1 Year Wedding Anniversary

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It was July 21st, Killian and Emma's wedding anniversary. Killian planned his and Emma's wedding anniversary something special for his swan. He and Henry were setting up while Emma and Hope were sleeping upstairs. Killian was setting up duckling trail, as Henry was helping him set up the surprise. He went upstairs to his and his wife's room, Emma was snoring away with Hope snuggled next to her. He gently kisses his swan on the head. "Happy anniversary, love." He went downstairs.

"Dad, I will make sure Mom follows the clues correctly."

"Yes, lad. I will see you at the Joly Roger soon." He leaves to set up his swan's surprise on the Jolly Roger.

Emma wakes up with Hope still fast asleep. She finds a yellow duckling on her bed and reads it, Happy Anniversary, Emma. Follow the clues to your anniversary surprise. Your first clue is in the place where we put our red and black leather jackets in. Love, Killian.

"I knew your Daddy was up to something, he has planned Mommy a scavenger hunt for our Mommy and Daddy's wedding anniversary." She kisses her sleeping daughter on the head. She cannot believe she and Killian have been maried for a whole year, and Hope is with them, not growing inside of her. Hope is 9 months old today. This year the whole family is together, for their wedding anniversary. She gets ready for the day and packs her diaper bag.

When Hope was awake, she puts Hope next to her month bear and took Hope's photo of 9 months old. "You are 9 months old! You are getting so big, Hopey!"

"Mama!" She rolled over and crawled to her Mommy.

Emma holds her daughter and looks in her ocean blue eyes. "You will always be my baby girl, Hopey. You made me a Mommy from the very beginning." She kisses her daughter on her cheeks. Hope babbles and grabs her Mommy's hair. Emma smiles.

Hope was crawling around her parents' bed and found her Daddy's nightshirt and chews on it. She scooped her daughter into her arms. "Is Daddy's shirt yummy?" Hope babbles. "Yes." She kissed her daughter on the head.

Henry enters his parent's bedroom, "Hi, Mom. Hi baby sis."

"Hi,Henry. Do you know of this scavenger hunt?"


"You are helping your Dad with this?"


Hope babbles. "Your brother is on your Dad's surprise."


Henry takes his sister for their Mom. "We are going to help Mommy on her scavenger hunt, baby sis." Hope screams. "Mom, Hope says to find the next clue."

Emma chuckles. "Okay, I will find the next clue." She goes to her closet and finds a duckling note pinned to her floral dress. She smiles. "Killian."

"What is it, Mom?"


She shows her children her dress. "Your Dad wants me to wear a dress." Hope babbles.

"Mom, Hope says you will look pretty in your dress." Hope babbles. "Yes, I agree with you."

Emma smiles. "I will wear the dress." Hope babbles. "You can wear a dress too, baby duckling."

"Baby sis, I can help you choose your dress." He takes his baby sister to her bedroom and helps her find a dress to wear. Emma gets dressed and braids her hair. She finds Henry chasing Hope crawling in her bedroom.

Hope crawls to her Mommy. Emma holds Hope on her hip. She pats her Mommy's dress.

"Mom, Hope, and I found a dress for her to wear." He shows her a very pink fancy dress.

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