "I saw how much stuff he had, overpacking my Mom did for him...everything I did not have. I was talking to Ashley and all of the sudden her Aurora and Mary-Margaret were staring at me. My light magic was causing magic to light the milk in the bottle. The look on my mom's face, afraid of my magic... She did not trust me and was afraid I would use my magic on Leo." Hope tugs her Mommy's hand and smiles at her. Emma smiles back. "You like my magic?" Hope screams with joy. Emma chuckles. "I will take that as a yes." Hope smiles.
"Hope knows you won't hurt anybody with your magic. She is so proud of you, Emma. She knows her Mommy will teach her light magic when she is bigger."
"Yes. I am so proud of our daughter that she used her light magic against Zelena. I do not want her to use her magic. She is still a baby. I want her to have a normal childhood."
"Aye, we are raising Hope, normal as possible, love. She is a product of our true love."
Hope began crying. "Are you hungry, little duckling?" Emma nurses Hope. "Mommy is right here. " She kisses Hope on the head.
"You have me on your side, Emma. I know you won't hurt anyone with your magic. We love you for who you are. Your mom will see it that way very soon." He kisses her on the head.
Emma gets a phone call, "Hello?"
Charming, "Emma, something is going on in the clocktower."
"We will be right there." Emma finishes nursing Hope and hands her to Killian, who burps Hope. "Snow Queen alert in the clocktower." Emma goes to Elsa. "Snow queen at the clocktower." Killian puts the carrier on and puts Hope in it and follows Emma and Elsa out of the station to the clock tower. When Emma and Elsa arrive at the clock tower they find the Snow Queen, "Hey!" The Snow Queen uses her magic to aim a sharp ice at Emma who dodges it. Elsa, "Emma now!"
Emma blows on the candle and the flames wrapped around the Snow Queen in handcuffs. Charming, Killian, and Hope arrive seeing the fire flame magic worked. Elsa smiled big and hugs Emma. "You did it."
Emma was surprised that the magic worked."Yeah, I guess, I did."
"You got me."
Charming takes the Snow Queen to the sheriff's station and puts her in an interrogation room. "Killian, I am going to interrogate her with Elsa. Hope, Mommy is going to be in the next room. You can watch me yell at a snow witch." She kisses Hope on the head. She and Elsa entered the room. "All right, queenie time to talk."
"Ooh. You should get that looked at Emma."
Emma knew the scratch was caused by the ice the Snow Queen threw at her but she ignored the pain. "Oh, now you want to play nice?"
"With you two. Don't you understand that is all I ever wanted."
"We do not care what you want! Where is Anna? She is alive. We know it. We heard her heartbeat from Bo-peeps crook."
"Somebody is grasping on their long lost sister. I don't think you should care about her. You and Emma are my sisters. I told you she is the one who put you in that urn." Elsa was just getting so mad.
"Elsa." Emma took her to the wall. "She is just getting you mad. We are going to find Anna. I am going to talk to her."
"I got this Elsa. You can go to the clocktower to help everyone else with the mirror." Elsa nods her head and leaves. with Charming and Killian back to the clocktower. Emma enters the room."Okay, it is just you and me now."
"Good. You are the one I want to talk to anyway."
"Yeah. Yeah. I know you want to turn me into the dark side. And be your sister-buddy something or other. I am not interested." She sits down.
"I am so proud of you, Emma."
"No, that is not going to work. I know we have a past, which we are not going to get into. But you're not going to push my buttons."
"I am being completely sincere. Use your superpower you will see I am telling the truth."
Emma was surprised. "How do you know that?"
"You told me that when you were a child. What a lovely child you were. I am so grateful I got to know you back then."
Emma shakes her head. "Do not talk to me like we were friends."
"We are not friends, Emma. We are family."
"I know that what you want, but whatever past we had... the past you stole from me. I know enough to tell you about the future. And what you want it ain't going to happen, sister."
"Oh, but it will. You will see the end of the day, you will understand that everything that I've been saying is true. Then you will let me go. Now, then what would you like to talk about?"
"You have done pretty impressive stuff, keeping the ice wall around the town."
"Why does it matter? You stopped me."
"That is right, I did. We know who you are. We know what you are planning and we know for some sick twisted reason. You want Elsa and me to replace your long lost sisters."
"Well, then you have all your answers. May I retire in my cell now?"
"No, I want to know why. Why have you been tracking me down my whole life?"
"I was trying to protect you."
"Is that what you did in the foster home to protect me? So why did you erase my memories?"
"Every family has their ups and downs."
"You see, you and I are not family. I have one of those. It expands three generations and 400 years."
"Family is not about blood, it is bond without blood genetics. Elsa and I are your real family because we have the same magic. We belong together. The family you think you have may love you but also fear you."
"No, they do not."
"You never see them wince at their power? You never have seen a twinge of panic just behind their eyes? Not even once? I find that hard to believe. I know your daughter has magic capabilities of her own."
Emma was in mama bear mode. "Stay...away daughter!!" She pushed the Snow Queen. "You do not threaten my daughter! I am a mother! I am there for my children unlike the foster system I was in! I know you were my foster mother somehow! Clearly, you did a bad job because you wiped out my memories from that time!!"
Charming, Elsa and Killian were looking at the mirror. Belle came up the steps with a book, "I have a spell..." Belle saw that mirror. "Stay away, it will turn you evil thoughts!!"
Killian looks at the mirror. "I have been looking at this mirror, this whole entire time and nothing has happened."
Belle gets closer to the mirror. "This is not the mirror."
Charming realized about Emma alone with the villain. "Emma is alone with her." They all rushed back to the station.
The more this Snow Queen spoke to her, Emma was getting angrier. "Your parents left you."
"They had a whole kingdom to save. I was the only one to break the curse."
"They could have figured something out. They do not love you, only use you for your magic."
Emma faces her," They love me!"
"You cannot love somebody you do not understand. And do you know what happens when people do not understand you? They learn to fear it. And they look at it as a monster!"
"Shut up!!" All of the sudden, Emma's light magic breaks the wall and her magic was going crazy. She can feel it in her body and hands. "What...what did you do to me? "
"Ah, All I did was to show you who you really are!" She poofs away.
Emma was in shock and went to check the destroyed wall. "What have I done?" Everyone returns to the station seeing Emma alone and the wall blasted.
Charming, "Emma! You are alright?" Killian carrying Hope, Charming, Belle, Snow White Rumplestilskin, and Henry arrived.
Snow White, "We were so worried."
"Wait!" She holds her hands up.
Rumplestilskin,"It seems like you did not need my help."
"Swan, what did that monster do? To the sheriff's station?"
"The monster who did this to the sheriff station was not the Snow Queen. It was me."
Charming and Killian steps closer to her. "What?"
"Just keep your distance I do not know if I can control myself." Killian was trying to reach out to his wife to hold her hand. "I do not want to hurt anyone."
"Swan. You will not hurt us." Hope babbles.
"Stay back... I do not want to hurt you or Hope."
"Emma, you are not going to hurt us, love."
Rumplestilskin,"We should heed her words."
Elsa,"We can help you."
Killian and Elsa went towards her. Emma moved her hand which knocked down a lamppost, Charming pushed Killian and Hope away and the lamppost landed on him. Hope began crying her eyes out. "Hope! Killian!" She rushes to her husband and daughter. "Hope!" Hope reached out to her. "I cannot hold you right now, baby. My light magic is acting up, sweetie. You are with Daddy." Hope cried more wanting her Mommy.
"Emma, we are both alright, love."
Snow White rushes to her husband."David!" She looks at her daughter. "Emma!!" Emma saw the look on her mother's face, the same look from the inn. "Emma." Emma runs away from her mother, and goes to her car and drives off.
Killian goes to his father in law. "David?"
"I am okay, Hook. I did not want the lamppost to hurt you and Hope. Is she okay?"
"Aye, my little pirate is okay. Little love, grandpa saved us." Charming rubs Hope's head who was crying. "Hope wants her Mommy,that is all. We are going to find your Mommy, Hope. Mommy got afraid when your grandma screamed at her which did not help her when she was in shock already."
Henry goes to his Dad and sister. "Dad, we are going to find her. Even though it is grandma's fault knowing Mom was in shock and did not mean all of it to happen." He rubs Hope's back. "We are going to find Mommy, little sis. Mommy is going to be okay." Everyone searched for Emma in different locations. Killian got Hope calm down and searched the woods with Henry.
When Elsa, Charming,Henry,and Killian with Hope all arrived back at the loft, Snow White was putting Leo down. "Have you found her?"
David,"No, not a sign of her, which means she wants to be alone."
Killian tending to Hope, changing her diaper. "She does not want to be found." Hope began crying. He holds Hope and rubs her back. "Hope, Mommy will be back, little love. She knows you are not afraid of her magic." Hope gripped her Daddy. "You are with Dada." She fusses. Henry gives his Dad a heated up bottle of milk for his sister. Killian bottle feeds Hope. "You accept for Mommy who she is. You and she have light magic. Your grandma needs to realize that." SHe looks at her Daddy. Yes, Hope, Dada, Elsa and Henry accept Mommy's light magic."
Elsa, "I have been through this and I saw the same looks on my loved ones' faces as Emma just did. I saw fear."
"David, we failed today. When our daughter needed us most,she looked at us in the eyes and all she saw was fear."
David was confused. "We?! Snow?! I knew it was an accident with the lamppost falling. You were the one who yelled at her."
Kilian was mad, he gives Hope to Henry knowing Hope did not need to hear this. Henry takes Hope into the hall and bottle feeds his sister. "Daddy is mad grandma caused Mommy to run off. Mommy will be back soon."
Killian approaches his mother in law. "No, you failed her, Snow! Charming did not. You gave her the look of afraid at the Mommy and Me class and at the station! This is all of your fault!" Hope cries more. Henry gives Hope to their Dad. Snow White goes to hold Hope. "No not you." He holds Hope protectively who was gripping his black leather jacket. "Why all of the sudden you want to hold her? You do not accept me as Emma's husband. You never acknowledge Hope. It is your fault Emma ran away."
"Hook, I want to be helpful..."
"Now you want to be a grandmother to Hope? You never even held her when we returned from New York. Emma wanted to stay in New York but Henry and I convinced her to return here. All of you have done since we returned is blame Emma and yell at her!"
Snow White stutters."Emma would not let me..."
"That is because Emma does not trust you!!" Henry gets Hope from their Dad. "You gave Emma that look twice today when she needed you the most, your support which you do not your own daughter. Elsa, Hope, Henry, Charming, and I were the ones trying to reach her to calm her down but you screamed at her making her feel worse and felt betrayed. That is why my wife runway." Killian gets the diaper bag.
"I am going back home. Emma knows she has a home with me and knows that I accept her for who she is. I know my wife will come home when she is ready with her family waiting for her. "
Henry followed his Dad out of Maine Street. "Dad, can I go searching for Mom?"
"Yes, lad. Just be careful. Can you tell her we are waiting for her at home?"
"I will, Dad. I have my iPhone on me." They hug. Killian holds Hope. "Hope, I will bring Mommy back home, little sis." Henry went to search as Killian brought Hope home.
Emma drove into the woods and found a spot facing the whole town. Her body was shaking from the shock of her magic but her milk supply for Hope was filling her breast which was causing her pain. She used the breast pump to loosen her supply of milk and stored it in a cooler which she kept in her yellow bug when she was out working as a bail bond person. She thought about her family, her children who need her, she wasn't going to leave her children. Hope needs her, her daughter is the one who is not afraid of her magic. Hope has magic and she needs to know that she can be herself around her.
Henry went searching for his Mom and found her yellow bug car. "Mom!"
"Henry!" Emma gets out in the car. "I don't want to hurt you."
"Mom, Dad is with Hope at home. We love you, Mom. We accept you for who you are. We all searched for you; Dad, Hope, Elsa, and me. I know you are not going to hurt me. Just take my hand."
"You are right....You, Killian, and Hope accept me for who I am. Hope needs me to teach her magic."
"You are going to teach her Mom when she is older."
"Yes, I will." Emma thought about Hope, how she was going to teach her daughter light magic, and how much both of her children and husband love her for who she is. Emma holds Henry's hand.
"You are not a monster, Mom. Dad let me search for you because Hope needed to be at home. Hope misses you. We both need you, Mom. Dad, Hope and I all want you to come home. We love you for who you are. Hope needs you to teach her light magic because you are the only one can teach her the right way." Emma light magic stopped. Henry hugs his mom. "Mom!"
"Henry." She hugged him and kissed him on the head. "What are you doing out here by yourself?"
"Looking for you. Everyone was searching for you. Dad let me search for you since Hope needed to be at home after we searched together for a few hours. He screamed at Grandma for you, by the way. He told her that it was her fault making you run away."
Emma smiles knowing her husband was sticking up for her and loves her for who she was. "Oh,really?"
"Yes, he did. Dad stood up for you, Mom. He screamed at her for not accepting him as your husband, for not being a grandmother to Hope who she all of the sudden wanted to hold Hope. Also, he told her that you do not trust her." Emma smiles knowing Killian was sticking up for their family. She drove herself and Henry home.
It was evening, Killian was at the window waiting for his swan to come home. He smiles seeing the yellow bug with Emma and Henry in it. He rushes outside carrying Hope and hugs Emma. "Emma!"
"My swan is home."
"Yes. I am so happy to be home." They kiss. She looks down at her daughter. "I got thinking before, when I was at the sheriff's station with Hope and you, who you both love me for who I am and not going to hurt anyone on purpose. I have you and Henry, and Hope my family. Henry convinced me by holding my hand." Hope began to cry. "Hopey. Mommy is home." She scooped Hope into her arms. "You, Henry and Dada convinced me today that I am loved and accepted for who I am with my light magic. Also, I am going to teach you how to use your light magic when you are older. That is part of my job as your Mommy." Hope babbles. Killian smiles.
"I can show you light magic." Killian takes Hope from Emma. She used her light magic to create fireworks.
Killian pointed the fireworks to Hope. "Hope, your Mommy is making fireworks with her light magic." The family returned inside. Emma was nursing Hope as she was talking to Henry. While Killian called his in-laws that Emma was home and safe.
Henry noticed something on his Mom's arms. "Mom, what is that bracelet?"
"The bracelet on your arm."
Emma looks down at the very light old yellow ribbon on her wrist. "I do not know." She tried to take it off. "I cannot take it off. Killian? I cannot take this off. What the heck is this?!"
Elsa rushes inside. "Emma, I have a bracelet on."
"Me too. I cannot take it off. We can find a way. It must be your aunt." The doorbell rings.
Killian answers it was Snow White. "What the bloody hell are you doing here?"
"I want to apologize to Emma."
"Not now. She had enough today." He closes the door on his mother-inlaw. He was so mad about the pain she was causing his swan all day. He joined Emma on the couch with Henry, Hope and Elsa as the two magic best friends talked trying to figure out what the bracelets meant.
Later, Emma was snuggling with Killian in bed letting Hope sleep on her since she missed Hope all day. "Thank you...for being you."
"You are welcome, Emma. I knew you would come home."
"All I thought about was Hope and Henry. How they both need me, I cannot leave them as I was..."
"Aye, you knew that we accept you for who you are."
"You always believe in me."
"Aye, I always believe you, love." They kiss. Hope was crying.
"I will be right back. I am going to change Hope's diaper in her room." Emma goes to Hope's room and changes her diaper. "Are you hungry?" She sits down on the rocking chair and nurses Hope. Killian goes outside to throw the trash out.
"Do not move."
Killian turns around and sees the crocodile. "What the bloody hell..." Rumpelstiltskin takes his heart. Killian screams. "I knew you are up to something, Crocodile!"
"Yes, now, you are listening to me or else I can squeeze your heart to death."
To be continued...

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