First Sonogram

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Emma has her first appointment with her new gynecologist in the morning after they drop Henry at school. Emma woke up and ran to the bathroom to puke her guts out. Killian was at her side, rubbing her back and has a glass of ginger ale ready for her when she needs it. "Thank you." She leans on Killian from exhaustion.

"You are welcome, love. Did you have morning sickness with Henry?"

"No, I had nausea with him but not puking. This pregnancy is different even though our baby is getting me sick I love him or her already." She rubs her abdominal. "I feel guilty..."

"Why love?"

"Because when I was pregnant with Henry, I did not enjoy it...I did not touch my wall was up... I ignored every kick and moved he made inside of me and did not look at the sonograms...I was giving him up for adoption because I had no home, no job, no money only a car and no education..." Emma began to cry. "I was alone, had no family and no support system, I was only 17 when I had him...I could not be a mom to him..." Killian hugged his swan. "When He found me to break the curse, I stayed because I wanted to make sure he was loved since he was not...I wanted to be his Mom.

"Emma you are his mom even though you did not raise him for the first ten years. You gave Henry his best chance when you could not provide for him, you love him that much you wanted him to have everything that you did not have. Now you are raising Henry in a normal lifestyle, you are a great mother to him. You have Henry in your life now who is looking forward to being a big brother. With your dashingly handsome boyfriend who is a very excited daddy to be at your side. I am nothing like Neal, I am staying right at your side, loving being a dad to Henry and a daddy to be to our little love."

"I still feel guilty.."

"You get to enjoy your pregnancy and be a parent to our little love because you have Henry and me there for you and our baby. You have a home, a job, and me a very excited Daddy to be. With our little love on the way, you are not alone anymore, you have Henry and me on your side when you and our little love needs us. We are a family." Emma hugs Killian and he kisses her on the head. "We love you, Emma. I know you are afraid of being a Mom from the beginning but you have me on your side helping you raise our little love. We are going to make mistakes but we will learn from them together."

"Thank you for being here."

"I would not be anywhere in all the realms not next to you and our little bean growing inside of you." They kiss. They walked Henry to school together, Killian right at Emma's side. "Mom, how are you feeling?"

"Very nauseous but your sister or brother is growing inside of me so it is worth it."

"Did I give you morning sickness?"

Emma hugs her son. "I was nauseous when I was pregnant with you but your sibling is causing me so much morning sickness already..." Emma rushes to the curb and vomits, Killian rubbing her back. Henry gives his Mom a bag of ginger candy. "I bought these yesterday. I think they might help." Emma hugs her son.

"Thank you, Henry."

"I am excited to meet my baby sister or brother."

"Me too, Henry."

"I will see you after school." Henry hugs his Mom. "Keep my baby brother or sister safe."

"I will, Henry. Your Dad is not leaving my side." Henry enters his school, as Emma leans on Killian. "He really is excited to be a big brother."

"Aye, he is going to be a great big brother to our little love." He kisses Emma on the head.

"We need to take a taxi. I do not want to be late for my appointment." They took a taxi cab to Emma's new doctor. When they arrived, Emma filled out forms and waited nervously seeing other pregnant women around her. Killian held Emma's hand seeing the look on her face of their future and nervous. "Love, I am right here. You are not alone."

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