Witch Hunt part 2

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The next morning, Emma wakes up to her Dad texting her meeting at their loft. Emma groans. "I want more sleep.""What is wrong, love?""My Dad wants a meeting here..." He hugs his wife. "I will tell him that they can have the meeting here. Both kids are still asleep." They got ready for the day. Emma took a shower and changed into layers of two shirts and a light brown oversized sweater. She looks down at her sleeping daughter. "Our little lass was up most of the night?""Yes. Do you remember how many baths we gave her?""Aye, our little lass was having a lot of poop explosions. I do not mind giving Hope her night bath times.""Luckily, you told me to buy diapers and wipes. I think she had an upset tummy. I have been eating enough greens for vitamin K just in case for her blood and internal bleeding. I am still worried." Killian hugs his swan. "You are making sure our little lass has the nutrients that she needs. Our little lass is healthy.""Whenever I think she is healthy something goes wrong with our daughter.""You are being an amazing Mommy to our little lass. She can sleep without the apnea monitor now since she had her heart surgery.""I know but I still worry...""That is part of your job as her Mommy, Emma.." Emma smiles. "You are doing an amazing job as her Mommy. She loves you so much.""She loves you too. Her amazing daddy." They kiss. Hope wakes up babbling. Emma faces her daughter. "Hi, baby girl." Hope smiles."You are such a good girl, Hopey." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope grabbed her Mommy's breast. Killian laughs. Emma smiles. "She takes after her Daddy, loving my boobs.""Hope loves your boobs for food. For me, your breasts are very attractive." He gives his swan a flirty look.Emma gave him a flirty look back. "Oh really? I am breastfeeding her so they are bigger before I got pregnant and never be the same ever again as the rest of my body.""I am a fan of every part of you.""Good." They kiss and smile at each other. Hope makes a sound. "You are hungry, little duckling." She scoops Hope into her arms and takes her daughter downstairs. Killian gives Emma the boppy pillow, "Thank you. She is very hungry." Hope begins to suck right away. "Hopey, you are just very hungry, baby girl. It is all just for you." Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves and they watched Hope eat and hear Hope's sucking and enjoying the quiet time together before going out to find the wicked witch. She pumps her other breast to make a bottle for Hope. She leaned on his shoulder, he kissed her blonde head. "I love you so much.""Aye, I love you so much, my swan." They kiss. Hope looked up at her parents and tugs her Mommy's shirt, making Emma smile. "Killian, someone wants kisses, too.""Aye, she is learning from Henry to interrupt us." "Hope wants kisses from you and I. " They looked at each other and gave Hope kisses on her head at the same time, making her smile. "My favorite little smile." "Aye, my little favorite smile." Hope spits up."Uh-oh." Emma cleans up Hope's spit with a burp rag and begins to cry. "Are you still hungry duckling?" She nurses Hope again. "You are just very hungry." She kisses Hope on the head. There was a knock on the door. Emma sighs knowing their peaceful family time is interrupted. Killian rubs Emma's shoulder and takes the bottle of milk and puts it in the refrigerator. Charming enters the room and covers his eyes right away from seeing his daughter nursing his granddaughter. "Get use to it, Dad. This is how I feed my daughter." Killian chuckles seeing how his swan reacted to her dad. She covers her free breast with a burp towel. "You can enter, now Dad. I am covered." Her parents enter the room. Hope fusses. "You are still eating baby girl, I know." Killian gave Emma oatmeal with mixed berries. "Thank you.""I know when you are feeding Hope, you get hungry." Emma ate her meal as Killian burps Hope. "Little love, you are being such a good little pirate princess." Hope falls asleep. "So, Dad, Mom. What are we...""We are waiting for Regina.""Okay." She finishes her oatmeal. Hope began to cry. "Love, she needs her morning nap.""Yes, she does. I do not want her around us discussing the witch." She takes Hope up to their room and puts her down for her morning nap. "Hook, you both look like you both had no sleep?""Aye, our little lass kept us up both all night. Maybe 2 hours straight of sleep in between feedings and giving Hope baths from poop explosions.""You stayed up?""Yes, Snow White. I am a very hands-on Dad. I do not sleep all night leaving Emma to do all the night feedings and tending to Hope. I help Emma with Hope at night. Hope is my responsibility as much as she is to Emma." He cleans up the mess and avoids his mother in law.Hope was awake in her crib babbling and kicking her legs. "Hopey." She scoops Hope into her arms. "You are not napping." She sets Hope on the bed and gives Hope raspberries making Hope laugh. "You are my mini-me who just wants to play." Hope smiles. "I love my little duckling." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek. Hope gripped her Mommy's face making Emma smile big. "I love you." Hope makes a sound. She loves being a Mommy from the very beginning, playing with her daughter.Charming sees Emma and Hope playing on the bed. He knocks on the door. "How is my daughter?""I am good. Come in, Dad." "How is my granddaughter?""Hope just wanted to play, not nap." Hope fusses. She faces her daughter. "You just want Mommy's full attention, right Hope?" She lifts Hope up and down and gives Hope kisses on her cheek, making Emma smile big. Charming smiles seeing his daughter being an amazing mother to Hope. "Hopey, grandpa is here. Do you want him to join our playtime? Yes." Charming joins Emma and Hope on the bed. "Hi, Hope." He lets Hope grip his finger. Hope babbled and grabbed her Mommy's finger and chewed on it. Emma chuckles."Hope." Hope looks up at her Mommy with her ocean blue eyes. "You are so cute, Hopey." "Emma?""Yes?""You are an amazing mother to Hope and Henry. I never have seen you so happy." Emma smiles. "I am very happy, Killian makes me happy. He is the first person in my life that loves, supports me, and never left me. He is always there for me and our family. We are there for each other. We are raising our family together, a family I never thought I would have until now." She looks down at her daughter and smiles. Hope kicks her legs."I can tell, he really has changed over the past year.""Yes, he really has, Dad.""Hook is an amazing dad to Hope and Henry.""I am glad that you see it. He is always there for me and our children, husband, and father. I just want Mom to see that.""She will...""You can only hope."Killian returns to his room. "Emma, let me guess Hope is not tired?"Emma smiles. "Not yet. Our daughter just wants to play." Hope babbles. Emma gives Hope a surprise face and tickles Hope's belly Hope's belly making her daughter laugh."Swan, our little lass wants her Dada." He scoops Hope into his arms. "Hi, little love. Did you have fun with Mommy?" Hope smiles big. "Aye, your Mommy is the best." Hope babbles. "It is my turn to play with you?" Hope smiles, which makes him smile back. "Yes. I know we are going to have fun, our pirate talk?" Hope grips her Daddy's hook. "Oh, pirate playtime. That is a yes." Emma and Charming smile at Killian and Hope. "Emma, Regina is here.""Okay, we will start the meeting." Hope babbles. "You can join the meeting baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head. Killian brings Hope downstairs. Emma and Charming join everyone else downstairs. Killian was holding Hope. Regina sees Emma. "Hi, Emma, where is Henry?""He is still sleeping. Hope kept us up most of the night. He is just catching up on his sleep." Emma goes next to Killian and Hope as her Dad leads the meeting. "So now that we know who we are dealing with. How do we find this wicked witch?" Killian was happily letting Hope chew on his hook, "Might I suggest that we start by asking if anyone's seen a woman with green skin around?"Regina looks at Killian and Hope."We are cursed in Storybrooke. She will look like anyone of us."Emma looks at Regina. "Then we start somewhere she has been, Regina's office.""I went over it with a fine-toothed comb. She left no trace.""But you were combing for magic. Maybe there's physical evidence that you missed."Charming, "Good idea. We'll track her." She looks at her Dad. Regina, "If you want to waste your time playing Nancy Drew, be my guest. But we cannot let Henry wander around alone with that witch and flying monkeys out there." Killian, "Well, especially since one of those flying monkeys could turn out to be his biological father." Hope babbles. Killian faces his little daughter. "Yes, Hope, I am Henry's daddy, you and Henry have the same Daddy." Snow White rolled her eyes at her new son in law and faces her daughter. "Still no sign of Neal?""No."Regina, "The point being someone needs to protect Henry. He doesn't know...""He knows what is going on, Regina." She looks at her husband. "Killian and I tell him everything, what is going on. I am guessing you are volunteering to watch him while the rest of us look for this witch?""If you need anything, call me. I can watch Hope too.""Are you sure?""Yes."Snow White, "Emma, I can..."Emma was ignoring her mother. "Regina, you and Henry can watch Hope. Hope knows her big brother. Just in case anything happens..." "I will call you, or Henry will." "Thanks, Regina." Killian,"Times wasting. There's something wicked in your town. What do you say we go find it?"Charming drive Snow White to their loft, while Charming is waiting for his daughter and son in law get ready to leave. Hope was crying. Emma scooped Hope in her arms. "Hey, little duckling. Why are you crying?" Hope tugs her Mommy's shirt. "You do not want to play with Henry and Regina?" Hope cried more. "You want to be with Mommy and Dada?" Hope crying lessens. "Yes, you want to be Mommy's little sheriff?" She kisses Hope on the cheek."Swan, we can take her with us." He faces Hope. "Little love, you want to go on a witch hunt with Mommy and Dada?" Hope smiles. "Killian, Hope is going to join us on her first case.""Aye, I will get her diaper bag ready." Killian goes to their bedroom. Emma changes Hope's outfit in their room. Hope babbles. "You are excited for your first case as Mommy's little sheriff?" Hope smiles, she tickles Hope. "You can help Mommy and Dada find clues." Hope smiles, Emma clapped Hope's hands. "Swan, I have Hope's diaper bag ready.""Thank you.""Emma, if there is any danger I will keep our little lass safe.""I know. You are her Daddy, you will protect our little girl. She also has her Mommy to protect her." "Aye, she has strong parents. When there really is danger, one of us can take her back here.""Yes, that is why we are team Jones." They kiss. Hope makes poop."I will change our little lass." Killian changes Hope's diaper on the changing pad. Emma goes downstairs, to put her black furry coat on and a gray beanie on her head. Henry wakes up seeing his two Moms. "Hi, Mom." He sees his other Mom. "Hi, Mom!""We are going to have fun today.""Just you and me?""Yes, Henry.""Awesome." He faces his other Mom. "Mom, what about Hope?""Your Dad and I are going to search for more clues. Hope is going to come with us. If it gets dangerous, one of us will bring her back here.""Hope is going on her first case."Emma hugs her son. "But when I need a stakeout partner, you are my stakeout partner. I know you will have fun with Regina today.""Hope did miss you yesterday when you and Dad were both out yesterday. It is probably a good idea that she goes with you and Dad." Charming returns and approaches his daughter. "Can we play video games tonight?""Yes, we can, Henry." "Dad, Killian is changing Hope's diaper then we can go." Killian brings down Hope who was bundled up for winter weather."Swan, Hope is ready for her first case as little sheriff." Emma smiles. Hope babbles. "You are very excited, little sis." Henry kisses Hope on the cheek. "You can tell me all about your adventure with our Mom and Dad after your adventure." Hope smiles. "That is a deal, H&H time later.""Emma, are you sure that it is a good idea to bring Hope with us?""Yes, Dad. Killian and I can protect Hope. If it gets dangerous for our daughter, one of us will take her back here.""Okay, we should be going."Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom, kick butt.""You know I will.""Hope have fun with Mom and Dad, little sis." Hope kicks her legs. "You are just like our Mom." "Emma, call me if you find anything call me.""Thanks, Regina. Henry, have fun with Regina." Emma, Killian, Hope, and Charming left the inn. "Mom, can we get Grannys?""Yes, we can." Henry goes get ready and they go out for breakfast.Killian drove his family into town in the yellow bug with Emma next to him and parked in front of the mayor's office. Emma nurses Hope in the back while Killian and Charming were waiting outside of the car. "Hook, I had no idea that a pirate can drive.""Aye, your daughter taught me. Also, I had to get my driver's license, when Emma was in labor, I drove her to the hospital. We had to take turns staying with Hope...""Staying where?" "Hope was born a few weeks early, her lungs not fully formed and had health issues. Emma and I took turns staying with Hope in the NICU. Even before our daughter was born, Emma had a very rough pregnancy and needed to be on strict bed rest." Charming learning more about how Killian was there for his daughter when she needed him. Emma gets out of the car, Killian turns around and helps his two lasses out of the car. "Swan, is our little sheriff ready?""Yes, she just needs to be in her carrier then we can start." Killian held Hope as Emma was getting the carrier ready, he looked down at his daughter. "Little love, are you excited to help Mommy, Dada, and gramps on our investigation?" Hope spits up a lot. "Are you still gassy?" He puts a burp rag over his shoulder and burps Hope. Emma wipes the spit up on Killian's jacket before placing their daughter placed in her carrier, wrapped up in her Mommy's coat. "You're staying nice and warm with me." Killian carries the diaper bag. Charming sees how much Killian cares for his daughter and how they are great parents to their children. "Emma, we should investigate.""Yes, we are on it." They entered the office which was trashed from the night before. They spread out and looked for clues. Emma searched by the windows with sleeping Hope, Charming looked around the table where the fake potion was created and Killian searched by Regina's desk. Charming notices a footprint in the mix of broken glass in the center of the office. "I think I have a partial footprint. Can you guys see anything?"Killian moved from the desk, "Other than an austere sense of design, nothing." Emma goes closer where his Dad was searching, "Is that blood?" Killian joins them. Charming picks it up, and sniffs it. "It's berry." Emma was curious. "Like a fruit?" Charming stood up. "No, Holly Berry. They grow on bushes." He looked closer at it showing it to Emma and Killian. "Are you some sort of botanist in this life, mate?""I worked in an animal shelter, saw dogs track them all the time. The bushes grow in the woods."Emma adjusted Hope in the carrier. "Do you know where?""Yeah, in the Northwest corner, not too far from the Troll bridge." Charming's phone vibrates and reads the text message and sighs.Emma was concerned. "Is everything okay?""Yeah. Mary-Margaret needs me to come back to the loft. We are getting a midwife and she wants to meet both of us."Killian rubs his head. "A bit demanding, isn't she?" Emma gave him a look. "I meant the midwife."Emma was still uncomfortable about her Mom replacing her but at the same time mad at her, "It is fine. Go.""No. W-we just got on track here. I mean...""We have got it covered. She needs you. I have Killian with me." Hope moves in her sleep. "I also have Hope with me." Charming looks down at his phone and sighs. "Just meet us when you get done.""Alright." Charming leaves the office. Killian sees the pain of replacement in her face and held her hand. "I am right here, Emma. Everything is going to be okay. You have me, Henry and Hope." She kisses him on the cheek."I love you so much.""I love you so much." They kiss. "Now, we have team Jones on the case." Emma smiles. "Yes, let's hunt down the Wicked Witch." They return to their car, Emma places Hope in her car seat and gets in the driver seat. Emma drove her family to the woods nearby the Troll bridge. Meanwhile, Henry and Regina got ice cream at Granny's and walked to Swan Lake. They were walking around the water catching up. "Is the ice cream good?""Delicious. My Mom and Dad used to take me for gelato in Little Italy. But this is just as good.""Storybrooke has its own charms, though I know it is different from the city.""Yes, Storybrooke is very different but I missed you and here. I was happy with Mom and Dad in New York. I always wondered where you were...""I just know that I was back in the Enchanted Forest.""I know when the Wicked Witch is defeated you will get your memories back.""I just know that I missed you being separated in another realm away from you." Henry hugs his Mom. They continued to talk and ate their ice cream. Emma parked her car in the woods and gets Hope from her car seat, who really needed a change. "Hopey, you need a clean diaper.""Swan,I will change our lass." Killian takes out the changing pad and changes Hope's diaper, while Emma puts the carrier on. Killian sets Hope in the carrier and carries the diaper bag. They went searching for the witch. Killian sees the berries and uses his hook to smash the berries. "You will look for any excuse to use that thing, won't you?""At least we know we are in the right place. What now?""Now, we start searching.""You know something swan? Whenever I am around you, I inevitably find myself trekking through some manner of woods or forest, courting danger.""Ah, here I thought you weren't afraid of anything, always looking for the next adventure.""Oh, is that what this is?""Isn't it?" Hope began to cry. Killian takes out Hope's pacifier and gives it to his little love. "Here you go, little love." He kisses Hope on the head. Emma looks directly at her husband. "Emma, the adventures I go on with you, is wherever or whenever even if it is in the forest chasing down a villain or streets helping catch the one who escaped from bail.""You were great as my sidekick in New York.""I know what is scaring you, love. Neal, finding him.""I do want to know."" I know you and Henry do not want to see him but it can be possible that he is here. I see the abandonment all over your face, swan.""He broke my heart.""Yes, he did, a selfish coward he did. He broke your heart, if your heart can be broken, it can mean it still works." They kiss passionately. "You fixed my heart when we were in New York.""Aye, I continue making your heart full of love and love not hurt." Hope babbles making her parents smile. They continued to follow the berry trail, Killian wrapped Hope with her baby blankie for extra warmth with Emma's coat. Hope smiles. Emma smiles at her daughter. "Killian, our little sheriff is enjoying her first case with her Mommy and Daddy.""Aye, she is just like her Mommy and Daddy." They see an abandoned farmhouse full of snow around it. "A farmhouse." She sighs. "You have to appreciate the irony,"You have to appreciate the irony.""Irony?""In the movie Wizard of Oz, Dorothy lived in the farmhouse, now the Wicked Witch.""Aye, thank you for the story lesson."Emma chuckles. "Now, we have to snoop." Birds squawking. "Hope, we have to be very quiet." Hope smiles. Emma and Killian approached the farmhouse and looked around quietly. Emma looked in. "There is definitely someone living here. Looks empty right now,though." "Why are we whispering?""Because good hideouts always look empty." They walked more. "Trust me. I spent a lot of time tracking down people who don't want to be found. I know about hiding out." She looks at the edge of the house by the entrance, a bicycle. She sighs and they look across the farm. "A storm cellar." They went to the storm cellar with a lock, in the middle of the winter covered fields. "Killian, hold Hope." Killian holds his daughter as his wife gets her gun out. "Whoa, wait, wait, wait." Emma looks at her husband. "It's one thing walking around a deserted farmhouse. It's quite another descending into a one-way cellar. Who knows what is down there. If this witch is powerful as we think, we could use magical backup, unless you were practicing your magic when we were in New York City that I did not know of.""Okay, I will call Regina. Have her and Henry meet us here." She gets her iPhone out and sees a voice from her Dad. "My Dad left me a voicemail." She played the message as they began walking back to their car. Emma, it is David, I think I found her, the Wicked Witch. I am going after her." They rushed back to the yellow bug, Killian put Hope in her car seat and sat in the front next to his swan, as she drove to find her father. He texts Regina to where they were headed and to meet up with them. He sees his father in law on his knees. "Swan, I found him." Emma stops the car and rushes to her Dad. Killian quickly gets Hope and follows her. Regina and Henry follow them. Emma rushes to rush to her Dad. "Dad, are you okay?!" He nods his head and out of breath. Regina approaches Charming. "Well, where is she?" Henry takes Hope from their Dad. "It wasn't her.""Then who was it? You look whiter than a fresh sail.""Myself."Killian was confused."Come again?"Regina, "It was the Witch. She is toying with us."Charming looks at his daughter and son in law. "Did you guys find where she might be hiding?""Aye, a farmhouse and we think it's hers." "Then let's end this." Charming looks at Regina. "Let's send that witch back to Oz." They walk back to their cars, Killian looks at his father in law. "Is there any particular reason she would send a demon who looks like you?""No idea. It was just there, wearing my face, harping on my deepest fears."Regina was surprised."It knew your deepest fears?" Everyone stopped walking."Yeah, things I never told anyone, even Mary-Margaret. It wasn't until I admitted them that I was able to defeat it by stabbing it with the hilt of my sword.""Where is it, your sword?" Charming looks the way they came from, "That is the strange part. After I killed it, the hilt...it disappeared."Killian looks at Regina. "Well, what does that mean?" "When we face our deepest fears, our true courage comes out. When you used the hilt of your sword to vanquish your fears, your courage transferred into it.""Why did it disappear?""It did not disappear, she took it." Emma was curious too. "Hang on, the Wicked Witch stole his courage?""Well, a symbol of his courage, at least. Symbols can be powerful totems." They returned to their cars."You are riding with Killian, Hope and I." She helps her Dad into her yellow bug. Henry was talking to Hope. "Hope, I will be riding with Regina. I will see you at the farmhouse." Hope babbles. He gives Hope to their Dad."She missed you, lad.""I missed my sister too, but I know she had fun with you and Mom." Henry goes to Regina's car. Killian puts Hope in her carseat. "Little love, keep an eye on Gramps." Hope babbles. Killian joins Emma in the front, she drove her car leading Regina's car to where the farmhouse was located. She parked the car. Charming was looking at his granddaughter. "You look so much like your Mommy." Hope makes a noise."Killian, Henry can watch Hope here while we search that storm cellar.""Aye, if there is anything magical in that cellar, I do not want our daughter or son to be anywhere near it." Emma gets out of the car and finds her son. "Kid.""Yes, Mom?""Can you watch Hope in the car while the rest of us see what is in the storm cellar?""Mom.""Your dad and I do not want you or Hope to get hurt by whatever magical in that storm cellar.""That is why you called Regina to come here.""Yes. I need you to keep your sister safe.""I can do that Mom." "Thanks, kid. We will be back soon." Emma, Killian, Charming, and Regina went to the storm cellar. Emma noticed the lock was open which was not locked before and took her gun out right away. "That lock. It was not busted before." Everyone else took their weapons out. "Ready?" She unlocked her gun as her Dad opened the storm cellar door. Killian was relieved. "So far, so good." Emma started to enter. "Everyone stay alert. Come on." She enters the cellar, Charming was next, Regina followed right behind him. "There is definitely dark magic here. Can you feel it?" Killian was last. Emma, "I do not know, maybe. Whatever I feel, it's not good." Charming notices the cage and unlock lock so does Emma. "What would the Wicked Witch keep in a cage, flying monkeys?""No, not monkeys." He turns on the light and they all see a cage with a spinning wheel. Killian did not like the sign of his arch-enemy. Regina was also surprised that Rumpelstiltskin is back from the dead.Charming kneels down to the ground and picks up a piece of gold hay and stands back up. "Now, how many people do we know who can spin straw into hay?" Emma was not surprised, realizing Gold was back from the dead. "Rumpelstiltskin." Regina smiles knowing the dark one is back and can help them defeat the Wicked Witch. "Tomorrow, we will meet at Granny's before they open to having a meeting.""That is a good idea, Emma. I do not want anyone else to know or the Witch knowing that we are on to her or the dark one is back." They return back to their cars, Emma goes to her car to check on her children. "Mom, Hope won't let me bottle feed her.""Henry, I can nurse her." She nurses Hope. "Mom, what did you find? I can tell the look on your face, that you found something." Hope fusses. "Little sis, Mommy is feeding you. Everything is okay." He rubs Hope's hand.Outside, "Charming, I can give you a lift back into town.""Thank you, Regina. Hook, I will see you and Emma tomorrow.""Aye, mate. See you tomorrow. We have to find the crocodile." He returns to the yellow bug and joins his family in the back where Emma was nursing Hope. "Dad, what did you find?" Emma and Killian looked at each other knowing Henry needed the truth."Kid, we found a cage with a spinning wheel...""Lad, somehow the Crocodile...Gold is back.""He is back?! How?""We do not know, Henry. We are going to start finding him tomorrow." Emma burps Hope and puts her in her car seat. "Swan, I will drive us back to the inn." He gets into the front and drove his family back to the inn, Henry hugs his Mom. "Henry, are you okay?""Yeah, I am happy to be with you, Dad, and Hope and have my other Mom back in my life." Emma hugs her son not knowing what to expect the next day but she has her son, husband, and daughter with her. They arrived back in the inn, Emma carried Hope inside, "Mom?""Yes?""I promised Hope some H&H time.""She is asleep.""Mom, I just want to hold her and even if she wakes up, please." Emma knew Henry misses the normal life they had in New York just the four of them. "Okay, if she wakes up, you can do tummy time with her.""Yes." Henry smiles and takes his sister from their Mom. "Hopey, we are having our H&H time." He brings hope to his room and closes the door. Killian wrapped his arms around his swan and kisses her on the head. "He misses our life in New York, Killian. The normal life just the four of us.""Aye, he just wants to be a big brother and spend time with his baby sister.""Yes. He just wants the family of the four of us. Now that his bio- grandfather might be alive too and maybe his bio-dad..."She hugs her husband. "Did we make the right decision to come back? I mean, a new villain, my mom giving us a hard time, now our son's biological father and grandfather are coming back from the dead...Did we make a bad decision coming back?""Emma, no matter what life throws at us we always fight, both of us are survivors. You and I are a team, we are going to get through this, us, and our children. We are not going to be separated and our children will be safe and be with us." They hug. Emma leaned her head against his. "We are going to get through this together, as team Jones." They went up to their room and listened to Henry talking to Hope, knowing they are together and keeping their children safe from the Wicked Witch. Emma peeks in Henry 's room and smiling seeing Henry playing with Hope, giving Hope kisses, and making her laugh by tickling her. She is fighting villains for them, her children and her husband to keep her family together.

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