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Emma woke up, seeing Killian next to her. She kissed him on the cheek. He wakes up smiling.

"Good morning,swan."

"Good morning, captain." They kiss.

He rubs his swan's baby bump. "Good morning, Ian." He kissed his swan's baby bump. "Are you working today?"

"I have no phone call, I am off. How about you?"

"I have the weekend off."

"We are both off this weekend. We should do something?"

"Like what?"

"I have an idea for today, we can take a family trip to the aquarium."

"Aye, I love the sound of that." They hear Hope crying. "I will go to our little love." He walks over to Hope's bedroom."Hi, little love." He takes her out of her crib and holds her on his hip.


"Yes, you are with Dada. We are going to see fishies in the ocean tanks today."


"We are going to see a lot of water." The family had breakfast together.

Emma gets Hope dressed for the day, she dressed her daughter into ocean theme shirt and baby jeans. She dressed into maternity jeans and maternity dress covering her 6 month baby bump. Hope hugged her Mama. She holds her daughter on her hip.


"Yes, baby Ian. He is getting so big inside of my tummy."

"Too big."

Emma chuckles. "Pretty soon, Ian will be here and not inside of my belly anymore."

Killian drove his family to Brooklyn. Emma helped with the GPS for directions from Upper West Side Manhattan to Brooklyn. Hope was having her morning nap and Henry was playing a game on his iPhone with his headphones in his ears.

He placed his hook onto his swan's baby bump. "How is our son?"

"He is moving around knowing we are going to a place with marine life."

"Aye, he takes after me already. I am going to teach him about ocean life."

At the New York Aquarium, Henry was leading his family around the aquarium. Killian was pushing Hope in the stroller as Emma was waddling slowly next to them. "We are going to see the fishies in the tank, little love." Hope babbles. When the family arrived at the fish exhibit, seeing colorful fishes swimming in large tanks. Hope screams happily reaching out to the fishes making her daddy smile. He takes his daughter out of the stroller, smiling big knowing Hope takes after him. "Here you go, little love."

Hope went to the tank and began patting the fish tank. "Ish!"

Emma smiles. "She takes after you wanting to be with the fishies."

"Aye, she certainly does."


Killian went to his daughter and kneeled to her. "Are you seeing the fishies?"


He holds his daughter on his hip. Hope screams. He chuckles. "Yes, we are looking at real fishies from the ocean." Hope babbles. "Yes, the fishes are so pretty." Hope clapped her hands. "Ah, they are doing a little water dance." He kissed his daughter on the head. He loves spending time with his only daughter. Emma was taking pictures of Killian and Hope's fishes conversation on her iPhone.

The family explored the aquarium, Emma pushing the stroller as Killian holding Hope who was not leaving her Daddy's side exploring different mammals, sea turtles, penguins, and seahorses. Henry was taking pictures of every mammal they saw.

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