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Hope was up all night in pain and fever. Killian hears his little pirate princess awake in her cot. He takes his shirt and takes Hope from her cot into her bedroom so his swan can get some sleep. He puts his little lass on his chest and rocked her back and forth. Hope was gripping her Daddy's chest. "There there, little love. Dada is here." He cradles her head and rubs her head. Hope looks up at her Daddy. "You are with Dada, Hope. Everything is going to be okay." He kisses her on the head as she grips her hands on his scruffy cheek. He knows his little lass wants to be with him. He carried Hope closer to his cheek hearing his daughter babble.
Emma wakes up finding herself alone in their bedroom. She finds Killian in their daughter's room, lying on the carpet with Hope doing tummy time on his chest, skin to skin, holding onto his cheek and babbling to him. "Oh, really? My cheek is so scruffy?" She chews on her Daddy's cheek. "You are giving me kisses? Thank you, little love." Emma loves seeing Hope playing with her Daddy. She takes a picture of her husband and daughter before going back to bed letting Killian have his one on one time with their daughter. A few hours later, he puts Hope back into her crib and got ready for the day. Killian somehow got to work on time after being up most of the night with Hope. Belle sees Killian exhausted. "Hi, Killian."
"Hello, Belle."
"You look like you need coffee?"
"Aye, I already had a cup or two before leaving the house." He yawns. "Hope had her vaccination shots yesterday. She was up all night in pain. Emma and I were up all night with Hope. She is home with them." They began working.
Hope was less in pain but still cranky from her shots, after a long night of no sleep. Henry was reading to Hope in her bedroom on the carpet during Hope's tummy time. He was showing his sister the pictures of all the characters in the book and explaining who everyone is in town. Emma takes a picture of her two kids having their H&H time. "Henry, what are you two up to?"
"I am telling Hope who is who in town." Hope babbles. "She needs to know who everyone is from the book since everyone has two identities in town."
"I remember when you told me when you brought me into town. Now you are telling your sister."
"Yes, I am. Hope needs to know everybody. Her family is all fairytale characters."
She hugs her son. "Yes, you are right, kid." Emma kneels to her daughter. "Hope, are you paying attention to your big brother?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you are!"
"Mom, she is listening to me." He kisses Hope on the cheek. "She is also doing tummy time." Hope rolls over. "Hope!"
Emma smiles and tickles Hope's belly. "Little buttercup, you are being so sneaky." Hope chews on her Mommy's hand.
"Do you think her fever is gone?"
"I think so, she is not crying anymore like she did all last night. She is happy now."
"She is happy because she is spending her morning with me."
"Yes, because she was up all night with me and your dad. She even had her morning talk with your Dad at 4:00'clock in the morning."
"Where is Dad?"
"He had to help Belle in the library to find a spell to bring back the fairies from the magic hat."
Henry gets sad. "Dad feels bad Mom."
"I know. After I helped to get his heart back from Gold, he told me all about what he was forced to do."
"He was forced to Mom. He didn't have a choice."
"I know. By helping Belle, he is going to feel better." Hope babbles. "Dada is a hero?" Hope babbles.
"Hope, Daddy is a hero, little sis. He is a good pirate." Hope kicks her legs and rolls over. Hope fusses.
"Time for a little storybook break. She needs to have her breakfast." Emma nurses Hope. "After I feed your sister, what do you eat for breakfast?"
"Scramble eggs and bacon."
"Good choice." He gives his Mom a burp rag when Hope finishes eating. "Hope, are you full?" She burps Hope. "You ate a lot of milk." She kisses Hope on the head and puts sleeping Hope in her crib and goes downstairs to cook breakfast.
Henry helps his Mom set the table and make the cinnamon hot cocoa. "You are getting better cooking breakfast Mom."
"I am?"
"Yes." They ate breakfast together.
Emma hears Hope through the baby monitor and goes to her daughter's room. "Hopey." She scooped Hope into her arms. Hope hugs her Mommy. "Mommy is right here, sweetie." She brings her back downstairs with her.
"Mom, can I continue Hope's lesson?"
"Yes, you can; while I clean up in here. " Hope fusses.
"Hopey, we can continue the storybook lesson here." Emma enjoyed hearing Henry talking to his sister. Hope makes a lot of poop. "Uh-oh."
"Kid, she just needs a diaper change." Emma took Hope upstairs to her room to her changing table. "Hopey, you need a clean outfit too." She cleans up her daughter. "You are clean." Henry passes his Mom a new onesie which was full of books pattern. Emma smiles. "Did you buy this one?"
"I think Dad did. He got good taste."
"You got good taste too, kid. You chose Hope's outfit." Emma puts Hope's onesie on her. "You are all changed." Hope smiles. She gave Hope kisses on her cheeks. The doorbell rings.
"Mom,I got the door." Henry goes downstairs to answer the door, it was Ashley. "Hi, Ashley."
"Hi, Henry. Is your Mom home?"
"Yes, she is. She is with Hope in her room. Follow me." Henry leads Ashley upstairs. Ashley smiles seeing Emma cooing to her daughter. "Yes, you are the cutest little duckling ever. Yes, you are..." She gives Hope kisses on her cheek. "I love your little smile."
"Mom, we have company."
Emma turns around and sees Ashley. "Hi, Ashley." She scooped Hope into her arm and carried her to Ashley. "Hope, we have a visitor. Ashley."
Ashley was in awe. "Hi, Hope. My name is Ashley. I am also called Cinderella." She looks up at Emma. "Emma, she is so cute."
"Thank you, Ashley. Luckily, she is very cute since she was up all night in pain from her vaccination shots. Killian and I were up all night with her." Hope babbles. "You are feeling better?"
Henry shows his sister his book. "Little sis, that is Cinderella from my book."
"Ashley, Henry just gave Hope a lesson on everyone's two identities in the entire town before you arrived."
Ashley smiles. "He just wants to make sure Hope knows everybody."
"I am doing my job as her big brother." He kisses Hope on the cheek.
"Can I hold her?"
"Yes, you can." She gives Hope to Ashley.
"Hi, Hope. Your Mommy is very special. She helped me to keep my baby girl, Alexandra. If it weren't for your Mommy, I would not have a family. Your Mommy is a hero during the dark curse. Alexandra is 18 months old. You two can be friends." Hope babbles.
"Mom,if you need me I am going to be in my room."
"Okay, kid. If you need help with homework,let me know."
"I will." Henry hugs his Mom and goes to his bedroom.
"Ashley, do you want to talk downstairs?"
"Yes. I have the morning off, Thomas is with Alexandra at home." They went downstairs to the living room. "I just wanted to come by to meet Hope. I never got a chance to drop by before." Hope babbles. Ashley lifts Hope up and down and plays with Hope. Emma smiled. "You look like your Mommy with your Daddy's eyes." Hope grabs Ashley's finger.
"She likes you. She is not crying."
"She is very happy to meet me."
"I am sorry we could not see each other sooner. Ever since we returned here, we were so busy with curses, trying to figure out who was currently taking over the town, who the villain was and stopping the curse. It has been very busy since we moved back here."
"I can tell. You and Killian are always together with Hope fighting off a villain. Where were you living in the missing year?"
"We went to New York City. I was able to work as a bail bonds person in the city as Killian worked in the docks. Henry and I taught him how to be a 21st-century man."
"You let Killian go with you and Henry over the townline?"
"Yes, I did. As we got to know each other, I gained his trust, he was always there for me when I needed him. I started to trust him when he cheered Henry up on the way to New York. He watched Henry at night when I was working, he helped him with his school work. He always waited for me no matter what time to eat dinner with me. He is the first person in my life that put me first. When I found out that I was pregnant with Hope, Killian was thrilled to be a Dad. I just knew he was going to be my husband. He proposed to me in a fancy Italian restaurant. We got married in city hall with Henry as our witness. He also adopted Henry. He wanted to adopt him so he can be officially his father. Henry's biological father was never there. We tell Henry everything. We both came from broken homes and orphans. We tell our children everything."
"Emma, once Killian met you he has changed into an amazing man."
"Yes, he is. He is my husband and my best friend. We take care of each other. I told him about my past and he told me his. I also told Henry the truth about his dad. I never had a chance before. How his father framed me for his crime."
"I remember reading that in the newspaper..It was not your crime?"
"Nope, it was not. It was Neal, Henry's father's crime."
"Rumpelstiltskin's son?"
"Yes, I learned that the hard way. He left me for the fall of his crime, the stolen watches. I found out I was pregnant with Henry in prison. I was only seventeen."
Ashley now understands why Emma helped her to keep Alexandra and told her that she can change her life. "Emma, I never got to thank you for helping me keep Alexandra. I understand why you gave Henry up and told me that I was the one to change my own life."
"I had to give him up. I had no education, home, only a car when I was out of prison. I had no support. I knew when..." Hope began crying. "Hopey." She takes her daughter from Ashley. "Hopey. Are you hungry?" She breastfeeds her daughter. "As I was saying. I knew once Henry found me in Boston, I could not leave him again. I knew you needed my help."
"I had Ruby that is all. You got me to keep my little girl. Thomas and I are married,we live in our own house. My father-in-law is nicer since the dark curse."
"I had a feeling that was the curse making him strict."
"Yes. You are an amazing Mommy, Emma. I knew you could not raise Henry as a baby."
"I am just doing my best Mom that I can be. I am just happy that I get to raise Henry and Hope together. They are very close siblings. I never thought I was ever going to have another child or raise a family, until I met Killian." Hope fusses. Emma switches Hope to the other breast. "I never had parents growing up in the foster system. I just want to raise my children that way. I was not growing up, alone and unwanted. I do not want that to ever happen to Henry and Hope. I knew Henry alone, which is the reason why I stayed."
"You are an amazing mother, Emma. How old is Hope?"
"She just turned 5 months old a few weeks ago. Her birthday is October 21st, the day before mine."
"No way! You two can have birthday parties together."
"Yes,that is the plan. As you know she was born a few weeks early, now we get to celebrate our birthdays together." Hope moves around. She burps Hope. "I would do anything to protect my children."
"You were there for Henry when he needed you the most with Regina."
"Yes, I just knew Regina was mean to him and he was lonely and unhappy which I knew."
"It seems like Henry lives with you?"
"Yes, he lives with us full time. Henry loves living with us. He loves being with his sister. Let's just say, Regina and Henry, are not talking too much." Hope was snoring.
"You got to raise Henry and Hope with Killian."
"Yes. My Dad is warming up to Killian. My mom is another story with Killian."
"I can tell her that she is missing out on her grandchildren and her daughter's husband who takes care of her and work together for their family."
"My Dad sees Mom on the other hand wanted me to be with Neal no matter how I explain to her what he had done to me."
"She will realize Killian is the right man for you."
"Thanks, Ashley. How are the Mommy and me classes going?"
"It is going pretty good."
"I am sorry about my magic when I was there that one time...I was just jealous seeing my Mom with Leo..."
"You saw everything you did not have."
"I understand that. I know Hope is your mini-me." Ashley smiles.
Emma smiles. "Yes, she is. She has light magic. We found out when Zelena kidnapped Henry and Hope instead of my brother. When Hope shocked Zelena with her magic, that is how we found out."
"She helped you defeat Zelena?"
"Yes, she did. We call her our little hero." She kisses Hope who was fast asleep. Emma gets a phone call from Belle. "Hello?"
"Emma,it is Belle."
"Hi, Belle."
"Killian was getting frustrated. He just left. I don't know where he went."
Emma has a feeling knowing where her husband went. "I am going to find him." Emma ends her phone conversation.
"Killian is frustrated working on finding a way to get the fairies back. I need to find him."
"I can watch Hope and Henry."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I can."
"Thank you." She puts Hope into Ashley's arms. "Hope, be a good girl for Ashley." She kisses her daughter on the head. Emma gets dressed quickly.
Henry sees his Mom getting ready. "Mom?"
"Belle called telling me I need to talk to your Dad."
"Is he okay?"
"That is what I am going to figure out. Ashley is going to stay here with you and Hope."
"Okay. Can you tell Dad if he feels guilty about the fairies, that it is not his fault."
Emma smiles. "That is what I am going to tell him, kid. Because he told us the truth and it was Gold's fault." Henry hugs his Mom. "Your Dad is going to be okay. I am going to talk to him. We will be home soon." Emma leaves her house. Henry goes downstairs finding Hope sleeping in Ashley's arms. "Hi, Ashley."
"Hi, Henry. Your sister is sound asleep."
"She was up most of the night with a fever from her shots."
"I know your Mom and Dad took good care of her."
"They do. I also read to Hope a lot of stories." Hope wakes up crying. "Little sis, Henry is here. Don't cry." He gives Hope his finger. "We are with Ashley." Hope reaches out to her brother. "You want to be with me?" He takes his sister from Ashley and lets Hope sit on his lap. "You are okay, little sis." Hope stops crying. "You are with me." He kisses Hope on the head.
Ashley smiles. "You are a great big brother to Hope, Henry. She loves you."
"Thank you. Hope and I are a very close brother and sister relationship. My mom had an emergency c-section when Hope was born, I was there when she was born with Mom and Dad. We always visited Hope in the NICU, Mom went every day until we were able to bring her home. When we moved here, I knew it was my job to tell Hope who everyone was in town just like when I brought our Mom into town." Hope babbles. "I am doing my job, right? Yes, I am. Do you want to show Ashely your walker?" He puts Hope in her walker and Hope moved her legs. Ashley smiles enjoy seeing Emma's two children such close brother and sister bond.
Emma walked to the docks finding her husband by the ocean knowing the ocean calms him down like in New York. She sits next to her husband and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Killian."
Killian sees his wife. "Emma? What are you doing here? Where are the kids?"
"Henry and Hope are at home with Ashley. Belle told me you got frustrated and left the library. I had a feeling where you were. Somewhere by the ocean to think."
"Aye, you were right, swan."
Emma hugs her husband. "When you are ready to talk, I am here to listen."
"I just got tired of finding nothing to help to get the fairies. Every book we look at, we think it will work. Then it doesn't bloody work."
"I know that we are going to get the fairies back. It will take time to find the right spell to get them back." She puts her hand on his cheek. "This is not your fault, Killian. You are a hero just like me. Our family are full of hero pirates. We all love you for who you are. You are my amazing husband who I love so much. We both made mistakes and we are fixing them. You are fixing a forced mistake, which you are. I love you so much."
"I am doing my best. I have my swan on my side."
"Like you are there for me, I am there for you." They kiss. Killian wrapped his swan in his arms as they gazed at the horizon.
"It sounds like you needed a break from doing research."
"What do you have in mind?"
"A little bit of patrol with me."
"Aye, I cannot say no to that." Emma gives her hand and he takes it. They held hand and hook to her yellow bug. Emma drove around town looking for crime. "Swan, this town has been very quiet."
"Yes, isn't quiet town a good thing? Without a new villain or Rumpelstiltskin trying to take over a town. I mean I like the town when it is quiet."
"Aye, I am enjoying the quiet town. Finally normalcy."
"Yes, since we arrived here. New York is where we started our family, our life together."
"Aye, we finally get to have a normal life here us and our children in Storybrooke."
"That is right."
"You can drop me off at the library. I need to continue to help Belle."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, swan. I will be home later." She parked the car. "Thank you for coming by."
"Anytime. We are a team remember? You are there for me. I am there for you."
"Aye, team Jones."
"Tonight, we are going to have a family night."
"Like a game night?"
"Yes." They kiss. Killian returns to the library. When Emma returns home, she hears Hope wailing.
"Mom, you are back. Hope has been crying nonstop for a while now. I think she wants you."
"I think you are right, you know your sister so well." Emma goes straight to Ashley and Hope. "Ashley, I am so sorry I was out for too long." She gets Hope from Ashley and gently bounces her up and down."Hopey, I know you wanted Mommy. I am back. You are with Mommy...Shh...shhh." Hope hugs her Mommy and slowly stopped crying. "Mommy is home, baby girl. Everything is okay." She rubs Hope's back. "Shh...shh...." Hope stops crying and looks up at her Mommy making Emma smile. "Hi, Hope. Did you have fun with Ashley and Henry?" Hope babbles. "Yes, you did. Henry changed you into a Harry Potter outfit." Henry enters the room. "Henry, first the book outfit now a Harry Potter onesie?"
"Yes, I wanted my sister to learn to love books at a young age." Emma smiles.
Ashley smiles at the mother and daughter. "Emma, Hope had fun with Henry and me until she was missing you. She is happy that you are back." She faces Hope. "You are happy now that your Mommy is back." Hope smiles.
"Ashley, I told you that Hope wanted our Mom."
Ashley smiles at Henry. "You are right." She looks at Emma. "Emma, if you need to babysit Hope again, you can call me anytime. She was so cute to play with."
"Thank you for watching Hope on the spot."
"Your welcome, Emma. I am happy to help out. You helped me to keep Alexandra."
"There was no way I was going to let Gold take your daughter away from you. You made your choice to be a Mom. I just made sure your baby was not taken away. I made a deal."
"Mom, making a deal with the dark one was a challenge."
"Yes, but I was not going to let him take a baby from a Mom who wanted their child, kid. Before I knew he was the dark one." Henry hugs his Mom. Hope coos. "Hope now has a friend closer to her age in town to play with." Hope coos.
Ashley gets a phone call from Thomas. "Thomas?"
"Alexandra misses you."
"I am over at Emma's. Emma, can Thomas bring over Alexandra? I know the girls can play for a little bit."
"Yes, the girls can have a playdate."
"Yes, you can bring her over."
"Hope, you get to have your first playdate with Alexandra." Hope coos.
"Mom, Hope is excited." He rubs Hope's cheek. "You are going to have fun with Alexandra, little sis." Hope makes poop. "Hope."
"Kid, she just needs a diaper change that is all. We will be right back." Emma takes Hope upstairs and changes Hope's diaper. She sits on the rocking chair with Hope and nurses Hope. "Mommy had to talk to Daddy because was feeling so sad. Mommy got Dada happy again." Hope makes noise. "Yes, Mommy is there for Daddy as Dada is there for Mommy. That is what our family does, being there for each other." Hope makes more noises. Emma smiles. She hears the door open and closes. "Your friend Alexandra is here. You are going to play with her after you are done eating your lunch." She kisses Hope on the head. "You are my sunshine My only sunshine,You make me happy, When sky's are grey, You'll never know, dear, How much I love you, Please don't take my sunshine away ." Hope looks at her Mommy and smiles. "You like when I sing to you?" Hope pats her Mommy's chest. "I can sing to you anytime, sweetie." She burps Hope and brings Hope to the living room where Henry was playing with Alexandra. She goes to Alexandra. "Hi, Alexandra."
"Hi! Baby."
Emma smiles. "Yes, Alexandra. This baby's name is Hope."
"Hope! Hi!" Hope babbles. Alexandra tries to get Hope to stand up.
"Ally, she cannot stand up yet, sweetie."
"Alexandra, Hope needs me or Henry to help her stand up." Emma helps Hope stand up. Hope babbles. Alexandra hugs Hope. Emma and Ashley both were in awe while Henry took pictures of the two girls on his iPhone. "You are being so sweet to Hope, Ally." Ashley was proud of her daughter. "She knows that Hope is going to be one of her friends growing up."
Hope was falling down. "Uh-oh, Hope. Let's put you in your walker. So you and Alexandra can play." She puts her daughter in her walker. Alexandra goes over and plays with the toys on Hope's walker, and babbles to Hope. She takes Hope's pacifier out of her mouth, which made Hope cry.
Ashley goes to her daughter. "Alexandra, that is Hope's binky. It is not yours. Give it back to Hope." Alexandra gives it back to Hope.
Henry puts the pacifier in his sister's mouth. "Here you go, little sis. Don't cry." Hope stops crying and looks up at her brother making him smile.
Emma takes pictures of Hope and Alexandra playing. "Sorry about Ally."
"That is okay. She just saw Hope's binky and wanted it."
Alexandra walks over to Emma as Henry plays with his sister. "Hi, Alexandra."
"Ally, this is Emma. She helped me to get to the hospital to have you." Alexandra hugs Emma.
Emma smiles. "Thank you for your hug, Alexandra. I met you when you were just born with Henry. Henry was with me when I drove your mommy to the hospital to have you. Now you and Hope are going to be friends."
Emma and Henry both smile big. "Yes, Henry is your friend too." Alexandra goes over to hug Henry. Henry smiles hearing her saying his name. "You are my friend too Alexandra." Emma and Ashley continued to talk and watched their daughters and Henry play.
Killian finished his research with Belle and went to Granny's to pick up cinnamon hot cocoa for his swan. He returns home smiling seeing his swan talking to Ashley and Hope playing with Alexandra. "Emma,I am home."
"Aaa-aah!!" Hope began jumping in her walker making her parents smile. "Aaa-aah!!"
Killian smiles seeing her excitement. "Hi, little pirate princess." He takes Hope from her walker. "Dada is home." He hugs his little lass. "Are you having fun playing with Alexandra?" Hope babbles a lot as she pats his face which Killian did not mind at all. "I missed you all day at work. I am very happy you are having fun with your new friend. " He kisses her on the cheek.
"Dad, Hope is very excited that you are home."
"Yes, she is."
"Hi, honey."
"Hello, love." They kiss.
"Hope got very happy from hearing your voice."
"Aye, she is just happy that I am home from work. I see that we have company."
"Yes, we do. Hope is having her first playdate with Alexandra."
Alexandra walks over to Killian showing her her dog doll. He kneels to Alexandra. "Hi, little princess. I see you have a doggie. Can you tell me about your doggie?" Emma and Ashley both smile at Killian. Alexandra babbles. "Oh, really? Are you having fun with Hope?"
"Hope! Yes!"
Killian smiles. "Aye, I know you and Hope are great friends." Hope began crying.
"Little love. Dada is here...shh...shh... " Hope hugs her Daddy and cried more. "Swan, I think she is hungry?"
"I think she is hungry and tired from her playdate."
"Emma, we will come over again soon so they can play."
"Yes, I know Hope will love that. Now, she needs her nap." She takes her daughter from Killian and goes upstairs. Henry follows his Mom and sister.
"Hope!" Alexandra began crying.
Ashley scoops her daughter in her arms. "Hope, needs her nap,Ally. You two are going to play soon."
"Pway now."
"We have to go home, sweetie. We are going back home to daddy."
"Dada." Alexandra stops crying.
"Emma is really lucky to have you as her husband. She is lucky to have someone there for her."
"Aye, I am lucky to have Emma in my life. I fell in love with her once I laid my eyes.I knew she was a lost girl when we met and had no one. Until I came along."
"You two are perfect for each other. When I met her during the dark curse, I was alone pregnant with Alexandra. The curse separated me and Thomas. Emma was closed up when she first got into town when we met. She was the one who told me that it was my choice to be a mom and I should not listen to what everyone else thinks. I ran away with the help of Red,she loaned me her car to leave town. I got into a car accident before going over the townline and I was in labor. Emma and Henry rescued me. I wanted to go to Boston. Emma told me I was in labor and to make sure I was making the right decision, of becoming a mom because making choices, putting your child first. I just knew I wanted my daughter. After labor, I was so nervous that Gold would take her away from me. Emma and Henry came into the room, she told me that she was staying with me. I never experienced what she did giving her baby up. She made sure I had support. Thomas came after they left. I would be alone and have no family. She gave me my happy ending during the dark curse."
Killian smiles not knowing of his swan's adventures before they met. "You were Emma's first save when she arrived here during the first curse before it was broken."
"Yes, I was. If she did not help me, Ally would not be with me. I love being a Mom."
"Mama." She kisses Ally on the head.
"Emma did not want you in the same chapter of our life-giving your child away and on your side."
"Yes, she was. I knew she was tough but had a caring heart and was lonely until you came." Alexandra began crying. "We are going home, sweetie. Killian, we are definitely going to have another playdate soon."
"Aye, I know Hope is looking forward to playing with Alexandra again." He opens the door for them.
Upstairs, Henry passes his Mom a burp towel as she was nursing Hope. "Is Hope okay?"
"She does not have a fever. I think she is still sore from the shots and cranky for being up most of the night." Hope makes a sound. "You had fun on your playdate today?" She kisses her daughter on the head.
"Alexandra did try to help her stand up thinking she would stand up if she helped her."
Emma giggles. "You are right."
"Hope would not have Alexandra as her friend if you did not help Ashley."
"That is very true. I just knew Ashley needed someone at her side, she was alone. I had to help her. You were the one who told me she could not leave town. We rescued her."
"Yes, we did." Hope was full. She burps Hope.
Henry faces his sister. "Hopey." Hope reaches out for her brother. He takes Hope from their Mom. "Hopey, do you want H&H time?" Hope babbles. "H & H time it is." Henry takes Hope to his room. He lays his sister down on his bed and joins her. He gives Hope a teething ring. Hope grabbed her brother's hair. "Hopey." He kisses Hope on the head. "I love you so much, little sis." Hope looks at her brother and smiles, he smiles back at her.
Emma goes downstairs to clean the living room. Killian helps his swan. "Thank you for helping."
"You are welcome, love."
He hugs his swan and looks at her. She blushes. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Just my swan being amazing."
"How amazing?"
"Ashley told me how you were being your kind-hearted caring self to her when you first arrived here in Storybrooke. You helped her keep Alexandra from the crocodile."
"He was about to sell Alexandra. She was alone which reminded me when I was pregnant with Henry. \Everyone was telling Ashley to not be a mother because she was 19 years old. I told her to screw them, that it was her life, no one can tell her what to do and it was her decision to keep her baby. I made sure Gold did not take her baby away from her,so I made a deal with him. Even if I did not know back then it was Neal but I was not going to let Ashley be alone like I was."
"That is why my swan is amazing making sure no one experience like you went through."
"Exactly, that was just awful."
Killian hugs his wife. "You are never going to experience that awful loneliness and pain ever again. You are always going to have me." He kisses her on the head as she hugs him more. "You will always have me and our children, love." He hugs her.
"Mom!" They go upstairs to Henry's bedroom, to see Hope crying. "See Hope. Mommy is right here, little sis."
Emma goes to Hope. "Hopey, what is the matter sweetie?" She holds her daughter in her arms. "Mom,she began crying when I told her the sad part of your story."
"Aww, Hopey, don't cry. Mommy's story is sad but Mommy has a happy ending with you, Henry and Dada because I am not alone anymore. I have my family." Hope stops crying and hugs her Mommy.
Henry smiles. "Mom, she is happy that you are happy."
Emma smiles. "Yes, she knows that my story is happy." Hope babbles. "Do you want your big brother to read to you more?" Hope babbles. "Yes." She kisses her daughter on the had
"Mom, she can sit next to me." She puts Hope next to her brother. "Just make sure she doesn't fall over."
Henry puts Hope on his lap. Hope babbles. "Little sis, we can still read." He kisses Hope on the head and continues to read to her. She takes a picture of her two children with the storybook. Emma goes back to her husband. "They are okay." She wrapped her arms around her husband. "How about you and I have our own alone time?"
Killian gives her a flirtatious look. "Aye, alone time with my beautiful wife." They kiss as he lifted her into his arms and carried her into their room. Emma returns a little later, finding Henry reading next to sleeping Hope. "Hope enjoyed the story. I think she is enjoying my bed for her nap."
"I am sure that she did." She sat on the bed. Henry puts down the book and hugs his Mom. She kisses him on the head. "My baby boy."
"Mom..." He kisses her on the cheek. "You will always have me in your life, Mom."
"I am never leaving you again." She hugs him.
"You are my Mom." He shows his Mom artwork looking at his drawings from pencil, color pencil, and oil crayons of nature, figure drawings of his parents and sister, and the town.
"You are so talented, Henry."
"I have fun creating art. Hope likes seeing my drawings. I was thinking of giving Hope a painting lesson, more like paint on hands and feet art."
Emma smiles. "I am pretty sure I can buy paint and we do an art project together."
"Yes!" He hugs his Mom making her chuckle.
Hope wakes up. Henry gets his sister from his bed. "Hi, little sis. Did you enjoy your nap in my bed?" Hope smiles. "You did? You can nap in my bed any time." Hope reaches out for their Mom. Emma gets her daughter. "Hope, did Henry let you nap on his bed?" Hope gripped her Mommy's face. "Your brother is the best." Hope began crying. "Sweetie." She holds her daughter on her chest and gets an idea she takes her shirt and does skin to skin with Hope which got her to stop crying. "You just wanted to do skin to skin."
"Little sis, are you happy to be with our Mommy?" Hope coos. "Yes, our Mommy is the best." He kisses her on the cheek. Hope drifts off back to sleep. "Mom, she just fell back to sleep."
"She might be still tired. She had fun playing with Alexandra."
"You and Hope can stay in here."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes." Emma sits back on the bed as her son gives her a blanket so she can stay warm. She kisses her son. "Now, tell me what book you are reading?"
"Okay. I am reading The Land Of Stories< it is about a pair of twins that go into a fairytale book. They are following a journal to find a way back home. They meet fairytale characters like Red RidingHood who is not the smartest princes not like Red, Jack from the beanstalk story, a talking frog, I am almost done with book 1, it is so good! I was reading it to Hope who fell asleep."
"How many books are in this series?"
"Six books."
"I can get you the rest of the other series!"
"Yes!" He hugs his Mom.
"How about we have a game night?"
"I was thinking more like board games."
"We can also order pizza!!"
"Yes!" Killian enters the room. "Dad, Mom said we are having a game night and ordering in pizza."
"Aye, yes, we are. On the way home, I bought home a few board games."
"You did? Where are they?"
"In the living room." Henry rushes downstairs to find the games. Emma carefully gets off the bed carrying Hope. "Our little pirate princess is enjoying her skin to skin."
"Yes, she is because she woke up from her nap and all she wanted to do was snuggle with me."
"Aye, she does look comfy on you."
"She just wants to snuggle with me because she was having her one on one time with her daddy very early in the morning."
"Aye, we were having our pirate time before the crack of dawn."
"She just wanted to skin to skin with Daddy and we had a long pirate talk. I love being her Dada."
"She was giving you kisses."
"Aye, yes she did." Hope wakes up. "Hi, little love."
"Did you have a good nap, my little pirate princess?" Hope babbles and gripped her Mommy. "We are going to have a family game night. You can be on my team."
"Swan, I am going to order us dinner." Emma puts a shirt on and brings Hope downstairs. She sees Henry setting up the board game monopoly. She saw a whole pile of board games that Killian bought for their family, checkers, chutes & ladders, life, and candy lane. She smiles knowing Killian wants the same thing as her making family memories with their children. "Henry, is the board game set up?"
"Yes. We are going to play monopoly." Hope babbles. "Little sis, you can join us."
"Your sister is going to play on my team." She sits on the carpet with Hope on her lap. "Hope, are you ready to beat Henry and Dada in Monopoly?" Hope babbles.
"Aye, swan you and Hope think you will be Henry and me at Monopoly?"
"Aye, a challenge!"
Emma chuckles. "The goal of this game is you have a piece to buy houses and locations. The winner is the one who has most of the money." Hope pats the board. "Hope, you can help me count the money." She looks up at Henry and Killian. "We have to watch Hope so she won't eat any of these small pieces."
"Swan, I have an idea." Killian goes to the pile of games and got a new teething ring for his little lass. "While I was in town buying the board games. I have new chew toys for Hope to play with." He shows his family the Infantio plastic container of colorful blocks, shapes, blocks, animals and balls, chewable for babies.
Emma smiles love seeing Killian spoiling their daughter. "Killian, Hope is going to love this." Hope babbles. "Hope, those colorful toys are for you to play with."
"Little sis, daddy got you toys to play with."
"Let's Hope choose the toy that she wants to play with."
Killian goes to his two loves. "Hope, which one do you want to play with? A little orange star? " He shows each toy. "A squishy ball. A lion?" Hope grabs the lion from her Daddy and chews on it. "That is a good choice, little pirate." The family began playing the game, rolling the dice with the highest number to go first which was Henry. Whenever it was Emma's turn, Hope would babble and bang her new toy around which Emma smiled every time, Hope was showing her participation in the game. The pizza came. The family took a break and ate dinner together. Emma nurses Hope. Killian burps Hope so Emma can eat. He showed her the different toys. "Mom?"
"Yes, kid?"
"This is fun. Can we have a game night once a week?"
Emma hugs her son. "Yes, we can, kid."
"I am pretty sure I am going to beat you and Dad." Emma and Killian both laugh. They look at each other knowing this is what they wanted for their family, fun family time and making memories. They are giving everything to Henry and Hope that they did not have as children, a normal happy childhood.
Emma and Killian were snuggling on the couch when both of their children fast asleep in their bedrooms. "That was a fun game night, swan."
"Yes, it was. I have a feeling we are going to do this for a very long time."
"We are going to make many many family memories. They are going to have good memories."
"You and I are giving them everything,a normal, happy childhood. Something you and I did not have."
"I told you, Emma, we are going to give them everything."
"Yes, you did. I never thought I would give my children happiness. Happiness that I did not have as a child,a home, two loving parents...until I met you. Once you came into my life, everything changed for the better."
"Once I laid my eyes on you, you changed my world."
"We both changed for the better." They kiss.

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