Valentines Day

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Emma was enjoying her second trimester. On her mornings off when Killian was at work and Henry was in school, she had her mornings with her daughter. She took Hope to Central Park to the pond to watch the swans swim by. When Killian was off, he would go on walks with his two loves. He was being very overprotective of his swan, since he found out they were expecting. Emma was at the park, reading The Ugly Duckling to her daughter by the pond. "Quack!"

"Yes, that is quack in the book." Hope babbles and shows her Mommy her duckling doll. "You want go to see Quack?"

Hope babbles. She walked with Hope holding her hand to the pond. Hope points at the lake. "No."

"There are no ducks on the pond because too cold for them." Hope made a sound. "Yes, cold." She hugged her daughter.

Around midnight, the beginning of Valentine's Day morning, Emma was working on a skip. Killian was home with the kids. She was in her yellow bug, eating McDonald's waiting for her fake date. Her son wanted a cheeseburger and McDonald's french fries. She was making her son very happy she was waiting. The man arrived in his car. Emma checked the picture she was sent. "This is him, Ian. After we catch this bad man, we can go home to Daddy, Hope, and Henry." She parked the man's tire and waddled inside the restaurant.

The man was middle age and robbed the bank he worked for and escaped. "Hello, Adam."

"You are pregnant..."


"You did not mention that! You are a bail bonds person."

"Woman!" The man ran off to his car. Emma waddled over and called the cops. "You really think you are going to get away from stealing money from your job in the bank?"

"How would you know?"

"People who steal from their own job is awful."

The cops quickly arrive. Emma got paid. By the time, Emma arrives back home, she was exhausted and finds Killian was up with Hope. "Killian."

"Emma, someone has been up all night crying and won't go to bed."

"Hopey. Mama is home." Hope sees her Mama and stops crying. "Hi, baby duckling." She kissed her daughter on the cheek.

Hope reached out for her mama. "Little love, Mama needs to get ready for night. We are going with Mama to our bedroom." He carried Hope to their bedroom.

Emma gets undressed into pajamas and washed her makeup off of her face.

Hope stopped crying since she was around her Mama. "Mama."

"Hopey. Mama is ready to snuggle." She takes Hope from Killian and sat down on her bed.

Killian knew his swan was exhausted. "Are you hungry?"

"I ate McDonald's while i was waiting for the perp. Our baby was craving Mcdonald's."

"Aye, our baby knows that his Mama needs to eat. How are you feeling?"

"Tired, huge and my feet are sore."

"How about I give you feet massage?"

"I would love that." Hope babbles. She kissed her daughter on the head who was lying on top of her and her baby bump.

"Yes, the baby inside of me is joining our snuggles."

"In a few months, you will be snuggling with two little ducklings."

"Yes, I will." Hope babbles. "Hopey, we will still have Mama and Hope time. Now, you need to go to sleep. You are up very late." Hope hugged her Mama. She rubs her back until her daughter fell asleep. "She finally is asleep."

Missing YearOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora