The Accident

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When the Jones family arrived back to Storybrooke, Henry returned to school, and Emma was driving patrol with Hope in the back in the middle of Main Street. A car was coming at them, Emma tries to avoid this car but it crashed into the yellow bug. She blacks out. Hope was wailing. Granny and Red sees the accident. "Call Killian and an ambulance." She sees Emma passed out. More people crowd around the yellow bug.

Killian was at the station talking to Mulan when he heard the loud car crash. They rush to Main Street and sees the yellow bug was the car accident. His heart dropped seeing his swan and daughter in danger. He runs to his two loves. Granny was there. "Emma!!" He opened the door with his key.

"The car crashed into them. I saw it from inside my diner. She has passed out since I came out here. An ambulance is on its way."

"Stay with Emma." Killian rushes to his daughter and takes her out of her car seat, he checks for injuries. He holds his daughter in his arms. "Daddy is here, little love. Shh...shhh...Everything is going to be okay."


"Mommy is going to be okay." He gets the diaper bag and holds it on his shoulder and heads to his swan. "Emma, I am right here. Hope is alright. You are going to be okay."

Two ambulances came. An EMT came to Emma. "My wife is still unconscious. A driver hit my wife's car." The two EMTs get Emma out of the yellow bug into the stretcher.

Mulan knows Killian is focusing on his wife and daughter. "Killian, I can go with the driver. I will interrogate him when he wakes up. Let me know about Emma."

"Aye, I will." Hope began crying again.

Charming arrives seeing his daughter being taken in the ambulance. "Emma!"

"A driver hit the car while Emma was driving. Granny will give you the information."

" I can watch Hope."

"No, I need Hope to get checked out by Allison. I need you to get Emma's car fixed and help Mulan who the bloody man nearly killed my wife!"

Granny sees the driver. "Charming, Killian, the driver is King George."

"Your father?"

"My twin brother's adopted father."

"I am taking Hope with me."

"I will deal with my evil king "father." Granny updates the prince with Hope crying. Ruby got a tow truck to the garage to get fixed.


Killian enters the ambulance. He holds his wife's hand as the EMT was examining her, and hooked up oxygen nose tubes. "I am right here, Emma. I am right here." The ambulance arrives at the hospital, the EMTs rush Emma inside the emergency room. Killian ran behind them. Allison sees Emma. "Killian? What happened?"

"Spencer, an evil former king, rammed into my wife's car. She is still unconscious."

"I need an IV in her, now! Unconscious savior!" She opens Emma's eyelids and checked her pupils. More nurses crowded around the help the savior.

Killian steps away knowing his wife is in good care. He went to the other side of the emergency room. Hope was wailing. "Little love, you are with Daddy." He lets her hold his hook. "You need to let Dr.Whale check on you. Auntie Allison is helping Mommy. We will be with Mommy after Dr.Whale checks on you." He hugged his daughter and rubbed her back. Hope calmed down. Dr.Whale examines Hope. When the doctor was finished, Killian held his daughter, hugging her. "Killian, she is not injured."

"That is good." He hugs his daughter. "You are not injured, little love."


"We are going to find Mommy, little love." He takes his daughter to find his swan. He finds Allison.

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