Christmas in NYC

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The Jones family's apartment was decorated for Christmas. The family bought a small tree, and decorate when Emma and Killian had both off from work. Killian helped Hope decorate the Christmas tree.  It was Christmas eve, Killian took Henry and Hope to see the lights in the fancy stores and see Rockerfeller Center to see the tree. Emma parked her yellow bug in her spot, she was tired from her fake date.It was a quick date. The cops paid Emma the money for catching the man. Emma sighs inside her yellow bug it was warmer in the car. She rubs her abdominal. "Baby Jones, we are going home for Christmas, sweetie." She drives home to her family in yellow bug. "We are home for Christmas. You will be here with us next year, baby duckling." It was past midnight, when she returns to her apartment, finding Killian wrapping presents. "Killian."

"Hello, love." He goes to his swan and hugs her. " Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas." They kiss.

He kneeled down to Emma's lightly showing baby bump. "Merry Christmas little one. Daddy loves you." He kisses his swan's baby bump.

Emma smiles, ever since she began showing, Killian loves talking to the baby at every chance he gets. Working so far has been not too bad, her morning sickness is mostly in the morning. "How was putting Hope to bed?"

"Not a hard time because I told her about Santa Claus only comes when boys and girls go to bed. Henry helped by reading The Night Before Christmas. We went to see the tree. Hope did not like the crowds in Rockerfeller Center." He showed her the photos of the three of them by the tree and photos of Henry and Hope. "Awe. I love the photos."

He rubs her baby bump. "How is our little love tonight?"

"Not causing me morning sickness while I was working. Our baby is getting big already. I am already showing." She rubs her baby bump. "It is already hard to hide my baby bump on my fake dates."

"You are beautiful, love."

"I do not feel beautiful. I feel bloated and tired."

He rubs her baby bump. "We are going to see this little one soon."

"Yes, we are going to hear out baby's heartbeat the day after Christmas tomorrow."

"Should we bring the kids?"

"I think we should. Henry is on break. I want to do something with him. I been sick and hormonal, the baby on the way. I feel he has been left out.."

"The lad wants to go to the comic book store."

"I will take him to the comic book store. Have a henry day."

"I can watch Hope. Are you hungry? I made dinner for you."

"I am a little hungry. After we eat, I need to get some sleep."

"I saved our dinner so we can eat together."

"I will get changed then we can eat." Killian unzipped the back of Emma's dress. She undressed to one of Killian's shirts and sweatpants. She went to check up on Henry who was fast asleep. "Mom is home for Christmas, kid. We are going to celebrate our second Christmas together." She kissed her son on the head.

She goes to check on Hope who was fast asleep. "Mommy is home, baby girl..When you wake up, it will be Christmas morning."

Killian heated up his and Emma's meal, steak, spinach, and mashed potatoes. Emma enters the kitchen and began eating. "This is so delicious."

"My swan needs to eat. You are eating for two."

Emma smiles. "Yes, the baby and I love your cooking." She eats quickly.

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