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One night, Emma and Henry went out book shopping and went to eat for their one on one time. When they returned home, Emma found Killian fast asleep with Hope sleeping in the crooked of his arm. Emma smiled love seeing Hope with her Daddy and took a picture. She gently took Hope out of Killian's arms and placed her sleep monitor on her and placed her back Killian's arms. Hope smiled in her sleep. "Mom, do you want to play videogames?"

"Yes, not too loud your sister and Dad are asleep."

A few hours later in the middle of the night, Emma and Killian woke up with Hope's sleep apnea monitor alarm beeping. "Hope!" Emma rushes to her daughter and gives her CPR, while Killian calls an ambulance. "Breathe baby..breathe..." Hope alarm stopped, which meant she was breathing again. Emma scooped her daughter in her arms. "Hopey. Baby girl." Emma was crying. "You are with Mommy. You are okay..."

"There is an ambulance coming love."

"Good, we need to get Hope checked out. Everything is going to be okay, Hope." Hope was crying. "Mommy is here."

Killian packed Hope's diaper bag and baby blanket. Pretty soon, two EMTs entered the apartment. "Our daughter stopped breathing." Killian led the EMT into their bedroom to Emma holding Hope.

"Our daughter's sleep apnea monitor went off. I did CPR until she started breathing again. She was born premature with her lungs underdeveloped."

"We can take her to the hospital to check her out. You can put her in her car seat." Killian gets the car seat and strapped Hope in. He quickly packed Hope's overnight bag. Emma did not leave Hope's side.

Henry woke up from the noise seeing his parents stressed and EMT's in their apartment. "Dad, what is going on?"

"Your sister stopped breathing. We are going to get your sister checked out in the hospital." Henry quickly gets his backpack packed. The EMTs carried Hope to the ambulance, Emma was right next to her daughter wearing only pajamas. "Emma, you go with Hope. Henry and I will meet you both there." He hands her iPhone and his leather jacket. "I will be right next to you and Hope, soon, Emma." They hug. Emma entered the ambulance and stayed with Hope.

Henry arrived outside. "Dad." He hugs his Dad.

"Hope is going to be okay, lad. We need to meet your Mom and sister at the hospital." Killian drove the yellow bug to NYU hospital. Emma followed Hope and the EMTs to the emergency room to the pediatric section and Hope was immediately put on wires and oxygen tubes. Hope was crying and all Emma wanted to hold her daughter and comfort her. She stood by her daughter. Dr.Smith. "Mrs.Jones. I am surprised to see Hope and you here."

"Hi, Dr.Smith. Her sleep apnea monitors went off and she stopped breathing. I did CPR on her until s-she was able to b-breathe again..."

"Mrs.Jones, I am going to get Hope better and figure out why she stopped breathing." He goes to Hope and the nurses, who gave him an update on Hope. "Hope, you have gotten so big since the last time I saw you."

Emma held Hope's hand. "She has been eating a lot. She is getting bigger every day."

Dr.Smith checks Hope's lungs. "I am going to keep Hope overnight to monitor her and run a few tests on Hope. I will be back later." Dr.Smith leaves the room.

Hope was still crying, Emma held Hope and sat on the bed. "Hope, Mommy is here. You are okay. You will get through this, sweetie. You have your family here with you. I know you are afraid but you are not alone, Mommy is staying right here with you." She kissed Hope on the head. <i> "Hush Now, Don't be scared, Through this tide of darkness. Shadows may march, Thunders may roar, But peace will soon prevail. Through our land, This sacred land, Nightmares sprite confusion, But stand your ground, Until you've found,The strength to light your way." </i> Hope grabbed her Mommy's finger. "You can sleep, sweetie. I am right here." Hope cried more. <i> "Hush Now, Don't be scared, Through this tide of darkness. Shadows may march, Thunders may roar, But peace will soon prevail. Through our land, This sacred land, Nightmares sprite confusion, But stand your ground, Until you've found,The strength to light your way." </i> Hope falls asleep. "I am not going anywhere, you are safe with me."

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